NE Small Fruit Management Guide

Table of Contents for  2024-2025 Guide

About The Guide

The New England Small Fruit Guide is a publication produced jointly by the Cooperative Extension Systems of the Universities of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. 

The Guide is also available in print and may be ordered from any of the New England Extension state publication offices. 

A pdf version of the guide is available for free download here: New England Small Fruit Management Guide, 2022-2023 Edition.

Table of Contents for  2024-2025 Guide

General information about berry crop production, including soil fertility and nutrients, soil management, cover crops, organic production, water management, produce safety, post-harvest handling, and much more.

Crops chapters: you will find recommended cultural practices, varieties and nutrient recommendations for each berry crop, along with specific information on management of weeds, insects and diseases for that crop or crop group. Pesticides for weeds, insects and diseases have been updated.

References and Appendices - Resources & Conversion Tables

General Information

This guide is intended for commercial farmers to provide information on cultural and pest management practices for small fruit crops in New England. Both cultural and chemical pest control measures are suggested, and the use of integrated pest management (IPM) practices is encouraged. General concepts of IPM are described in the “About Pest Management” section of this guide. Contact your state small fruit or pest management specialists for details regarding specific crops.

All pesticides listed in this publication are registered for suggested uses according to federal and state regulations in effect on the date of this publication. Occasionally there are materials that are not registered in all New England States. Check with your states' Regulatory Agency when in doubt.  Pesticide labels change frequently. Applicators must read the labels carefully before application to be sure of restrictions and rates.

Trade names are used for identification only; no product endorsement is implied, nor is discrimination intended against similar materials.

The user of this information assumes all risks for personal injury or property damage. If the information in this guide does not agree with the current labeling, follow the label instructions. The label is the law.

Berry Crops at a Glance

Below are some vital statistics relevant to several small fruit crops. Many factors including site suitability, time commitment and market strategies will have to be thoroughly researched before entering into a small fruit enterprise. Consult with local growers, Extension Specialists, and others to help determine the suitability of a small fruit enterprise. Books and guides can also be very helpful in answering questions about small fruit production. See the resource list at the end of this guide for some useful references.

Table 1. General information for some small fruit crops.
General Info. Strawberry Summer Raspberry Blackberry Blueberry Grape
Expected Yield (lb/A) 10-20,000 2-7,000 3-7,000 6-12,000 6-12,000
Age to maturity 2 years 3 years 3 years 6-8 years 3-4 years
Life of planting 3-5 years 8-12 years 5-10 years 30+ years 20+ years
Hardiness -15˚F (covered) -10˚F 0˚F - 20˚F 0 to -25˚F*
Optimal pH 5.5-6.5 (6.2) 5.8-7.0 (6.5) 5.5-7.0 (6.5) 4.8-5.2 (5.0) 5.5-7.0 (6.5)
Typical Spacing 1.5’ x 4’ 2’ x 8’ 3’ x 10’ 5’ x 10’ 8’ x 12’
Plants/Acre 7,260 6,300 1,950 1,060 550

*Depending on cultivar

Warning and Disclaimers

Important! The information in this guide is for educational purposes. The information and recommendations presented here were updated in Summer 2023 and contain the best available knowledge at the time of printing. Any reference to commercial products, trade or brand names is for information only, and no endorsement or approval is intended. The Cooperative Extension System does not guarantee or warrant the standard of any product referenced or imply approval of the product to the exclusion of others which may be available. Refer to tables in the Pest Management section for active ingredients and trade names of pesticides referred to elsewhere in this guide. All agrochemicals/pesticides listed are registered for suggested uses in accordance with federal laws and regulations as of the date of printing. State regulations may vary. If the information does not agree with the current labeling, follow the label instructions. The label is the law.

Warning! Agrochemicals/Pesticides are dangerous. Read and follow all instructions and safety precautions on labels. Carefully handle and store agrichemicals/pesticides in originally labeled containers out of the reach of children, pets and livestock. Dispose of empty containers immediately in a safe manner and place. Contact your State Department of Environmental Protection or similar agency for current regulations.

The user of this information assumes all risks for personal injury or property damage.

Soil Health & Nutrient Management

Soil Health

What is Soil Health?

Soil health (or soil quality) has been defined as the capacity of a soil to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air quality, and support human health and habitation over a human time scale. In more specific terms, a healthy soil must have: good tilth and drainage, sufficient depth for crop growth, sufficient exchangeable nutrient supply (not excessive or prone to leaching), small population of weeds, insect pests or plant pathogens, large population of beneficial organisms, no toxins, and resilience to adverse conditions. A number of individual soil tests may be used to assess soil health (including those obtained with Routine Soil Analysis); however, a comprehensive evaluation should include a suite of complementary tests to measure soil chemical, physical, and biological properties.

Characteristics of Healthy Soils

(summarized from Cornell's Berry Soil and Nutrient Management – A Guide for Educators and Growers)

What are the characteristics of a healthy soil? Sufficient soil depth for plant root development is important; a soil depth of 8 inches or greater is preferred in the case of berry crops. A healthy soil should have good tilth, water storage and drainage. It should have sufficient but not excessive nutrients and be free of chemicals harmful to plants such as heavy metals, herbicide residues or other contaminants.

Healthy soils should have low populations of plant disease and parasitic organisms such as fungi, bacteria, nematodes, springtails, and so on. Conversely, a healthy soil should contain high populations of beneficial organisms like mycorrhizae and earthworms.

Finally, healthy soils should exhibit resistance to being degraded and along with that – resiliency or the ability to recover quickly from adverse events such as flooding, drought, hurricanes, etc.

Understanding the Three Soil Health Processes

Figure 2: Soil Health Processes Diagram Think of soil health then in terms of the three major realms that impact it: the physical, the chemical, and the biological. These three realms intercept and interact (Figure 2). If any process is compromised, the others are also affected. A healthy soil is balanced in this respect and therefore provides for better growing conditions, crop resiliency and reduced inputs.

Over past decades, chemical aspects of soil were, in general, perhaps overemphasized. While good testing procedures and crop recommendations resulted from this focus, not nearly as much attention was paid to the physical and biological aspects of soil. Research is ongoing in the physical and biological realms today, providing a more complete understanding of soil health and as a result, more comprehensive short-term and long-term management strategies for soil health improvement.

The Chemical Processes

The chemical processes in soil provide essential nutrients for plants. Soil pH is a critical component of the chemical process as it affects nutrient availability. Any changes in soil pH must be addressed, before the planting is established; failure to adjust soil pH to optimal levels for the crop will seriously impact plant establishment as well as future crop production. Soil pH adjustment is more difficult after a perennial crop is established and may reduce the success of the planting.

Chemical processes also includes both macronutrients (nutrients needed in larger quantities, such as N, P and K), secondary nutrients like Ca, Mg and S, and micronutrients required in smaller quantities (such as B and Zn); specific recommendations have been developed for correcting deficiencies of these nutrients essential for berry crop production.

The Physical Processes (summarized)

The physical processes of soil may be limited by inherent or dynamic qualities; some of these may be remediated; others may not.

  • Internal drainage – poor internal drainage reduces root growth and function and may support disease development.
  • Water availability is a function of soil texture, soil organic matter content, and rooting depth.
  • Soil aggregate (crumbs) stability – is a function of adequate soil organic matter which generates humates and other substances that hold soil particles together and contribute to good soil tilth.
  • Soil structure – soils with a range of pore sizes are able to provide good drainage, aeration, and rooting, while also retaining moisture.
  • Compaction – compaction layers, either near the surface or deeper, can inhibit root penetration and also water drainage contributing to excess runoff or erosion.

The Biological Processes

Understanding soil biology is very much at forefront of our science today. Soil represents a complex environment with highly variable conditions.  Most biological activity occurs near the surface of the soil where most of the organic matter is located.  There are 3 general types of organic matter found in soil: Living, dead, and very dead. All 3 play important roles in helping produce high yields of healthy crops.  Adding organic matter to soil results in many benefits.

  • Living Organic Matter - includes plant roots, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and many other types of organisms. They use resources in soil in various ways, decomposing organic matter, cycling nutrients to make them available for plants, influencing other biota (such as by supressing pathogens), and responding to their chemical and physical environment in very complex ways.
  • Dead Organic Matter - is composed of recently dead soil organisms and crop residues that provide food (energy and nutrients) for soil organisms to live and function. Dead organic matter is also called “active” or “particulate” organic matter. This is the other essential partner in mineralizing nutrients for plants, aggregating soils, and forming humus.
  • Very Dead Organic Matter - is not a biologically active fraction; rather it consists of well-decomposed organic materials, also called humus. Humus supports the chemical activities of soil; it contains very high amounts of negative charges that hold nutrients and cations in the soil. Humus also has high water-holding capacity, and stores carbon.


Plant Nutrients - Macro & Micro


Nitrogen (N) greatly influence the growth and yield of crops. Management of soil and fertilizer N is difficult because N undergoes numerous transformations and is easily lost from the soil. These losses concern growers for three principal reasons: 1) N losses can and often do adversely affect plant growth and crop yield, 2) when N is lost in the nitrate form, there is a chance for contamination of groundwater and drinking water supplies, and 3) it is expensive to replace lost N.

The Nitrogen Cycle

This Nitrogen Cycle illustration shows nitrogen (N) inputs, losses and transformations. The Nitrogen Cycle When inputs exceed plant needs, nitrates can accumulate in the soil and pose a threat to groundwater. Conversely, when plant-available forms of N from the soil and any inputs are too low, crop growth suffers. The key to successful management of N is to find the relatively "thin line" between too much and too little N. It is not an easy task. N transformations and losses are affected by soil conditions and the vagaries of the weather. The rates of most N inputs are difficult to accurately estimate.

Nitrogen Inputs

As can be seen from the N cycle, there are two sources of the N used by plants: ammonium (NH4) and nitrate (NO3). In addition to commercial fertilizer sources, available N may be added to the soil through mineralization (the microbial conversion of organic N to ammonium and then nitrate) of soil organic matter, manure and other organic residuals, and plant litter.

Soil organic matter: Organic matter contains the largest pool of soil N, usually comprising more than 90 percent of total soil N. The total amount of N in the plow layer of agricultural soils is surprisingly large. One can estimate the total N in pounds per acre in the 6" to 7" of surface soil by multiplying the soil's organic matter content by 1,000. Thus, a soil with 4% organic matter contains about 4,000 lbs total N per acre.

The amount of this total N available to plants in any one year, however, is relatively small. Research has shown that for most soils 2 to 4% of the total N is converted (mineralized) annually to forms plants can use. Thus, soil with a total of 4,000 lbs N per acre would produce 80 to 160 lbs N per acre annually for plant use. If the crop needs 200 lbs N per acre for adequate growth and development, some additional N must come from non-soil sources. Manure and/or fertilizer are the most likely candidates to furnish rapidly available N. The rate of mineralization is dependent on microbial activity, especially bacterial activity. Such activity is favored by warm soils with adequate, but not excessive moisture and a pH above 6. These conditions are also favorable to most fruit crops. On well-managed soils used for fruit production, 20 to 40 lbs of N per acre will become available during the growing season for each percent of organic matter if the weather is favorable.

Manures and other waste products: The N content of manures and their N fertilizer equivalents are highly variable. Differences in N content are due to the species of animal, the animal's age and diet, the moisture content of the manure, handling and storage and the amount of bedding in the manure. The N fertilizer equivalent of a given manure varies not only with the animal species and the total N content of the manure, but also with the time of application (Table 3). The values in this table are based on numerous analyses of Connecticut manures as well as published data from other states. If specific manure analysis data for the farm are not available, growers should estimate N credits by the table. The time elapsed between spreading and incorporation is also important. About half of the N in dairy manure and three quarters of the N in poultry manure is in the form of ammonia, which is volatile. If left on the soil surface, this N will volatilize and be lost. To avoid this loss, manure should be incorporated shortly after spreading. NOTE: Manure has the potential to contain human pathogens. Various application practices can be employed to limit the risk of pathogens from the manure ending up on fruit (see the Produce Safety section for management practices).

Previous manure applications: Up to 50% of the total N in cow manure is available to crops in the year of application. Between 5% and 10% of the total applied is released the year after the manure is added. Smaller amounts are furnished in subsequent years. The quantity of N released the year after a single application of 20 tons per acre of cow manure is small (about 15 lbs N per acre). However, in cases where manure has been applied at high rates (30 to 40 tons per acre) for several years, the N furnished from previous manure increases substantially.

The buildup of a soil's N-supplying capacity resulting from previous applications of cow manure has important consequences for efficient N management, two of which are:

  1. The amount of fertilizer N needed for the crop decreases annually;
  2. If all the crop's N needs are being supplied by manure, the rate of manure needed decreases yearly.

With cage layer poultry manure, a higher percentage of the total N in the manure is converted to plant-available forms in the year of application. Consequently, there is relatively less carry-over of N to crops in succeeding years. This is due to the nature of the organic N compounds in poultry manure. This does not mean, however, that there is never any carry-over of N from poultry manure applications. If excessive rates of poultry manure (or commercial N fertilizers) are used, high levels of residual inorganic N, including nitrate, may be in the soil the following spring. High levels of soil nitrate in the fall, winter and spring have the potential to pollute groundwater and coastal sea water.

Previous crops:  Cover crops can supply appreciable amounts of N to succeeding crops. Legumes, such as alfalfa and red clover, can provide 100 pounds or more of N to crops that follow. Other legumes, mixed grass-legume stands and grass sods supply less N to succeeding crops (Table 2). Keep in mind that most of the N is in the leaves, not the roots. If a legume hay crop is harvested, most of the N is removed from the field along with the hay.

Table 2. Nitrogen credits for previous crops.
Previous Crop Nitrogen Credit
Lbs N per acre
Grass sod 20 - 40
“Fair” clover (20-60% stand) 40 - 60
“Good” clover (60-100% stand) 60 - 90
“Fair” alfalfa (20-60% stand) 60 - 90
“Good” alfalfa (60-100% stand) 100 - 150
Sweet corn stalks 30
“Good” hairy vetch winter cover crop 120 - 150

Compost as a nutrient source: Finished compost is a dilute fertilizer, typically having an analysis of about 1-1-1 (N-P2O5-K2O). The nitrogen content of composts varies according to the source material and how it is composted. In general, nitrogen becomes less available as the compost matures. Nitrogen in the form of ammonium (NH4+) or nitrate (NO3-) is readily available, however in a finished compost there should be little ammonium, and any nitrate that is produced could have leached away, especially if the compost is cured or left out in the open. The majority of the nitrogen in finished compost (usually over 90%) has been incorporated into organic compounds that are resistant to decomposition. Rough estimates are that only 5% to 15% of the nitrogen in these organic compounds will become available in one growing season. The rest of the nitrogen will become available in subsequent years.  NOTE: Compost made with animal source material has the potential to contain human pathogens.  Compost management and application practices can be employed to limit the risk of contaminated compost ending up on fruit (see Produce Safety for management practices).

Synthetic  fertilizers: Fertilizers used to supply N include urea (46-0-0), diammonium phosphate (DAP: 18-46-0), monoammonium phosphate (MAP: 11-48-0), urea-ammonium nitrate solution (UAN: 32-0-0), calcium ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate and various manufactured and blended fertilizers such as 15-8-12, 15-15-15 and 10-10-10. In bulk blended or custom blended mixes, N-containing fertilizers with almost any grade can be provided.

Table 3. Nitrogen credits from manure incorporated before planting.
Kind of Manure April/May1 Fall Only2 Other times3
Solid 5 2 3
Liquid 16 18 12
(20-40% DM)4
16 5 8
(41-60% DM)
22 7 11
(61-85% DM)
32 10 16

1 “April/May” credits refer to manure applied and incorporated in April and/or May for spring-planted crops and for manure applied and incorporated within four weeks of planting at times other than spring.

2 Use “fall only” values for manure applied in no-till or maintenance situations where the manure is not incorporated.

3 "Other times” means any time or any combination of times other than April/May or fall only for manure applied for spring-planted crops. 

4 DM = Dry matter.

Nitrogen Losses

Nitrogen losses occur in several ways. The loss of available soil N not only costs growers money, it has the potential to negatively impact both air and water quality. Understanding the cause of N losses can help growers make management decisions to improve N use efficiency and minimize negative environmental impact.

Volatilization Losses: These losses occur mainly from surface-applied manures and urea. The losses can be substantial — more than 30% of the N in top-dressed urea can be volatilized if there is no rain or incorporation within two or three days of application. Losses are greatest on warm breezy days.  Volatilization losses tend to be greater from sandy soils with pH values above 7. Incorporate manures right after applying them to avoid volatilization losses. Under the right conditions more than 50% of the ammonium N may be volatilized within the first 48 hrs. of applying manure if it is not incorporated.

Not only does volatilization reduce the fertilizer value of manure and urea, it can degrade air and water quality. Ammonia in the atmosphere can form particulates that contribute to smog. Ammonia emissions can also contribute to eutrophication of surface waters via atmospheric deposition.

Leaching Losses: Nitrogen can be lost by leaching in either the ammonium or nitrate form. Usually, much more N is leached as nitrate than as ammonium. Leaching losses are greatest on permeable, well- or excessively-drained soils underlain by sand or gravel when water percolates through the soil. Percolation rates are generally highest when the soil surface is not frozen and evapotranspiration rates are low. Thus, late fall and early spring are times when leaching potential is greatest. Cover crops growing during these times can take up this residual N and prevent it from leaching. The N will then be released for crop use after the cover crop is plowed down in the spring. Of course, leaching can occur any time there is sufficient rainfall or irrigation to saturate the soil. This is why it is important to attempt to match fertilizer N application rates with crop N needs.

Denitrification Losses: These losses occur when nitrate is converted to gases such as nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrogen (N2), when the soil becomes saturated with water. Poorly drained soils are particularly susceptible to such losses. In especially wet years on some soils, more than half the fertilizer N applied can be lost through denitrification.  Favorable conditions for denitrification often occur in early spring and late fall. Minimizing the concentration of nitrate in the soil during these periods by delaying N application in the spring and planting cover crops in the fall will help reduce denitrification losses.

Immobilization: Immobilization occurs when soil micro-organisms absorb plant-available forms of N. The N is not really lost from the soil because it is held in the bodies of the microorganisms. Eventually, this N will be converted back to plant-available forms. In the meantime, however, plants are deprived of this N, and N shortages in the plants may develop. Immobilization takes place when highly carbonaceous materials such as straw, sawdust or wood chips are incorporated into the soil. Manure with large amounts of bedding may cause some immobilization.

Crop Removal of Nitrogen: In most cases, the greatest removal of N from the soil is via crop removal. Strawberries remove approximately 100 lbs of N per acre annually (in foliage and harvested fruit). On the other hand, mature highbush blueberries only remove approximately 50-60 lbs of N per acre (in foliage, wood and harvested fruit).  Raspberries likely remove somewhere in between.  Anticipated crop removal of N is one of the factors used in calculating N budgets and making N fertilizer recommendations. Depending on the crop, variable amounts of the N absorbed by the crop are returned to the soil after harvest in non-harvested plant parts. For example, strawberry renovation returns a significant amount of crop biomass plus straw mulch to the soil, contributing to the N budget.


Phosphorus (P) is referred to as P2O5 (phosphate) for the purposes of soil testing, fertilizer grades and recommendations. Among other important functions, phosphorus provides plants with a means of using the energy harnessed by photosynthesis to drive its metabolism. Deficiency can lead to impaired vegetative growth, weak root systems, poor fruit and seed quality, and low yield; however, excessive soil phosphorus levels are a concern due to the potential negative impact on surface water quality. Most P losses occur with runoff, but where soil levels are extremely high, subsurface losses can occur. Phosphorus enrichment is a leading source of water quality impairment of many lakes, streams, and rivers in New England.

Soil P exists in a wide range of forms. Some P is present as part of soil organic matter and becomes available to plants as the organic matter decomposes. Most inorganic soil P is bound tightly to the surface of soil minerals (e.g.., iron and aluminum oxides). Warm, moist, well-aerated soils at a pH level of about 6.5 optimize the release of both of these forms. Soil tests attempt to assess the ability of soil to supply P from bound forms during the growing season. When a soil test indicates that P is low and fertilizer is needed, the rate recommended is intended to satisfy immediate crop needs and begin to build soil P levels to the optimum range (i.e., build and maintain).  Once soil test levels are in the optimum range, only a small amount of P is needed to replace the amount removed each year to maintain soil levels.

If your soil test results indicate above optimum levels, P application is unnecessary and should be limited. Where soil P levels are excessive, P application should be eliminated, and additional steps should be taken to minimize the risk of surface water contamination by limiting runoff losses.


Potassium (K) is expressed as K2O similar to the way P is expressed as P2O5. Crop need for K varies. Plants use K to open and close stomates and to move nitrates from the roots to the leaves.  Potassium rivals N as the nutrient absorbed in greatest amounts by plants. Like N, crops take up a relatively large proportion of plant-available K each growing season. Plants deficient in K are unable to utilize N and water efficiently and are more susceptible to disease. Most available K exists as an exchangeable cation (see below). The slow release of K from native soil minerals and from fixed forms in clays can replenish some of the potassium lost by crop removal and leaching. This ability, however, is limited and variable. Fertilization is often necessary to maintain optimum yields. See the table at the beginning of each crop section for the potassium needs for each crop.

It is important that the soil K plus the applied K is enough to meet crop needs. However, excessive levels should be avoided because K can interfere with the uptake of Ca and Mg (see “Base Saturation”). K is subject to leaching on sandy soils low in organic matter. If high amounts of K are needed, split applications should be used. Potassium sulfate (0-0-50) or sulfate of potash magnesium (Sul-Po-Mag, 0-0-22) are the best sources of potassium for brambles and strawberries. Although muriate of potash (KCl, 0-0-60) is less expensive, brambles are sensitive to the chloride in this fertilizer.


Calcium is usually supplied in sufficient quantities by liming if appropriate liming materials are chosen (see “Soil pH and Exchangeable Acidity”). If soil pH is high and Ca is needed, small amounts can be applied as calcium nitrate fertilizer (15% N, 19% Ca). Ca can also be applied without affecting pH by applying calcium sulfate (gypsum, 22% Ca) or superphosphate (14 to 20% Ca).


Magnesium is necessary for chlorophyll production and nitrogen metabolism. High soil potassium levels can lead to reduced uptake of magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is characterized by interveinal reddening on older leaves, beginning at the leaf margin. Magnesium, K, Ca, and P can be applied in late fall after plants are dormant. Nutrients can then move into the root zone and be available when growth begins again in the spring. Magnesium is most economically applied as dolomitic or high-mag limestone (see “Soil pH and Exchangeable Acidity”). If liming is not needed, Sul-Po-Mag (11% Mg, 22% K) can be used. You can order blended fertilizer containing Mg.

Minor Elements

Minor elements are difficult to analyze accurately with soil tests. Plant tissue analyses are more reliable for determining whether or not plants are getting sufficient quantities of minor elements. Of the minor elements, boron (B) and zinc (Zn) are the most likely to be needed to supplement soil levels.

Special Note on Lead

Many laboratories routinely screen all soil samples for elevated levels of extractable lead. Lead is naturally present in most New England soils at low concentrations (15-40 ppm total lead). At these levels, lead generally is thought to present minimal danger to people or plants. Soil pollution with lead-based paint and the tetraethyl lead of past automotive fuels have increased soil lead levels to several thousand ppm in some places. Unless the estimated total lead level in your soil exceeds 299 ppm (Modified Morgan extractable level of 22 ppm) it is simply reported as low and can be considered safe (assuming the sample submitted is representative of the area of concern). Estimated total lead levels above 300 ppm are a concern. In such cases, consult your state's Extension Service for further assistance or see: "Soil Lead: Testing, Interpretation, & Recommendations" for more information on soil lead testing and recommendations.

Table 4. Nutrient recommendations for small fruit crops.
Strawberries 0 30 lb/A early June
30 lb/A early Sept.
ammonium or calcium nitrate Be sure plants are growing well prior to application
1+ 70 lb/A at renovation
30 lb/A early Sept.
ammonium or calcium nitrate or urea Adjust fall amount based on leaf tissue analysis
Raspberries and Blackberries
(summer bearing)
0 25-35 lb/A 4 weeks after planting calcium nitrate Avoid touching plants with fertilizer
1 35-55 lb/A split between May and June ammonium nitrate or urea Use higher amount on sandier soils or if irrigation is used
2+ 40-80 lb/A split between May and June
(fall bearing)
0 25 lb/A 4 weeks after planting calcium nitrate Avoid touching plants with fertilizer
1 50-80 lb/A split between May and June ammonium nitrate or urea

Use higher amount on sandier soils or if irrigation is used.

Adjust based on leaf tissue test on mature plantings

2+ 70-100 lb/A split between May and June
Blueberries 0 Do not fertilize newly planted blueberries

Soil pH should be adjusted to 4.5-5.0 prior to planting

Use ammonium sulfate where soil pH is >5.0

Adjust based on leaf tissue test on mature plantings

1 15 lb/A, split between May and June ammonium sulfate or urea
DO NOT use aluminum sulfate
2 20 lb/A, split between May and June
3 25 lb/A, split between May and June
4 35 lb/A, split between May and June
5 45 lb/A, split between May and June
6 55 lb/A, split between May and June
7+ 65 lb/A, split between May and June
Currants and Gooseberries 0 25 lb/A, 4 weeks after planting calcium nitrate  
1 50-80 lb/A, split between May, June, August calcium nitrate  
2+ 70-100 lb/A, split between May and early August calcium nitrate  
Elderberries 0 Do not fertilize newly planted elderberries    

Apply 1/8 lb of ammonium nitrate for each year of the plant's age, up to one pound per plant
Apply 0.5 lbs 10-10-10 per 100ft of row for each year of the plants age up to 4 lbs 10-10-10

ammonium nitrate
In spring, spread fertilizer with a spreader in bands one foot wide along both sides of the rows.
Juneberries 0 25 lb/A, 4 weeks after planting calcium nitrate Avoid touching plant with fertilizer after planting.
1 50-80 lb/A, split between May and June urea or ammonium nitrate Use higher amount of sandier soils or if irrigation is used.
2+ 70-100 lb/A, split between May and June urea or ammonium nitrate Use higher amount on sandier soils or if irrigation is used.
Adjust with leaf tissue analysis.
Source: 2016 Cornell Pest Management Guidelines for Berry Crops


Soil Testing

Soil & Tissue Testing

Soil tests provide the best way to determine pre-plant requirements for lime and fertilizers. For perennial fruit crops, leaf tissue or petiole analysis are the best ways to determine nutrient status for established crops. With the information from these tests, growers can make informed decisions about fertilizing and liming small fruit crops to achieve optimum yield and quality and to safeguard water quality in a cost-effective manner. Following is a list of soil test laboratories in New England. It is best to use local labs because they are calibrated for local soils and recommendations are tailored to New England conditions.

Soil Testing Labs of New England
soil testing (1), leaf tissue analysis (2), compost testing (3), manure testing (4)

UConn Soil Nutrient Analysis Lab (1, 2)
6 Sherman Place, Unit 5102
Storrs, CT 06269-5102
Telephone: 860-486-4274
Email:    Website:

The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (1)
Gregory Bugbee, State Laboratory
123 Huntington St., P.O. Box 1106
New Haven, CT 06504
Telephone: 203-974-8521
Email:     Website: 

The Analytical Laboratory and Maine Soil Testing Services (1,2,3,4)
5722 Deering Hall, Room 407
Orono ME 04460-5722
Telephone: 207-581-3591
Email:   Website:

UMass Soil & Plant Tissue Testing Laboratory (1,2)
203 Paige Laboratory/UMass
161 Holdsworth Way
Amherst MA 01003-9302
Telephone: 413-545-2311
Email:     Website:

UNH Cooperative Extension Soil Testing Program (1,2,3)
Barton Hall B206
34 Sage Way

Durham NH 03824
Telephone: 603-862-3200
Email:     Website:

UVM Agricultural & Environmental Testing Lab (1,3,4)
262 Jeffords Hall, 63 Carrigan Drive, UVM
Burlington VT 05405
Telephone: 802-656-3030, 800-244-6402
Email:     Website: 

Brookside Laboratories Inc. (1, 2, 3, 4)
200 White Mountain Drive
New Bremen, OH 45869
Telephone: 419-977-2766

Woods End Research Lab, Inc. (1,3)
290 Belgrade Rd., P.O. Box 297
Mt. Vernon, ME 04352
Telephone: 207-293-2457
Email: Website:

Spectrum Analytic (1,2,4)
1087 Jamison Rd.
Washington Court House, OH 43160
Telephone: 800-321-1562

Taking a Soil Sample

Although soil samples can be taken any time, many prefer to take samples in summer or fall because this allows time to apply any needed lime, plan a fertility program and order materials well in advance of spring planting. Avoid sampling when the soil is very wet or soon after a lime or fertilizer application. If a field is uniform, a single composite sample is sufficient. A composite sample consists of 10 to 20 sub-samples taken from around the field and mixed together. To obtain sub-samples, use a spade or a soil probe to take cores or thin slices of soil representing the top 6” to 8” of soil. Put these sub-samples into a clean container and thoroughly mix. Take about one cup of the mixture, dry it at room temperature, put it in a zip lock bag and tightly close it. Label each sample on the outside of the bag. To get accurate recommendations, make sure to download and fill out sample submission forms from the lab where samples will be sent.  

In many cases, fields are not uniform, due to uneven topography, wet and dry areas, different soil types, or areas with varying previous crop and fertilizing practices. In such cases, the field should be subdivided and composite samples tested for each section.

Soil testing laboratories vary somewhat in their services and prices. Soils should be tested for organic matter content every two or three years. Be sure to request this if it is not part of the standard test. For more information, check with your state’s laboratory or Extension Specialist.

Cation Exchange Capacity

Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is a measure of the soil’s ability to retain and supply nutrients, specifically the positively charged nutrient ions called cations. These include the cations calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), potassium (K+), ammonium (NH4+), and many of the micronutrients. Cations are attracted to negatively charged surfaces of clay and organic particles called colloids. CEC is reported in units of milli-equivalents per 100 grams of soil (meq/100 g) and can range from below 5 meq/100 g in sandy, low organic matter soils to over 15 meq/100 g in finer textured soils and those high in organic matter. Low CEC soils are more susceptible to cation nutrient loss through leaching, and may not be able to hold enough nutrient cations for a whole season of crop production.

