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January 2020

Weather as Recorded at the UMass Cranberry Station:

East Wareham

Prepared by Peter Jeranyama

January was an above average temperature month, and below average snowfall and precipitation. The average temperature was 34.7 degrees, 5.6 degrees above normal. The maximum temperature was 64 degrees on January 13th and this is 10 degrees above normal. A minimum temperature of 10 degrees was recorded on the 22nd and 23rd and this is 7.6 degrees above normal. Daytime high temperatures averaged 42.9 degrees, 5.6 degrees above the norm. Evening temperatures averaged 26.5 degrees, 5.6 degrees above the norm. Unseasonably warm daytime high temperatures of 50 degrees or greater were recorded on 5 days. Evening temperatures of 32 degrees or below were recorded on 22 nights.

Precipitation totaled 1.72 inches (4.6 inches less than January 2019). This is 2.35 inches below normal. We had measurable precipitation on 9 days; 4 of those days had less than 0.10 inches. The largest 24-hour rainfall was 0.67 inches from the 26th. We had a total of 4 inches of  snowfall (1 inch on the 8th and 3 inches on the 19th), the long-term average snowfall for the month is 10.85 inches.

Sunshine averaged 49% of the possible sunshine hours, 3 points above normal. There were 6 days with no sunshine and 5 days with 90% or better sunshine. Total sunshine for January 2020 were 11 points above the long-term average for January and 7 points below sunshine hours recorded in January 2019.

We had an above-average temperature and above average sunshine hours with below average rainfall and snowfall.