
Ribes Weed Management

Good weed control begins years before planting. Begin by identifying perennial weed problems in the field. Eliminate these weeds before planting.  Early to mid-fall applications of glyphosate products can be very effective.

A permanent sod such as hard fescue between the rows is effective in controlling weeds in established plantings. Within-row weeds can then be controlled with appropriate herbicides or landscape fabric.

Herbicides labeled for use in bearing and nonbearing currants and gooseberries are certain glyphosate products (Roundup, Touchdown, and others), Gramoxone SL 2.0, Rely, and Surflan AS. Devrinol 50DF and Scythe are labeled for use on bearing and nonbearing currants. Fusilade DX, Select Max, and Gallery 75DF are labeled for use only on nonbearing currants and gooseberries (plants that will not be harvested for at least one year). Other formulations with the same active ingredients may exist that are labeled for the same uses.

Glyphosate products and Gramoxone, Scythe and Rely are nonselective postemergence materials. Glyphosate products are translocated within and therefore kill the entire plant, even though only a portion of the plant may have come in contact with the herbicide. Fusilade and Select are selective postemergence materials that are also translocated in the plant, but are effective only on grasses. Gramoxone and Scythe are non-translocated contact herbicides, and kill only the portion of the plant with which they come in contact. Because of this feature, the roots of treated weeds survive, and control of perennial weeds is only temporary. Good coverage is a necessity, as untreated portions of the leaves and stems will continue to live. Rely is partially translocated. Gallery, Surflan, and Devrinol are preemergence materials, so they must be applied before weeds have germinated. Gallery is effective against annual broadleaves, while Suflan and Devrinol are effective against annual grasses and certain annual broadleaves.  Before use, always consult the herbicide labels for precautions, reentry intervals, and other restrictions.

Weeds can develop resistance to herbicides. The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) developed a grouping system based on the mode of action of different herbicides. WSSA Group numbers can be used as a tool to choose herbicides in different mode of action groups so mixtures or rotations of active ingredients can be planned to better manage weeds and reduce the potential for resistant species.

Preharvest Intervals

Remember that weeds compete with each other, not just with crop plants. Therefore, controlling a particular weed or group of weeds may allow another weed species to take over, requiring adjustments to your control strategies.

Table 50. Weed Management in Currants and Gooseberries

Table 50. Weed Management in Currants and Gooseberries.
Herbicide Formulation Rate/Acre Remarks
ammonium nonanoate
Fatty acid,
Group 0
Axxe 6-15% v/v Broad spectrum non-selective for control and burndown supression of annual and perennial broadleaf and grass weeds. Also controls "spore" producing plants such as moss and liverworts. See label for detailed and specific purposes in berry crops: begetative burndown, directed and shielded sprays, pre-emergence spray and sucker control, prunning and trimming. Do not allow spray to contact any green desirable plant parts. Do not apply if rain or irrigation expected within 2 hr. Do not irrigate within 2 hrs after application. 
Group 3

Surflan AS
Surflan DF
Surlfan XL 2G

2-6 qt
2.4-7.1 lb
300 lb

Surflan is a pre-emergent herbicide for control of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Apply prior to germination of targe weeds or immediately after cultivation. Do not grase of feed forage from treated areas to livestock. Surflan AS and DF may be applied to both bearing and nonbearing plants. Rain or irrigation is needed within 21 days after application.
Surflan XL 2G should not be applied to berries that will bear fruit within 12 months after application. Do not apply more than 600 lb/year. 

Group 29
Casoron 4G

100-150 lb (annuals)
150 lb (perennials)

Controls germination seeds and seedlings of annual broadleaf, grasses and some perennial weeds that survive other pre-emergent herbicides. May be used in bearing and non-bearing and nursery stock. Do not apply within 4 weeks after transplanting. Uniforme application is essential - caliabration of applicator designed for spreading granules is appropriate. See label for details of soil surface and incorporated. treatments. 
carfentrazone-ethyl and sulfentrazon
Group 14
Zeus Prime XC 7.7 to 15.2 oz Post-emergence burndown and pre-emergency activity. Broadleaf control including emergeced nutsedge. it should ONLY be applied to established plants that have been in the ground for at least two years. DO NOT apply more than 15.2 fl oz/acre (0.41lb ai) per twelve-month period. 
Group 14
Aim EC
Aim EW
1 – 2 fl oz May be applied as broad cast application during dormant stage of crop. Use as directed application for post-emergence weed control. Use lower rate for control of small weed seedling (2-3 leaf stage); use higher rate for control of larger weeds (up to 6 leaf stage). Applications beyond 6 leaf stage may result in only partial control. Requires non-ionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate.
Group 0
Devrinol 50DF 8 lb Apply in late fall or early spring before seedling weeds emerge. Incorporate within 24 hours of application with either cultivation or water. May be applied to newly planted and established crops.
Devrinol 2XT 2 gal Pre-emergence herbicide for control of annual grasses and small seeded broadleaf weeds. Apply after spring mulch or prior to laying winter mulch. New formulations contain active ingredient more resistance to breakdown in sunlight
Devrinal DF-XT 8 lb
Group 9
Roundup Ultra
Weather Max
Touchdown Hitech + 0.25% NIS2