Base Saturation

The cations calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), potassium (K+), hydrogen (H+) and aluminum (Al3+) account for the vast majority of cations adsorbed on the soil colloids in New England soils. Hydrogen (H+) and aluminum (Al3+) are considered acidic cations because they tend to lower soil pH while calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), and potassium (K+) are considered basic cations and have no direct influence on soil pH. Base saturation is the portion (expressed as a percentage) of the soil’s cation exchange capacity occupied by calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), and potassium (K+).  At one time, many labs provided fertilizer recommendations to achieve very specific ideal potassium, calcium, and magnesium saturation ratios. This approach was never well supported by data. Research conducted over the last several decades indicates that an ideal basic cation ratio does not exist and fertilizing to achieve a prescribed level of potassium, calcium, and magnesium saturation is unjustified. Still, base saturation can provide useful information. Your report will include the base cation saturation values observed for your sample and the ranges typically observed in New England soils. When base saturation is well outside of these ranges it is typically associated with deficient or excessive potassium or very acidic or alkaline soil conditions. Following the fertilizer and lime recommendations provided with your report will typically result in base saturation values within normal ranges.

Soil pH and Exchangeable Acidity

One of the most valuable pieces of information you can get from soil testing is a measure of the soil pH. Soil pH is an indicator of the soil’s acidity which is a primary factor controlling nutrient availability, microbial processes, and plant growth.  A pH of 7 is neutral, less than 7 is acidic, and greater than 7 is alkaline. Maintaining proper soil pH is one of the most important aspects of soil fertility management. When the soil is acidic, the availability of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is reduced, and there are usually low amounts of calcium and magnesium in the soil. Under acidic conditions, most micronutrients are more soluble and are therefore more available to plants. Under very acidic conditions aluminum, iron, and manganese may be so soluble they can reach toxic levels. Soil acidity also influences soil microbes. For example, when soil pH is low (below 6), bacterial activity is significantly reduced. Acidic soil conditions also reduce the effectiveness of some herbicides.

When soil pH is maintained at the proper level, plant nutrient availability is optimized, solubility of toxic elements is minimized, and beneficial soil organisms are most active.  While most plants grow best in soil with a pH between 6 and 7, there are some notable acid-loving exceptions, such as blueberry, which performs best in soils with a pH near 5.

Due to the climate and geology of New England, soils here tend to be naturally acidic (4.5-5.5).The most effective way to increase soil pH is to apply agricultural limestone. The quantity of lime required is determined by the target pH (based on crops to be grown) and the soils buffering capacity. Buffering capacity refers a soil’s tendency to resist change in pH. Soil pH is a measure of active acidity, based on the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in soil solution, and is an indicator of the current soil condition. When lime is added to a soil, active acidity is neutralized by chemical reactions that remove hydrogen ions from the soil solution. However, there are also acidic cations (H+ and Al3+) adsorbed on soil colloids (the CEC) which can be released into the soil solution to replace those neutralized by the lime. This exchangeable acidity, which is reported in units of meq/100 g, is directly related to the quantity of lime required to increase the pH from its current level to the target level determined by the selected crop. Soils such as clays or those high in organic matter have a high cation exchange capacity (CEC) and a potential for large amounts of exchangeable acidity. These soils are said to be well buffered. Buffer pH is a measure of reserve acidity and is used by the soil testing laboratory to estimate buffering capacity and lime requirement. Low buffer pH readings indicate high amounts of reserve acidity, and therefore, high amounts of lime will be recommended.

Occasionally soil pH must be lowered, because either the plant requires acid soil or the soil was previously over-limed. Incorporating elemental sulfur (S) is the most effective way to lower soil pH. Once applied, the sulfur oxidizes to sulfuric acid. Applying 5 to 10 lbs. of sulfur per 1000 sq. ft. will lower the pH of most New England soils by approximately half a unit. Use the lower rate for very sandy soils. No more than 15 lbs. of sulfur per 1000 sq. ft. should be applied at any one time. Retest the soil after 4 to 6 months to determine if more sulfur is needed.

Cover Crops & Green Manures

Cover Crops

Cover crops are grown to protect and/or enrich the soil rather than for short term economic gain. When turned into the soil, a cover crop is called a green manure, so the terms are reasonably interchangeable.

When a cash crop is not growing, it is wise to sow something to protect the soil from wind and water erosion, thus the term cover crop. It is also wise to “rest” your fields by occasionally rotating out of cash crop production, while at the same time growing something to improve soil fertility, thus the term green manure. Some green manure crops can also suppress weeds, by “smothering” them and starving them for light. Use high seeding rates if cover crops are grown for weed suppression.

Depending on their growing requirements, cover crops can be sown after vegetable harvest, between a spring and fall crop or by overseeding into a standing small fruit crop after a final cultivation.

In selecting a green manure crop, consider the following: seed cost, winter hardiness (if applicable), ability to fix nitrogen, suppress weeds, and suitability to soil conditions, tillage equipment and the crop to follow. Here is a list of some common cover crops in New England and a description of their uses.

Table 5. Typical carbon-to-nitrogen ratios.
Material Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio
Legume hay 15-19:1
Non-legume hay 24-41:1
Corn stalks 42:1
Oat straw 70:1
Rye straw 82:1
Cow manure 18:1
Finished compost 17-20:1
Agricultural soils 8-14:1
Hardwood sawdust 500:1


Sow when “free” nitrogen is desired for a subsequent cash crop with a high nitrogen demand. Legumes generally require good drainage and fertility. Most grow slowly at first so they do not compete much with weeds until well established. Drill seed for best stands. Mix seed with proper inoculant to insure nodulation. Often sown with a nurse crop such as oats, or in mixes with perennial grasses. When legumes are mowed, tarnished plant bugs may be driven into adjacent crops, such as strawberries or raspberries increasing the likelihood of damage.

Red Clover is a short-lived perennial that is somewhat tolerant of acid or poorly drained soils. Mammoth red clover produces more biomass for plow-down than medium red clover, but does not regrow as well after mowing. Mammoth will often establish better than medium in dry or acid soils. Sow in early spring or late summer.

White Clover is a low-growing perennial, tolerant of shade and slightly acid soil. Ladino types are taller than the Dutch or wild types. White clover is a poor competitor with weeds unless mowed. Suitable for use in walkways or alleys. Expensive seed.

Sweet Clover is a biennial (except for annual types like Hubam) that is deep-rooted and adapted to a wide range of soils. It is a good soil-improving crop with a strong taproot that opens up subsoil. Yellow sweet clover is earlier maturing and somewhat less productive than white sweet clover. Sow in early spring or late summer at 15 to 20 lb/acre. Heavy growth is produced in spring after overwintering. Incorporate in late spring or mid-summer at flowering. May deplete soil of moisture, which can be a problem for subsequent crops in dry years.

Hairy Vetch has become increasingly popular as a cover crop. It can fix tremendous amounts of nitrogen. Generally this cover crop is seeded in the fall after August 15 or before mid September in most areas. It should be allowed to grow at least until mid May before plow down. It is advisable to seed winter rye (30-40 lbs/acre) or oats (40-50 lbs/acre) with the vetch when seeded in the fall to take up unused nitrogen and to ensure a good ground cover for erosion control. Most growers prefer oats to winter rye because the oat will not overwinter and the vetch alone is easier to manage the following spring. Hairy vetch can also be seeded in early spring or summer. When seeded in early April it will produce significant nitrogen in time for a late seeding of sweet corn or brassica. When seeded in the summer it will usually winter kill and the following spring the nitrogen will become available for an early crop. Treat seed with a pea-type inoculant.

Alfalfa requires deep, well-drained soil with a pH near neutral for good growth. It is a long-lived perennial that is probably not worth the expense in a short-term rotation. Fixes large amounts of nitrogen if maintained for several years. Seed early spring or late summer at 15 to 25 lb/acre.


These are selected when nitrogen contribution to the soil is not a priority. They tend to grow more rapidly and thus are better at short-term weed suppression than legumes. Late-season grasses are useful for recovering leftover nitrogen after crops have been harvested.

Winter Rye is a common winter cover crop, sown after cash crops are harvested in the fall. It is very hardy, adapted to a wide range of conditions, and seed is inexpensive. The latest-sown cover crop, it produces a lot of biomass in the spring. This adds organic matter to the soil but may be difficult to incorporate prior to crop planting.

Oats are used as a winter cover crop to protect the soil without requiring intensive management in the spring, because they are frost-killed. Shallow incorporation of residues may still be necessary before crop planting. Enough growth is needed before first frost to adequately protect the soil, so plant by late August, at a rate of about 100 lb/acre. Oat residues left on the soil surface may chemically suppress weed growth, and act as a physical barrier. Oats are also a good cover crop to plant any time during the spring or summer when land is out of production. Unlike winter rye, oats grow vigorously and upright when seeded in the spring or summer and compete effectively with weeds. Can grow in soils with low pH (5.5).

Ryegrass is a low-growing cover crop that produces an extensive root system good at capturing leftover nitrogen. It is well suited to undersowing, after last cultivation of a cash crop, in order to establish a winter cover prior to harvest. Annual ryegrass is less expensive than perennial ryegrass, and is more likely to winterkill; however, it may overwinter in milder areas, and perennial ryegrass may winterkill in harsher zones. These crops form a dense sod that reduces erosion.

Sudangrass and Sorghum-sudangrass (Sudex) are fast-growing, warm season crops that require good fertility and moisture to perform well. Under such conditions, their tall, rank growth provides excellent weed suppression. Such heavy growth can be difficult to cut and incorporate. Due to its growth habit, sudan grass should be cut back when growth exceeds 20-25 inches or plowed down if a second growth is not desired.

Buckwheat is a fast-growing summer annual that can be used to protect the soil and suppress weeds for a month or two between spring and fall cash crops. It grows fairly well on acid and low phosphorus soils. It decomposes rapidly and is easy to incorporate, but does not contribute a lot of organic matter to the soil. Mow or incorporate at flowering, prior to setting seed so it does not become a weed in subsequent crops. Grows well in low soil pH. To smother weedy fields, some growers plant two successive crops of buckwheat followed by winter rye. Do not allow buckwheat to go to seed prior to plow-down.

Annual Field Brome: Winter annual grass. Establishes rapidly and has extensive fibrous root system contributing organic matter to soil. Plow down in spring. Seed not readily available so plan ahead.

Japanese Millet: Summer annual grass. Fast growing and competes well with weeds. Establishes faster than sudan grass on cool soils. Can be cut back and allowed to regrow after reaches 20 inches. Can reach 4 ft. in 7-8 weeks. Do not allow to mature and drop seed.

Mustards: This includes white or yellow mustard (Sinapis alba), brown or Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), and black mustard (B. nigra L.). Mustards produce glucosinolates, which are compounds that have broad activity against bacteria, fungi, insects, nematodes and weed seeds. Mustards are often considered “biofumigants”, and managed to try to benefit from these effects by mowing and incorporating into the soil immediately afterwards. 


Legumes and grasses are often mixed as cover crops to hedge against failure of one and to get some of the benefits of both. The grass will usually establish quickly, holding soil in place and “nursing” the legume along. By taking available soil N, the grass promotes N-fixation by the legume. Fertilization with N or the absence of mowing favors growth of grass over legume. Some common mixtures, in addition to vetch and rye described above, are red clover and oats (combine or mow oat heads, leaving established clover); ryegrass and white clover for mowed alleys. Timothy is often used as a nurse crop for alfalfa. It is advisable to trial unfamiliar cover crops or mixtures on a small scale to determine if they are suited to your climate and management resources before growing them widely.

Note: N fixed in root nodules moves to the leaves and stems of legumes. If hay is harvested from the field prior to plowing, very little N will be contributed to the subsequent crop.

Table 6. Pre-plant cover-crop seeding dates and rates.
Cover Crop Recommended Seeding Dates Seeding Rate
Alfalfa Early April to late May or Late July to mid August 14 - 20 lbs/A
Buckwheat Late May to early June or Late July to early August 60 - 75 lbs/A
Clovers (Alsike, Ladino, White) Early April to late May or Late July to mid August 4 lbs/A (alsike and white) 2 lbs/A (ladino)
Red Clover Early April to late May or Late July to mid August 8 - 10 lbs/A
Sweet Clover Early April to mid May or Early August 12 - 20 lbs/A
Hairy Vetch August to early Sept. 30 - 40 lbs/A
Annual Field Brome July and August 20 lbs/A
Japanese Millet Late May to mid July 20 lbs/A
Spring Oats Early to mid April or Mid August 100 lbs/A
Annual Ryegrass Early April to early June or Early August to early Sept. 30 lbs/A
Perennial Ryegrass August to mid Sept. 25 lbs/A
Winter Rye August to mid Sept. 80-100 lbs/A
Sudan Grass Late May to Early June 80 lbs/A
Sorghum-Sudan Grass Hybrids Late May to Early June 35-50 lbs/A
Mustards Late May to July 10-25 lbs/A

Soil Organic Matter

Soil organic matter (SOM) is a small but critical component of soils. SOM is continuously being produced by plants and animals and broken down by soil microbes that use it as a source of energy. As such it provides food for a diverse population of microbes in the soil and this helps prevent any one type of organism, such as a plant pathogen, from dominating. As microbes break down SOM, nutrients are released which are available for plant growth. This process is called mineralization and can provide some or all of the nutrients needed for successful crop production. Soil microbes are most active in warm soils (over 70°F) that are moist, but well aerated, with a pH between 6 and 7 (ideal conditions for most fruit crops). Mineralization of nutrients will proceed rapidly under these conditions.

SOM also improves soil structure. It binds individual soil particles together into aggregates. This makes soil friable, allowing for good drainage, aeration, and root growth. SOM also improves the moisture holding capacity of soils. SOM is also the chief contributor to cation exchange capacity in New England soils.

Adding to Soil Organic Matter

Using compost is an effective way to add organic matter to the soil. Small fruit growers can make compost on the farm although most don’t have enough raw materials to satisfy their needs. Some bring in additional materials such as municipal yard wastes to compost on site. Others purchase compost from the increasing number of commercial composters. Regardless of the source, compost should be finished before use. Finished compost has no recognizable bits of matter and will not heat up after turning. Compost should also be tested for nutrient content. Finished compost should have a low ammonium content, high nitrate level and a pH near neutral. Repeated use of a compost high in a particular element could cause a nutrient imbalance. For more information, obtain a copy of Berry Soil and Nutrient Management – A Guide for Educators and Growers (see Resources in Appendices at the end of this publication).

Animal manure is an excellent source of nutrients and organic matter. About half of the nitrogen in fresh dairy manure and 75% of the nitrogen in poultry manure is in the form of ammonia. Ammonia is subject to loss through volatilization if not incorporated immediately after spreading. In the soil, ammonia is converted to nitrate and is available for plant use. However, nitrate is subject to leaching and large applications should generally be avoided. There are times when readily available N is needed, but fresh manure should be applied only with caution. Many people prefer to compost manure before field application to stabilie the N contained in manure. Manure can be mixed with other materials for composting. Manure samples can be analyzed by several of the laboratories listed under Soil Testing

Manure often contains human pathogens and therefore application practices that avoid transferring pathogens to produce should be utilized when using manure in food production systems. See more on safe application practices in the Produce Safety section.

Cover crops are used by most growers to protect soil from erosion and to take up unused N. Cover crops also contribute to SOM when they are plowed down, although SOM varies considerably among crops (see Cover Crop section).

Carbon-To-Nitrogen Ratio

Organic matter is broken down by microbes which use carbon (C) for energy. They also have a need for nitrogen. Microbes have a requirement of about one N atom for each 25 C atoms. This is a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C:N) of 25:1 or 25. If the organic matter has a higher C:N (more C and less N), microbes will need more nitrogen and will take it from the soil. Microbes are more efficient than crops in obtaining N from the soil. If there is not enough nitrogen for both the microbes and the crop, the crop will not obtain what it needs. Eventually there will be a net gain in nitrogen, but crops can suffer in the short term. If organic matter with a high C:N is applied to soil shortly before planting a crop, additional N may be needed to assure the needs of both the microbe and the crop are met. Organic matter with a C:N of less than 25:1 (25) should not be a problem and in some cases can contribute N for crop use. See Table 5 for examples of C:Ns of some sources of organic matter.

Guidelines for Organic Fertilization

An organic fertility program should consider the biological, physical, and chemical characteristics of the soil in order to optimize and sustain soil fertility and crop production. Organic growers should confer with their certifier to ensure that any amendments are in accordance with USDA National Organic Program (NOP) standards. See Organic Certification for additional information.

Organic Matter

Organic matter management is an essential part of organic agriculture. Generous additions of compost, animal or green manures are needed to feed soil microbes, but organic growers need to carefully monitor soil test P levels when adding organic amendments to the soil (see discussion below Building Soil Organic Matter). Organic matter management is essential because the by-products of decomposition of organic amendments bind soil particles to improve the physical condition, or structure of soil, and also because organic matter is the storehouse of nutrients in the soil. Many nutrients, especially N, P, S, Cu, and Zn, are released when organic matter decomposes. The good structure promoted by organic matter results in enhanced root growth, which increases plant retrieval of soil nutrients, which is a classic synergistic effect. Decaying soil organic matter releases nutrients unevenly during the growing season. In the late spring after the soil warms there is usually a flush of nutrients, and the rate declines after that with the rate during the season dependent mostly on soil moisture. When the release of nutrients, or mineralization, is low, as when soils are cool in the early spring, fertilizing with soluble forms of nutrients may benefit crops. This is why some relatively available phosphorus and nitrogen should be banded, or placed near the roots of crops early in the growing season. For example, use bone meal and dried blood or a seed meal like peanut or soybean to provide some available P and N, respectively, or use a commercial organic fertilizer blend.  Information on the nutrient content of various organic soil amendments can be found at MOFGA Fact Sheet #11.

Soil amendments of animal origin (blood meal, manure, compost with animal source material, etc.) have the potential to contain human pathogens.  Knowledge of your source material and application practices that avoid the potential of transfer of human pathogens to fruit are an important part of managing your soil (See the Produce Safety section for details). 


Nitrogen is the most common limiting nutrient on organic farms.  The most common organic sources of N are seed meals, fish meal, blood meal and livestock manures.  Most sources of N used by organic farmers are expensive and that explains why most growers turn to livestock manures, compost or crop rotations with legumes.  When using manure or immature compost, remember that only up to half the N becomes available to plants during the season following incorporation. Each ton of compost containing 1% N can provide a crop with 5 to 10 lb of N per acre.  When calculating N needs, remember that there is a release of about 20 lb/acre or more of N for each 1% soil organic matter. These releases of N vary with drainage and other soil conditions, and may not be well timed to crop needs, especially early, short season crops. Annual crops need N most intensely about three to four weeks after emergence or transplanting. Therefore, sidedressing, or spreading soluble N along the crop row, at this time is most efficient. Because soluble organic N fertilizers are expensive, it is advisable to use lower rates than recommended for synthetic fertilizers. A sidedressing of 25 lb/acre of actual N is reasonable for many crops growing in a fairly fertile soil. This requires 200 lb dried blood, 400 lb soy or cottonseed meal, or the equivalent from other sources of N.


Phosphorus is low in many unamended New England soils, and can limit crop growth, especially early in the season. Soils testing less than 10 lb/acre available phosphate (P2O5) usually require substantial applications of phosphate. Hard rock phosphate contains about 2% available P2O5; soft, or colloidal, rock phosphate contains 3% available P2O5. Thus, a ton of these materials provides only 40 to 60 lb available P2O5/acre. Bone meal contains about 20 times more available P2O5 by weight, but is more expensive. Bone Char contains 16% available P2O5 and is less expensive than bone meal.  With soils low in P, it can help crops to place proportionally more P fertilizer in the crop row than to broadcast it evenly. Maintain a pH of 6 to 7 with limestone to maximize P2O5 availability. Compost and manures tend to contain P2O5 as well as N or K2O.  Repeated applications will raise P levels substantially and care must be taken to avoid building excessive P levels in the soil that could lead to contamination of ponds and lakes.  Monitor P levels and adjust compost or manure applications accordingly.


Sul-Po-Mag is the Potassium fertilizer of choice when Mg is also needed.  Potassium sulfate is commonly used when no Mg is needed.  Potassium becomes very slowly available from granite dust or greensand, which may be applied at 3 to 5 tons to the acre to build up K reserves. Wood ashes contain soluble K, but must be used with caution because they will raise the pH rather rapidly and can be caustic. The liming effect of 1 pound of ashes is roughly equal to 2/3 of a pound of limestone. No more than 1/2 ton of ashes per acre should probably be applied at once, and only then if called for by low pH, low K and sufficient Mg.


Magnesium is best applied as dolomitic lime, but when liming is not required, other Mg sources are Sul-Po-Mag or Epsom salts. Sul-Po-Mag is the better choice if potassium is also required, as it is less expensive than Epsom salts. However, Epsom salts can be applied as a foliar spray to alleviate Mg deficiency. Dissolve 1.5 lb per 10 gal water and spray at weekly intervals.


Micro-nutrients are generally sufficiently supplied to plants by regular additions of organic matter to the soil.  Wood ash is another excellent source of micronutrients.  Some seaweed extracts may also supply trace minerals. In soils low in boron (B), remedial applications are widely recommended for crops that readily suffer from B deficiency. In this case, 1 to 2 lb/acre of B is applied to the soil with other fertilizers. It is difficult to apply such a small amount uniformly, but boron can be ordered as part of a fertilizer blend. Most boron products are soluble and can sprayed evenly over the soil. Several forms of B are listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI), including Solubor, Fertibor and Biomin Boron. It is advisable to monitor B levels with soil tests and tissue tests (for perennial fruits). Excess levels of B are toxic to plants, and some crops are quite sensitive to boron.

Rock Powders

Rock powders can be used, along with organic matter, to build up and balance soil reserves of plant nutrients. However, these are not very soluble nutrient sources, and are not effective for treating short-term nutrient deficiencies. Using some soluble fertilizers may be advisable while building soil reserves of plant nutrients with rock powders and organic matter.

Limestone is a widely used rock powder. It raises the soil pH and provides calcium (Ca) and varying amounts of magnesium (Mg). When Mg tests below about 100 lb/acre, high-Mg limestone, or dolomite, should be used for liming. If Mg is above about 150 lb/acre, use calcite, or low-Mg lime. Choose your fertilizer materials considering the desired 20:4:1 base saturation ratio of Ca:Mg:K in the soil, but remember, this goal is only a ballpark figure and is definitely secondary to establishing the proper pH of 6 to 7 for most crops and supplying nutrients shown to be deficient by a soil test.

Organic Certification

Consumers of organic fruit represent a growing market segment. Federal legislation now requires certification of food products that are labeled as organic except for producers who gross under $5,000. These small producers must follow the same practices as certified growers.  Organic agriculture is based on the use of practices and inputs that enhance the physical, biological and chemical aspects of the soil and its ability to sustain crop and animal production in an environmentally safe manner. In general, the use of synthetic substances for pest management or to supply nutrients is prohibited. Organic agriculture relies on cultural practices and natural materials for pest management and on-farm or locally available sources of nutrients as much as possible.

This guide includes information on organic practices, as well as many materials and inputs approved by the National Organic Program. Such products are designated with the symbol . The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) is an organization that lists products allowed for certified organic production. Note that some are regulated and subject to restrictions. In some cases, certain formulations of a product are permitted and others are not. The list of substances approved by OMRI is subject to change. Be sure to check with your certifier in advance to be certain that the materials and practices you plan to use are approved. Some materials labeled as organic may not be allowed by the program. For a current list, visit the OMRI web site at:

The following is a list of certifying organizations currently accredited by USDA.

Connecticut and Massachusetts:
Baystate Organic Certifiers
Don Franczyk (Director)
1220 Cedarwood Circle
N. Dighton, MA 02764
Telephone: 774-872-5544
Email:  Website:

MOFGA Certification Services
P.O. Box 170
Unity, ME 04988
Telephone: 207-568-4142   Website:

New Hampshire:
Allen Wyman
NH Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food
Division of Regulatory Services
25 Capitol St., P.O. Box 2042
Concord, NH, 03302-2042
Telephone: 603-271-3685
Email:    Website:

Rhode Island:
Matt Green
Div. of Ag.
235 Promenade St.
Providence, RI 02908
Telephone: 401-222-2781 x4509

Vermont Organic Farmers, LLC
P.O. Box 697
Richmond, VT 05477
Telephone: 802-434-4122
Email: //">  Website:

Organic Materials Listing:

Organic Materials Review Institute
P.O. Box 11558
Eugene, OR 97440
(541) 343-7600

Pest Management

Information About Pesticides

A pesticide can be referred to by : 1) a common name (active ingredient) or 2) a trade or brand name.  In most of the tables in this guide, trade names are used as they are more easily recognized and are what you will look for when buying pesticide materials.

Labeled Formulations: The recommendations within this publication list only one formulation. Growers should be aware of other formulations. The rates to be applied are on the label. Note: There may be several products registered with the same active ingredient. Each label is different, and some crops may be listed on some labels but not on others. It is the responsibility of the user to read the label and be sure that the material selected is labeled for the proposed use.  Ask your supplier for clarification if you are not sure if the formulation or product is exactly what you are looking for.

Labels are for your protection and information: Look for the percentage (by weight) or amount of material in the formulation. Compare costs of two similar products on the basis of effectiveness, the amount of actual pesticide contained and the quantity of the formulations needed/acre.  Follow all safety precautions. Some pesticides are extremely dangerous to handle. Protect yourself and your employees.

Control of pests not on the label: Always be certain the crop is on the label before using a pesticide on that crop. Pests that are not listed on the label may not be effectively controlled by that product.

To avoid illegal residues: Adhere strictly to pre-harvest interval (PHI). Accurately calibrate your equipment; never exceed label recommendations. Prevent drift to adjacent properties or crops, or contamination of bodies of water. The applicator is held responsible for problems caused by drift or contamination. High-volume, low-pressure, ground applications cause less drift than low-volume, high-pressure, air-blast, ground applications, aerial applications or dust.

Emulsifiable concentrates (EC) are less troublesome to spray equipment than wettable powders (WP). The water-based flowable concentrates and wettable powders are less likely to cause plant injury than oil-based concentrates of similar materials.

Wettable powders/suspendable powders (WP) are less likely than ECs to cause injury to sensitive plants or to cause trouble when mixed with fungicides or other pesticides.

Dry flowables (DF) are similar to wettable powders in their formulation but are pelletized to minimize dust.

Flowables (F) are liquid formulations with similar properties to latex paint. Clean equipment immediately after use.

Tank mixture and aerial application: Check the label and consult your state pesticide regulatory agency.

Disposal of pesticides: Read label. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency for instructions on disposal of chemicals.

Restricted-Use Pesticides

In accordance with federal and state pesticide regulations, those pesticides that are highly toxic and those that persist and accumulate in the environment are placed on a restricted-use list and shall be sold and used only by certified applicators.  For information about training for certified applicators contact your Extension Specialist.  In some instances, states may require additional permits for certain pesticide users.

Poisoning Information

Make sure your doctor has a copy of the Note to Physicians that is placed on the labels of dangerous pesticides. Treatment for pesticide poisoning is very precise. The antidotes can vary for the different pesticides. In an emergency, call your doctor and provide specific information on the trade name and common name of the pesticide exposed to. Your doctor will then consult the center if necessary.

Pesticide Storage

Any restricted pesticide or container contaminated by restricted pesticides must be stored in a secure, locked enclosure while unattended. That enclosure must bear a “pesticide storage” warning sign readable at a distance of 20’. If any pesticide has to be stored in other than its original container, that container must be labeled with the name and concentration of the active ingredient and the signal word and warning statements for the pesticide along with a copy of the label. Keep an inventory of all pesticides stored in an area away from the storage site, so that it may be referred to in case of an emergency at the storage site.

Make available to personnel at all times: a respirator with chemical cartridge, gas mask with canister, goggles, rubber gloves and aprons, fire extinguisher and a detoxicant for spilled materials suggested by your local fire department. Instruct all personnel on proper use of the above equipment and on what to do in case of emergency. A shower stall with plenty of soap should be made available on the premises. Prompt washing in case of accidental spillage may be a matter of life and death.

Keep your local fire department informed of the location of all pesticide storage areas. Fighting a fire that includes smoke from burning pesticides can be extremely hazardous. Firefighters should be cautioned to avoid breathing any smoke from such a fire. A fire with smoke from burning pesticides may endanger people in the immediate area or community. They may have to be evacuated if the smoke from a pesticide fire drifts in their direction.

Storage Guidelines

  • Store pesticides in a cool (between 40° and 80°F), dry, well-ventilated area that is not accessible to children and others who do not know or understand the safe and proper use of pesticides.
  • Pesticides should always be stored in their original containers and kept tightly closed. For the protection of others, especially firefighters, the storage area should be posted as Pesticide Storage and kept securely locked.
  • Herbicides, especially hormone-like weed killers such as 2,4-D, should not be stored with other pesticides (primarily insecticides and fungicides) as they can volatize and be absorbed by other pesticides.
  • Plan pesticide purchases so that supplies are used by the end of the growing season. When pesticides are stored for the winter, keep them at temperatures above freezing, under dry conditions and out of direct sunlight. 
  • If pesticides have frozen, place pesticides in warm storage (50° to 80°F, or 10° to 26.7°C). Shake or roll container every few hours to mix product or eliminate layering. If layering persists or if all crystals do not completely dissolve, do not use product. If in doubt, call the manufacturer.
  • Read the label. Special storage recommendations or restrictions will be printed on the label.
  • Write the purchase or delivery date of the product on the label with waterproof ink. Products may lose their effectiveness over several years.
  • Monitor pesticides for signs of quality deterioration (See Table 7)
Table 7. Signs of pesticide deterioration
EC Evidence of separation of components such as sludge or sediment. Milky appearance does not occur when water is added.
Oils Milky appearance does not occur when water is added.
WP, SP Excessive lumping; powder does not suspend in water.
D, G Excessive lumping or caking

Diagnosing Plant Problems

Effective fruit crop production depends on the grower developing a system of crop management that is appropriate for each farm. Decisions need to be made for how to manage all of the normal cultural practices such as planting, fertility, harvesting, and pruning as well as managing the insect, disease, and weed problems that occur either regularly or sporadically. The information in this guide will address management issues related to both common, expected pest problems as well as the occasional appearance of minor pest problems.

Effective pest management depends on:

  • correct diagnosis of the problem and correct identification of the pest causing it.
  • use of techniques to prevent or delay infestations or infections as well as techniques to control them.
  • early detection of pests by frequent inspection of plants.
  • tolerance of pests at population densities that do not cause economic damage.


