Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Nursery Crops

The 2009 Massachusetts Best Management Practices Handbook for nursery production was the result of a joint project involving the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, the Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation, the Massachusetts Nursery and Landscape Association and the UMass Extension programs at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

BMPs are an industry-driven effort to maintain agricultural production in a proftable, environmentally-sensitve and sustainable manner. BMPs are not meant to be regulatory, as every farm operation and site is different and may require special practices. BMPs are meant to provide guidance as to practices that can be implemented on most Massachusetts nursery operations.

BMPs are an evolving tool to provide producers with the latest guidance to benefit their operation.


Originaly compiled by Tina Smith and Paul Lopes, University of Massachusetts Extension

Edited by:

  • Weed Management - Randall Prostak, University of Massachusetts
  • Pest Management - Robert Childs, University of Massachusetts
  • Disease Managment - Dan Gillman, University of Massachusetts
  • Energy Conservation - John W. Bartok, Jr. University of Connecticut
  • Soil Conservation - reviewed by Thomas Akin, Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
  • Composting - reviewed by Gerard Kennedy, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
  • Nutrition - reviewed by Dr. Douglas Cox, University of Massachusetts. Revised in 2014 by Geoffrey Njue, University of Massachusetts

The Nursery BMP Manual was reviewed by a Grower Advisory Board consisting of Pat Bigelow, Bigelow Nurseries, Inc.; Wayne Mezitt, Weston Nurseries, Inc.; John Kinchla, Amherst Nurseries; Fred Dabney, Quansett Nurseries; Jim McBratney, Sylvan Nusery, Inc.; and Rena Sumner, Executive Director, Massachusetts Nursery and Landscape Association.


Mention of trade names and products is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement of, recommendation of, nor discrimination against similar products not mentioned. Although this guide contains research-based information and the contributors have used their best efforts in preparing the guide, the contributors make no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the use of this guide. Users of this guide maintain complete responsibility for the accuracy and appropriate application of this guide for intended purposes. In no event shall the contributors be held responsible or liable for any indirect, direct, incidental, or consequential damages or loss of profits or any other commercial damage whatsoever resulting from or related to the use or misuse of this guide. The contributors emphasize the importance of consulting experienced and qualified consultants, advisors and other business professionals to ensure the best results for producing

Nursery BMP (list)

Landscape, Nursery and Urban Forestry

The 2009 Massachusetts Best Management Practices Handbook for nursery production was the result of a joint project involving the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, the Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation, the Massachusetts Nursery and Landscape Association and the UMass Extension programs at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

BMPs are an industry-driven effort to maintain agricultural production in a proftable, environmentally-sensitve and sustainable manner. BMPs are not meant to be regulatory, as every farm operation and site is different and may require special practices. BMPs are meant to provide guidance as to practices that can be implemented on most Massachusetts nursery operations.

BMPs are an evolving tool to provide producers with the latest guidance to benefit their operation.


Originaly compiled by Tina Smith and Paul Lopes, University of Massachusetts Extension

Edited by:

  • Weed Management - Randall Prostak, University of Massachusetts
  • Pest Management - Robert Childs, University of Massachusetts
  • Disease Managment - Dan Gillman, University of Massachusetts
  • Energy Conservation - John W. Bartok, Jr. University of Connecticut
  • Soil Conservation - reviewed by Thomas Akin, Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
  • Composting - reviewed by Gerard Kennedy, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
  • Nutrition - reviewed by Dr. Douglas Cox, University of Massachusetts. Revised in 2014 by Geoffrey Njue, University of Massachusetts

The Nursery BMP Manual was reviewed by a Grower Advisory Board consisting of Pat Bigelow, Bigelow Nurseries, Inc.; Wayne Mezitt, Weston Nurseries, Inc.; John Kinchla, Amherst Nurseries; Fred Dabney, Quansett Nurseries; Jim McBratney, Sylvan Nusery, Inc.; and Rena Sumner, Executive Director, Massachusetts Nursery and Landscape Association.

Nursery BMP Manual

Overview of BMPs and Types of Nurseries Adobe PDF icon
Establishing Field Nurseries: Regulations, Site Selection, Water Management Adobe PDF icon
Container Nurseries, Horticulture Distribution Centers: Regulations, Site Selection, Water Mgt. Adobe PDF icon
Nutrient Management (revised 2014) Adobe PDF icon
Fertilizer Storage and Handling Adobe PDF icon
Field Nurseries: Nutrient Management (revised 2014) Adobe PDF icon
Container Nurseries: Nutrient Management Adobe PDF icon
Soil and Tissue Testing Service (University of Massachusetts) Adobe PDF icon
Interpretation of Soluble Salts and pH Measurement by Extraction Method Adobe PDF icon
Soil Conservation Adobe PDF icon
Massachusetts Prohibited Plants Adobe PDF icon
List of Prohibited Plants Adobe PDF icon
Worker Protection Standards (WPS) Adobe PDF icon
Pesticide Storage Adobe PDF icon
Pesticide Licensing Adobe PDF icon
Integrated Pest Management and Plant Health Care Adobe PDF icon
Disease Management Adobe PDF icon
Weed Management Adobe PDF icon
Wildlife Management Adobe PDF icon
Organic Waste Management, Composting Adobe PDF icon
Inorganic Waste Management Adobe PDF icon
Energy Conservation for Greenhouses and Field Nurseries Adobe PDF icon
References, Resources and Links Adobe PDF icon