1 to 5 qt
11 fl oz-3.3 qt
10-30 fl oz 

Preplant or wiper applications only. Do not contact foliage.
glyphosate IPA plus carfentrazone ethyl
Group 9,14
* Rage 20-40 fl oz  Use as direct application for post-emergence weed control. Use lower rate  for small weeds (2-3 leaf stage); use higher rate for control of larger weeds (up to 6 leaf stage). Do not apply within 6-8 hr of rain, irrigation or heavy dew. Do not allow contact with green stem tissue, desirable fruit, blooms or foliage. 
Group 10
* Rely 200 77 fl oz
(weeds< 8”)
115 fl oz
(weeds >8”)
Controls a broad spectrum of emerged annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds, and certain woody species. Apply as a broadcast, banded or spot treatment application depending on the situation. Avoid direct drift onto desirable vegetation. Do not apply more than 230 fl oz/A per year. Do not graze, harvest and/or feed treated cover crops to livestock.
Cheetah 48 to 82 oz Post-emergence control of broadleaf and grasses, biennual and perennial weeds. Avoid contact with green bark tissue or damage may occur. See label for additional instructions and restrictions. 
Lifeline 48 to 82 oz
Group 22
*Gramoxone SL 2.0
* Firestorm
2 to 4 pt
1.3-2.7 pt
Restricted-use pesticide. May be fatal if swallowed or inhaled.  Applicators must complete an EPA-approved paragquat training listed at the following website: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-worker-safety/paraquat-dichloride-training-certified-applicators. Burndown contact herbicide with no soil activity. Use with a non-ionic surfactant or crop-oil concentrate. Apply as a coarse directed spray to wet the weeds. Apply before emergence of new canes or shoots to avoid injury. Use of a shield is highly recommended.
pelargonic acid
Fatty acid,
Group 0
Scythe 2.25-20 gal Apply before new canes emerge in spring or after canes become woody. Do not contact desirable foliage. For burndown of vegetation followed by use of residual control of weeds mix Scythe with recommended soil-active herbicide: annuals (3-5%); perennials (5-7%); maximum burndown (7-10%).  For use on currants only
Group 1
* Select Max
* Intensity One
9-16 oz Apply as a directed spray to the base of the crop and to actively growing weeds.  Grasses under drought stress will not be controlled.  Do not apply more than 64 oz/acre/year.  Do not repeat applications within 14 days.  Do not apply within 1 year of the first harvest.
Group 27
Callisto 3 -6 oz For the control of annual broadleaf weeds. May be applied as a pre-bloom post-directed spray in currants (red and black). No more than two applications per crop per year are allowed and not more than 6 fl oz/A in total per year. If two applications are made, they must be made no closer than 14 days apart.
Group 29
Gallery 75DF 0.66-1.33 lb NON-BEARING USE ONLY.  Do not apply within 1 year of the first harvest.  Apply as a directed spray to the base of the crop after the soil is settled.  Does not control emerged weeds.  See label for a complete list of weeds controlled from seed.
Trellis  0.66 to 1.33 lb Pre-emergence herbicide for control of annual broadleaf weeds. Use ONLY in non-bearing plantings. See label for application instructions. 

†Where brand names for chemicals are used, it is for the reader’s information. No endorsement is implied, nor is discrimination intended against products with similar ingredients. Please consult pesticide product labels for rates, application instructions and safety precautions. Users of these products assume all associated risks.
*Restricted use pesticide; pesticide applicators license required. May be fatal if swallowed or inhaled.  Applicators must complete an EPA-approved paragquat training listed at the following website: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-worker-safety/paraquat-dichloride-training-certified-applicators. Training must be completed a minimum of every 3 years.

OMRI listed for organic production



Chateau EZ (flumioxizin) - Other formulations are available; check label to verify specific use directions prior to applying. Use 6 oz/acre, not to exceed 24 oz/acre per season. Allow at least 30-day interval between applicatoins. Take care when using near desirable vegetation. Irrigate after application to activate herbicide and reduce wind displacement of soil. 7-day PHI.


QuinStar (quinclorac) - A systemic herbicide with plant uptake occurring through both the foliage and roots. Resultant herbicide symptoms on susceptible plants include twisting, stunting, reddening and chlorosis. For annual plants, symptoms may take up to two weeks after application to develop with death occurring in about three weeks. For perennial weeds, symptoms may not be evident for several weeks after application and full effect may not be evident for 3 to 6 months. May affect desirable nearby species; check label.

Weeds Controlled: Field bindweed, hedge bindweed, barnyardgrass, Canada thistle and large crabgrass. For the first application, apply up to 12.6 fluid ounces per acre (0.375 lb ai/A) of QuinStar® 4L at the end of dormancy, prior to budbreak. Apply as a banded, soil application on each side of the caneberry plants. A second application may be made up to 30 days prior to harvest. Apply up to 12.6 fluid ounces per acre (0.375 lb ai/A) of QuinStar® 4L as a banded, soil application on each side of the caneberry plants. A crop oil concentrate at a rate of 2 pints per acre may be included in the spray mixture.


Suppress EC - nonsystemic, nonselective postemergence foliar burndown herbicide for control of annual and perennial broadleaves and grasses. Best on newly emerged plants, less than 6 inches in height. OMRI-approved product.