Correct diagnosis of a problem and correct identification of the pest (insect, disease, biotic factor, nutrition, etc.) causing it are key to successful crop management and profitability. Below is a list of laboratories that offer disease diagnostics on a fee-for-service basis.  In general, virus screening is a procedure that is done outside of this region and is referred out by one of the clinics listed below. Contact your local clinic or lab for more information on virus screening.

In order to submit a sample for diagnosis, some basic preparation instructions should be followed. These include:

  1. Collect specimens that show a range of symptoms (i.e., from healthy to seriously affected), usually collected from the margin of the affected area. Avoid specimens that are completely dead or decayed as they are not diagnostically useful.
  2. Fill out case-history or sample submission form like the one at the end of this guide. This is very important. Without the information included in the form, a correct diagnosis is very difficult.
  3. Pack specimen in dry paper and place in a plastic bag (never pack with wet paper towels).
  4. Mail specimen and case-history form same-day or overnight delivery, or deliver specimen personally the same day. If this is not possible, place in a refrigerator and mail or deliver the following day. Specimens should come to the diagnostic labs early in the week to avoid problems with weekend hold-overs.
  5. Soil samples for nematode analysis.

Plant Diagnostic Clinics of New England

(D=disease ID, I=insect ID, N=nematode analysis, W=weed ID)


The Plant Disease Information Office (D,I,W,N)
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
123 Huntington Street, P.O. Box 1106
New Haven, CT 06504
(203) 974-8601

UConn’s Home & Garden Education Center (D,I,N)
Radcliffe Hicks Bldg, Rm 4
1380 Storrs Rd., Unit 4115
Storrs, CT 06269


Insect Pest and Disease Diagnostic Lab (D,I)
Pest Management Office
17 Godfrey Drive
Orono, ME 04473-3692
1-800-287-0279 (within Maine)
(207) 581-3880


UMass Extension Plant Diagnostic Laboratory (D,I,N,W)
Room 3, French Hall
230 Stockbridge Road
Amherst, MA 01002
(413) 545-3208


UNH Plant Diagnostic Lab (D,I,W)
Barton Hall, 34 Sage Way


URI Plant Protection Clinic (D,I)
3 East Alumni Avenue
Kingston, RI 02881
(401) 874-2900


University of Vermont Plant Diagnostic Clinic (D,I,W)
Attn: Ann Hazelrigg
201 Jeffords Hall, 63 Carrigan Drive
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405
(802) 656-0493


Agdia Inc. (D)
30380 County Rd. 6
Elkhart, IN 46514
(800) 622-4342

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the coordinated use of pest and environmental information to design and implement pest control methods that are economically, environmentally and socially sound. IPM promotes prevention over remediation and advocates integration of multiple control strategies to achieve long-term pest management solutions.

IPM consists of gathering information, interpreting data, creating a flexible management plan, making timely decisions and taking the proper action. Information gathering and decision-making techniques include: accurate pest identification, learning about the weak link in a pest's life cycle or biology, scouting and monitoring crops in fields, using action thresholds to minimize spraying, and keeping records of findings to assess the effectiveness of management decisions.

Monitoring Pests and Making Control Decisions

  • Accurate pest identification is a crucial first step on the road to a solution. Misidentification of pests is a common cause of pest control failure and crop damage. See the "Diagnostics" section for more information on identification.
  • The biology and life-cycle of a pest often reveals the key to successful control measures. Detailed, pest-specific information is available in fact sheets on IPM web sites or publications listed in the Appendices. See also specific crop listings in this guide for basic descriptions.
  • Scouting involves using systematic methods of inspecting the crops on a regular basis to quantify pest populations or crop injury/damage. Scouting techniques vary considerably depending upon the type of pests (weed, insect, disease or other) involved. Details are available in pest and crop-specific IPM fact sheets and manuals, and in crop listings in this guide.
  • Monitoring weather conditions or Trapping pests can be used to assess or predict current or future pest problems and help to prevent crop damage. Equipment and procedures vary by pest and more resources can be found in the Appendices.
  • Action thresholds are usually expressed as a fixed number for individual pests (i.e., 7 moths/week or 2 weeds/foot of row) or crop injury (i.e., 20% defoliation), or as a rating for weather conditions (i.e., 15 Disease Severity Units). Thresholds tell you when to control the pest(s) to prevent or minimize economic damage to crops. Some thresholds are given for pests in the individual crop sections in this manual and others vary by state or region. Contact your state's Extension IPM personnel for local action thresholds.
  • Record-keeping involves recording data on weather, pest populations, crop conditions and control procedures all season. Good records help determine which pest control strategies are working and where improvements should be made in the future.

Along with information gathering and decision-making techniques, a variety of preventative and curative control methods are used to construct a complete IPM management plan for each pest, crop and farm. Cultural, mechanical, physical, genetic, and biological controls help prevent severe pest problems, while pesticides are used when additional control measures are required.

  • Cultural controls are modifications of the crop production systems that suppress pest populations and occurrence. A few examples include: the use of better site selection, crop rotation, modifying planting times or plant spacing, improved water and nutrient management for better crop health or to limit weed competition, breaking up plow pans, cleaning soil from machinery between fields, and the use of cover and smother crops.
  • Mechanical and physical controls consist of using supplies, equipment, or some factor, such as temperature, humidity or light, to disrupt pest life cycles and/or suppress populations. Mechanical and physical controls function by cutting, crushing, burying or excluding pests with implements and barriers, or by heating, cooling, drying, wetting, or regulating light in some way. Some examples include: plowing, cultivation, flaming, plastic or organic mulches, row covers, greenhouse ventilation, washing, cold storage and roguing infected plants.
  • Genetic controls are generally achieved through traditional breeding programs that select crop varieties with resistance or tolerance to insects, nematodes or diseases or with plant growth characteristics which favor plant success (such as early emergence, heat or cold tolerance, canopy or leaf traits).
  • Biological control is the use of naturally occurring or introduced beneficial organisms to control or suppress pest populations. Biological control agents come in all shapes and forms including: beneficial insects, mites, spiders, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, viruses, protozoa and plants. In the broadest interpretation, they would include things like microbial pesticides and the use of trap crops. Common examples range from parasitic wasps, entomophagus and competitive fungi and bacteria, to predacious bugs, beetles and spiders. Natural enemies of pests exist everywhere in nature and should be preserved whenever possible. Many beneficials can be purchased for use in the greenhouse or for specific crops.
  • Pesticides should be used in conjunction with the control measures previously mentioned and only when pest population densities will cause economic damage, or when environmental conditions favor disease. Selective insecticides are products that primarily target the pest(s) you wish to control, with few or no detrimental effects on most beneficials. They may also have other attributes making them less harmful to the user and the environment and may be lumped into a larger category of Biorational pesticides (see Biorational Pesticide section). If the use of a pesticide is required, choose a selective product or another biorational pesticide if possible. Selective insecticides usually spare biological control agents, reduce the risk of secondary pest outbreaks, reduce the impact on the environment, improve farm safety, and minimize the number of applications needed. Broad-spectrum insecticides usually kill many different kinds of pests and beneficial organisms. The use of broad-spectrum insecticides can often lead to resurgence of primary pest populations due to a lack of natural controls, or to secondary pest outbreaks and additional applications. Broad-spectrum insecticides should only be used if no other viable options exist to manage the pest. Proper pesticide application and resistance management techniques should be used to maximize the effectiveness and preserve the useful life of the available products.

Much of the space in this publication is dedicated to lists of pesticide options for weeds, insects and diseases on specific commodities. Effective pest management involves much more than using pesticides. For detailed information on IPM, see the list of publications in the Appendices section, or visit your local Extension System's IPM web site.

Pesticide Safety and Use

Who can apply pesticides

Farmers who use pesticides may require pesticide applicator licenses or permits according to state and federal law. It is important to check with your state lead agency (SLA) for pesticide regulation to determine what is appropriate in your state.  In general:

  • Farmers who apply restricted use pesticides on their crops need to have a private applicator license or permit.
  • Workers who help someone who is licensed or certified to apply restricted-use materials may also need a license to assist. 
  • Farmers who use only general use pesticides may also require licenses or permits; these requirements vary from state to state.
  • In most states, commercial (for hire) applicators must follow rules that are more restrictive than those of private applicators. 

Please note that the requirements of the EPA Worker Protection Standards (WPS) must still be followed regardless of whether a pesticide license or certification is required.  See the section below on WPS.  As of this printing, the following are contacts who can provide information on specific requirements for pesticide licenses and certification for each state.

Connecticut: 860-424-3369,
Maine: 207-287-2731,
Massachusetts: 617-626-1784,
New Hampshire: 603-271-3550,
Rhode Island:  401-222-4700,
Vermont:  802-828-2431,


All pesticides are poisonous. However, some are more toxic than others. The toxicity of the pesticide is usually stated in the precaution label. For example, a skull and crossbones figure and the signal word “Danger” are always found on the label of highly toxic (Toxicity Class I) materials. Those of medium toxicity (Toxicity Class II) carry the signal word “Warning.” The least toxic materials (Toxicity Class III) have the signal word “Caution.” The toxicity of a pesticide is expressed in terms of oral and dermal LD50. LD50 is the dosage of poison that kills 50% of test animals (usually rats or rabbits) with a single application of the pure pesticide for a given weight of the animal (mg/kg of body weight). The lower the LD50 value, the more toxic the material. Oral LD50 is the measure of the toxicity of pure pesticide when administered internally to test animals. Dermal LD50 is the measure of the toxicity of pure pesticide applied to the skin of test animals. Generally, an oral application is more toxic than a dermal one.

Table 8. Toxicity Categories and Signal Words
I Highly Toxic DANGER and POISON,
plus skull and crossbones symbol
0 to 50 A few drops to 1 tsp
II Moderately Toxic Warning 50 to 500 1 tsp to 2 tsp
III Slightly Toxic Caution 500 to 5,000 1 oz to 1 pint (1 lb)
IV Almost non-toxic Caution more than 5,000 1 pint (1 lb)
Note: certain products may use signal words which do not correlate with LD50 ratings due to some special property of the chemical. For example, chlorothalonil has a very low toxicity (LD50 10,000 mg/kg) yet has DANGER signal words on many of its formulations, due to eye toxicity/injury.

All pesticides listed in this publication are registered and cleared for suggested uses according to federal and state regulations in effect on the date of this publication. Follow current label.

Trade names are used for identification only; no product endorsement is implied, nor is discrimination intended against similar materials.

Warning! Pesticides are poisonous. Read and follow all directions and safety precautions on labels. Handle carefully and store in original labeled containers out of reach of children, pets and livestock. Dispose of empty containers carefully and properly. Contact your State Lead Agency (SLA) for pesticide regulation located in either the state Department of Agriculture or state Department of Environmental Protection for current disposal regulations and guidelines.

Before Using Pesticides

Read and post safety rules and the list of poison control centers. See instructions on safe storage of pesticides in an earlier section of this chapter. You should become familiar with the information on storage and toxicity of pesticides listed in the appendix of this guide. Similar pesticide products may not have the same crop uses. Always be certain the crop is listed on the product label before ordering or using the product.

Do not use concentrations greater than stated on the label. Do not apply more pesticide per acre or more frequently than the fewest number of days between applications recommended by the label.

Instruct your family, co-workers and farm laborers on the safe use of pesticides, protective clothing and reentry regulations concerning pesticides. See section on worker protection standards.

Do not spray or dust when bees are active in the field. Morning or late evening is usually the best time to spray.


  • Read and follow all directions and safety precautions on labels.
  • Store pesticides in original containers, out of reach of children, pets and livestock.
  • Dispose of empty containers immediately in a safe manner and place. Triple rinse.
  • Do not contaminate forage, watersheds or water sources.
  • Become familiar with life cycles of pests to properly time applications.
  • Keep a complete diary of applications: crop, date of planting, pests, weather conditions, materials, date of application and amounts applied.
  • Adhere to farm worker protection standards.

Emergency Information

Human Exposure

If someone has swallowed or inhaled a pesticide or gotten it in the eye or on the skin:

  • Call 911 if the person in unconscious, having trouble breathing, or having convulsions.
  • Check the label for directions on how to give first aid.
  • Call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222 for help with first aid information.

The National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) (1-800-858-7378) can also provide information about pesticide products and their toxicity.


The National Response Center (NRC) is the sole federal point of contact for reporting oil and chemical spills. If you have a spill to report, contact NRC at 1-800-424-8802 (toll-free) or visit their website ( for additional information on reporting requirements and procedures. The NRC can help you decide how to respond to a spill. Producers should be aware that they may be required to report spills to their state Lead Agency (SLA) for pesticide regulation or their state department of environmental protection.

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensations, and Liability Act (CERCLA) requires that all releases of hazardous substances exceeding reportable quantities be reported by the responsible party to the National Response Center (NRC). Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 302 promulgates reportable quantities and reporting criteria. All the Extremely Hazardous Chemicals (EHS) that overlap with the CERCLA listed chemicals table (40 CFR Part 302.4) should be reported to NRC as well as to the LEPC and SERC.

For small pesticide spills or for more information, call the pesticide manufacturer or the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) at 1-800-858-7378.

More Information

CHEMTREC maintains a large database of Material Safety Data Sheets, chemical information references, resources, and networks of chemical and hazardous material experts who can provide access to technical information regarding chemical products (Emergency call 1-800-424-9300, in the U.S. or 703-741-5500 outside the U.S.).

For more information, contact the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) at 1-800-858-7378.

Fumigation: Materials and Risks

The practice of soil fumigation carries significant risks. These risks include the health and safety of agricultural workers and others who can be exposed to these materials, environmental risks from misapplication or accidents and other hazards.  Another risk is treatment failure from reintroducing pathogens on transplant material or farm equipment. This can cause a phenomenon called “the boomerang effect” in which a pathogen is (re)introduced in a partially sterilized soil and proliferates rapidly because checks and balances no longer exist in that soil. In such a case, the resulting epidemic is worse than if the soil had never been fumigated. So, it is very important to take care to plant very clean transplant material and to use only clean equipment when working in a newly fumigated field.

Fumigation is also a costly practice, one which a grower must carefully consider before using. The cost must be justified by the anticipated benefits. The benefits must be reliable and predictable. Moreover, availability of fumigants may decline in the future due to EPA restrictions and voluntary withdrawal by manufacturers. With this in mind, it is advisable to implement effective crop rotation plans and other soil management practices in anticipation of reduced availability of fumigants.

New Regulations Concerning Fumigation

Fumigants are very biologically active and produce gases that can readily move off site, so they can also be very dangerous to people and other organisms in the surrounding environment. Labels for most soil fumigants were extensively revised in 2011 to require additional steps of fumigant applicators (called risk mitigation measures) to safeguard the general public, the applicators and handlers, and the environment. These requirements are discussed on current fumigant labels. Reading and understanding the new soil fumigant labels is critically important. Additional revisions to these new soil fumigant labels are being developed, further increasing the importance for growers to study the labels and visit EPA’s website. Key changes already in effect include the following:

  • All chemical fumigants are now “restricted use.” Previously, metam sodium, metam potassium, and dazomet were considered general use materials.
  • Soil fumigant applicators must write a fumigant management plan (FMP) that outlines how the application will be made and describes plans to address problems should any arise. Custom applicators must provide growers with a copy of the FMP, which must be maintained for a period of two years.
  • Practices previously recommended to improve efficacy and reduce off-gassing are now requirements, such as proper calibration, soil tillage before application, fumigating when soil temperature and moisture levels are within the proper ranges, etc.
  • Maximum application rates are being reduced in some instances and untarped applications for some materials can no longer be made.
  • Respiratory protection requirements for those involved with fumigant application or tarp perforation or removal have been significantly expanded and include medical evaluation and fit-testing for respirator use.
  • The 48-hour “reentry interval” following soil fumigant application has been changed into a 5-day “entry restricted period.”
  • Unless trained/licensed by their state for fumigation (fumigant category), people must now take EPA Fumigant Training.  See

Additional new label requirements include the establishment and posting of restricted-entry buffer zones around application sites, among other changes.  Updates and templates of required forms are available on EPA’s website at

Site Preparation For Chemical Fumigation and Treatment Guidelines

Fumigation must be done carefully in order to be effective. Soil fumigation treatments should be planned well in advance so that the site can be prepared properly. Several rules apply to most treatments.

  1. Prepare the soil by deep plowing followed by disking. The purpose is to loosen the soil throughout what will be the crop rooting zone and to thoroughly incorporate all plant residues. Do this at least 3 weeks in advance of fumigation so that buried plant residues begin decomposing. Remove all woody or bulky accumulations of plant residues and large rocks from the site. These will foul the chisel applicators, decrease the effectiveness of the job, increase the hazard to workers who must clear them, and can cause a custom applicator to legally withdraw from a contract job.
  2. If the soil is dry one week prior to treatment, thoroughly wet down the soil to at least 6 inches deep by sprinkler irrigation. Do not attempt to fumigate soil that is too wet or too dry. At the 6- to 8-inch level, a handful of soil should not clump tightly when squeezed, but it should have enough moisture to feel cool in the hand and remain in a loose clump when it is released. Soil that feels warm to the touch or that is crumbly and dusty is too dry. Some moisture in the soil encourages weed seed germination and is necessary for the fumigant to kill nematodes and fungi. Soil that is saturated will limit movement of fumigants through soil so that some of the soil to be treated may not be exposed to the product.
  3. Soil temperatures at the time of treatment should be above 40°F at the 5- to 6-inch depth to allow for adequate volatilization of the fumigant but below 80°F to avoid too rapid an escape of the chemical. Optimal soil temperatures vary among different fumigants. Consult the label for the fumigant you are using for its specific temperature requirements.
  4. Chisel fumigants in at least 10 to 12 inches deep with the shanks set 8 to 12 inches apart for broadcast treatments over the whole planting site. Because strip or row fumigation only treats a portion of the field, less chemical is used per field acre, and it is useful for annual strawberry production systems. However, this practice is not recommended for perennial systems where treated areas could be recolonized over time.
  5. Soil should be sealed as stated on the product label. Leave treated sites undisturbed for at least 5 to 7 days.
  6. Aerate treated sites to allow any residual fumigant and ammonia (a temporary side effect of fumigation) to escape before planting. Aeration times vary with the type of material used, soil type, temperature, and moisture level. Check the label for details. At least 14 to 21 days should pass between the application of most soil fumigants and the time a crop is planted. Details are available on the manufacturer’s label. A simple lettuce quick test can be done to determine whether planting in fumigated soil is safe. Collect a soil sample from the treated field (do not go below the treated depth). Place the sample in a glass jar with a screw-on lid. Firmly press numerous seeds of a small-seeded vegetable crop (lettuce, radish, etc.) on top of the soil (moisten if necessary) and tighten the lid securely. Repeat the process in another jar with nonfumigated soil to serve as a check. Observe the jars within 1 to 2 days. If the seeds have germinated, planting in the field is safe. If the seeds have not germinated in the fumigated sample and have germinated in the nontreated sample, then the field is not safe to plant. Wait and retest.
  7. Fumigation kills most weed seeds, but it can also stimulate the germination of some species, such as Carolina geranium, velvetleaf, and morning glory. Use of chloropicrin has been shown to stimulate yellow and purple nutsedge emergence. Treat these problem weeds with herbicides before they become established.
  8. For annual plasticulture strawberries, fumigation must be completed at least 21 days before planting. The optimal planting date varies widely within the region and also depends on plant type used. Thus, fumigation may need to be completed as early as early summer in cooler areas of New England when using dormant plants or as late as early fall for warmer areas of Virginia when using plug plants. The best timing for fumigation is early fall if planting matted-row strawberries, brambles, or blueberries in the spring, as soil conditions that satisfy the specific temperature and moisture requirements of fumigants are more likely to exist in the fall. The usually wet and often prolonged cool spring conditions in the region often cause delays in fumigation attempts in the spring. If fumigation is done in the fall prior to spring planting, a winter cover crop of small grains or a permanent between-row sod cover can be seeded after aeration.
  9. Make sure to plant disease-free crops and use good management practices to avoid reintroducing pathogens.


Table 9. Fumigants and spectrums of activity
Common Name Trade Name Allowable application Methods Rate as Stated on Label* (see also next column) Conditions  Under  Which  Listed  Rate  Applies For Control Of:
          Nematodes Fungi Weeds
Metam-Sodium Vapam HL Shank, chisel, etc.; drip irrigation; solid-set irrigation, others listed 37.5-75 gal per treated acre All listed application methods yes yes yes
Comments: Water-soluble liquid that decomposes to a gaseous fumigant. Efficacy affected by soil moisture, temperature, texture, and organic matter content. May be less effective on nematodes than 1,3-D and possibly iodomethane.  VAPAM HL is phytotoxic. Protect valuable, non-target plants by stopping soil applications of this product at least three feet short of the drip line of trees, shrubs and other desirable plants.
Metam-Potassium K-Pam HL Shank, chisel, etc.; drip irrigation; solid-set irrigation, others listed 30-62 gal per treated acre All listed application methods yes yes yes
Comments: Water-soluble liquid that decomposes to a gaseous fumigant. Efficacy affected by soil moisture, temperature, texture, and organic matter content. May be less effective on nematodes than 1,3-D and possibly iodomethane.  K-PAM HL is phytotoxic. Protect valuable, non-target plants by stopping soil applications of this product at least three feet short of the drip line of trees, shrubs and other desirable plants.
1,3Dichloropropene Telone II Shank, chisel, etc. May not be applied through any type of irrigation system 27-35 gal per acre (label states product may be concentrated in the row) Annual or Perennial plantings on mineral soils yes no no
Comments: Liquid that diffuses as a gas through soil. Effective against nematodes and insects. Rates vary with soil texture; efficacy strongly affected by soil moisture and temperature.  May have some suppressive effect on Symphylans and Wireworms.
1,3Dichloropropene Telone EC May be applied only through a drip system 9-24 gal per acre broadcast equivalent Annual or Perennial plantings on mineral soils yes no no
Comments: Liquid that diffuses as a gas through soil. Effective against nematodes and insects. May have some suppressive effect on Symphylans and Wireworms.  Rates vary with soil texture; efficacy strongly affected by soil moisture and temperature. If the material is applied only to beds and not row middles, rates must be reduced proportionately. This can be calculated as follows: product rate x bed width/ row spacing. Not labelled in all New England states.

Biological Controls

Biological control is taking place in fruit crops all the time, because native and naturalized populations of natural enemies overwinter on the farm and move into crops to feed on or lay their eggs into pest insects. Predators consume several insects over the course of their development. Parasites and parasitoids tend to lay eggs in their host insect, which then feed internally, develop and kill the host. Pathogens invade the body of the host insect. The impact of beneficial insects is often underestimated because it is easy to overlook and difficult to measure. It may become obvious if they are killed by broad-spectrum insecticides and pest outbreaks occur as a result. Conservation of beneficials by use of selective insecticides when pests exceed threshold levels is recommended wherever practical.

The release of lab-reared beneficials can also aid in suppressing pests. These tend to be more successful in greenhouses than in the field, but there are several instances where releases in the field have been proven to suppress or completely control key pests. For example, Neoseiulus fallacis and Phytoseiulus persimilis are tiny mite predators that feed on pest mites such as two-spotted spider mites and European red mites. N. fallacis is indigenous to the Northeast as well as available for release from reared populations in commercial insectaries. Both have been very useful tools for New England fruit growers.

Another example involves beneficial nematodes, very small roundworms that attack soil-dwelling insects. Two in particular (Steinernema and Heterorhabditis) have been mass-reared for commercial use. These seek out and penetrate their host insects, multiply within the host and kill it. They are most likely to be effective against the soil-dwelling immature stages of susceptible hosts, such as root weevils, cutworms, white grubs, wireworms, and maggots. Nematodes require moist soil conditions to survive. Consult the Resources section in the appendices of this guide for sources of further information and suppliers of beneficial organisms.

Biorational Pesticides

Pesticides vary in their toxicity and in their potential ecological impact. Pest control materials that are relatively non-toxic to people with few environmental side effects are sometimes called “biorational” pesticides. These fit well into an IPM strategy, which relies on monitoring for early detection of pests and emphasizes the use of selective products that provide control while minimizing negative effects on beneficial insects that suppress pests. The term ‘biorational’ is a qualitative term intended to help provide information and guidance for decision making. All pesticides have some toxicity; always read and follow the label regarding agricultural use requirements and personal protective equipment. All of the pesticides listed as biorationals in the tables below carry the signal word “Caution”, the least toxic classification, on the label. None are federally restricted-use products. Most have dermal and oral LD50 values over 2,000 mg/kg.

Some, but not all, biorationals are approved for use on crops that are certified organic under the National Organic Program. For a given active ingredient, some products or formulations may be approved for use in certified organic crops, while others are not. Products that are generally approved for organic production are designated "OMRI" or "OMRI listed," which indicates they are listed on the website of the Organic Materials Review Institute ( Growers should consult with their certifying agency to be sure which products are approved for use.

Table 10 lists biorational insecticides and biological controls for insect management. Table 11 lists biorational fungicides and biological controls for disease management. The major categories of biorationals include botanicals, microbials, minerals, and synthetics.

Botanicals are plant-derived materials and include pyrethrin, azadiractin and neem oil, garlic, capsaicin, and vegetable oil. Botanicals are generally short-lived in the environment, as they are broken down rapidly in the presence of light and air. In general, these products require thorough coverage, application at the first signs of disease, and frequent repeated dosages to be effective. Products derived from the seeds of the Neem tree, including azadiractin and neem oil, are selective and have low mammalian toxicity. Garlic and capsaicin act primarily as repellents and thus need to be reapplied as long as pests are present. They are registered for use on a wide range of crops and pests. However, none are listed in this Guide for commercial use unless they carry the proper agricultural use requirements on the label. Vegetable oil may be derived from soybean, corn or other plants; the only labeled product for commercial use is produced from soybean oil. 

Microbial pesticides are formulated microorganisms or their by-products. They tend to be selective, so specific pests may be controlled with little or no effect on non-target organisms. Microbial insecticides include bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis and spinosad) and fungi (Beauvaria bassiana). While these active ingredients are generally approved for organic crops because of their natural origin, certain formulated products are prohibited because the inert ingredients or procedures used to make the product may be prohibited. Microbial pesticides are often living organisms that require specialized storage and application procedures. These include beneficial fungi and bacteria (Streptomyces, Gliocladium, Trichoderma harzianum) that compete with plant pathogenic fungi, produce toxic metabolites, or actively parasitize pathogens. Their effectiveness in University research trials has been inconsistent because of variations in environmental conditions and disease pressure. Microbial fungicides perform best in a greenhouse environment where they can establish and flourish. Control of plant pathogenic organisms on the leaf surface is especially problematic, as the competing organisms may have difficulty becoming established due to dessication and exposure to sunlight. These materials have a limited shelf life, must be protected from temperature extremes, and must be applied correctly (with plenty of water and under the correct environmental conditions) to be effective.

Minerals and synthetics. Some biorational pesticides are minerals, mined from the earth and minimally processed. Kaolin clay, insecticidal soap, and iron phosphate are examples. Minerals that are heated, chemically reacted, or mixed with surfactants may be considered synthetics. Synthetics include growth inhibitors or insect growth regulators (IGR), materials that interrupt or inhibit the life cycle of a pest.

Table 10. Biorational Insect and Mite Control Materials.
Active Ingredient Trade Name(s) Target Pests Comments
azadiractin Aza-Direct, Azatin XL,
Aphids, leafminers, thrips, whitefly, leafhopper, flies, true bugs, some beetles and caterpillars Insect growth regulator, repellent, antifeedant. Disrupts growth of immature stages. Use preventatively before outbreaks. Repeat applications may be needed. Efficacy varies.
Beauvaria bassiana
strain GHA
Mycotrol O,
BotaniGard 22WP
Aphids, whiteflies, thrips This fungus penetrates the insect cuticle, proliferates and eventually releases new spores. Best applied in evening. Use preventatively based on monitoring before pest populations are high.
Bacillus thuringiensis
subsp. kurstaki

Caterpillars, including cranberry/cherry fruitworm, blueberry sawfly, winter moth, grape berry moth, leafrollers, etc. Acts as stomach poison, must be ingested to be effective. Not all products are OMRI listed; check the label.
Bacillus thuringiensis
subsp. aizawai
Agree WG Caterpillars, including armyworms, grapeleaf skeletonizer Acts as stomach poison, must be ingested to be effective. OMRI listed.
bifenazate Acramite 50WS,
Floramite SC
Mites A long residual selective nerve poison for mite control.

Burkholderia spp.
strain A396
Venerate Caterpillars, scale insects Highly active against grape berry moth.  Make two applications 7-days apart for each generation when needed.
Grandevo and Venerate can be rotated but do not tank-mix the two products together.

