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Cranberry IPM Message

Cranberry weevil and green spanworm are the only game in town!  These are the 2 pests to be watching for.  Many bogs have low or no weevil numbers, a few have the usual 2-4, but a few have fabulously high counts (25-75).  A very few growers have already shot their Fanfare to manage these insects.  The cool weather has kept most from sweeping and managing!  Remember...

Insect Management. The 2024 bug season has begun!  Monday and Tuesday this week had warm days and weevil made a star appearance.  Where cranberry weevil has been  a historic problem, you could go sweep those spots and get 10 or 20 weevil.  Other sites had 0, 2, or 4 counts.  Weevil should be mostly on blueberry at this time, and they were found there too.  With the return of...

There will be no regular updates to the IPM message going forward.  If something comes up that should be addressed, I will make a special update. if you have any specific questions, please call Hilary at 508-970-7641.  thank you and I hope your harvest season goes well.

We have been fielding several calls about mixing pesticides. You should ALWAYS do a jar test before mixing a new combination of pesticides in your tank.  We have tried Delegate and Callisto and do NOT recommend that combination; it forms clumps and would be a big problem in your tank. People have asked about mixing coppers and Callisto.

Not really much to update this week. It has just been the weather, the weather, the weather. Conditions have been hot and dry and likely some growers are struggling to keep up with the water demands of their vines.  It’s important to keep up with the watering to support fruit sizing.

Now is the time to spray for cranberry weevil if you have very high numbers.  Contracted migratory honeybees must be pulled out before the Actara spray goes on and bloom should be complete.  Actara is extremely toxic to bees, so only spray if you must!

Cranberry Weevil is once again causing big trouble.  This week, many growers reported over threshold (9+ in summer) counts ranging from 10-40 count per sweep set on the bog.  The only option we have for managing summer weevil is Actara (thiamethoxam).  You can NOT treat with Actara if you have bloom on your bog or have contracted pollination services.  If you can get the honey bee...

The main items right now are timing of fruitworm sprays and fungicides.  The fruit set seems to be coming along slowly. We are just doing our first fruitworm on a piece of Stevens this weekend. Some growers have already done their 2 shots, so it’s very variable out there. Altacor is the best choice. Remember, fungicides can do their best work when applied to FLOWERS...

We have been hearing of reports of uprights exhibiting classic symptoms of frost damage, known as umbrella bloom. In addition to frost injury, umbrella bloom is also associated with insufficient chilling hours; there are also reports of this type of damage from mites or insects, but we have not seen this much in MA.

If you are using pheromone traps for timing management of girdler, black-headed fireworm and/or Sparganothis, you should be monitoring and counting moths at least weekly; more visits may be needed if counts are high. Baits should be changed every 3 weeks.
