Water Management and Pesticides

The quality of water used when applying pesticides can impact pesticide efficacy. For example, organic matter in water can bind with some pesticides or clog nozzles.  The pH of the water in your tank mix can also affect the efficacy of some pesticides. Insecticides, in particular, have a tendency to break down (hydrolyze) rapidly in alkaline water. Water pH can vary, depending on the source, from 5 to 9.5. Neutral water has a pH of 7, while alkaline water is higher than 7. If your water pH is much higher than 8, you may want to consider using an acidifying agent such as vinegar to lower the pH in the tank. Many of the pH-sensitive pesticides have acidifying agents in the formulation that moderate the effect of alkaline water. However, growers who suspect a pH problem should have their water tested. This can be done on the farm with pH test kits.