Chromobacterium subtsugae
strain PRAA4-1
Grandevo Grape berry moth, mites, spotted wing drosophila suppression Early application is important for Grandevo against any of the sucking pests as the primary MOA is reduction in reproduction and typically a 7-day application interval or shorter is needed. 
Highly active against grape berry moth.  Make 2 applications 7 days apart for each generation when needed.
Grandevo WDG at 3 lb/acre + adjuvant for spotted wing drosophila.
extract of neem oil Trilogy Primarily labeled for (but not limited to) mite control Can be used to control mites. For best results use when population levels are low to prevent build-up. Repeat applications are needed. Do use on table grapes after bloom or on wine grapes after bunch closure.
potassium salts of fatty acids (insecticidal soaps) M-Pede, Des-X Aphids, leafminers, mites, thrips, whiteflies Works on contact. Can be phytotoxic to some crops, test on small plot first. Avoid treatment when plants are stressed or air temperatures are above 85˚F. May also harm some beneficials. Also active against powdery mildew. Do not use on table grapes onces they become 6-7 mm or use at lowest recommended rate (75 gal/A)
iron phosphate Sluggo Snails, slugs Bait which causes feeding to cease. Death occurs over 3-5 days. Exempt from tolerance and has a zero hour reentry interval due to low mamalian toxicity.
methoxyfenozide Intrepid Many species of caterpillar Insect Growth Regulator. Mimics molting hormone; causes premature molt and death. Labeled for Grape Berry Moth.
pyrethrin Pyganic EC,
Pyrenone Crop Spray
Many pests of fruit crops; see label. Botanical insecticide with broad-spectrum activity. Contact toxin with rapid knockdown bur short residual. Highly toxic to fish. Derived from chrysanthemum. Some formulations OMRI listed.
spinosad Entrust 2SC Caterpillars, leafminers, thrips Acts both as a contact and stomach poison. Somewhat toxic to some beneficials. Rotate with other selective biorationals to prevent the development of resistance.
spiromesifen Oberon Whiteflies and some mites Contact insecticide and miticide.
Steinernema and Heterohabditis
parasitic nematode species
Beneficial Nematodes White grubs, weevil larvae, wireworms Predatory nematodes seek out and penetrate host insects, multiply within the host and kill it. They are most likely to be effective against soil-dwelling immature stages of susceptible host insects. They require moist soil conditions to survive.
Table 11. Biorational Disease Control Materials
Active Ingredient Trade Name(s) Target Pests Comments
Acibenzolar-S-methyl Actigard 50 WG Downy mildew, Xanthomonas Plant defense activator.
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Triathlon, Double Nickel Botrytis, Alternaria, fungal leaf spots and blights, Powdery mildew Most recommendations are to mix Double Nickel with Cueva.
Bacillus pumilus strain QST 2808 Sonata Powdery mildew, rust, leaf spots  
Bacillus subtilis QST Serenade Max Botrytis, leaf spot, Anthracnose, Powdery mildew  
Calcium polysulfide Lime-Sulfur (various manufacturers) Cane and spur blights, Phomopsis, Fusicocum, overwintering inoculum of Monolinia This is a caustic compound that must be thoroughly cleaned from spray equipment to avoid damage. Some formulations are OMRI listed.
Copper hydroxide Champion WP, Champ, Nu-Cop, Kocide Botrytis, Downy mildew, Powdery mildew, Anthracnose, Phomopsis Be careful of potential phytotoxicity in some crops or cultivars; do not apply in close succession with Captan; read label carefully for cautions and restrictions.
Copper octanoate Cueva Powdery mildew, leaf spots, Anthracnose, Botrytis
Copper sulfate Cuprofix-Ultra 40 Disperss Powdery mildew, leaf spots, Anthracnose  
Harpin protein Messenger Bacterial diseases, adverse environmental conditions Plant defense activator; variable efficacy
Hydrogen dioxide Oxidate Alternaria, Phytophthora, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Anthracnose, Botrytis, Powdery mildew Kills on contact by oxidation. Will also kill beneficial organisms. Requires repeated applications.
Kaolin clay Surround WP Powdery mildew, heat stress, sunscald Creates a thin film of clay particles on the surface of treated plants. Must be rinsed off of harvested fruit if residue persists.
Laminaria digitata plant extract Vacciplant Botrytis, Anthracnose, mummyberry Plant defense activator. Start applications preventatively or when conditions for disease development become favorable. Reapply every 7 – 14 days. Under moderate to heavy disease pressure, tank mix this product with another registered fungicide.
Neem oil Trilogy
Anthracnose, Botrytis, Downy and Powdery mildew Also effective for insect and mite control. Repeat applications needed for good control.
Potassium bicarbonate Kaligreen
Alternaria, Botrytis, Downy and Powdery mildew  
Potassium phosphite ProPhyt, Phostrol Downy mildew, Phytophthora Systemic material
Mono- and dibasic sodium, potassium, and ammonium phosphites Phostrol Downy mildew, Pythium, Phytophthora Systemic material, see label for tank mix cautions
Pseudomonas fluorescens BlightBan A506 Strawberry frost protection and grape bunch rot protection
For strawberry frost protection, start application when first bloom initials emerging from crown. Repeat treatments as necessary, with a total of 2-3 applications.
As an aid to control bunch rot caused by species of Acetobacter bacteria (sour rot) in combination with Aspergillus niger and Botrytis cinerea. Apply at bloom and again prior to bunch closure.
Reynoutria sachaliensis (giant knotweed) Extract Regalia Botrytis, Anthracnose, mummyberry Plant extract to boost plants’ defense mechanisms to protect against certain fungal and bacterial diseases, and to improve plant health.
Applications need to start early.
Regalia + NuFilm P for control of mummyberry and anthracnose fruit rot.
Streptomyces lydicus Actinovate AG Powdery mildew, Botrytis  



Powdery mildew Be careful of potential phytotoxicity in some crops or cultivars; do not apply in close succession with Captan; read label carefully for cautions and restrictions.

Protecting Honeybees & Native Pollinators

Honeybees and native pollinators visit fruit crops during flowering and pollen shed. In crops such as blueberries, their activity is crucial to the success of the crop. In other crops such as grapes, bees are among many beneficial insects who seek out pollen or nectar resources as a food source, but crop yield does not depend upon their activity.  Strawberries and brambles benefit from the presence of pollinators but are also achieve some level of pollination from wind blown pollen.  Populations of honeybees and native pollinators have declined worldwide in recent years. A wide range of factors have contributed to their decline; pesticides applied to crops is one of these.

Pesticides applied to protect fruit crops can affect pollinators through multiple routes of exposure: direct contact with sprays, contact with treated surfaces, pesticide-contaminated dust or pollen particles that are collected or adhere to the body of the insect (and may be taken back to hive), and ingestion of pesticide-contaminated nectar. Decisions made by the farmer make a difference in the exposure of bees and other beneficials to lethal or sublethal levels of pesticides. While pesticides applied to crops are only one among many factors that threaten pollinators, this is one factor that growers can do something about. Taking precautions to minimize pesticide poisoning of pollinators in all crops is an important responsibility of all pesticide applicators.

Reducing pesticide injury to honey bees requires communication and cooperation between beekeepers, farmers and applicators. It is important that beekeepers understand cropping practices and pest management practices used by farmers in the vicinity of their apiaries. Likewise, insecticide applicators should be sensitive to locations of apiaries, obtain a basic understanding of honey bee behavior, and learn which materials and application practices are the most hazardous to bees. While it is unlikely that all poisonings can be avoided, a balance must be struck between the effective use of insecticides, the preservation of pollinators and the rights of all--the beekeeper, farmer and applicator. In most cases, bee poisonings can be avoided by observing the following practices.

Steps that can reduce pesticide exposure of pollinators

Timing.  Avoid applications when crop or weeds are in bloom. In crops that bloom over long periods, make applications late in the day or at night when pollinators are not foraging, and so that there is sufficient drying time before foraging begins.  Control weeds within the planting but allow for some blooming native plants in field edges and hedgerows as forage habitat when crops are not in bloom.  Take care to avoid spray drift in areas where pollinators are foraging when spraying.

Formulation. Wettable powders, dusts and microencapsulated products have a greater toxic hazard than emulsifiable concentrates (or other liquid formulation with active ingredient in solution). Products that do not have acute toxicity but could cause injury to immature bees if carried back to the hive should not be applied in particulate form; this includes insect growth regulators.

Drying time before exposure. Some products are highly toxic when wet, but much less so after the pesticide is dried. Spinosyns have this characteristic. Apply when there will be adequate drying time (usually 2-3 hours, depending on weather conditions and crop canopy) before pollinator activity. Applying these materials in the evening can help achieve good drying before pollinators become active again the following day. If temperatures following treatment are unusually low, insecticide residues can remain toxic longer than if higher temperatures prevail.

Drift. Avoid drift on non-target areas near the field where blooming plants may be located. Windspeed and application equipment both influence drift. In general, sprays should not be applied if wind speed exceeds 10 mph.

Mode of application. Soil applications reduce exposure compared to foliar applications, unless plant uptake of the active ingredient produces residues in pollen or nectar. In the case of neonicotinoids, there is evidence that foraging bees may receive sublethal doses in pollen and nectar when crops were treated with a systemic at early growth stages. This effect appears to be reduced by using lower rates and applying as early as possible, but may not be entirely eliminated by these methods. A sublethal dose may make bees more vulnerable to other stressors, or may combine with doses from contact with other treated plant material.

Acute toxicity. EPA registration includes an acute, single-dose laboratory study designed to determine the quantity of pesticide that will cause 50% mortality (LD50) in a test population of bees.

Read the label for bee hazard rating. If a pesticide is used outdoors as a foliar application, and is toxic to pollinating insects, a “Bee Hazard” warning and easily identified Bee icon is required on the label. In addition a standardized information box is also required. 

The EPA bee toxicity groupings and label statements are as follows:

High (H) Bee acute toxicity rating: LD50 = 2 micrograms/bee or less. The label has the following statement: "This product is highly toxic to bees and other pollinating insects exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds if bees or other pollinating insects are visiting the treatment area."  If the residues phrase is not present, this indicates that the pesticide does not show extended residual toxicity.
Moderate (M) Product contains any active ingredient(s) with acute LD50 of greater than 2 micrograms/bee,  but less than 11 micrograms/bee. Statement: "This product is moderately toxic to bees and other pollinating insects exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product if bees or other pollinating insects are visiting the treatment area."
Low (L) All others. No bee or pollinating insect caution required.

For an easy to use, sortable list of materials, their EPA bee toxicity ratings and synergistic effects with other materials see: 

See below, Tables 12a and 12b, for information about the hazards posed to non-target organisms by several common small fruit pesticides. 

Table 12A. Poisoning hazard to honey bees of common small fruit pesticides.
Active Ingredient
(common product names)**
DURATION OF HAZARD TO HONEYBEES (Residual Toxicity) Active Ingredient
(common product names)**
(*Baythroid, *Leverage, *Tempo)

1 day RT§
> 1 day ERT§§

(Warrior, Voliam)
> day ERT
> day ERT for encapsulated formulation
(*Brigade, *Sniper)
< 1 day RT
> 1 day ERT
(Malathion, Cythion)
2-6 hrs RT
2-5 days ERT
< 1 day RT
2-14 day ERT
(*Lannate, *Nudrin)
2 hrs RT
1.5 days ERT
(*Dursban, *Lorsban)
2 hrs RT
4-6 days ERT
2 hrs RT
1-1.5 days ERT
(Belay, Clutch)
? RT
> 5 days ERT
3-5 days ERT
Copper Sulfate + Lime
(Bordeaux Mixture)
? Pyrethrin
(Azera, Pyganic, Pyrenone)
< 2 hrs RT
(*Baythroid, *Tombstone, *Tempo)
? RT
> 1 day ERT
(Nexter, Pyramite, Sanmite)
< 2 hours RT
> 8 hrs ERT
? RT
2 days ERT
1 day ERT
(Venom, Scorpion)
? RT
39 hrs ERT
3 hrs RT
< 1 day RT
1 day ERT
(Actara, Platinum, Voliam)
7-14 days ERT
< 1 day RT
1 day ERT
(*Mustang, *Hero, *Mustang Max)
> 1 day ERT
(Admire, Brigadier, Merit, Pasada, Provado)
8 hrs RT
> 1 day ERT




2 day ERT Copper Hydroxide
(Badge, Champ, Kocide, Nu-Cop)
(Neemix, Aza-Direct, Azera)
2 hr RT Horticultural Oil
(Superior, Dormant, Summer)
< 3 hr RT
Beauvaria bassiana
(Mycotrol, Botaniguard)
? Novaluron
? Oxydemetonmethyl
< 2 hours RT
(Hot pepper wax)
? Petroleum/Paraffinic Oil
(JMS Stylet Oil)
< 3 hours RT
(Phantom, Pylon)
< 4 hr RT
> 2 day ERT
(Delegate, Radiant)
3 hour RT
(Entrust, Success)
Chromobacterium subtsugae
? Spirotetramat
  Lime Sulfur
(Lime Sulfur)
Aluminum tris O-ethyl phosphonate
(Alliette, Fosetyl-Al)
(Dithane, Gavel, Manzate, Penncozeb, Ridomil Gold MZ)
(Abound, Quadris)
(Maxim, Ridomil)


Bacillus subtilis
(Rhapsody, Serenade, Cease)
Laboratory tests suggest potential effects on bumble bees. Metaldehyde bait
Bacillus thuringiensis
(BT, Agree, Javelin, Thurcide)
(Endura, Pristine)
Calcium Polysulfide
(Lime Sulfur, Sulforix)
(Captan, Captec, Captevate)
Up to 7  day ERT for mason bees. Effects on honey bee brood in laboratory, but not in field tests. Myclobutanil
(Rally, Sonoma)
No impact on bumble bees.
(Altacore, Coragen, Grubex)
No impact on bumble bees. Neem oil
Must be ingested to be toxic.
(Bravo, Echo)

Tentatively associated with “entombed pollen”. Common contaminant of beeswax.

Oils: Cottonseed, Clove, Garlic
(Pest Out, GC-mite)
Although no PS on label, laboratory studies suggest effects on honey bee larvae, and paraquat has been associated with colony losses.
(Miltrex, Torino)
  Phosphorous acid, mono and di-potassium salts
(Fosphite, Prophyt)


(Switch, Vanguard)
No impact on bumble bees. Polyoxin D zinc salts
(Oso, Ph-D, Tavano)
Mixing with insecticides increases hazard to bees. Potassium bicarbonate
(MilStop, Greencure, Kaligreen)
No impact on bumble bees.
(Inspire, Quadrus, Revus)

Mixing with insecticides increases hazard to bees

(Propicure, Quilt, Tilt)
Mason bees more sensitive than honey bees. If mixed with lambda- cyhalothrin, may increase toxicity.
3 days ERT for bumble bees Pyraclostrobin
(Cabrio, Pristine)
(Luna, Scala)
(Rubigan, Vintage)


≺2 hours RT for alfalfa leafcutting and alkali bees. May be toxic to bumble bee larvae. Avoid direct application or spray drift to honey bee hives (per label).

No PS on label, other sources suggest ERT to bees.


Reynoutria sachaliensis

Structure and mechanism of action similar to spirodiclofen and spirotetramat, which are potentially toxic to honey bee larvae.
(Fujimite, Akari)
  Streptomyces lydicus

Possible effects on honey bees, further research needed. Short RT for alfalfa leafcutting bees and alkali bees. Short RT for bumble bees.

(various products OMRI classification varies by product)

See also lime sulfur. While most sources say sulfur poses little risk for bees, other sources suggest sulfur may cause toxicity for bees for up to a day and a half.

(Belt, Tourismo, Vetica)
Possible effects on honey bee larval development, further research needed. Tebuconazole
(Adament, Luna, Orius)
2 days ERT for bumble bees.
No impact on bumble bees. Tebufenozide


1 day ERT for bumble bees
Less toxic to bees than most other neonicotinoids. 1-2 days ERT for bumble bees.
(Onager, Savey)
≻2 hours RT for alfalfa leafcutting and alkali bees Thiophanate-methyl
Laboratory studies suggest effects on honey bee larval development, field studies needed. Triflumizole
May increase toxicity of certain neonicotinoids.
Kaolin Clay
Laboratory studies suggest effects on honey bee larval development, field studies needed.
Kresoxim methyl

Sources: 2010 New England Apple Pest Management Guide and Oregon State University Bulleting PNW591 ‘How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from Pesticides’.
§ Residual Toxicity - The length of time the residues of the product remain toxic to bees after application.
§§ Extended Residual Toxicity - Residues D are expected to cause at least 25 percent EC mortality for longer than 8 hours after F application.
a Late evening means after 6-8 PM and assumes that evening temperatures are not unusually high and that bees have stopped foraging. Late evening, night or early mornings means after 6-8 PM, and before 4-7 AM, depending on temperature. Shift time if abnormally high temperatures cause bees to start foraging earlier or continue later than ususal (5:30 AM to 8:00 PM). Few honeybees forage when springtime temperature is below 51˚F. Maximum foraging activity occurs at temperatures above 63˚F. Evening applications are generally less hazardous to bees than early morning applications.
**Where trade names are used, no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Cooperative Extension is implied. Not a complete list.
*Restricted use pesticide; pesticide applicators license required. OMRI certified for organic production

Table 12B. Toxicity of pesticides to birds, fish, bees, and beneficials.
Actara Na N H N N H
Admire M M H M S S-M
Asana N H H H M H
Aza-Direct -- H N -- -- S
Brigade/Capture M H H H M H
Confirm S H M N N N
Danitol H H H H M H
Diazinon H H H M S M
*Dibrom -- -- M -- -- --
Dipel (B.t.) N N N N N N
Entrust/Spintor H -- H S N N
Esteem -- -- N S N N
Imidan S H H S S S
Lannate H H H H M H
*Lorsban M H H M M H
Malathion M H H S -- M
M-Pede N N N S S --
Mustang Max -- H H H M H
Platinum -- M -- -- -- --
Provado M M H S S M
Sevin XLR S N H M M M
*Thionex H H S S N M
Acramite -- -- H M M S
AgriMek N N H H M --
Kanemite -- Hb -- S S S
Kelthane/Dicofolc M H N H S S
Oberon -- H -- -- -- --
Savey -- H N S S N
Vendex M M N M M H
Zeal -- -- N M S M

a N = reasonably safe (for bees, apply anytime); S = slightly toxic (for bees, apply in evening after bees have stopped foraging until early morning before they start foraging); M = moderately toxic (for bees, apply in evening after bees have stopped foraging); H = highly toxic (for bees, do not apply to blooming plants); — = insufficient data
b Toxic to invertebrate aquatic organisms such as oysters.
c Kelthane use is being discontinued. Growers may continue to use existing stocks for strawberries. VA’s 24C label for Kelthane on brambles is no longer in effect.

*Restricted use pesticide; pesticide applicators license required. OMRI certified for organic production

Weed Management General Notice

The primary goal of weed management is to optimize yield by minimizing weed competition. Weeds can reduce yields by competing with the crop for space, water, light, and nutrients. Weeds also promote pest injury by acting as alternate hosts for plant pathogens and insects, inhibiting spray penetration, and maintaining a high humidity in the crop canopy. Timely cultivation, wise use of herbicides and mulches, and not allowing weeds to go to seed are integral parts of a good weed management system. Many of the weeds found in small fruit plantings are difficult-to-control perennials that are not common in other crops. Do not expect chemicals to completely control weeds. Every herbicide does not control every weed species and the selection of a given herbicide should be made on the basis of specific weed species present in the field.

Herbicide rates listed on the product label are for broadcast applications. Reduce rates proportionally for banded or strip applications. For best results with herbicides, follow the manufacturer’s application directions regarding rates, additives, soil type, soil moisture conditions, time of year, crop age, stage of weed growth, environmental conditions, and product limitations.

It is unlawful to use any pesticide for other than the registered use. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW ALL LABEL DIRECTIONS. The user assumes all responsibilities for use inconsistent with the label on the product container.

Trade names are used for identification. No product endorsement is implied, nor is discrimination intended against similar materials not mentioned. Cooperative Extension and the participating universities make no warranty or guarantee of any kind, expressed or implied, concerning the use of these products.

Certain herbicides listed in this publication may be discontinued by the manufacturer and thus no longer available. Use of remaining stocks on dealers' shelves or farm storage is encouraged and legal provided the label directions are followed.

Herbicides - General

Herbicides are chemicals designed to control weeds. Proper rate selection, timing of application, activation, and observance of all precautions on the label must be followed to obtain optimum performance. Each herbicide controls certain weeds or families of weeds. Therefore, knowledge of the type of weed species present in the field is essential for good weed control (see the “Weeds of the Northeast” reference in the Resource Materials section). Once the weed problem is known, select the proper herbicide.

When selecting herbicides, take into account the following:

  • Restrictions on rates, timing and crops for which the herbicide is approved.
  • Degree of susceptibility of each weed to a specific herbicide.
  • Limitations and special requirements of the herbicide.

General principles for safe use:

  • Know the herbicide. Read the label.
  • Check the output of sprayer frequently.
  • Replace worn nozzles. It may be necessary to replace them several times a season if the sprayer is used constantly.
  • Avoid skips and overlapping.
  • Rinse spray equipment immediately after use. If possible, use one sprayer for herbicides and another for insecticides and fungicides.
  • Follow the Worker Protection Standards information printed on the label.

Herbicide Rate Selection

Always check the label to determine the proper rate to apply. For most soil-applied herbicides, knowledge of the type of soil and the percentage organic matter usually determines the rate. Generally, the more clay and/or organic matter present in the soil, the higher the herbicide rate necessary for good weed control. When applying herbicides to fresh mulch, use the lowest labeled rate. For postemergence herbicides, the type of weed as well as its size will usually determine the rate.

Incorporation of Herbicides

Some herbicides must be incorporated into the soil to be effective. Herbicides are incorporated because they are volatile and evaporate into the air if left on the soil surface or they will decompose when exposed to sunlight. Herbicides differ in their incorporation requirements; check the product label for the manufacturer’s requirements.

Weed Sprayer Systems

  • Select a sprayer and pump that can deliver a volume of 20 to 50 gallons per acre. Most herbicides are applied at rates of 20 to 40 gallons of water per acre. Pressures of 20 to 40 p.s.i. at the nozzle are recommended for most herbicides. Higher pressures result in finer droplets and increase the chance for more drift. Lower pressures sometimes cause uneven spray patterns.
  • Use 50-mesh screened filters for nozzles and suction lines.
  • Select 80˚ or 110˚ flat fan nozzles. Because of wear, brass tips used exclusively for applying wettable powders should not be used on more than 30 acres before being replaced. Use stainless steel or hardened stainless steel tips for longer wear. Stainless steel nozzle tips are more than twice the cost of brass tips but last about 20 times longer. Hardened stainless steel tips are only slightly more expensive than stainless steel tips but last three times longer. Ceramic nozzles are the most durable.
  • Calibrate sprayers frequently and check for wear, especially when wettable powders have been used.

Mechanical Weed Control

Cultivation is an important component of weed control in small fruits, particularly when the use of herbicides and/or mulches is to be minimized or eliminated. The timing of cultivation should be based on the stage of weed growth that your equipment is best suited to control, as well as to the stage of crop development that is most sensitive to weed pressure. In general, weeds are most effectively cultivated shortly after they germinate, and crops are most sensitive to weed pressure during their early stages of growth. Thus, cultivation is most critical early in the growing season. To get good weed control with cultivation requires use of the proper machinery, driven by a competent operator, in a timely fashion.

A variety of cultivation equipment is used by small fruit growers. These include rotovators, multivators, rolling cultivators, rotary hoes, sweep cultivators and discs, S-tine or Danish S-tine cultivators, basket weeders, finger weeders, spring-hoe and spyder weeders, and spring-tine weeders. For a full description of these cultivators, see references in resource materials section.

Stale Bed Technique

In many cases, choice of herbicides for use in newly planted small fruit crops is limited. Even when a herbicide is registered for use in the crop, certain weed species may be present which the herbicide cannot control. In many cases, it may be possible to use a method which utilizes Gramoxone, Roundup, Touchdown, Scythe or flaming. Except for cool early spring conditions, when weeds may be slow to germinate, this method, termed the stale bed technique, can mean the difference between good weed control and poor or no weed control. Here are the steps:

  • Prepare the soil for transplanting. If a soil-incorporated herbicide is used, it must be applied and incorporated at this time. The soil should have good moisture (irrigate with 1/4” of water if necessary).
  • Wait as long as possible so that weeds will germinate and emerge. Allow weed seedlings to grow to the third leaf stage, or at least to the first true leaf.
  • Flame the soil or make an application of Gramoxone, Scythe, Touchdown or Roundup (if registered for the crop) to the soil surface before transplanting. Transplant the crop and then apply any preemergence herbicide, which you would normally use, to the soil surface.

The main idea with this technique is that most of the weeds that have the potential to germinate, because of their placement in the upper 1” to 2” of the soil, will usually do so within two weeks after the soil is prepared. Adequate soil moisture and temperature (at least 50 ̊ F at a depth of 2”) must be present. Gramoxone, Roundup, Touchdown, Scythe or flaming will kill these weeds. By not redisturbing the soil any more than is absolutely necessary during the transplanting process, no new weed seeds will be brought close to the soil surface. This technique, because it reduces the number of viable weed seeds near the soil surface will also help the residual herbicide, if any, to perform better than it normally would. Finally, any cultivation which is performed should be kept extremely shallow (3/4” to 1” maximum) so as not to reposition any additional weed seeds. Note: Check the current herbicide recommendations by crop to determine if Gramoxone, Scythe, Touchdown or Roundup is registered for use in that crop.

Finally, Roundup or Touchdown can be used for control of perennial weeds, such as quackgrass and dock, during the summer or fall prior to planting. For best results, the soil should be tilled about 2 weeks after application. Rates vary considerably so check the label for directions. Control of perennial weeds in the spring will be poor. Contact herbicides, including Gramoxone, Scythe and flaming will have minimal long-term effect on perennial weeds.

Flame Weeding

Flame weeding is the killing of weeds with intense, directed heat produced by a propane burning device, either hand-held or tractor-mounted. Flaming can be used as an alternative to non-selective herbicides for stale seedbeds. This involves preparing the soil as if for planting, without actually planting the crop. Instead, weeds are allowed, even encouraged (with irrigation or row covers), to grow. Weeds are then killed. Because, like with contact herbicides, flaming kills weeds without soil disturbance, it is ideal for stale seedbeds. Some growers use hand-held units to flame just in the row, relying on cultivation for between-row weed control.

Prepared fields or beds may be flamed one or more times, depending on when weeds appear and when the crop is to be planted. Once broadleaf weeds reach the 1-3-leaf stage, they should be flamed to prevent them from growing too large. For the longest weed control effect, it is important that the final flaming be applied as late as possible or just prior to transplanting. Digging in the soil to check crop seeds for sprouting, or using a small piece of glass or row cover as an early warning system is one way to optimize the timing of flaming after direct seeding.

Flaming does not burn the weeds but “blanches” them. They will not collapse and die for several hours. There are exceptions. The growing points of grasses are usually below ground for some time and will not be affected by flaming. Purslane can take high temperatures without dying. These weeds require subsequent cultivation or hotter temperatures. When weeds are moist from rain or dew, more heat (a slower tractor or walking speed) will be necessary. Safety is a big issue with flaming. Consult with a gas professional if constructing your own flaming unit. Do not mount propane tanks intended for stationary use onto tractors. Flame against the breeze and avoid areas with dry residues or dry hedgerows. Liability concerns may hinder the use of flaming.

Soil Solarization

(Based on information in Univ. of California Pest Notes Publication 74145)

Soil solarization is a nonchemical method for controlling soilborne pests using high temperatures produced by capturing radiant energy from the sun.  The method involves heating the soil by covering it with a clear plastic tarp for 4 to 6 weeks during a hot period of the year when the soil will receive the most direct sunlight. When properly done, the top 6 inches of the soil will heat up to as high as 140°F, depending on the location. The plastic sheets allow the sun’s radiant energy to be trapped in the soil, heating the top 12 to 18 inches and killing a wide range of soilborne pests, such as weeds, pathogens, nematodes, and insects.

The effect of solarization is greatest at the surface of the soil and decreases at deeper soil depths. The maximum temperature of soil solarized in the field is usually 108° to 131°F at a depth of 2 inches and 90° to 99°F at 18 inches. Control of soil pests is usually best for organisms found in the upper 6 inches of earth. 

Soil solarization controls many of the annual and perennial weeds present in New England. However, some weed species seeds or plant parts are very sensitive to soil solarization, others are moderately resistant and require optimum conditions for control (good soil moisture, tight-fitting plastic, and high solar radiation). Solarization generally does not control perennial weeds as well as annual weeds because perennials often have deeply buried underground vegetative structures such as roots and rhizomes that may resprout. Rhizomes of bermudagrass and johnsongrass may be controlled by solarization if they are not deeply buried. Solarization alone is not effective for the control of the rhizomes of field bindweed. Control of purple and yellow nutsedge, as well as field bindweed arising from rhizomes and some clovers, can be inconsistent, even under favorable conditions.


This section addresses crop water needs during production, water quality considerations relating to the transfer of human pathogens onto fruit crops, water management for pesticide use, and groundwater contamination resulting from crop production activities.

For berry crops in general, access to 1.5 inches of water every 12–14 days during the growing season (April-October) will aid in maximum growth and fruit bud development. During fruiting, ensuring that there is adequate moisture (at least 1 inch of water per week) will enable plants to maintain fruit size and production.

Microbial Water Quality

Water has the potential to transfer plant pathogens, spoilage organisms, and human pathogens onto fruit. This section will focus on the water quality management practices that help ensure that human pathogens are not transferred onto crops as a result of water use on the farm. These same practices by-and-large limit the negative impacts of plant pathogens and spoilage microorganisms on crop output and quality. 

When thinking about the food safety risk relating to microbial water quality, agriculture water can be separated into two groups: production water and postharvest water.  Production water is water that contacts the harvestable portion of a crop and includes any water used for irrigation, crop sprays, or frost protection. Postharvest water is any water used during and after harvest and includes water used for washing fruit, commodity cooling, ice making, postharvest fungicides and wax applications, handwashing, and cleaning and sanitizing of food contact surfaces. 

Know your Water Source. Consider the source of your agricultural water and how the water will be used in order to manage potential contamination.  Here is some general information on microbial risk by water source. 

  • Surface water, including rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, and any other water source that is open to the environment, carries the highest microbial risk. Water quality from surface water can vary greatly between sites and over time.  Some contamination risks include animal impacts (such as from nearby livestock operations and animal intrusion) and other users of the water system.  
  • Ground water, or well water, poses less risk than surface water for agricultural uses, however, hazards such as cracked well casings and leaky septic systems increase the risk that ground water can become contaminated. 
  • Public water supplies are monitored and treated by municipalities and therefore pose the least risk, although water still may become contaminated within your distribution system. You can obtain water quality test results from the public utility supplier.  

Water Quality Standards and Risk Reduction Practices. It is important to test ground and surface water for generic E. coli (an indicator of fecal contamination) to get a measure of its microbial quality. These tests in conjunction with a risk assessment should be used to determine appropriate water use practices and risk reduction strategies. 

Post-harvest water:  

  • Do not use untreated surface water for postharvest applications. 
  • Ground water used for postharvest application should have no detectable generic E. coli
  • Assess your distribution system from your source to the use point (hose nozzle) for potential contamination risks and clean out the distribution system at least annually.

Wash or Rinse Water: Small fruit crops are typically not washed as part of postharvest activities (See ‘Postharvest’ handling section). If for some reason, fruit is rinsed or washed, use single-pass water (e.g. spray from a hose, spray bar in conveyor) instead of recirculated or batch water (e.g., from a recirculating conveyor or dunk tank).  

