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Broad mite damage on New Guinea Impatiens

New Guinea impatiens - Broad mite damage
New Guinea impatiens - Broad mite damage

Broad mites can cause serious damage to a wide range of greenhouse crops such as New Guinea impatiens, garden impatiens, dahlias, gerbera, ivy, lantana, snapdragon, verbena, zinnia, peppers and other vegetable plants. Broad mites inject a toxin from their saliva as they feed. Their feeding causes twisted, hardened and distorted growth in the terminal of the plant and bronzed, rough, lower surfaces. Note the bronzed, rough flower petiole and damage to the flower bud. Young terminal buds can be killed and leaves turn downward. Broad mites are very small and are best seen with the aid of a handlens or microscope. Regular inspection of crops for their feeding damage is the best way to detect infestations. If characteristic symptoms are seen, send samples to the diagnostic laboratory where they can be inspected under a microscope.

Mites can be easily spread to healthy plants by workers' and infested hanging plants can infest plants below. During scouting and other tasks, enter mite-infested areas last. Clean the greenhouse thoroughly.