Purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria, isa common invasive plant in Massachusetts.
Photo: Randy Prostak, UMass Extension
The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) bans the importation and sale of more than 140 plants identified as either noxious and/or invasive in the Commonwealth. The Department derives its authority to take this action under Massachusetts General Law including but not limited to, Chapter 128 Section 2 and sections 16 through 31A.
The list of prohibited plant material (effective 1/1/06) is in Appendix A and is also available on the MDAR website.
The Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Group (MIPAG) represents numerous public and private interests working together since 1999 to develop an effective response to the problem of invasive plant species. The MIPAG offers its strategic recommendations to prevent, control and, where possible, eradicate invasive plant species in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. These recommendations complement efforts at both the regional and national levels to establish an early detection and rapid response system for invasive plants.