Pre-Harvest or Production Water: 

  • Test ground and surface water for generic E. coli (an indicator of fecal contamination) to get a measure of its microbial quality.  There is currently no specific microbial standard set for pre-harvest water regardless of source.  Aim to keep E. coli levels as low as possible, look for spikes and trends in test results to identify increased risks of fecal contamination, and address those risks.  Use the information in conjunction with other risk assessment factors to determine appropriate use patterns.  
  • Conduct a risk assessment that includes information on the following factors: water system (source and nature of distribution and contamination risks), use practices, types of crop, and environmental factors (sun exposure (UV). 
  • Keep potentially high-risk water from contacting the harvestable portion of a crop.  You can do this by switching from overhead irrigation to drip irrigation. 
  • Lengthen time interval between direct application of water and harvest in order to allow time for microbial die-off.  
  • If possible (and relevant to your farm), shift use of high-risk water from use on fruit crops to crops not typically eaten raw (e.g. sweet corn or potatoes). 

It is generally recommended to test your water when you are likely to see an increase in bacterial levels and when you are using the water for agriculture activities.  Late spring and summer can be a good time to test your water, since contamination with coliform bacteria (such as E. coli) is most likely to show up during wet or warmer weather.  It is important to understand that the sample you collect is just a “snapshot” of the water quality and that trend information is the most helpful for making water use decisions. 

In addition, it is important to follow federal and state guidelines relating to agricultural water quality standards and testing.  See the ‘Produce Safety’ section for information on the Produce Safety Rule. 

Water Quality Test Procedures. Follow these procedures when collecting your water sample.  These steps should apply to all samples regardless of the lab used for analysis.

  • Sample Location: The location of the sample will depend on whether you are trying to understand the water quality of the water source or the distribution system. Here are some general guidelines to follow for testing different water sources and the distribution system.  
    • Ground Water Source (Wells): Take the sample from the tap or spigot closest to the source (pump head).
    • Surface Water Source:  Take the water sample from a location that most accurately represents the water that is used on produce. For example, if you pump irrigation water out of a river or pond, collect the water sample as close as possible to the intake pipe located in the water source. 
    • Distribution System: If you use equipment that may reduce risk (e.g., a filter) or introduce risk (e.g., pipes with dead legs) or you just want to test the effect of the distribution system on the water quality, test at the end of the line (e.g., nozzle of a hose, or irrigation spigot) as well as at the source.
  • Flush the line: For testing a well or somewhere along the distribution line, turn the spigot on and let the water run for at least 30 seconds or until the water sitting in the line between uses exits the system. 
  • Collect the sample using aseptic methods: Obtain a sterile container from the testing lab (closed and sealed). Open the container using clean hands (single use gloves can be worn for added protection), fill the container from the collection site (at least 100 ml of water), and close the container without touching the inside of the container or inside of the top. You only want to allow the sample water to touch the inside of the container. You do not want to allow microorganisms from other sources into the container.   
  • Put the sample on Ice: The sample must be held on ice, or otherwise maintained at below 50 °F (10 °C).  Do not freeze the sample.  One way to do this is to put the sample container in a sealed plastic bag and then place this bag into a larger plastic bag containing ice. 
  • Delivery Time: Transport the sample to the lab in under 6 hours. 

Water Quality Test Labs. Use this interactive map to find lab locations in New England that will analyze your agricultural water sample.  Make sure you call ahead to the lab that you are planning to use even if you have worked with this lab in the past. Confirm the following items: 

  • The lab tests for generic E. coli and uses an analytical method approved by the FDA for this purpose
  • Type of collection container (lab should provide sealed sterile bottle),
  • Directions on sample collection, transport, and preparation (including sample documentation)
  • Time from sample collection to arrival at the lab (less than 6 hours), and 
  • Ensure the sample can be analyzed when you drop it off. 

Water Management and Pesticides

The quality of water used when applying pesticides can impact pesticide efficacy. For example, organic matter in water can bind with some pesticides or clog nozzles.  The pH of the water in your tank mix can also affect the efficacy of some pesticides. Insecticides, in particular, have a tendency to break down (hydrolyze) rapidly in alkaline water. Water pH can vary, depending on the source, from 5 to 9.5. Neutral water has a pH of 7, while alkaline water is higher than 7. If your water pH is much higher than 8, you may want to consider using an acidifying agent such as vinegar to lower the pH in the tank. Many of the pH-sensitive pesticides have acidifying agents in the formulation that moderate the effect of alkaline water. However, growers who suspect a pH problem should have their water tested. This can be done on the farm with pH test kits.

Groundwater Protection

There is considerable public concern about water quality, and agriculture is coming under increasing scrutiny regarding practices that can affect water quality. 

Pesticide and Fertilizer Impact on Water Quality

Many pesticides and fertilizers are soluble in water and can leach through the soil to contaminate underlying groundwater. Several factors affect the movement of chemicals in the soil and their likelihood of reaching groundwater. Consideration of these factors can minimize the threat to groundwater.

Adsorption is the binding of a chemical to the surfaces of soil particles and organic matter. Some chemicals are tightly adsorbed and do not easily leach from soils.

Persistence refers to the amount of time a chemical will stay in the environment before being broken down into nontoxic substances. The rate of breakdown is affected by sunlight, temperature, soil pH, moisture and microbial activity. Pesticide persistence is measured in terms of half-life which is the length of time needed for one-half of the amount applied to break down. Persistent chemicals break down slowly, increasing the chance for them to leach from the soil. Conversely, short-lived materials may be degraded before significant leaching occurs. Many pesticides are broken down by sunlight (photodegradation) and/or microbial action. Incorporation of pesticides into the soil reduces or eliminates photodegradation. As depth in the soil increases, there is less microbial degradation. Any practice that slows degradation increases persistence and the likelihood of leaching. Generally, foliar applied materials are more likely to break down before significant leaching occurs than those that are applied to the soil.

Pesticide Characteristics: Solubility is very important in the leaching of a pesticide. Chemicals that are highly soluble in water are easily leached as water moves downward. If practical, use the least soluble material at the lowest effective rate.

Soil Characteristics: Soil texture and organic matter greatly influence the movement of pesticides and fertilizers. Fine-textured soils and those with high amounts of organic matter are highly adsorptive, whereas sandy soils low in organic matter are not. Highly permeable soils with permeable underlying layers allow for rapid downward movement of water and dissolved chemicals. Know your soils and apply chemicals accordingly.

Water Table: High water tables are especially vulnerable to contamination because little time is required for chemicals to reach groundwater.

Fertilizers: Nitrogen (N) in the nitrate form is highly soluble, persistent and not adsorbed to soil particles. Nitrate N is not only leachable but is recognized as a health threat at concentrations above 10 ppm in drinking water. Infants are most susceptible to nitrate in drinking water. The ammonium form of N is adsorbed by soil particles and is less subject to leaching. However, ammonium N is converted to nitrate N in the soil, and this can occur quite rapidly. Note that urea, a common form of fertilizer N, is converted in the soil to ammonium and then to nitrate.

Appropriate management practices can reduce the likelihood of nitrate leaching. Any time large amounts of N are applied, significant leaching can occur if there is heavy rain. By applying some of the needed N at planting and the rest during one or more topdressings, you can avoid having large amounts of nitrate present at any one time. Not only can this reduce leaching, it can improve production by providing N during periods of greatest crop uptake.

Nitrogen left over in the soil at the end of the season is highly subject to leaching. A cover crop should be planted to take up unused N. The N will again become available for future crops as the cover crop breaks down.

Postharvest Water Discharge

Discharge of wash pack area water is regulated differently in each state. Wash water may be of variable microbial quality and also may contain antimicrobial pesticides (sanitizers for cleaning and sanitizing or in produce wash water).  Consider the area around your wash and pack shed (or outside area) and think about where it would be appropriate to discharge wash water.  Direct discharge away from food crop production areas, avoid areas with human or vehicle traffic, and do not discharge directly into any bodies of water. Be sure to check with your local and state regulatory authorities to ensure your water discharge plan is appropriate. If you are using antimicrobial pesticides, follow the label directions for water discharge (many labels do not contain this information).

Worker Protection Standard

Pesticides can be useful tools for farmers.  However, applicators, family members and workers can be harmed due to improper storage and use of pesticides. 

For this reason, the EPA has developed the Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for Pesticides (US EPA regulation, 40 CFR Part 170).  The WPS applies to all pesticides that are used in the production of agricultural plants on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses.  This includes general use pesticides including those allowed in organic production (OMRI-approved), as well as restricted-use pesticides.  Also, even if a pesticide license is not required, employees and handlers must still receive education in and comply with the WPS.

The WPS requires the owner or employer to take steps to reduce the risk of pesticide-related illness and injury: 1) if pesticides are used on the farm or 2) workers or pesticide handlers are employed who may be exposed to such pesticides.

You will know a pesticide product is covered by the WPS if you see the following statement in the "Directions for Use" section of the pesticide labeling:

Agricultural Use Requirements

Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR Part 170. This standard contains requirements for the protection of agricultural workers on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses, and handlers of agricultural pesticides. It contains requirements for training, decontamination, notification, and emergency assistance. It also contains specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment, notification of workers, and restricted-entry intervals.

The primary WPS resource is the How to Comply manual (, developed by EPA.  The manual is available from your State Lead Agency (SLA), pesticide education office of the Cooperative Extension Service, the EPA Region 1 office and EPA's National Agricultural Compliance Assistance Center.  Every agricultural producer should have a copy of the EPA How to Comply manual.

Key Elements of the Worker Protection Standard

The following is a brief summary of the major elements of the WPS. Producers should refer to the manual for complete details and explanations of the requirements of the Worker Protection Standard.

Information and Education. To ensure employees will be informed about exposure to pesticides, the WPS requires:

  • Annual pesticide safety training for workers and handlers,
  • Pesticide safety poster to be displayed for workers and handlers
  • Access to labels and material safety data sheets for pesticide handlers and early-entry workers
  • Access to specific information in a centrally-located Application List of pesticide treatments on the establishment

Protection. To ensure employees will be protected from exposures to pesticides, the WPS requires employers to:

  • Prohibit handlers from applying a pesticide in a way that will expose workers or other persons
  • Exclude workers from areas being treated with pesticides
  • Exclude workers from areas that remain under a restricted entry interval (REI) with narrow exceptions
  • Protect early-entry workers who are doing permitted tasks in treated areas during an REI requirements include special instructions and duties related to correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Notify workers about treated areas so they can avoid inadvertent exposures
  • Protect handlers during handling tasks. Requirements include monitoring while handling highly toxic pesticides and duties related to correct use of PPE.

Mitigation. To mitigate exposures that employees receive, the WPS requires:

  • Decontamination sites that provide handlers and workers an ample supply of water, soap and towels for routine washing and emergency decontamination,
  • Emergency assistance that provides transportation to a medical care facility if an agricultural worker or handler may have been poisoned or injured by a pesticide and providing information about the pesticide(s) to which the person may have been exposed.

Agricultural Owner Exemptions. Even if you are the owner of the farm, forest, nursery, or greenhouse and you or members of your family do all the work there, you are a "WPS employer."  You must comply with SOME of the WPS requirements, such as adhering to restricted entry intervals, personal protective equipment (PPE) and ALL the specific requirements listed in the pesticide labeling.  If you hire commercial handlers, certain information must be given from you (the operator) to the commercial handler employer.

  • Specific location and description of any areas that may be treated with a pesticide or be under an REI while handler is there, or that the commercial handlers may be in (or walk within 1/4 mile of),
  • Restrictions on entering those areas.

Crop Advisors. The WPS requires employers to provide certain protections to their employees who are working as crop advisors. Examples of crop advisors are crop consultants, scouts, and integrated pest management monitors. An independent or commercial crop advisor is any person working as a crop advisor who is employed (including self-employed) by anyone other than the agricultural establishment on which the work is being done. Certain provisions of the WPS apply to crop advisors depending on when the advisor is on the farm and when the pesticide has been applied.

Commercial Handlers. Employers of commercial handlers must make sure that their customer the operator of the farm, forest, nursery or greenhouse, knows certain information such as: specific location and description of the area treated with the pesticide, time and date pesticide is to be applied, product name, EPA registration number, active ingredient(s), REI for the pesticide, whether the labeling requires treated area posting and oral notification and any other specific requirements on the pesticide labeling concerning protection of workers and other persons during or after application.

For more information on the WPS, contact your Cooperative Extension Pesticide Safety Education Coordinator, SLA or EPA Region 1 office.  See also the web site for WPS:


Produce Safety

Fruit crops may be contaminated with various food safety hazards during growing, harvest, postharvest handling, and distribution. Cultural practices to reduce the likelihood of these hazards affecting human health are best integrated directly into day-to-day production practices. Hazards can be physical (choking hazards from sticks or rocks), chemical (pesticide residues that exceed tolerance levels), or biological (illness causing microorganisms).  

Good agricultural practices, or GAPs, are practices that are effective in reducing food safety hazards during all stages of production. This section will primarily focus on the cultural practices that prevent human pathogen hazards (biological) from being transferred onto fruit crops. Implementing cultural practices to prevent physical and chemical hazards from occurring is also important and was either handled in other sections (e.g. appropriate pesticide use) or will be briefly discussed in this section. 

In the case of human pathogen hazards (e.g. viruses, bacteria and parasites), contamination can occur through direct contact with contaminated water, soil, containers, equipment, or employees. Fresh fruit is frequently eaten raw and so preventing crops from coming into contact with these organisms is the best way to prevent foodborne illness from occurring.  

Federal and state regulations now require certain standards for the growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of produce for human consumption. These standards known as the Produce Safety Rule also focus on microbiological hazards (pathogens) and align with the widely recognized Good Agricultural Practices noted above.  The New England state agriculture agencies listed below implement the Produce Safety Rule requirements.  Refer to the FDA’s Final Rule on Produce Safety and contact your state Extension or responsible regulatory agency for more information on the specific requirements or to find out whether your farm is subject to these standards. 

ConnecticutConnecticut Department of Agriculture

MaineMaine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry

MassachusettsMassachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources

New HampshireNew Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food

Rhode IslandRhode Island Department of Health

VermontVermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets

Efforts to prevent contamination of fruit from microbiological hazards focus on the following Good Agricultural Practices. 

Employee Hygiene and Training

Teach employees about microbial risks on the farm and the importance of good hygiene. Provide and maintain clean restrooms in or near the field and in food handling areas. Supply soap, clean water and single-use towels for hand washing and enforce their use.  Make sure policies are understood, and if necessary, deliver trainings in workers’ native languages. Model good behavior and the standards and expectations you have for employees.

Educate employees with the information they need for their particular job regarding good agricultural practices.  An employee who only harvests berries will need different information than an employee who works full time in the wash/pack area. Ensure that employees know how to identify potentially contaminated fruit or food contact surfaces (do not harvest berries with feces or that have dropped to the ground) and know what to do if produce becomes contaminated or if they or another employee is sick.

Harvest / Postharvest Handling and  Sanitation 

Check that all harvest containers are clean and in good repair.  Clean and sanitize harvest bins prior to the harvest season and clean bins regularly during harvest. Only use single-use containers once. Ensure that all food contact surfaces, the wash-pack area, and storage area are kept clean and organized so that they don’t become an area that harbors pathogens that could be transferred to fruit. 

Keep produce handling areas separate from other farm activities such as tractor repairs, pesticide mixing, or employee break areas. Do not store sanitizers and other chemicals where they could contaminate produce.  Bacteria survive and grow in water, so allow equipment to dry and minimize standing water with good drainage and/or by routinely clearing pooled water. If the packing area is outside, be sure that the area drains well. A gravel pad can help with drainage and soil splash. Keep pests from entering produce wash, pack, and storage areas and establish a pest management program, if necessary. 

In addition to general cleanliness, it is important to know how to clean and, when necessary, sanitize tools, equipment, and surfaces effectively. While cleaning and sanitizing should be focused on food contact surfaces—any surface that comes into physical contact with produce—you should also clean “secondary” surfaces that may indirectly contact food or food contact surfaces. Cleaning and sanitizing refer to separate actions. Cleaning is the physical removal of dirt and organic matter from surfaces, using water and a detergent. Sanitizing is the treatment of a cleaned surface to reduce bacterial pathogens to a level considered safe as judged by public health entities. A dirty surface cannot be sanitized—cleaning always comes first. 

Promote Good Hygiene for U-Pick Customers

Provide clean and convenient restrooms for all U-pick customers. Supply soap, clean water, and single-use towels and encourage their use. Discourage visitors from coming to your farm when they are sick. 

Keep Produce Cool 

Cool fruit quickly to minimize growth of potential pathogens. See Postharvest Handling and Storage for practices that help to maintain good quality; these same practices will also minimize human pathogen growth and transfer. 

Soil Amendments

Food safety risks regarding soil amendments generally involve raw manure, or other untreated animal-based soil amendments. All animal-based soil amendments can contain pathogenic microorganisms if they are not processed in a way that kills such pathogens. If you use composted manure on your farm, you need to ensure that the manure is composted correctly and fully. Otherwise, it should be used as raw manure.

In the fall, if applying manure to land in food production, do so preferably when soils are warm (over 50ºF), non-saturated, and cover-cropped. The rest of the year, incorporate manure whenever possible. Maximize the time between application of manure and harvest—a good guideline is the USDA National Organic Program standard of a 90-day interval for crops that do not touch the soil and 120 days for crops that do. Keep records of all manure and fertilizer application rates, source, and dates. Avoid planting root or leafy crops if manure is applied in spring. 

Never side-dress food crops with fresh solid manure, slurry manure, manure 'tea' or any mulches containing fresh manure. However, it is ok to side-dress with stabilized compost. 

A stabilized compost is one that has followed a biological treatment process to meet microbial standards for detectable amounts of bacteria (including Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., fecal coliforms, and E. coli 0157:H7).  FDA has validated both a turned and static composting treatment process. If these processes are followed there is no need to test the compost for microbial organisms.  If you do not have records or certification that compost was properly treated to control pathogens, handle it like raw manure and observe the suggested 90-120 day application interval. 

Wildlife, Domesticated Animals, & Land Use

Animals on fruit farms can pose food safety concerns because they can carry certain human pathogens (e.g., Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli) and can spread those pathogens through fecal matter directly to produce in fields, or indirectly through water sources. Avoid grazing or housing livestock near produce fields and keep pets out of production areas. Assess risks posed by livestock on adjacent land and also review the land history for prior use and possible applications of sludge. Note: Sludge can be a potential source of environmental contaminants (such as PFAS and other chemical hazards) as well as a source of microbiological contamination. 

It is impossible to exclude all wildlife from produce fields but minimize wild and domestic animal traffic by use of fences and other means. Consider berms to prevent runoff entering a produce field. Have a plan for how you will manage contamination when it happens. Never harvest produce that is contaminated with animal feces or from flood waters. 

Agriculture Water

Only use water of adequate microbial quality during production and postharvest activities. See the Water section for more information on agriculture water quality.      

Farm Food Safety Plans 

Accurate recordkeeping and documentation of practices ensure that the risk management strategies described above are done consistently and effectively. There are many recordkeeping templates available through resources such as the Produce Safety Alliance or Extension programs. A farm food safety plan helps growers compile relevant food safety documents such as risk assessments, standard operating procedures, training information and record keeping logs.  A food safety plan may also be required by buyers or third-party audit programs. 

Traceability Program

A traceability program allows supply chain entities to trace produce one step forward and one step back within the distribution chain in order to quickly respond in the case of a foodborne illness incident.  For growers, tracking produce requires defining a “lot” (distinct production of a crop) and creating a code for identifying that lot. Lot codes should be a unique code and would typically include the following information: farm, crop and variety name, field or harvested block, and the harvest and packing date. This code helps identify a particular lot once it has been sold.

The FDA’s Food Traceability Final Rule requires that supply chain entities keep traceability records for designated foods. Small fruit (berries) are not a designated food and thus growers of these crops are not subject to the requirements. 


Risk Management

Crop Insurance/Risk Management Information for Fruit Growers

The role of the USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) is to help farmers manage their business risks through effective, market-based risk management solutions.  As part of this mission RMA, through the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC), provides crop insurance to producers.  Fifteen private-sector insurance companies (commonly referred to as reinsurance companies) sell and service the policies. RMA develops and/or approves the premium rate, administers premium and expense subsidies, approves and supports products, and reinsures the companies.

Crop and revenue insurance are important risk management tools available to farmers.  The New England states have been identified as “underserved states” by RMA, primarily because the region’s farmers have not been significant users of crop insurance products. RMA, in collaboration with New England Land Grant Universities, State Departments of Agriculture and private industry associations, have been reaching out to growers and agricultural professionals to make them aware of the opportunities, as well as the limitations, of crop and revenue insurance policies.  The results of these efforts have led to improved farmer understanding and use of crop and revenue insurance products.

RMA continuously reviews and modifies insurance policies to better suit the particular needs of the region’s growers.  New England fruit growers who grow apples, blueberries, cranberries, grapes and peaches know the value of coverage for those crops.  Other crops can be covered as components of a whole farm revenue policy under the Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) policy.  Coverage under WFRP is based on total farm revenue, not production levels of individual insured crops.  WRFP is available in all counties in the country.

An important point to keep in mind is that coverage availability for individual crops varies by state and county.  Please check the RMA website or an authorized crop insurance sales agent to see which crops are available in your county.

If you grow a crop that is not covered by Federal crop insurance in your county you still have two options to obtain coverage on those crops.  1) Contact an authorized crop insurance sales agent to see if you could obtain coverage on the crop(s) under a "Written Agreement".  Even if an individual crop is not listed as an insured crop in your county, producers may request crop insurance coverage through a process called a “Written Agreement”.  A “Written Agreement” is a process completed by an authorized crop insurance sales agent that applies for coverage using actuarial data and prices for crops covered in other counties; or 2) The USDA-Farm Service Agency (FSA) administers the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) which was developed to provide a basic level of coverage for non-insured crops in a county.

NAP offers catastrophic (CAT) coverage on losses over 50% of the producer's approved yield and losses are paid at 55% of the approved market price for the county.  Rather than paying an insurance premium for CAT coverage, producers have paid a service fee of $250/crop with a maximum of $750/county for CAT coverage.   Under provisions of the 2018 Farm Bill, the service fee will increase beginning in the 2020 crop year to $325/crop with a maximum of $825/county for CAT coverage.  The 2014 Farm Bill expanded NAP coverage to offer producers of noninsured crops “Buy-Up” coverage.  Under “Buy-Up” coverage a producer can elect coverage levels from 50 - 65% (in 5% increments) of the producer’s approved historical yield and losses are paid at 100% of the approved market price for the county.  The fee for “Buy-Up” coverage is a service fee of $250 (increasing to $325 in the 2020 crop year) plus a formula calculated by multiplying the acres of the crop times the producer’s historical yield for the crop times the coverage level times 5.25%.  Beginning, limited resource and traditionally underserved farmers are eligible for a waiver of the service fee plus a 50% reduction on the additional cost of “Buy-Up” coverage.  The 2018 Farm Bill has permanently authorized “Buy-Up” coverage under NAP.  Producers are encouraged to contact their local USDA-FSA Office for more information including sales closing deadlines for NAP.

For more information about RMA, crop insurance policies and risk management strategies go to the RMA website at  Specific information about polices for each New England State can be found under “Field Offices, Regional Office State Directory.” You can locate a crop insurance agent online at  Keep in mind that crop insurance agents are not employees of RMA or FCIC, rather, they are employed/contracted by private reinsurance companies.  Crop insurance agents are the professionals with on-the-ground experience and knowledge of what works and what doesn’t for a particular situation.  Part of the effort to improve service in New England includes increased communications with well-informed agents.  Your unique scenarios will help this to happen, whether or not you actually purchase coverage.

Is now the time to be covered by crop insurance?  Let’s consider a few important factors which may help you decide:

  • The volatility of farm income has increased significantly in recent years. Environmental and economic conditions have let to greater variability and uncertainty in farm sales and profits.
  • There has been a trend away from funding historical “ad hoc disaster programs” that have at times provided direct financial assistance to producers where losses have been catastrophic. Congress has been under constant pressure to share the management of risk with the farmer.
  • Lenders see crop insurance as a means to reduce their risk exposure, improving a farmer’s eligibility as well as an opportunity to secure better loan terms.
  • Crop and revenue insurance can be a very good value if the coverage fits your needs.  Due to significant ongoing subsidies from the Federal Government, farmers do not pay for the full cost of coverage.  Under Federal Crop Insurance policies, the Federal Government subsidizes from 38 to 75 percent of the premium cost depending on the crop, type of policy and the coverage level selected by the grower, making crop insurance affordable to fruit growers.  

The Big Five: Types of Agricultural Risk

As you think about managing risk to stabilize farm income, there are five basic sources of agricultural risk that you should consider - production, marketing, financial, legal, and human resource management risks. There are different tools and strategies you can use to manage each of these risks.

1) Production Risks

Production risks relate to the possibility that your yield or output levels will be lower than anticipated.  Major sources of production risks arise from inclement weather conditions (such as drought, freezes, or excessive rainfall at harvest), but may also result from damage due to insect pests and disease.

Tools and Strategies:

  • Follow recommended production practices.
  • Diversify enterprises by growing different crops and varieties.
  • Expand production or plant excess acreage.
  • Purchase multi-peril crop insurance coverage to stabilize income.
  • Adopt appropriate technology such as drip irrigation, tile drainage, or resistant varieties.
  • Consider site selection - use or rent acreage less susceptible to specific pests or frost.
  • Maintain equipment and keep facilities in good working condition.

2) Marketing/Price Risks

Marketing risks relate to the possibility that you will lose the market for your products or that the price received will be less than expected. Common sources of marketing risk include lower prices due to increased supply or decreased consumer demand; loss of market access due to the relocation or closing of a processor or other buyer; and, lack of marketing power due to the small size of farm sellers relative to others in the market.

Tools and Strategies:

  • Develop a marketing plan with realistic sales forecasts and target prices.
  • Form or join a marketing cooperative to enhance prices and guarantee a market.
  • Increase direct marketing efforts to capture a higher price.
  • Market through multiple channels or outlets to reduce reliance on a single market.
  • Enter into sales or price contracts with buyers.
  • Spread harvest and sales over the season by scheduling planting and considering storage options.
  • Conduct basic market research - survey your customers.

3) Financial Risks

Financial risks relate to the possibility of having insufficient cash to meet expected obligations, lower than expected profits, and loss of net worth.  Sources of financial risk commonly result from the production and marketing risks described earlier.  In addition financial risks may also be caused by increases in key input costs, increases in interest rates, excessive borrowing, lack of adequate cash or credit reserves, and changes in exchange rates.

Tools and Strategies:

  • Develop a comprehensive business plan identifying mission, objectives and goals.
  • Monitor financial ratios and benchmarks related to liquidity, solvency and profitability.
  • Control key farm expenses.
  • Conduct a trend analysis to assess what’s happening with farm income and net worth over time.
  • Purchase whole farm revenue insurance, such as AGR or AGR-Lite, to provide a safety net.
  • Communicate with suppliers and lenders to review and renegotiate exiting contracts and loan terms.
  • Consider leasing and rental options rather than purchasing machinery, equipment or land.
  • Evaluate the possibility of business expansion (getting larger) or contraction (reducing size).
  • Control or defer unnecessary family and household expenditures.
  • Find off-farm employment for a family member, preferably a job with benefits such health insurance, group life insurance, and a retirement program.
  • Use non-farm investments such as IRAs or mutual funds to diversify your asset portfolio.

4) Legal and Environmental Risks

 In part, legal risks relate to fulfilling business agreements and contracts. Another major source of legal risk is tort liability, i.e., causing injury to another person or property due to negligence.  Legal risk is also related to environmental liability and concerns about water quality, erosion and pesticide use.

 Tools and Strategies:

  • Review business insurance policies and be certain to carry sufficient liability coverage.
  • Evaluate your choice of business legal structure; a sole proprietorship is not always the best business organization.
  • Understand business contracts and agreements; ask questions if you are unsure.
  • Take time to develop good relationships with neighbors and address their concerns.
  • Use good agricultural practices to limit environmental risk.
  • Know and follow State and Federal regulations related to your farming operation.

5) Human Resource Management Risks

Human resource risks pertain to risks associated with individuals and their relationships to each other, their families and the farm business. Sources of human resource risk include the three D’s: divorce, death, or disability of a business owner, manager, employee or family member.  It also includes risks arising from poor communications and people-management practices.

Tools and Strategies:

  • Develop and practice good “people skills” for family as well as employees.
  • Evaluate alternative sources of labor.
  • Provide adequate training for employees, formalized programs may help your safety record as well as improve performance.
  • Communicate with employees and family members.
  • Recognize and reward good performance.
  • Review estate and business transfer plans to help insure the farm continues.
  • Consider long-term care and life insurance needs.
Managing risk starts with identifying the most crucial risks you face; understanding the potential impacts and likelihood of undesirable outcomes; and, identifying and taking possible steps to mitigate or lessen the impacts.  It’s unlikely any one person understands all the areas of risk a farming operation faces.  If you don’t know the answer or find it difficult to initiate risk management planning on your own, seek assistance.

Originally written by Michael Sciabarrasi, Extension Professor, Agricultural Business Management, UNH Cooperative Extension and updated by Tom Smiarowski, Extension Educator, Crop Insurance/Risk Management Education, UMass Extension. Adapted from version appearing in prior edition.  This information is provided by The United States Department of Agriculture's Risk Management Agency (RMA), in cooperation with the Extension programs of the New England states.

Post Harvest Handling and Storage


  • Berries are highly perishable and high value crops with high respiration rates.
  • Sensitive to bruising and other mechanical damage.
  • Precooling with forced air cooling is important for getting to storage temperature (~32oF) quickly.
  • Need to maintain high humidity (>90% RH, but avoid liquid water from, e.g., condensation.)
  • Postharvest is a hotel, not a hospital: Nothing improves with storage and distribution, especially not berries.
  • Consider intentional air movement and exchange for ethylene management.


This will focus on strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. A key principle when considering postharvest operations is that berries are still alive even after they’ve been harvested. The main process of life is respiration; converting glucose to carbon dioxide and water vapor. This results in heat production as well. Meanwhile, berries are dying. Ethylene, a naturally occurring ripening hormone, is being produced and along with bruising, other physiological disorders and postharvest pathogens, will eventually lead to decay.

The storage of berries demands precooling to storage temperature as quickly as possible. There is a need for high humidity, but not liquid water or condensation. It may also be possible to achieve higher quality for longer periods by providing air exchange in storage to remove ethylene.


Postharvest handling of berries aims to minimize the number of times the fruit is handled. Fruit is generally field packed in pint or quart punnets or even clam shell containers when destined for retail markets.  Wholesale or processing harvest may be handled differently. Packing containers are ideally new, clean, sturdy and ventilated to allow for precooling and air exchange. Bruising is controlled by keeping the stacked level of fruit to a minimum (some say no more than 3 berries high). Flats and lugs can be used to safely move and stack multiple punnets for efficient handling and cooling.


