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September Weather Summary

Weather as Recorded at the UMass Cranberry Station:

East Wareham

Prepared by Peter Jeranyama

September was warm with below average sunshine and about average precipitation for the month.  The temperature averaged 67.54°, 4.45 degrees per day above normal. Maximum temperature was 86.9° on the 6th day a minimum temperature of 50.9° was recorded on the 23rd.  Daytime high temperatures averaged 72.92°, which is 0.92 degrees above the norm.  Evening temperatures averaged 62.2°, 7.6 degrees above the norm.  There were 7 days with a maximum temperature above 80°. 

Sunshine totaled 48% of the possible sunshine hours, 11 points below the norm.  We recorded 9 clear and sunny days in East Wareham and 4 days with morning fog.  The Blue Hills Observatory (official site for sunshine hour data), recorded 16 sunny days and 14 days with fog. 

Precipitation totaled 4.86 inches, 0.52 inches above normal. We had measurable rain of 0.10 inches or greater on 8 days, and 2 days with spotty showers and drizzle with less than 0.10 inches recorded.  The largest 24-hour rainfall was 1.77 inches on the 28th.