Mention of trade names and products is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement of, recommendation of, nor discrimination against similar products not mentioned. Although this guide contains research-based information and the contributors have used their best efforts in preparing the guide, the contributors make no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the use of this guide. Users of this guide maintain complete responsibility for the accuracy and appropriate application of this guide for intended purposes. In no event shall the contributors be held responsible or liable for any indirect, direct, incidental, or consequential damages or loss of profits or any other commercial damage whatsoever resulting from or related to the use or misuse of this guide. The contributors emphasize the importance of consulting experienced and qualified consultants, advisors and other business professionals to ensure the best results for producing

Overview of BMPs and Types of Nurseries

A set of production guidelines known as Best Manage ment Practices (BMPs) for the purposes of this manual are voluntary activities undertaken to minimize negative effects on the environment. The manual is not intended for regulations. BMP con siderations for field and container nurseries and horticulture distribution centers include nurse ry layout, water management and irrigation, nutrient management, soil conservation, composting, prohibited plants, pesticide use and storage, insect, mite, disease and weed management, wildlife damage management, organic and inorganic waste management, and alternative energy and energy conservation. BMPs are adaptable for the diversity that exists within the industry. Applying these practices will help Massachusetts nurseries to remain (or become) healthy and profita ble.

Types of Nurseries

There are three types of nurseries: field, container, and horticulture distribution centers or holding areas. Each type has advantages and disadva ntages, and many nurseries use a combination of the three systems. Nurseries produce either finished plants or growing -on stock. Finished plants are ready for planting in the landscape or retailing through gard en centers. Stock for growing-on is sold to other nurseries for finishing. Types of Field Nurseries Bare root production is generally used for small gr oundcovers, herbaceous perennials, ornamental grasses, and small deciduous trees and s hrubs.  Field-planted seedlings are lifted bare root while they are dormant, and used as nursery li ners, fruit trees, Christmas tree seedlings, windbreaks, and conservation plantings. Plants that are dug with a portion of their roots c ontained in a ball of soil are called balled-and- burlapped or balled-in-burlap (B&B). B&B is used fo r evergreen as well as deciduous plants, and for much larger plants than those that are harv ested bare root. Most B&B harvesting is done while plants are dormant, but recent improvements i n holding and acclimating techniques have allowed increased digging during the growing season .  B&B harvesting requires trained staff, and at times requires hydraulic tree spades and oth er mechanical harvesting equipment as B&B plants are heavy to handle. Field production of nursery stock has several advan tages. It is often less demanding than container production in terms of water and fertiliz er requirements. In addition, the labor required during production is less intensive than in container pro duction. Field production also offers growers the option to avoid or minimize winter prot ection methods. 

Establishing Field Nurseries: Regulations, Site Selection, Water Management

Content for Establishing Field Nurseries: Regulations, Site Selection, Water Management

Container Nurseries, Horticulture Distribution Centers: Regulations, Site Selection, Water Mgt.

Content for Container Nurseries, Horticulture Distribution Centers: Regulations, Site Selection, Water Mgt.

Nutrient Management

Content for Nutrient Management

Fertilizer Storage and Handling

Content for Fertilizer Storage and Handling

Field Nurseries: Nutrient Management

Content for Field Nurseries: Nutrient Management

Container Nurseries: Nutrient Management

Content for Container Nurseries: Nutrient Management

Soil and Tissue Testing Service (University of Massachusetts)

Content for Soil and Tissue Testing Service (University of Massachusetts)

Interpretation of Soluble Salts and pH Measurement by Extraction Method

Content for Interpretation of Soluble Salts and pH Measurement by Extraction Method

Soil Conservation

Content for Soil Conservation

Massachusetts Prohibited Plants

Content for Massachusetts Prohibited Plants

List of Prohibited Plants

Content for List of Prohibited Plants

Worker Protection Standards (WPS)

Content for Worker Protection Standards (WPS)

Pesticide Storage

Content for Pesticide Storage

Pesticide Licensing

Content for Pesticide Licensing

Integrated Pest Management and Plant Health Care

Content for Integrated Pest Management and Plant Health Care

Disease Management

Content for Disease Management

Weed Management

Content for Weed Management

Wildlife Management

Content for Wildlife Management

Organic Waste Management, Composting

Content for Organic Waste Management, Composting

Inorganic Waste Management

Content for Inorganic Waste Management

Energy Conservation for Greenhouses and Field Nurseries

Content for Energy Conservation for Greenhouses and Field Nurseries

References, Resources and Links

Content for References, Resources and Links