Forced air cooling (FAC) is the industry standard for rapid reduction of temperature following harvest.  The lower the temperature the lower the respiration rate.  For every 10oF reduction in temperature, the respiration rate is generally reduced by 50%. The lower the respiration rate, the lower the rate of sugar conversion and longer the berry quality will be maintained. FAC draws cold room air over the product with an intentional flow path by using punnets and lugs or flats designed with ventilation holes for the purpose.  A tarp and blocking sheets are used to prevent bypass flow through pallet holes and other larger areas. The key mechanism by which FAC works is convective cooling; the rate of heat transfer from the berries to the air is increased due to air velocity. Air distribution is important which is the reason for drawing air through the stacks by suction instead of pushing air through by pressure. Larger enterprises may have need for a dedicated precooling room, although a shared cooler can be used for the purpose by employing a dedicated air plenum and fan. Designs of forced air coolers for 1-3 cartons, half pallets, or full pallets can be found at the following link:

Control of humidity in the precooling environment is important.  Humidity is the amount of water vapor in air. If humidity is too low, berries will suffer from weight loss, shrivel and discoloration. If humidity is too high, condensation can occur on colder surfaces leading to liquid water and postharvest diseases.


Berries are ideally stored near 32oF with high humidity >90% RH. They tend to not be sensitive to chilling injury or freezing injury and can tolerate even 30-31oF air temperatures due to their high respiration rates and sugar content. Many northeast growers avoid berry storage by growing for immediate sale and picking directly for market. However, storage for multiple days is possible under the right conditions (see Table 1).

Ethylene is a naturally occurring ripening hormone that is an especially important consideration. Berries have relatively high respiration rates (heat producing) and also generally high ethylene production rates.  In berries, the production of ethylene has been linked with Botrytis cinerea. The easiest way to reduce ethylene is to provide air exchanges in the storage area.  This does present a challenge for maintaining high humidity in drier conditions.

The control of humidity is best handled by ensuring the refrigeration system is designed with a high evaporator temperature (relatively high refrigeration temperature).  The temperature of the refrigerant determines the absolute minimum temperature in the room which determines the amount of water removed from the air when it is cooled.


Table 13. Summary of postharvest considerations and conditions for three main berry crops.


Optimal Storage Temperature (oF)

Optimal Storage Humidity (% RH)

Storage Life

Chilling / Freezing Sensitivity

Ethylene Production and Sensitivity




2 weeks for lowbush, northern highbush, and southern highbush.


Up to 4 weeks for rabbiteye


Not a negligible producer (higher production in Rabbiteye).


Promotes Botrytis growth.


Postharvest disorders and pathology: The major disorders are shrivel (water loss), sunscald, and fruit cracking. Botrytis cinerea (gray mold) and anthracnose Ripe rot (Colletotrichum gloesosporiodes). Rhizopus stolonifer above 50oF.




2-5 days


Not a negligible producer.


Can lead to Botrytis and darkening (purple).

Postharvest disorders and pathology: Shriveling (water loss), leakers (berries with leakage of juice), and UV damage (white drupelets) are the primary disorders found in Raspberries. The most common postharvest diseases are gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) and rhizopus rot (Rhizopus stolonifer)

Grape 31-32 85-90 4-7 weeks Insensitive

Low Producer.


Insensitive, though Botrytis is supported by high ethylene.

Postharvest disorders and pathology: The major disorders are shrivel (from low RH storage) and sunburn. The most common postharvest diseases are Botrytis cinerea (gray mold), ripe rot (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), macrophoma rot (Botryosphaeria dothidea), powdery mildew (Uncinula necator), blue mold (Penicillium), Alternaria alternata and Cladosporium herbarum




7 days


Low Producer.


Insensitive, though Botrytis is supported by high ethylene.

Postharvest disorders and pathology: Botrytis cinerea, Rhizopus stolonifer.


Highbush Blueberries

General Information

There are two types of blueberries grown in New England. Highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) is discussed here. For information on lowbush blueberry (V. angustifolium, V. myrtilloides), contact Lily Calderwood at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Orono, Maine.

New England is considered the northern edge of the climatic zone in which highbush blueberries can be grown. As a result, a number of disease problems associated with cold stress, particularly canker diseases, are more common here than in other blueberry growing areas. High soil acidity (low pH) and relatively high organic matter are essential for optimum production.

Blueberry has very specific soil requirements, dictated by its unique root structure. The blueberry root system is composed primarily of fine, fibrous roots near the soil surface. These fibrous roots lack root hairs, so the root system has a relatively low absorptive capacity. Blueberry roots are unable to penetrate compacted soils and have limited tolerance to excessively wet or dry soils. The shallow root system is sensitive to both high and low temperature extremes.

Ideal blueberry soil is a well-drained, yet moist sandy loam soil with a pH of 4.5 to 5.2. If pH reduction is necessary, elemental sulfur can be broadcast and incorporated in advance of planting. Soil organic matter levels should be augmented through the use of pre-plant green manure cover crops and the addition of peat moss at planting. In addition, a layer of organic mulch (wood chips, bark, sawdust, pine needles) 3 to 4 inches thick helps to protect roots from high temperature injury in summer and cold temperature injury in winter as well as reduce moisture stress and suppress weeds.

Fertilizer is generally applied in a split application, reducing the risk of root burn and pollution runoff that can accompany a single large application. Half of the total fertilizer needed is applied at bloom and the other half is applied one month later. Late applications of nitrogen fertilizers (after July 1) should be avoided, because they can promote fall growth, delay hardening, and increase chances of winter injury. Since nitrogen is generally the only nutrient needed, ammonium sulfate (21% N) or urea (45% N) are used as the principal fertilizers.

Proper pruning maintains the productivity of highbush blueberry plantings. Young bushes do not need pruning during the first 2-3 years, but after that, bushes should be pruned annually when dormant, prior to budbreak in the spring. Damaged or old canes that are no longer producing strong new wood should be removed at ground level. The goals of pruning are to establish a balance of canes (or main stems) of different ages, to remove non-productive wood, and to allow good airflow to minimize pest and disease problems. Check with your Cooperative Extension office for details of proper varieties and cultural techniques for highbush blueberry.

Table 28. Recommended optimal soil characteristics for growing blueberries.
Soil Characteristic Desirable Range*
pH 4.5 - 5.2
Organic matter 4 to 7%
Phosphorus 20 - 30 ppm
Potassium 100-120 ppm
Base Saturation 3.0-5.0
Magnesium 100-120 ppm
Base Saturation 2.0-4.0
Calcium 800 - 1000 ppm
Base Saturation 20-30
*Desirable range will vary with soil type (sand, silt, or clay), soil organic matter, and pH.


Table 29. Amount of sulfur (in lb/100 sq ft)a required to lower soil pH for blueberries.
Desired ph value for blueberries
  4.5 5.0
Present soil pH Sand Loam Clay Sand Loam Clay
4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 -- -- --
5.0 0.4 1.2 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5.5 0.8 2.4 2.6 0.4 1.2 1.4
6.0 1.2 3.5 3.7 0.8 2.4 2.6
6.5 1.5 4.6 4.8 1.2 3.5 3.7
7.0 1.9 5.8 6.0 1.5 4.6 4.8
7.5 2.3 6.9 7.1 1.9 5.8 6.0
a To convert to lb/A, multiply by 435
Table 30. Number of blueberry plants per acre at different spacings.
Feet Between Spacing Between Rows
4 1,361 1,089 908
5 1,089 870 726
6 908 726 605
Table 31. Critical nutrient values for blueberry tissue analysis.
Element Deficient Below Normal Normal Above Normal Excessive
N (%) 1.65 1.70 1.90 2.10 >2.50
P (%) 0.05 0.06 0.10 0.18 >0.22
K (%) 0.35 0.40 0.55 0.65 >0.80
Ca (%) 0.35 0.40 0.60 0.80 >1.00
Mg (%) 0.18 0.20 0.25 0.30 >0.40
Mn (ppm) 45 50 250 500 >650
Fe (ppm) 65 70 200 300 >400
Cu (ppm) 4 5 11 15 >20
B (ppm) 29 30 40 50 >65
Zn (ppm) 14 15 25 30 >35



Mummy Berry (Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi): Mummy berry is an important disease in many parts of New England, and its severity varies from year to year. It is caused by a fungus that attacks new growth, blossoms, foliage and fruit, and it can cause extensive losses.

The fungus overwinters in mummified fruit on the ground. In spring, the mummies form cup-shaped structures called apothecia, typically around the time that forsythia are in bloom. Apothecia produce spores that infect young tissue and cause rapid wilting. This is called leaf and twig blight, or shoot blight. These symptoms are difficult to distinguish from frost injury or Botrytis shoot blight. These first infections form more spores, which are spread by rain, wind and bees to blossoms and other young tissue. The fungus then infects and invades developing fruit. Infected fruit becomes malformed and turn salmon-colored or grey by midsummer. By fall, these fruits drop to the ground, ready to produce apothecia the next spring.

Management: Cultural controls can be used to reduce inoculum levels. In very small plantings, infected fruit can be hand-picked or mummies can be raked up and removed. On a larger scale, mummies can be buried by covering with a new layer of mulch at least 2” thick. Combining cultivation between rows with an application of 50% urea prills in the spring can also destroy mummies. The cultivation should be done just as apothecia start to emerge in the spring, but not before blueberry bud-break. Urea should not be applied to areas where there is standing water, as this may cause fertilizer burn. Apply urea to drier parts of the field and go back to the wetter areas later.

Cultivars  differ in susceptibility to both phases of mummy berry infection: shoot blight and fruit infection. Those that are most resistant to the shoot blighting phase of the disease include Bluejay, Darrow, Duke, Elliot, and Toro. Cultivars that appear to be the most susceptible are Bluegold, Blueray, Coville, Legacy, Northblue, Northsky, Patriot, and Sierra. Cultivars that are consistently resistant to the fruit infection phase include Northsky, Reka, Northblue, Bluegold, Bluejay, Weymouth, and Patriot. Those that are highly susceptible include Berkley, Herbert, Lateblue, Bluehaven, Elliot and Elizabeth and Blueray. Resistance to fruit infection appears to be unrelated to resistance to shoot blight, and weather factors can also affect cultivar response to the disease.

Several fungicides are labeled for use against this disease. Labeled materials and state registrations change annually. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Botrytis Blight/Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea): As with other small fruits, Botrytis primarily affects blossoms and ripening fruit, although under certain circumstances the fungus can cause shoot blight as well. Infection occurs largely during bloom on flowers. The fungus survives the winter on dead twigs and on crop debris, and outside the field on other plants. It is present every year, but only causes severe damage during cool, wet periods lasting several days. The most critical period for infection is during bloom. Disease is most severe where excessive nitrogen has been used, where air circulation is poor, or where frost has injured blossoms. Infected berries typically have a gray cast of mycelium and spores which gives the disease its name. Stem symptoms are hard to distinguish from those caused by Phomopsis or frost. Consult your state university plant diagnostic lab for proper disease identification. Varieties possessing tight fruit clusters (for example, Weymouth, Blueray and Rancocas) are particularly susceptible to Botrytis.

Management: When weather or history indicates that Botrytis will be a problem, fungicides should be applied, starting at mid- bloom, with subsequent sprays at 7-10 day intervals through petal fall. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Anthracnose (Colletotrichum acutatum): This fungus primarily damages fruit, but may also infect twigs and spurs. Infected fruit often exhibit a soft, sunken area near the calyx-end of the fruit. Salmon-colored spores spread to “good” fruit during and after harvest, causing significant post-harvest losses. The disease is especially prevalent during hot muggy weather and frequently occurs post-harvest.

Anthracnose overwinters in dead or diseased twigs, fruit spurs, and cankers. Spores are released in spring, and are spread by rain and wind. Blossoms, mature fruit and succulent tissue are infected, and spores may be spread from these infections. Infected blossom clusters turn brown or black. Infected fruit show salmon-colored spore masses at the blossom end. Stem cankers are rare, but are about 1/8” in diameter, with raised purple margins when they are present. Young girdled stems die back, resulting in a brown withering of leaves. Bluecrop, Bluetta, Chanticleer and Spartan are particularly susceptible to anthracnose. Elliot and Weymouth appear to have good resistance.

Management: Anthracnose is controlled primarily with fungicide applications, though pruning for optimal air circulation and clean harvesting are beneficial. Old canes and small twiggy wood should be cleared out in order to increase air circulation around the fruit clusters. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Table 32. Highbush blueberry varieties - growth characteristics & disease resistance for New England.
  Disease Resistance b  
Variety Hardiness Zonea Season





phomopsis fusicoccum



anthracnose Growth Habit
Aurora 4 very late - - - - - S spreading
Berkeley 5 mid - S VS S R VS upright bushy
Bluecrop 4 mid - MR - VS S VS upright open
Bluegold 4 late S R - - - S compact
Bluejay 4 early mid R R S - - S upright open
Blueray 4 mid S S - S S VS upright open
Bluetta 3 very early MR MS R - - S low bushy
Bonus 4 mid - - - - - S upright open
Brigitta 4 late - - - - - MR upright open
Cara's Choice 6 mid - - - - - S compact spreading
Chandler 4 mid late - - - - - - spreading
Chanticleer 5 very early - - - - - VS upright
Chippewa 3 mid - - R - - VS upright half high
Collins 4 early mid - MS - - S S moderately upright
Coville 5 late mid S S - VS MR VS upright open
Darrow 5 late R MS - - - - low bushy
Draper 5 early mid - - - - - - upright tall
Duke 5 early R MR S - - S upright open
Earliblue 5 very early - MS VS VS R S upright bushy
Elizabeth 4 mid late MR S - - - MR spreading
Elliott 4 very late R MS R - - MR upright bushy
Hannah's Choice 6 very early - - S - - MR upright open
Jersey 4 late mid MR MS S VS MR S upright bushy
Lateblue 4 very late MR S - - - S upright open
Legacy 5 mid late S MS S - - MR upright spreading
Liberty 3 very late -


- - - - upright
Meader 4 mid - MR - - - S upright open
Nelson 4 late - MS - - - S upright open
Northblue 3 early S R - - - S half high
Northcountry 3 early mid - - - - - S half high
Northland 3 mid - MR - - - S half high
Northsky 3 mid late S R R - - S very low bushy
Patriot 3 early mid S MR - - - S compact open
Polaris 3 early - - - - - VS spreading half high
Reka 4 early - R - - - S upright
Rubel 4 mid MR MS R MR - S upright open
Sierra 5 early mid S VS - - - S upright open
Spartan 5 early - MR S - - VS upright open
St.Cloud 3 late - - - - - VS upright half high
Sunrise 4 early mid MR MR - - - S low bushy
Toro 4 mid R MS - - - S upright open
Weymouth 4 very early - MR VS - - R low bushy

a Refers to USDA Hardiness Zones:

b R= resistant, MR= moderately resistant, MS= moderately susceptible, S= susceptible, VS= very susceptible, "-"= unknown.
For information on sources and further descriptions of cultivars listed above, go to the Cornell Nursery Guide for Berry & Small Fruit Crops at:

Stems and Foliage

Fusicoccum Canker or Godronia Canker (Godronia cassandrae): Fusicoccum canker is caused by a fungus that infects blueberry stems causing dieback and plant decline. Losses from this disease can be serious. The fungus overwinters as mycelium in cankers on living plants. In Massachusetts, spores are released from March to mid-July, and new infections can occur throughout the growing season. Spores are disseminated by rainwater. New infections occur following rains when tender new tissue is present and temperatures are 50-72˚ F. Cold stress may play a part in increasing disease damage. Leaves turn reddish-chocolate colored and often hang on late into the fall.

Symptoms of Fusicoccum canker are similar to Phomopsis canker on blueberry. The most unique symptom is a red-maroon-brown lesion centered around a leaf scar. A bullseye pattern often results. As the lesion enlarges, the margin remains red and the center turns gray and dies. On young (1-2 year old) stems, extensive stem infections quickly lead to flagging and dieback of the entire stem. On warm, dry days shoots will suddenly wilt and die due to the stem girdling.

Management: Sanitation is essential. A fungicide program should be used where the incidence of disease is high. Apply at 2-week intervals from late dormancy to petal fall. Varieties differ in their resistance to this disease. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Phomopsis Twig Blight (Phomopsis vaccinii): This disease may be the most prevalent of the canker diseases. The fungus, Phomopsis, causes stem damage similar to that caused by Fusicoccum.

Spores from old cankers are released in spring and, to a limited extent, in summer. Most spores are released from bud swell to petal fall, and none are released after September 1. Rain is necessary for spore release, and temperatures from 70-80˚F encourage infections. The disease is most severe after winters in which mild spells are interspersed with cold weather. Periods of hot, dry weather during the growing season probably also predispose plants to a certain degree. The fungus overwinters in infected plant parts.

Symptoms first appear on smaller twigs and spread into larger branches and may affect the crown. It is possible for Phomopsis to spread downward in injured canes to the crown and then progress upward on new canes. This rarely occurs, usually only where the crown itself has been injured after a particularly severe winter, or in highly susceptible varieties. Younger tissue may show no symptoms at first, and then exhibit rapid wilting and dieback. Stem lesions are similar to those caused by Fusicoccum but generally lack the bullseye pattern. The disease also causes premature ripening of berries. Leaf spots have  been observed where disease is particularly severe, and the fungus may also cause fruit rot, although this is rarely observed in New England. Most commercial cultivars are susceptible to Phomopsis canker.

Management: Since mechanical damage and cold stress seem to be necessary for Phomopsis infection, avoid unnecessary cultivating, and do not fertilize after July 1st. Prune weakest canes to the ground. Avoid drought stress by keeping plants well-watered through prolonged periods of dry weather in summer. The cultivars Bluetta, Elliot, and Rancocas have been reported to have partial resistance to Phomopsis. Fungicide applications may also be beneficial. See the pest management schedule in this chapter for recommended materials and timing.

Coryneum Canker (Coryneum microstictum): This canker disease appears to be uniquely situated in the southeast part of New England. No estimates of loss from the disease are available; it does not occur regularly and is often found with other canker fungi.

The symptoms are similar to other canker diseases. The cankers are commonly seen on sun-scalded or cold-stressed bushes where the fungus produces spores. Wounds are apparently necessary for infection.

Management: Cultural practices that maintain vigorous growth without stimulating too much succulent growth are recommended for this canker disease as well as the others. (See the Phomopsis section). No chemical controls are specifically recommended.

Powdery Mildew (Microsphaera vaccinii): This disease affects the leaves primarily and is uncommon in New England, although localized outbreaks of the disease occur occasionally. Symptoms include a white fungal growth on upper leaf surfaces, puckering of leaves, and reddish leaf spots. When severe infection occurs, defoliation may occur.

Management: Some cultivars are more resistant than other cultivars. Well-timed fungicides will also control the disease, but are probably not necessary in New England.

Witches’ Broom: Witches’ broom is a relatively minor disease of highbush and lowbush blueberries and other Vaccinium spp. in North America and is caused by the fungus Pucciniastrum goeppertianum. Diseased blueberry plants have broom-like masses of swollen, spongy shoots with shortened internodes and small leaves. Brooms usually begin to develop during the year following infection and then persist for many years, producing infected new growth each spring. Young stems on broom are initially reddish or yellow, but as the season progresses become brown and shiny, then dull, and eventually dry and cracked. Although heavily infected plants produce no fruit, disease incidence is usually so low that crop losses are negligible. Nearly 100% of blueberry plants may be infected in fields located near fir (Abies spp.) trees, the alternate host of the rust fungus that causes witches’ broom.

Management: Because the pathogen is perennial and systemic in blueberry crowns and rhizomes, pruning does not eliminate witches’ broom. The best control strategy is to eradicate fir trees within 1200 feet of blueberry plants, though this may not be practical. Infected bushes should be rogued out.

Blueberry Leaf Rust: Is a minor disease of blueberries caused by the rust fungus, Pucciniastrum vaccinia. In early spring to summer, spores from hemlocks (alternate host) are dispersed by wind and infect young blueberry leaves. The disease first appears as small yellow (chlorotic) spots on the upper surface of young blueberry leaves. As the infection progresses spots turn a reddish-purple color with a discrete yellow halo. On the underside of leaves, spots have a distinct brown edge with pustules of yellow-orange spores in the center. These spores can cause new infections throughout the growing season. 

Management: Plant disease resistant plants. Bluecrop, Burlington, Collins, and Weymouth are very resistant to leaf rust. Fungicides are generally not needed to manage leaf rust, but if symptoms appear early in the season consider applying a fungicide to suppress additional infections. See pesticide table for fungicide recommendations.


Phytophthora Root Rot (Phytophthora cinnamomi): This disease is usually associated with poorly drained areas in a field. Symptoms are noted on the roots and on the above-ground portions of the plant. The very fine absorbing roots turn brown to black; larger diameter roots may also be discolored. In severely infected bushes, the entire root system is reduced in stature and is totally black. Above-ground symptoms include chlorosis and reddening of the leaves, smaller leaves, defoliation, death of branches or entire canes, stunting, and death of the entire bush. The disease may be present in a few infected plants scattered throughout the planting or localized in groups of plants in low-lying areas. The disease is worst where plants are growing in heavy clay soils.

Phytophthora cinnamomi, in addition to attacking blueberry, attacks several other Ericaceous hosts, including rhododendron, azalea, and cranberry. Lowbush blueberry appears to be immune. This species of Phytophthora is not an important pathogen on any other small fruit covered in this guide. The fungus thrives in wet soils and can survive for long periods of time.

Management: The disease is best avoided through careful site selection. Heavy soil that becomes waterlogged or suffers from a high water table should be avoided. If a wet site is unavoidable, water drainage should be improved. Plant growth may be improved by growing on raised beds. Most varieties are susceptible to the disease, although some varieties may better tolerate infections. Bluecrop and Weymouth are two varieties that have shown promise. Mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) can be used at planting if problems with Phytophthora root rot are anticipated. It can also be applied as a drench to established plantings. If needed, Mefenoxam should be applied twice per growing season. However, the best strategy is to plant on well drained sites or improve soil drainage.

Armillaria Root Rot (Armillaria mellea and A. ostoyae): Although this disease is uncommon, it can cause serious injury to plants in fields where the fungus is present in the soil. To date, the disease has only been found in fields that were originally pine/oak forests. The fungus survives in soil on root pieces of susceptible hosts (pine, oak, etc.). The fungus can infect bushes through root grafts and can survive on wood chip mulches. Mulches should be carefully selected so that fungal inoculum is not introduced into the field.

Infected bushes usually decline over several growing seasons, and their symptoms can be confused with those caused by winter injury, Phomopsis twig blight, or a nutritional imbalance. Affected plants are chlorotic, have smaller-than-usual leaves, and are more susceptible to other stresses than healthy plants. Branches may suddenly wilt, followed by plant mortality in some instances. The disease may be found throughout an entire field, or it may be confined to one or a few areas. The most important diagnostic characteristic is the presence of the fungus: white mycelial fans underneath the outer bark or the crown of the plant, black rhizomorphs (resembling shoestrings) attached to the roots or the trunk, and yellowish-brown mushrooms produced at the base of the plant in late summer or early autumn.

Management: The disease is best avoided by thoroughly discing soil where blueberries are to be planted, and by removing as many root fragments as is possible. If possible, leave the field fallow three years after trees have been removed. Soil sterilants or fumigants are effective at killing the fungal inoculum. The disease is very difficult to control once it is present in a field. Dead or dying plants should be removed, and adjacent plants should be inspected at the soil-line for mycelial fans or rhizomorphs. Remove any plants that have signs of the pathogen. Wood chip mulch should be removed from infection “hot spots.” Although spot fumigation might be effective, chemical controls are usually not feasible in fields where the disease is present. Most varieties are probably susceptible to the disease.

Viruses and Mycoplasma-like Organisms (MLO)

Blueberry Shoestring Disease: This viral disease was originally described in New Jersey. In Michigan, the disease has been found in 0.5% of the bushes; an assessment has not been done for potential losses due to the virus. Blueberry shoestring disease is aphid-transmitted.

The most common symptom is an elongated reddish streak along the new stems. The leaves may also show red banding or a red-purple oak-leaf pattern. Diseased leaves are narrow, wavy and somewhat sickle-shaped. Flowers may be red-streaked, and berries turn purple prematurely. Within a few years, berry production drops dramatically.

Management: Other than buying disease-free plants, destroying wild plants near the planting, and removing diseased plants, controls do not exist. As with most virus diseases, the best controls are preventing disease introduction, and detecting the disease early. The virus has been observed most often in Jersey, Blueray, Burlington, Cabot, Earliblue, Elliott, Jersey, June, Rancocas, Rubel, Spartan and Weymouth. Bluecrop and Atlantic are resistant to the disease. Varieties with moderate resistance include Draper, Aurora, Liberty, Legacy and Brigitta. Aphid control is most important in fields containing varieties that are susceptible to shoestring virus. If fields of these varieties contain symptoms of shoestring, aphid control should be a priority during the season and infected bushes showing symptoms should be tagged and removed in the late fall once aphids are not able to be spread through the field during removal.

Blueberry Stunt: This disease was originally thought to be caused by a virus but it is now known to be caused by a mycoplasma-like organism or phytoplasma. The only known carrier is the sharp-nosed leafhopper, though other vectors probably exist.

Symptoms vary with the stage of growth, time of year, age of infection, and variety. Symptoms are most noticeable during mid-June and late September. Affected plants are dwarfed with shortened internodes, are excessively branched, and are low in vigor with small downward cupped leaves which turn yellow along the margins and between the lateral veins, giving a green and yellow mottled appearance. These mottled areas will turn brilliant red prematurely in late summer, although the midrib remains a dark bluish-green. Fruits on infected bushes are small, hard, lack flavor, ripen late if at all, and remain attached to infected plants much longer than they would on healthy plants.

Management: Diseased bushes cannot be cured; these must be removed from the field as soon as a diagnosis has been made. Removing diseased plants may spread the disease by dislodging leafhoppers, causing them to hop to neighboring healthy bushes. Infected bushes should be sprayed with an appropriate insecticide before infected bushes are removed. Using virus indexed plants is also helpful. Bluetta, Jersey, and Weymouth are particularly susceptible, whereas Rancocas is resistant.

Blueberry Red Ringspot: This is the most widespread viral disease in New Jersey at the present time. The symptoms are very distinctive, including red spots, rings and oak-leaf patterns which usually appear on the older leaves in late June or July. Fruit production is seriously reduced and berries become pockmarked and unattractive. Blueray, Bluetta, Burlington, Cabot, Coville, Darrow, Earliblue, and Rubel are susceptible to the disease, whereas Bluecrop and Jersey are resistant or tolerant. Infected bushes must be rogued out.

Blueberry Mosaic: Like some of the previously described viruses, this virus is probably indigenous in wild blueberry plants. Infected plants become unproductive. Leaves are brilliantly mottled with yellow, yellow-green and pink areas. Not all leaves show symptoms and some branches on an affected bush may be symptomless. It may take several years for a bush to show symptoms. The disease appears most commonly in Herbert and Stanley; most varieties appear to have field resistance to the virus. Infected bushes cannot be cured and must be removed promptly.

Blueberry Scorch (formerly Sheep Pen Hill Disease): This disease has recently been found in fields in Massachusetts and Connecticut. It is a serious problem in fields in New Jersey (it was originally found in a field in the Sheep Pen Hill area). Symptoms fluctuate greatly from year to year, and symptoms are worst during excessively wet years.

The disease is characterized by dieback of blossoms and young vegetative shoots in the spring followed by a flush of growth in summer and development of a necrotic line pattern in fall foliage. Roots suffer injury, and fruit production can be greatly impacted. In New Jersey, blueberry scorch virus has been shown to cause severe symptoms on all varieties except Jersey.

Management: The causal agent is a flexuous rod-shaped virus and is vectored by aphids. The sole control strategy is to remove affected bushes, though control of aphids is also important in managing any spread of this disease. Effective aphicides should be applied before removing infected bushes, to reduce further spread caused by aphids moving to healthy bushes.

Table 33. Fungicide efficacy for blueberry diseases
Fungicide FRAC Group ACTIVE INGREDIENT Mummyberry Phomopsis



Anthracnose Botrytis Phytophthora
Root Rot
primary secondary
Abound& 11 azoxystrobin ++ + ++ ++ +++ ++ 0


BM02 Streptomyces
(strain WYEC 108)
++ + -- -- -- -- --
Aliette 33 aluminum tris 0 0 +/++ 0 ++ 0 ++
Badge SC M01

copper oxychloride,

copper hydroxide

0 0 -- -- + + 0
BotryStop BM02 Ulocladium oudemansii (strain U3 ) -- -- -- -- -- +++ 0
Bravo M5 chlorothalonil +/++ + ++ + ++ ++ 0
Captan M4 captan + + + + ++ + 0
Captec M4 captan + + + + ++ + 0
CaptEvate 17, M4 fenhexamid,
+/++ + ++ + ++ ++ 0
Copper products M01 copper hydroxide 0 0 ++ -- -- +/++ 0
Cueva M01 copper octanoate 0 0 0 0 0 +/++ 0
Cuprofix M01 basic copper sulfate 0 0 ++ 0 -- +


Double Nickle BM02 Bacillus
(strain D747)
++ ++ -- -- -- -- --


BM01 Swinglea glutinosa extract 0 0 0 -- 0 -- 0
Elevate 17 fenhexamid + + + + 0 +++ 0
Indar 3 fenbuconazole ++/+++ ++/+++ +++ -- 0 -- 0
Inspire Super 3,9 difenoconazole,
+++ +++ -- -- -- -- --
JMS Stylet Oil/Organic JMS Stylet Oil NC paraffinic oil -- -- -- ++ -- -- 0
Kocide/Kocide 2000-O/Kocide 3000/Kocide 3000-O M01 copper hydroxide 0 0 ++ -- -- -- 0
Kumulus DF M02 sulfur -- -- -- ++ -- -- --
LifeGard P06 Bacillus
(isolate J)
++ ++ 0 0 ++ ++ 0
Miller Lime Sulfur% M02 calcium
0 0 ++ 0 0 0 0
Luna Sensation 7,11 fluopyram,
-- -- +++ +++ +++ +++ 0
Luna Tranquility 7,9 fluopyram,
+++ +++ -- +++ -- +++ 0
Mettle 125ME 3 tetraconazole 0 0 ++ 0 0 0 0
Microthiol Disperss M02 sulfur -- -- -- ++ -- -- 0
MilStop SP NC potassium
-- -- 0 ++ -- + 0
Miravis Prime 7,12 pydiflumetofen, fludioxonil ++ ++ ++ 0 ++ ++ 0
Omega 29 fluazinam +/++ +/++ ++ -- ++ 0 0
Oranil M05 chlorothalonil +/++ + ++ + ++ ++ 0
Orbit, Tilt 3 propiconazole ++/+++ +/++ +++ +++ 0 0 0
Orondis Gold 49,3 oxathiapiprolin, mefenoxam 0 0 0 0 0 0 ++
Oso 19 polyoxin
D zinc salt
++ ++ -- -- -- ++ 0
OxiDate NC hydrogen peroxide,
peroxyacetic acid
-- -- 0 + -- -- 0
PERpose Plus NC hydrogen peroxide -- -- 0 + -- -- 0
Ph-D 19 polyoxin
D zinc salt
++ ++ -- -- -- -- --
pHorcePhite P07 phosphorous acid 0 0 0 -- + -- ++
Pristine 7, 11 boscalid, pyraclostrobin +/++ ++ ++/+++ -- +++ ++/+++ 0
Prophyte P07 phosphorous acid 0 0 0 -- + -- ++
Proline 3 prothioconazole ++/+++ ++/+++ ++ -- -- ++ 0
PropiMax 3 propiconazole ++ ++ -- -- + + 0
Quash 3 metconazole ++/+++ ++/+++ ++/+++ -- ++ ++ --
Quadris Top 11,3 azoxystrobin, difenoconazole ++ ++ 0 ++ ++ 0 0
QuiltXcel 3, 11 azoxystrobin,
++ ++ ++ -- ++ ++ 0
Regalia P05 Reynoutria
+/++ +/++ -- + -- -- --
Rendition NC hydrogen peroxide, peroxyacetic acid -- -- 0 + -- -- 0
Ridomil Gold 4 mefenoxam 0 0 0 0 0 0 +++
RootShield BM02 Trichoderma
(strain T-22)
0 0 0 0 0 0 ++
RootShield PLUS+ BM02 Trichoderma
(strain T-22), Trichoderma virens (strain G-41)
0 0 0 0 0 0 ++
Serenade + Nu-film BM02, NC Bacillus subtilis (strain QST 713), pinene polymers ++ + + -- -- -- ++
Switch 9, 12 cyprodinil,
0/+ 0 0 + ++/+++ +++ 0
Ziram M03 ziram + + ++ 0 ++ +/++ 0

0=not effective; +=slight effectiveness; ++=moderate effectiveness; +++=very effective; --=insufficient data

=OMRI listed for organic production; go to for details.

Products with the same FRAC code have active ingredients with the same mode of action. Repeated use of products with the same mode of action should be avoided to reduce the risk of development of chemical resistance by the pest and reduced efficacy of the pesticde. Fungicides with two FRAC codes contain active ingredients with two different modes of action. For more information on FRAC codes and managing fungicide resistance, go to

* Restricted use material; pesticide applicators license required.

& This material is very toxic to some varieties of apples.; use extreme caution when spraying near apples; do not use the same sprayer subsequently on apples.

% Use lime sulfur only during the dormant or late dormant period. Do not mix with oil.

For all products listed, read labels thoroughly for restrictions and warnings.


Crown Gall (Agrobacterium tumefaciens): Crown gall is the only bacterial disease which is a significant problem in the Northeast at present: crown gall. The disease is caused by the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Since blueberries are grown on acidic soils, and the crown gall bacterium does not grow well in acidic soils, the disease occurs infrequently.

Globose, pea-size to large woody galls occur on low branches, twigs, and at the base of canes near the ground. Injured tissue is more likely to produce galls.

Management: Sanitation, purchasing healthy nursery plants and maintaining proper soil conditions are the most reliable controls.

Post-Harvest Diseases

As with most soft fruit, blueberries have particular post-harvest disease problems. There are three fungi which can cause major post-harvest losses: Colletotrichum acutatum (anthracnose), Botrytis cinerea (gray mold), and Alternaria spp. The diseases can cause up to 30% rot within 7 days of harvest even when fruit are refrigerated. Without refrigeration, berries can show 15% rot in 3 days.

Management: In New England, where virtually all highbush blueberries are sold fresh, well-ventilated containers and refrigeration should be combined with careful picking and handling.


Fruit Damaging Insects

Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) (Drosophila suzukii): SWD are invasive vinegar flies (fruit flies) that can attack unripen fruit. Female SWD cut into intact fruit with a serrated ovipositor to deposit eggs under the skin. This allows SWD larvae to be present during ripening, leading to a risk of detection in ripe fruit after harvest. During egg-laying and larval feeding, sour rot and fungal diseases can be introduced, further affecting fruit quality. There is a much greater risk of fruit contamination at harvest from SWD compared with native species that lay eggs only in already-damaged and rotting fruit.

Management: Monitoring for the annual arrival of SWD is particulatly important for blueberry. Pest pressure is often low for most of of the blueberry season and it is likely that early-ripening varieties may not need to be protected from SWD infestation. Homemade traps for the flies can be made by drilling 1/8” holes in plastic containers or cups (red or black color is most attractive). The cups should be baited with apple cider vinegar or sugar water with a pinch of yeast. Commercial traps (from Scentry or Trece) contain similar attractive odors as homemade recipes and may be more convienient. Check the traps regularly for flies. The males can be identified by a single small black spot near the top of each wing. The females have no spots. Once adult SWD are trapped and blueberries begin to turn blue, apply insecticides weekly through harvest, rotating between insecticide classes. Choose insecticides based on efficacy and preharvest interval. Good pruning is also an important part of SWD management as open canopies are less hospitable to egg-laying.

Winter Moth (Operophtera brumata): This is an important pest of blueberries and other deciduous plants, especially in Southeastern New England. Moths emerge from the soil in late November and may be active into January. Male moths are light brown to tan in color and attracted to lights at night. Females are gray, almost wingless and cannot fly, and may be found on tree trunks. After mating, females deposit tiny eggs in bark crevices or among lichens which overwinter. Eggs begin hatching in late March or early April after the first warm days of spring, generally around 20 Growing Degree Days (GDD) (base 50˚F) or about 200 GDD (base 40˚F). Egg hatch coincides with bud break of McIntosh apple trees. After hatching, larvae wriggle into swelling buds of blueberries and many deciduous tree, and begin feeding. Caterpillars continue feeding on leaves and flowers until late May when they drop to the ground to pupate. Destruction of flower buds can greatly reduce yield.

Winter moth larvae are pale green caterpillars with white longitudinal stripes running down both sides of the body. They are “loopers” or “inchworms” and have just 2 pairs of prolegs. Mature caterpillars are approximately one inch long.

Management: A dormant oil spray to trunks and branches of bushes may be helpful by killing overwintering eggs before hatching. However, some eggs are under bark flaps and loose lichen and may be protected from oil sprays. Caterpillars may also invade blueberries by blowing into plantings from nearby trees. Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t. kurstaki), manages winter moth caterpillars well once caterpillars are feeding on exposed foliage. B.t. and other insecticides are not effective when caterpillars are feeding inside closed buds. Spinosad is another biorational compound that works well against winter moth caterpillars. Finally, tebufenozide (e.g. Confirm) is an insect growth regulator (IGR) that works well on most lepidopteran caterpillars.

Blueberry Maggot (Rhagoletis mendax): The adult is a black fly about 1/5” long with a pattern of dark and clear bands on its wings. The maggots are white, legless, and about 1/4” long when full grown. Flies alight on fruit to lay eggs under the fruit skin just as fruit begins to turn blue. Maggots are later found in ripening and harvested fruit, making fruit unmarketable since berries become soft and mushy. Undetected infested berries contaminate pack-out.

Management: Red sticky spheres or yellow sticky rectangle traps (available from suppliers listed in appendix) can be used to monitor blueberry maggot populations in plantings. In large bushes, sticky traps should be hung in upper half of the canopy, suspended from wires and about 1-1/2 feet from outer foliage. All fruit and foliage within 8 inches of trap should be cleared away, and all traps positioned so that there is as much foliage and fruit surrounding them as possible. In small plantings, it may be possible to trap out this insect with a sufficient number of traps. Consult with your state’s regional fruit specialist for further information. Spray recommendations are found in the blueberry pest management schedule.

Brown Marmorated Stink bug (BMSB) (Halyomorpha halys): Adult BMSB are approximately 3/4 inch long and are shades of brown on both the upper and lower body surfaces. They are the typical “shield” shape of other stink bugs, almost as wide as they are long. To distinguish them from other stink bugs, look for lighter bands on the antennae and darker bands on the membranous, overlapping part at the rear of the front pair of wings. Masses of 20-30 eggs are deposited on underside of leaves. The 5 nymphal stages range in size from 1/8 - 1/2 inch. Nymphs and adult BMSB feed on many hosts including small fruits, tree fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and seeded crops such as corn and soybeans. BMSB feeds by puncturing fruit with piercing/sucking mouthparts. Fruit tissue dies at the point of entry and just below into the flesh, and the rest of the fruit grows around it. This leaves sunken areas on the skin and browning, dead tissue in the flesh.

BMSB has become a serious insect pest in mid-Atlantic states, southern New York, Connecticut, and possibly other New England states. It is unknown at this time whether there is one or two generations per year in New England.

Management: BMSB cannot be controlled with many common fruit insecticides, including Imidan and Sevin. Spray recommendations are found in the blueberry pest management schedule.

Plum Curculio (Conotrachelus nenuphar): This dark brown snout beetle is about 1/4” long with 4 humps on its wing covers. It feeds on developing flower buds and developing berries. Females lay eggs on the fruit, and after hatching, light colored larvae develop inside the fruit (one larva per fruit). Larval feeding causes fruit to ripen prematurely and drop off bushes.

Management: Plum curculio are more abundant where blueberries are located near fruit trees. Spray applications made at petal fall to manage cranberry or cherry fruitworm may also manage plum curculio.

Cranberry Fruitworm (Acrobasis vaccinii): Cranberry fruitworm larva (caterpillar) is green with some brownish-red coloration on its top surface, measuring 1/2” at maturity. It is found within developing and ripening berries. Feeding reduces yield and spoils marketability of berries. Eggs are laid in the calyx cup (blossom end) of unripe fruit. Hatched larvae move to the stem end of fruit, enter, and feed inside berries. Larvae consume 3-6 berries, filling berry skins with brown frass and tying berries together with silk.

Management: When damage is severe, treat the following year with insecticide. See pest management schedule for recommended materials. In small plantings, cranberry fruitworms may be managed by picking off infested berries, which are easily detected due to webbing and early ripening. Eliminating weeds around plants reduces overwintering protection for cocoons.

Cherry Fruitworm (Grapholita packardi): At maturity, cherry fruitworm larvae are orange-red and about 1/4-1/2” long and found within developing and ripening berries. Feeding reduces yield and spoils marketability of berries. Soon after petal fall, hatching larvae bore into the calyx cup (blossom end) of berries, feed until about half-grown, and then move to a second fruit. (This is distinct from the cranberry fruitworm described above.) The two infested berries are usually joined by silk.

Management: When damage is severe, treat the following year with insecticide. See pest management schedule for recommended materials.

Leaf/Shoot Damaging Insects

Gypsy Moth or Spongy Moth (Lymantria dispar dispar): Young gypsy moth larvae (caterpillars) are hairy, dark brown to black in color and older caterpillars are marked with red and blue spots. They range in size, from 1/4 to 2” in length, depending on age. In outbreak years, larvae feed on leaves and buds, causing complete or partial defoliation and fruit loss.

Management: Remove egg masses present in plantings by early April. Small caterpillars can blow in from surrounding, infested trees in early May.  Bt insecticides effectively manage small, young caterpillars, but other insecticides are needed to manage large larvae. See pest management section for insecticide recommendations.

Blueberry Blossom Weevil; Cranberry Weevil (Anthonomus musculus): This is a dark reddish brown snout beetle, 1/8” long, with a curved snout. It emerges in spring, feeds and lays eggs in expanding flower and leaf buds. Weevils hide between clustered buds, and small infestations may be difficult to find. Damage results when punctured flowers do not open. Damaged leaf buds produce an abnormal cluster of dwarfed leaves. Adults of the second generation sometimes feed on blueberry leaves.

Management: No insecticides are labeled for this pest. Disking between rows and raking/hoeing under plants is helpful. Eradication of wild blueberries or other ericaceous plants in the vicinity of the blueberry planting may be beneficial.

Scale Insects; Putnum Scale and Lecanium Scale (Aspidiotus ancylus and Lecanium nigrofasciatum): These insects appear mound-shaped, of varied colors, and usually measuring 1/8” or less in length. They are found on rough, loose bark of older stems and sometimes on fruit. Infestations can result in reduced vigor and yield of bushes by feeding on plant sap. Fruit lecanium scale eggs hatch in early July (late June in southernmost New England) and first generation putnam scale crawlers emerge in early June.

Management: Good pruning is the first step in controlling scale insects. Prune out weakened canes. During dormancy, apply superior-type oil of 60- or 70-second viscosity at 3 gallons per 100 gallons of water. To avoid injury, apply when there is no danger of freezing temperatures for at least 24 hours after treatment.  See Insecticide Efficacy and Pest Management Tables in this chapter for other recommended materials and timing.

Blueberry Tip Borer (Hendecaneura shawiana): In June, before new growth has begun to harden, some blueberry shoots may begin to wilt, arch over, and become discolored, the leaves turning yellowish with red veins and stems turning purplish. This injury, which may be mistaken for primary mummyberry infection, is caused by blueberry tip borer. Newly hatched caterpillar, tiny and pink, enters soft stem and bores channels that may extend for 8 or 10” by autumn and result in the destruction of the stem’s fruit-production potential the following year.

Management: Prune out damaged tips when found and burn infected canes. A standard spray program used for other insect pests normally keeps this pest under control.

Blueberry Bud Mite (Acalitus vaccinii): Blueberry bud mites are whitish in color and tiny. Unlike other mites, they are elongate and conical, with 4 legs bunched near the head at the broad end of the mite. Heavily infested buds have a definite reddish coloration and characteristic rough bumps on outer bud scales. Eggs,  immatures, and adult mites are present throughout the year, generally confined to buds and blossoms. During fall and winter, many mites may be found between scales of a single fruit bud.

Bud mites feed on the surface of bud tissues and bud scales. Injured buds desiccate and usually produce distorted flowers. These flowers may fail to set fruit, or develop into fruit with rough skins. The potential for damage differs with variety.

Management: Plants should be inspected for bud mites in September, before new buds are well formed. Look for them under bud scales and between bud parts. Economic threshold levels have not been determined for bud mites. Thorough pruning of infested canes provides good control of bud mites. Limited chemical control measures are available. A new miticide, Magister SC, is registered for blueberry bud mite management and may be applied once per year after petal fall.

Blueberry Stem Gall Wasp (Hemadas nubilipennis): The adult blueberry stem gall wasp is a small (less than 1/8”) shiny black insect with delicate wings. It lays eggs in succulent shoots. Several grub-like larvae develop together inside the shoot, stimulating the shoot to grow abnormally and resulting in a pithy, kidney-shaped gall 3/4 to 1-1/4” long. Pupation occurs within larval chambers and new adults emerge from the galls during bloom, leaving exit holes. Early in the season galls are greenish and spongy to the touch. By fall the galls turn brownish-red and become hard. Shoot growth is reduced and the shoot may be diverted at severe angles.

Blueberry stem gall wasp can cause severe reduction in shoot growth and stem vigor. Hundreds of galls can develop on a single bush, reducing fruit production. Susceptibility to galls may depend on variety. This insect is rarely encountered in fields managed with standard chemical pesticide programs, but it can be a major pest of organically managed fields.

Management: Chemical treatments directed toward other pests are generally sufficient to keep stem gall in check. Removal and destruction of gall during normal pruning operations will also help manage this pest.

White Grubs - Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica), Rose Chafer (Macrodactylus subspinosus), Asiatic Garden Beetle (Maladera castanea), and others: White grubs are the larvae of a variety of beetle species some of which are listed above. White grub larvae are generally white or cream colored with brown heads and legs, and hold their bodies in a distinct hooked or C-shape. Stretched out, larger species may be over one inch in length. Many white grub species can be identified by distinctive patterns of stiff hairs located at the underside of abdomen tip. Most species overwinter as grubs deep in the soil and pupate in late spring before emerging as adult beetles. Some species feed on roots of plants for more than one year before completing development. Time of pupation and adult emergence varies with species.

Adults of white grubs are known generically as May Beetles, June bugs, chafers, or scarab beetles. The adults of some species feed on foliage, flowers and fruits of many plants. Japanese beetle and rose chafer adults can be significant pests of blueberry during harvest when they contaminate berries.

Recently white grubs have become serious pests in some fields, with populations as high as 30 grubs per bush. Grubs consume feeder roots and may also girdle or clip off larger roots. Infested plants may not show any outward signs of injury until a period of drought stress, when the reduced root system cannot provide enough water to the plant. Damaged bushes show low vigor and reduced production. Adults, especially Japanese beetle and rose chafer, sometimes become serious pests by consuming leaves and scarring berries.

Management: Unfortunately, sampling for white grubs damages roots of blueberry bushes. Growers should check new sites for white grubs before establishing a field, and take actions against grubs before planting. Admire Pro can be applied to soil to control white grubs. When applied correctly, it suppresses Asiatic garden beetle larvae and is effective against all other species of white grubs. There is great interest in the use of pathogenic nematodes as biological control agents for grubs. Adults are generally easy to control with foliar sprays, but timing is difficult since these are highly mobile insects that may suddenly appear in the field. Surround is a kaolin clay-based product that can deter adults from feeding on foliage. It may be of interest to organic growers, though removing Surround from fruit is difficult.

Yellow-necked Caterpillar (Dantana ministra): These hairy yellow caterpillars are usually found in large groups in mid- or late summer. If unnoticed, they can entirely strip foliage from a bush.

Management: Caterpillar strains of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) products are effective in managing larvae, especially when they are small. Chemical insecticides are also effective. Spraying the entire planting is not required.

Sharp-nosed leafhopper (Scaphytopius acutus): SNLH feeds and reproduce on blueberry, huckleberry, cranberry, and other related plants. SNLH feeding causes little direct damage but it transmits the phytoplasma that causes stunt disease in blueberries. They are small brown insects with a pointed head. SNLH picks up the disease while feeding on infested bushes and carries it to other plants in subsequent feedings. Usually only adults carry the disease from plant to plant, since nymphs are wingless and can’t fly. Adults are abundant in the woods and may move to commercial blueberry fields in the spring. Eggs overwinter inside fallen leaves and hatch in mid-May. Nymphs from the first generation reach adult stage in mid-June, while nymphs from the second generation reach adulthood in early August. Adults move back to the woods in the fall.

Management: First generation SNLH is often controlled with sprays targeted for plum curculio, aphids, and cranberry fruitworm. Treatment decisions for the 2nd generation should be based on individual population levels, as well as any history of stunt disease on your farm. Because adults migrate from woods, monitoring should concentrate on field perimeter. Insecticides are usually applied just prior to peak flight, generally late August to early September. It is also important to remove all plants that show symptoms of stunt disease. Removal of bushes should be done after insecticide treatment to avoid movement of leafhoppers from infested to healthy plants.

Blueberry aphid (Illinoia pepperi) is the vector of blueberry shoestring virus which can cause bush decline and significant yield reductions. It is also a potential vector of blueberry scorch virus. Because of the ability of aphids to serve as vectors of plant disease, they should be controlled to minimize virus spread in infected fields and in susceptible fields near to virus-infected fields.

Management: Blueberry aphids are most often found on the undersides of young leaves at the base of plants. Insecticides can be applied in June as aphid populations start to increase. Spray should be directed at base of plants and good coverage is essential for effective aphid control. This will be more challenging in weedy fields. See table 33 for insecticides effective against aphids.

Table 34. Insecticides registered for use on blueberries and their primary uses.





stink bug







fruit worm

japanese beetle leafhopper leaf roller plum curculio scale spotted wing drosophila thrips white grub
Actara 4A thiamethoxam +++ + -- 0 +++ 0 ++ +++ -- + -- -- 0 --
Admire Pro 4A imidacloprid +++ ++ ++ 0 -- 0 ++ ++ -- -- -- + 0 +++
Agree 11 Bacillus thuringiensis ssp aizawai 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 ++ 0 0 0 0 0
Altacor 28 chlorantraniliprole -- -- -- 0 -- ++ ++ -- ++ -- -- -- -- ++
*Asana 3 esfenvalerate ++ ++ -- 0 +++ ++ ++ ++ +++ ++ -- +++ -- --
Assail 4A acetamiprid +++ +++ -- -- -- + ++ ++ -- 0 -- +++ ++ --
Avaunt 22A indoxacarb -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- --
Aza-Direct UN azadirachtin -- + -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- 0 -- --
Azera 3,UN pyrethrins, azadirachtin + + -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- + -- --
Biobit 11 Bacillus thuringiensis, ssp kurstaki 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 ++ 0 0 0 0 0
*Bifenture 3 bifenthrin +++ -- ++ -- -- -- -- ++ +++ -- -- ++ -- --
*Brigade 3 bifenthrin +++ ++ ++ -- -- -- +++ ++ -- -- -- ++ -- --
Confirm 18 tebufenozid -- -- -- -- -- ++ 0 -- ++ -- -- -- -- --
Cormoran 4A,15 acetamiprid, novaluron +++ ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- +++ -- --
*Danitol 3 fenpropathrin ++ ++ ++ ++ -- +++ +++ ++ +++ ++ -- ++ -- --
Delegate 5 spinetoram -- ++ -- -- -- +++ -- 0 +++ + -- +++ ++ --
Deliver 11 Bacillus thuringiensis, ssp kurstaki 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 ++ 0 0 0 0 0
Des-X   potassium salts of fatty acids ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- --
*Diazinon 1B diazinon ++ ++ -- 0 ++ ++ 0 +++ ++ +++ +++ +++ ++ +
Dipel 11 Bacillus thuringiensis, ssp kurstaki 0 0 0 0 0 ++ 0 0 ++ 0 0 0 0 0
Entrust 5 spinosad -- ++ -- 0 -- +++ 0 +++ +++ 0 0 ++ ++ --
Esteem 7C pyriproxyfen ++ -- -- -- -- ++ 0 + ++ -- +++ + -- --
Exirel 28 cyantraniliprole ++ ++ -- ++ -- +++ ++ -- +++ ++ -- +++ -- --
GF-120 Naturalyte Bait 5 spinosad -- ++ -- 0 -- ++ 0 -- ++ 0 0 ++ ++ --
Grandevo UN Chromobacterium
+++ -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- +++ -- -- ++ -- --
* Hero 3 zeta-cypermethrin,
+++ ++ ++ -- -- ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ -- ++ -- --
Imidan 1B phosmet -- +++ -- -- +++ +++ ++ +++ +++ +++ ++ +++ 0 --
Intrepid 18 methoxyfenozid -- -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- +++ -- -- -- -- --
JMS Stylet Oil   mineral oil ++ 0 -- ++ -- -- 0 -- -- -- +++ -- -- --
*Lannate 1A methomyl ++ ++ ++ -- ++ +++ + ++ ++ + -- +++ + --
Magister SC 21A fenazaquin -- -- -- +++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Malathion 1B malathion + ++c ++ -- + + + + -- ++ -- ++ ++ --
Molt-X UN azadirachtin + + -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- 0 -- --
Movento 23 spirotetramat +++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
M-Pede   Potassium salts
of fatty acids
++ -- -- -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- --
*Mustang Maxx 3 zeta-cypermethrin -- + ++ -- -- ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ -- +++ -- --
Neemix UN azadirachtin ++ + -- -- -- -- + -- ++ -- -- 0 -- --
NemaShield HB N/A Heterorhabditis bacteriophora -- -- -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- -- +
Platinum 4A thiamethoxam +++ -- -- 0 -- 0 -- ++ -- + -- -- 0 +++
Pyganic 3 pyrethrin + + -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- + -- --
Pyrenone 3 pyrethrin +PBO + + -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- + -- --
Rimon 15 novaluron -- -- -- -- -- ++/+++ -- -- +++ ++ -- ++ -- --
Senstar 23,7C spirotetramat,
++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ++ --
Sevin 1A carbaryl -- + -- -- + + ++ ++ ++ ++ --- ++ -- --
Sivanto Prime 4D flupyradifurone +++ ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +++ -- ++ --
SuffOil-X   mineral oil ++ 0 -- ++ -- -- 0 -- -- -- +++ -- -- --
Superior Oil   mineral oil ++ 0 -- ++ -- -- 0 -- -- -- +++ -- -- --
Surround   kaolin clay -- + ++ -- -- -- + -- -- ++ -- -- -- --
Tersus 3 pyrethrins + + -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- + -- --
Trilogy   neem oil -- + -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- 0 -- --
Venerate UN Burkholderia spp. +++ -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- +++ -- -- -- -- --
Verdepryn 28 cyclaniliprole -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- ++ -- -- -- -- ++
 XenTari 11 Bacillus thuringiensis, ssp aizawai 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 ++ 0 0 0 0 0

0=not effective, +=poor, ++=good, +++=excellent, --=insufficient data

Products with the same IRAC group number act by the same mode of action. Repeated use of the same mode of action should be avoided, in order to avoid reductions in pesticide efficacy via development of chemical resistance in the pest population. For more on information on managing pesticide resistance, go to

*Restricted use material; pesticide applicators license required.      OMRI listed - organic production; go to for details.

Always read the label for important restrictions or warnings about tank mix compatibility or phytotoxicity warnings.

Table 35. Highbush Blueberry Pest Management Table

Table 35. Highbush blueberry pest management table†.

For resistance management do not make more than 2 sequential applications of fungicides in the same FRAC group or insecticides in the same IRAC group. See product labels or RAC GROUP column in this table for groups.


Spray Material, Rate/A
(pre harvest interval PHI)
Cultural Practices and
Scouting Notes
Dormant and Delayed Dormant
Scale insects  
Superior oil, 2-2.5% (0) 
JMS Stylet Oil, 3-6 qt/100 (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume(0)
Prune out old, weakened canes.
Apply oil during dormancy using 250-300 gallons of spray (300-400 psi) per acre to ensure thorough coverage and when no danger of freezing temperatures within 24 hours.
Winter moth



Superior oil, 2-2.5% (0) Or
JMS Stylet Oil, 3-6 qt/100 (0)
plus one of the following:

Confirm 2F, 16 oz (14)
Delegate WG, 3-6 oz (3)
Esteem 35WP, 5 oz (7)
Entrust SC, 4-6 oz (1)
Imidan 70W, 1 1/3 lb (3)

  Where winter moths are numerous, insecticide should be applied when eggs are hatching. If population not at outbreak levels (not defoliating trees) but still present, apply insecticide after caterpillars observed but before bloom.
Bury over-wintering mummies by cultivation or applying 3-4" mulch before mushroom cups (apothecia) appear.
'Burlington', 'Collins', 'Jersey', 'Darrow', 'Rubel', and 'Bluetta' appear somewhat resistant; 'Earliblue' and 'Blueray' appear more susceptible to mummyberry.
Fusicoccom canker
Phomopsis twig blight
3, 11


Badge SC, 1-4 pts (0)
Cuprofix Ultra, 2-4 lb (0)
Kocide 2000, 2.4 lb (0)
Kocide 3000, 1-2.25 lb (0)
Quash, 2.5 oz (7)
Quilt Xcel, 14-21fl oz (30)
Ziram 76DF, 3 lb 
Badge X2, 1-4 lb
Kocide 2000-O, 2-4 lb (0)
Kocide 3000-O 1-2.25 lb (0)
Miller Lime Sulfur, 5-6 gal (0)
Prune out and destroy affected canes.
'Weymouth', 'Berkeley', and 'Earliblue' are very susceptible to Fusicoccum.
Use Lime Sulfur only once in Spring. May be used again in autumn where Phomopsis is a problem.
Do not use Lime Sulfur within 14 days of an oil spray or when temperatures are above 75˚F.
Apply Ziram at loose bud scale stage and 7 days later. Do not apply later than 3 weeks after full bloom. 
Avoid practices such as late season fertilization that makes bushes more vulnerable to winter injury. Winter-injured bushes are more susceptible to Phomopsis and Fusicoccum infections.
Phytophthora root rot
49, 4

Aliette WDG, 5 lb (0.5)
pHorcePhite, 2-4 qt (0)
Phostrol, 2.5-5 pt (0)
ProPhyt, 4 pt (0)
Orondis Gold, 20-55 fl oz
Ridomil Gold SL (45)
New Plantings, 1.8-3.6 pt broadcast
at or before time of planting
(repeat once)
Established Plantings, 1/4 pt/1000 ft
of row, (repeat once)
RootShield Plus WP (0)
  • Do not plant blueberries on wet soils.
  • If wet site is unavoidable, install drainage tile and plant blueberries on raised beds.
  • Phytophthora damage symptoms may mimic nutritional deficiency symptoms.
Ridomil Gold: Apply only as an emergency use, not as a routine or preventative treatment.
Apply in spring before growth begins in established plantings. In new plantings, apply at or just after planting.
In new plantings, do not exceed 3.6 gallons/A within 12 months of harvest or illegal residues may result.
Aliette: Apply as a 5 ft. band. Do not tank mix Aliette with copper compounds or apply to foliage with copper residues or phytotoxicity may occur.
Phostrol: Begin foliar sprays at pink bud stage, and continue on a 14-21 day interval.
RootShield: In furrow spray or transplant starter: 16-32 oz/acre. Cutting or barerooted transplant dip:  6 oz/20 gal water
Bud-break (aka Bud Swell, Green tip) through pre-bloom
Gypsy moth (spongy moth)
Winter moth
3A, UN
Insecticides listed at dormant plus:
Azera, 1-3.5 pt (0)
Confirm 2F, 4-8 oz (14)
Deliver, 0.25 - 1.5 lb (0)
Dipel DF, 0.5-2 lb (0)
Grandevo DF, 1-3 lb (0)
Molt-X, 8-10 oz (0)
Venerate XC, 1-8 qt (0)
XenTari, 0.5-2 lb (0)
Confirm and Intrepid are most effective against young larval stages.

Use Grandevo when pest populations are low and/or in young growth stage.
Blueberry blossom weevil,
Cranberry weevil
*Asana XL, 4.8-9.6oz (14)
Disking between rows and raking/hoeing under plants helpful.
Eradication of wild blueberries in the vicinity of the blueberry planting is advised.
Mummy berry
7, 11
3, 11
Actinovate AG, 3-12 oz (0)
Abound F, 6.0-15.5 oz (0)
Bravo 720SC, 3-4 lb (42)
Captan 80 WDG, 1.25-3.12 lb (0)
Captec 4L, 0.75-1 qt (0)
Captevate 68 WDG, 4.7 lb (0)
Inspire Super, 14-20 fl oz (7)
Indar 2F, 6 fl oz (30)
LifeGard LC, 1 gal/100 gal (0)
Luna Tranquility, 16-27 oz (0)
Omega 500F, 20 fl oz (30)
Oranil 6L, 3-4 pt (42)
Orbit or Tilt, 6 oz (30)
Pristine WG, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Proline 480 SC, 5.7 oz (7)
PropiMax EC, 6 oz (30)
Quash, 2.5 fl oz (7)
Quilt Xcel, 14-21 fl oz (30)
Switch, 11-14 oz (0)
BotryStop, 2-4 lb (0)
Double Nickel 55, 0.25-3 lb (0)
Double Nickel LC, 0.5-6 qt (0)
Oso 5% SC, 6.5-13 fl oz (0)
Regalia, 1-4 qt  (0)
Serenade Max, 1-3 lb (0)
Before mummy cups appear (mid-March), disk between rows and rake, sweep, and hoe under plants or cover with 3-4” of mulch.
As first mummy cups appear, apply 200 lbs of 50% Urea prills.
Cultivation and Urea are most effective when both are used.
Abound should be used with extreme caution to avoid phytotoxicity to apples. See label for further information.
Use of propiconazole for mummy berry control has been associated with an increase in Botrytis severity.
Tank mix Regalia with other registered fungicides.
Double Nickel and Oranil for mummy berry suppression only.
Be aware of pre-harvest interval restrictions for Omega and Oranil.

Do not use a silicone surfactant or penetrant adjuvant with BotryStop.
Regalia: 1-4qt (chemigation); 0.5-4qt (foliar or ground application). See label for additional application methodes.
Early to mid-bloom
Gypsy moth (spongy moth)
Winter moth
Deliver, 0.25 - 2 lb (0)
Dipel DF, 0.5-2 lb (0)
XenTari, 0.5-1.5 lb (0)
Mummy berry
Same as bud-break through pre-bloom
Scout field for mummyberry strikes to determine risk level for secondary infections.
Fungicide applications are especially important following frost/freeze events during bloom.
Botrytis blossom and twig blight
Captan 50WP, 5 lb (0)
CaptEvate 68WDG, 3.5-4.7 lb (0)
Luna Tranquility, 16-27 oz (1)
Miravis Prime, 11.4-13.4 fl oz (0)
Omega 500F, 20 fl oz (30)
Quash, 2.5 fl oz (7)
Switch Max, 1-3 lb (0)
Ziram 76DF, 3 lb (-)
Actinovate AG, 3-12 oz (0)
Botrystop, 2-4lb (0)
EcoSwing, 1.5-2 pt (0)
Double Nickel 55, 0.25-3 lb (0)
Double Nickel LC, 0.5-6 qt (0)
LifeGard WG, 4.5oz/100 gal (0)
Oxidate 2.0, 1:200-1:400 preventative; 1:100 curative (0)
Serenade Max, 1-3 lb (0)

Avoid high rates of nitrogen fertilizer which tends to promote growth that is more susceptible to infection.

Do not use a silicone surfactant or penetrant adjuvant with BotryStop.

When applying EcoSwing,  use minimum of 10ga of water/A for ground applications. See label for addition application methods and site. 4hr REI. 

Do not apply Ziram 76DF later than 3 weeks after full bloom. 48hr REI. 

Phomopsis twig blight
17, M4
7, 11
7, 12
11, 3
3, 11
9, 12
Abound, 6-15.5 fl oz (0)
Captan 50WP, 5 lb (0)
Captevate 68 WDG, 3.5-4.7 lb (0)
Elevate 50WDG, 1.5 lb (0)
Omega 500F, 20 fl oz (30)
Oranil 6L, 3-4 pt (42)
pHorcepHite, 2-4 qt (0)
Pristine WG, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Proline 480 SC, 5.7 oz (7)
Miravis Prime, 11.4-13.4 fl oz (0)
Quadris Top, 12-14 fl oz (7)
Quash, 2.5 oz (7)
Quilt Xcel, 14-21 fl oz (30)
Rendition, 1-3pt/100 gal (0)
Switch 62.5WG, 11-14 oz (0)
Ziram 76DF, 3 lb 
Actinovate AG, 3-12 oz (0)
Cueva, 0.5-2 gal (0)
Double Nickel 55, 0.25-3 lb (0)
Double Nickel LC, 0.5-6 qt (0)
Oso 5%SC, 6.5 oz (0)
Serenade Max, 1-3 lb (0)
Many mummy berry materials also labeled for these diseases.
Use Captevate at the highest rate (4.7 lb) for anthracnose. Captevate NOT labeled for Phomopsis.
Be aware of pre-harvest interval restrictions for Omega and Oranil.
Apply Cueva at start of flowering and every 7-10 days through bloom. Do not reapply within 7 days. 
Rendition is hydrogen peroxide plus peroxyacetic acid. Apply during bloom when weather conditions favor disease development.
Do not apply Ziram 76DF later than 3 weeks after full bloom.
Blueberry leaf rust
3, 9
11, 3
3, 11
Inspire Super, 16-20 fl oz (7)
Oranil 6L, 3-4 pt (post harvest)
Orbit, Tilt, 6 oz (30)
Proline 480 SC, 5.7 oz (7)
PropiMax EC, 6 oz (30)
Quadris Top, 12-14 fl oz (7)
Quash, 2.5 oz (7)
Quilt Xcel, 14-21 fl oz (30)
JMS Stylet Oil, 3-6 qt/100 gal (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2%  by volume (0)
Remove alternate host (Hemlock) from within 1/4 mile if possible, especially those upwind of blueberry planting.
Plant resistant cultivars such as 'Bluecrop', 'Burlington', 'Collins', 'Dixi', 'Earliblue', 'Ivanhoe', 'Stanley', or 'Weymouth' if possible.
Oranil can be used after harvest to maintain healthy foliage.
Powdery mildew
11, 3
Abound 6-15.5 fl oz (0)
Indar 2F, 6 fl oz (30)
Inspire Super, 14-20 fl oz (7)
Luna Tranquility, 16-27 oz (0)
Orbit or Tilt, 6 oz (30)
Mettle 125ME, 3-5 fl oz (0)
PropiMax EC, 6 oz (30)
Quilt Xcel, 14-21 fl oz (30)
Quadris Top, 12-14 fl oz (7)
Quash, 2.5 oz (7)
Actinovate AG, 3-12 oz (0)
EcoSwing, 1.5-2 pt (0)
JMS Stylet Oil, 3 qts (0)
Kumulus DF, 6-15 lb (0)
Microthiol Disperss, 6-15 lb (0)
Milstop SP 2.5-5 lb (0)
Oxidate, 1:100 (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Trilogy, 1% solution (0)
Prune for good drying conditions.
Plant resistant cultivars when possible.
Do not use sulfur products and oil products within 2 weeks of each other.
EcoSwing - se minimum of 10gal of water/A for ground applications. See label for additional application methods. 4hr REI
Do not apply more than 20 fl oz/A per year of Mettle 125ME. See label for additional details. 
Oxidate: 1:200-1:400 preventative or 1:100 curative. See label for application method details. 
Petal Fall (remove honey bees before spraying)
Cranberry fruitworm
Cherry fruitworm
Altacor, 3.0-4.5 oz (1)
*Asana XL, 4.8-9.6 0z (14)
Assail 30 SG, 4.5-5.3 oz (1)
Avaunt, 3.5-6 oz, (7)
*Brigade WSB, 5.3-16 oz (1)
Confirm 2F, 16 oz (14)
*Danitol 2.4E, 10.6-16 (3)
Delegate WG, 3-6 oz (3)
Deliver, 0.25-2 lbs (0)
DiPel DF, 0.5-2 lb (0)
Entrust SC, 4-6 oz (3)
Esteem 0.86EC, 16 oz (7)
Exirel, 10-13.5 fl oz (3)
Grandevo WDG, 1-3 lb (0)
*Hero, 6.4-10.3 oz (1)
Imidan 70W, 1 1/3 lb (3)
Intrepid 2F, 10-16 oz (7)
*Lannate SP, 0.5 - 1 lb (3)
Malathion 57E, 1.6 pt (1)
Molt-X, 8 oz (0)
Rimon 0.83EC, 20-30 oz (8)
Sevin XLR Plus, 1.5-2 qts (7)
Venerate XC,1-2 qt (0)
Verdepryn 100SL, 8.2-11 fl. oz. (1)
Disking between rows and raking and hoeing under plants is helpful for fruitworm management.
In small plantings remove and destroy infested fruit (which can be identified because it turns prematurely blue)
Fruitworms are active for about five weeks and they cannot be controlled with only one post-pollination spray.
DiPel is a bacterial biological insecticide containing Bacillus thuringiensis and must be ingested to be effective. Apply when newly hatched larvae (1st or 2nd instar) begin feeding. Larvae cease feeding in hours and die in 2-5 days.
White grubs
Admire Pro, 7-14 oz soil (7)
NemaShield HB, 1 billion nematodes (0)
Apply Admire Pro through low pressure irrigation or as a band treatment followed by rainfall or irrigation. Do not exceed 0.5 lb active ingredient per acre per year. The most effective timing is between June 1 and July 15.
When applying nematodes, water after application and keep soil moist two weeks after application.  
3A, UN

Actara, 3-4 oz (3)
Assail 30SG, 2.5-5.3 oz (1)
Azera, 1-3.5 pt (0)
*Brigade WSB, 5.3-16 oz (1)
Cormoran, 20 oz (8)
Des-X, 2% sol. (0)
Exirel, 13.5-20.5 fl oz (3)
Grandevo WDG, 2-3 lb (0)
*Hero, 4-10.3 oz (1)
Molt-X, 8-10 oz (0)
Movento 2SC, 8-10 oz (7)
M-Pede, 1-2% sol. (0)
Neemix, .25-1 pt (0)
Platinum 75SG, 1.66-4.01 fl oz (75)
Senstar, 16-20 fl oz (7)
Sivanto Prime 200SL, 7-14 fl oz (3)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% (0)
Trilogy, 1-2% sol (0)
Venerate XC, 2-4 qt (0)
Aphids can vector the phytoplasma that causes Blueberry Scorch disease and so should be controlled in blueberry plantings.
Mix penetrating adjuvant with Movento.
Venerate for aphid suppression only.
Same as early-mid bloom
Powdery mildew
Same as early-mid bloom
First cover (about 10 days after Petal Fall; some berries begin to color)
Cranberry fruitworm
Cherry fruitworm
Same as petal fall
Apply 7 to 12 days after petal fall
Blueberry maggot
*Asana XL, 9.6 oz (14)
Assail 30 SG, 4.5-5.3 oz (1)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pts (0)
*Brigade WSB, 5.3-16 oz (1)
Cormoran, 20 oz (1)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6 oz (3)
Delegate 25WG, 3-6 oz (3)
Exirel, 13.5-20.5 oz (3)
GF-120 Naturalyte Bait, 10-20 oz (0)
Grandevo WDG, 2-3 lb (0)
*Hero 6.4-10.3 oz (1)
Imidan 70 W, 1 1/3 lb (3)
*Lannate SP, 0.25-0.5 lb (3)
Malathion 5EC, 1 pt (1)
Molt-X, 8-10 oz (0)
Movento, 10 oz (7)
Rimon 0.83EC, 20-30 of (8)
Sevin XLR Plus, 1.5-2 pt (7)
Sivanto Prime, 12-14 fl oz (3)
Surround WP, 25-50 lb (0) suppression
Tersus, 4.5-16.35 fl (0)
Verdepryn 100SL, 8.2-11 fl. oz. (1)
Use sticky traps (red/green spheres or yellow rectangles; See source listing in appendix) to monitor population and activity.
Apply insecticide 7-10 days after first trap catch.
Check traps twice each week.
Apply sprays when berries begin to turn blue or when flies begin to lay eggs, usually late June. Repeat every 10 days through harvest.
Be aware of pre-harvest intervals and other restrictions with repeated sprays.
Malathion should be used with 1.5 qt Staley’s Sauce Base No. 7 (NuLure).
Mix penetrating adjuvant with Movento.
Delegate for blueberry maggot suppression.
GF-120 Naturalyte Bait contains sugar as an insect attractant, in order to increase efficacy of the active ingredient.
Brown marmorated stink bug
3A, UN
Azera, 1-3.5 pt (0)
*Lannate 90, 0.5 - 1 lb (3)
As of 2023, brown marmorated stink bugs have been found in all New England states but have not been reported as a problem in blueberry production.
Same as petal fall
Same as petal fall
Powdery mildew
Same as petal fall
Spotted wing Drosophila
Assail 30 SG 5.3 oz (1)
*Bifenture 10DF, 5.3-16.0 oz (1)
Cormoran, 20 oz (8)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6-16 oz (3)
Delegate WG, 6 oz (3)
Entrust SC, 4-6 oz (3)
Exirel, 13.5-20.5 (3)
Grandevo WDG, 2-3 lb (0)
*Hero, 4-10.3 oz (1)
Imidan 70 W, 1 1/3 lb (3)
*Lannate SP, 0.5 - 1 lb (3)
*Mustang Maxx, 4.0 oz (1)
  Pyganic 1.4EC, 16-64 oz (0)
Rimon 0.83EC, 20-30 oz (8)
Verdepryn 100SL, 8.2-11 fl. oz. (1)
Use traps baited with apple cider vinegar plus ethanol alcohol (90% apple cider vinegar plus 10% ethanol) and/or fermenting yeast to monitor population.
Spray once SWD adults are captured and fruit begins to turn color.
Grandevo for SWD suppression only.
When using Rimon, tank mix with an adulticide to control adult SWD
Second and additional covers (10 days from previous cover, repeat as needed)
Blueberry maggot   Same as first cover above See comments above for Blueberry maggot
Brown marmorated stink bug   Same as first cover above  
Japanese beetle and other scarab beetles
Actara, 3-4 oz (3)
Admire Pro, 2.1-2.8 oz (3)
Altacor, 3-4.5 oz (1)
*Asana XL, 4.8-9.6 oz (14)
Assail 30 SG, 4.5-5.3 oz (1)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pts (0)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6 oz (3)
*Hero, 6.4-10.3 oz (1)
Imidan 70W, 1.3 lbs (3)
Molt-X, 8-10 oz (0)
NemaShield HB, 1 billion nematodes (0)
Platinum 75SG, 1.66-4.01 oz (75)
Sevin XLR Plus, 1-2 qt (7)
Surround WP, 25-50 lb (0)
Tersus, 4.5-16.35 fl (0)
Verdepryn 100SL, 8.2-11 fl. oz. (1)
Traps are not recommended as they tend to draw more beetles to the area than they remove.
Bushes can withstand significant feeding injury without yield impact but fruit contamination with feces may be unacceptable, especially for packout.
Admire Pro rate is for foliar applied; see label for soil applied rate.
The use of Sevin may result in the build up of aphids due to the elimination of natural predators.
Surround labeled for suppression only.
Aza-Direct acts as a feeding repellent and requires frequent reapplication.
When applying nematodes, water after application and keep soil moist two weeks after application.  
Same as First Cover above
See Captan comments in Petal Fall Section.
Powdery mildew
Same as First Cover above
Spotted wing Drosophila
Same as First Cover above
Sharp-nosed leafhopper
Actara, 3-4 oz (3)
*Asana XL, 4.8-9.6 oz (14)
*Bifenture 10DF, 5.3-16.0 oz (1)
*Brigade WSB, 5.3-16 oz (1)
*Hero, 4-10.3 oz (1)
*Lannate SP, 0.5 pt (3)
Malathion 57EC, 2 pt (1)
Sevin XLR Plus, 1-2 qt (7)
Rogue out plants affected with blueberry stunt.
Monitor insects with yellow sticky traps and control when found.
Each of these sprays will control sharp-nosed leafhopper, the only known carrier of the blueberry stunt mycoplasma.
Powdery mildew
Same as Second Cover above
Plant resistant cultivars when possible.
Plant and prune for good air circulation and drying conditions.
Do not use sulfur products and oil products within 2 weeks of each other.
Phomopsis twig blight
Miller Lime Sulfur, 5-6 gal/100-150gal (0)
Apply in late October or when 2/3 of leaves drop on Weymouth and Berkeley.
Where brand names for chemicals are used, it is for the reader’s information. No endorsement is implied, nor is discrimination intended against products with similar ingredients. Please consult pesticide product labels for rates, application instructions and safety precautions. Users of these products assume all associated risks.
RAC=Resistance Action Committee group for resistance management.  Fungicides=FRAC, Insecticides=IRAC
*Restricted use pesticide; pesticide applicators license required. OMRI listed for organic production. (UN) unknown mode of action.
For resistance management do not make more than 2 sequential applications of fungicides in the same FRAC group or insecticides in the same IRAC group. See product labels or RAC column in this table for groups.

Vertebrate Pests

Deer: White-tailed deer can cause extensive damage to blueberries by browsing top-growth in winter. Deer can also cause damage to other small fruit crops. For more information on controlling deer, please see Deer Control in the Appendices.

Birds: Birds are a major pest problem in highbush blueberries. Left unchecked, they can destroy enough of the crop to ruin profitability of a planting. The loss of chemical deterrents has made bird control a more difficult task in recent times, but effective means are still available.

Management: Netting is the most effective way to keep birds out of the planting. Although initial costs can be high, most netting will last for many years if cared for properly. Netting should be hung over some sort of support structure built around the planting. Usually posts are set nine feet above the ground around the perimeter of the planting, and wire is run from pole to pole to form a grid over the planting. The netting is hung over this grid when fruit begins to turn color. Some temporary nine foot poles may be placed within the planting at intersections of the grid to keep netting from drooping. Bury edges of the netting or anchor it to the ground to keep birds from crawling underneath. Remove netting when harvest is complete, and store in a cool, dry place.

Visual scare devices have variable effectiveness on birds. Scarecrows, balloons, kites, snakes or stuffed owls may work on certain bird species in certain areas, but none seem to have widespread dependability. When using visual scare devices, place in planting only when fruit begins to ripen, and move regularly, at least once a day. Six scare-eye balloons per acre are recommended. Remove from field as soon as harvest is over to reduce birds becoming accustomed to the devices. Kites and helium-filled balloons of hawks positioned high above the planting have provided good results in some areas.

Noise deterrents, such as propane cannons, alarms and recorded distress calls seem to have the least effect on birds in blueberries, and may greatly annoy neighbors. A combination of noise and visuals may be effective, however. Several operations have hired people to regularly drive motorcycles and/or ATVs through plantings when fruit is ripe, and this seems to keep birds away quite well.

Bird Shield™, a repellent formulated from methyl anthranilate, is registered for use on blueberries, cherries, and grapes. Methyl anthranilate is commonly used as a grape flavoring in human food preparations. Bird avoidance is based on odor quality and irritation. To humans, this chemical has a grape-like or fruit odor and a slightly bitter, pungent taste. Unfortunately efficacy data does not support recommending the use of this material at this time.

Research using laser "scarecrows" is currently being conducted. Hopefully these devices will help deter birds in the near future.

Voles: Voles can be a serious problem in blueberry plantings. They feed on the bark of stems or on roots depending on which species of vole is present. In the Northeast, two species are found: the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) and the pine vole (Microtus pinetorum). They may both be present in a blueberry planting. It is important to determine which species is present in order to make management decisions.

Size and appearance of the two species differ although it is somewhat rare to actually see them. The meadow vole has a long body (150-195 cm) and long tail, prominent eyes and ears, coarse fur, and is dull gray to chestnut in color with a gray belly. The pine vole has a short body (110-135 cm) and short tail, sunken eyes and ears, fine velvety fur, and is bright chestnut in color with a slate gray belly.

Evidence of their activity is more diagnostic. Meadow voles are active on the surface of the ground, feeding on the bark of the bushes and making shallow trails in the grass or mulch around the plants. Food caches and droppings can be found in these surface trails. Pine voles are active below ground, feeding on roots. Subsurface trails can be found by digging around the bushes. These trails come to the surface where mounds of dirt can be seen. Holes leading into these trails are about 1” in diameter.

Simply finding evidence of voles does not indicate a serious problem. To determine whether the voles are causing serious injury to the bushes, it is necessary to estimate the population of voles present. This requires some specialized sampling. It is best to contact your Extension Specialist for help with this sampling procedure.

Management: In some cases, removal of mulch material around bushes can help in reducing the meadow vole population. However, this is risky for bushes susceptible to drought stress. In those cases, choosing a mulch material that does not support tunneling (caves in easily), such as wood chips, is recommended. In some New England States, any application of toxicants or poisons for the purpose of killing any mammal or bird is prohibited. However, some toxicants may be allowed under certain situations with the proper permits. Call your Extension Specialist for recommendations.


The primary goal of weed management is to optimize yields by minimizing competition between the weeds and the crop. Weeds reduce yields by competing with the crop for water, space, light, and nutrients. Weeds also harbor insects and diseases and encourage vertebrate pests. Timely cultivation, wise use of herbicides, and never permitting weeds to go to seed are integral parts of a good weed management system. Many of the weeds found in crop fields are difficult-to-control perennial weeds that are not common in annual crop culture. New plantings usually have fewer perennial weed problems than older plantings. Annual and biennial weeds can also exist in these fields. Fields should be scouted at least twice a year (spring and fall) to determine specific weed problems. The selection of a weed management tool should be based on specific weeds present in each field.

The most important weed management strategy is employed prior to planting that is, eliminating all perennial weeds. Fields that have been dormant or have been in pasture may have perennial weeds that are well established. Fields that have been in cultivation are less likely to have established perennial weeds in them. Common perennial weeds include common dandelion, Canada thistle, stinging nettle, field bindweed, field horsetail, goldenrod, and quackgrass. Once these perennial weeds become established or remain established in a berry field, they are very difficult to remove. The most common way to remove perennial weeds is with Roundup (glyphosate) applied in the fall prior to planting. Perennial broadleaf weeds should be treated after flowering but prior to a killing frost. Perennial grasses can be treated late into November.

Weeds can develop resistance to herbicides. The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) developed a grouping system based on the mode of action of different herbicides. WSSA Group numbers can be used as a tool to choose herbicides in different mode of action groups so mixtures or rotations of active ingredients can be planned to better manage weeds and reduce the potential for resistant species.

Cultural weed management in blueberry plantings includes mulching, cultivation, and soil pH management. Mulching is a major weed management tool in blueberry production. Mulches that are free of weed seeds and placed thickly enough can be very effective at reducing or eliminating most annual weeds from the crop row. They are seldom effective on perennial weeds, however. Use of cultivation is difficult and often is counter productive in blueberry plantings. It destroys surface feeding roots and does not work well where mulches are used. All cultivations should be timely and shallow to minimize crop root injury, to minimize loss of soil moisture, and to avoid repositioning new weed seeds to the soil surface. The low pH soil that blueberry plantings thrive in is not a good environment for most weed species. Keeping the soil pH at the right level will help to reduce weed pressure.

The areas between the crop row is usually maintained with a mowed cover of sod, clover, weeds, or a combination of these. This cover is used primarily for erosion control and to improve trafficability in the field.

Table 36. Weed Management for Highbush Blueberries

Table 36. Weed management for highbush blueberries in the transplant year and in established plantings.
Weed Problem Herbicide Rate/Acre Comments and Limitations
Annual broadleaf weeds (mesotrione) Group 27
3-6 oz Add nonionic surfactant to be 0.25% of the spray volume, or 1 qt per acre crop oil concentrate. Apply in the late fall after leaf drop and/or in early spring before bud break as a spray directed toward the base of the bush. Broadleaf weeds controlled include horseweed and common lambsquarter. Tank-mix with an appropriate postemergence herbicide for broad-spectrum control of emerged weeds. Tank-mix with a residual grass herbicide to improved annual grass control. Do not apply more than 6 fl oz of Callisto per acre within one year.
Annual broadleaf weeds
and suppression of annual grasses
(flumioxazin) Group 14
Chateau SW
6 oz Only if plants established less than 2 years are protected from spray contact by nonporous wrap, grow tubes, or waxed containers. Add crop oil concentrate to be 1% of spray volume. Apply in late fall after leaf drop or in early spring before bud break. Tank-mix with an appropriate postemergence herbicide for broad-spectrum control of emerged weeds. Tank-mix with a residual grass herbicide to improve annual grass control. Do not allow spray to contact foliage or new green bark. Do not use more than 6 oz/a of product where the soil contains more than 80% sand until the plants have been in the field for more than 3 years. Follow instructions on label for tank clean-out if any part of the sprayer will be used to spray other crops; otherwise, crop injury may occur. See label for other cautions and restrictions, as even contact with treated residue can cause phytotoxicity.
Annual grasses and small seeded broadleaf weeds (napropamide) Group 0
Devrinol 50 DF
Devrinol 2-XT
Devrinol DF-XT
8 lb
2 gal
8 lb
Apply after transplanting to weed-free soil. Devrinol must be activated within 24 hrs by cultivation or enough water by irrigation or rainfall to wet the soil to a depth of 2 to 4 inches. The full rate may not be necessary at transplanting.
(oryzalin) Group 3
Surflan DF
2.4 - 7.1 lb Do not apply until soil has settled around the plants and no cracks are present. Irrigation or 1 inch of rain is needed within 21 days of application. Shallow cultivation will improve control. May injure newly planted tissue culture plants.
(S-metolachlor) Group 15
Dual Magnum EC
0.67 pt Apply as a banded treatment to either side of the blueberry rows prior to weed emergence. Avoid contact with the crop. Blueberry bushes planted in coarse soils are more susceptible to injury than those on fine-textured soils. MASSACHUSETTS ONLY: Indemnified label available only at Read entire label for other precautions.
(simazine) Group 5
Princep 4L
Caliber 90
1 - 2 qt
1.1 - 2.2 lb
Use to improve the broadleaf weed activity of Devrinol or Surflan. Consider applying half the maximum rate after planting and half in the fall before winter annuals emerge. Do not use on newly transplanted tissue culture plants.
(isoxaben) Group 21
Gallery 75D
0.66 - 1.33 lb
0.66 - 1.33 lb
NON-BEARING USE ONLY. Do not apply within 1 year of the first harvest. Do not apply over the top of plants but as a directed spray to the base of plants after the soil has settled. Does not control emerged weeds. Controls many broadleaf weeds from seed. See label for a complete list.
Emerged annual and most perennial grasses (fluazifop) Group 1
Fusilade DX
16 - 24 oz NON-BEARING USE ONLY. See label for best times to treat specific weeds. Will not control broadleaf weeds or sedges. Do not apply to crops to be harvested within 1 year of application. Do not apply if rainfall is expected within 1 hour or if grasses are under drought stress. Must be used with a crop oil concentrate or non-ionic surfactant.
(sethoxydim) Group 1
1 - 2.5 pt See label for best times to treat specific weeds. Will not control broadleaf weeds or sedges. Do not apply to grasses under stress (e.g., drought). Crop oil concentrate must be added to the spray tank. Do not cultivate 5 days before or 7 days after application. Do not apply more than 5 pints per acre per season.
Emerged annual and most perennial grasses
(clethodim) Group 1
Select 2EC
Select Max
Arrow 2EC
6-8 oz
12-16 oz
6-8 oz
Use the lower rate to control young annual and perennial grasses. Repeat the application if regrowth occurs. Always add oil concentrate to be 1% of the spray solution, or a minimum of 1 pint per acre, to Select 2EC. Always add oil concentrate to be 1% of the spray solution, or a minimum of 1 pint per acre, or nonionic surfactant to be 0.25% of the spray solution to Select Max. Do not tank-mix with any other pesticide unless labeled. Do not apply within 1 hour of rainfall. Do not apply to grasses in drought, heat, cold, or any other stress condition. Select is currently labeled for nonbearing fields only. Do not apply within 12 months of harvest.
Emerged annual weeds and suppression of perennial weeds. (pelargonic acid) Group 0
Contact material for burn down only. See Scythe comments in Strawberry section. See label for complete instructions.
(glufosinate ammonium)
Group 10
Rely 200


77-115 oz
48-82 oz
48-82 oz

Use to burndown emerged weeds. Apply as a banded, broadcast, or spot treatment. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest. Avoid direct contact with crop. Do not exceed 230 oz/acre/year. Do not graze, harvest, or feed sprayed weeds to livestock.
Annual grasses and small seeded broadleaf weeds (napropamide) Group 0
Devrinol 50DF
Devrinol 2-XT
Devrinol DF-XT
8 lb
2 gal
8 lb
Apply in the early spring before seedling weeds emerge. Devrinol must be activated within 24 hours by shallow cultivation or with enough rainfall or irrigation to wet the soil to a depth of 2 to 4 inches.
(oryzalin) Group 3
Surflan 4AS
Surflan DF
2 - 4 qt
2.4 - 7.1 lbs
Apply to weed-free soil in the spring. Irrigation or 1 inch or rainfall is needed within 21 days of application.
(norflurazon) Group 12
Solicam 80DF
2.5 - 5 lb Apply in early spring when crop is dormant to clean and weed-free soil. May result in temporary bleaching or chlorosis of leaves from which the plant will recover. Do not use on nursery stock.
(S-metolachlor) Group 15
Dual Magnum EC
0.67 -1.33 pt Apply as a banded treatment to either side of the blueberry rows prior to weed emergence. Avoid contact with the crop. Blueberry bushes planted in coarse soils are more susceptible to injury than those on fine-textured soils. MASSACHUSETTS ONLY: Indemnified label available only at Read entire label for other precautions.
NOTE: For broad spectrum pre-emregence weed control, consider applying one of the above “grass” herbicides (napropamide, oryzalin, norflurazon, or S-metolachlor) in addition to one of the following “broadleaf” herbicides (simazine, terbacil, hexazinone, dichlobenil, or mesotrione).
Annual and perennial grasses (pronamide) Group 3
Kerb 50WP
2-4 lb Apply in late fall when soil temperatures are between 35 and 55°F. Spring transplants should be at least six months in the field, and fall transplants should be in the field for twelve months prior to treatment. When applied in the fall, also provides early control of annual grasses the following spring. Apply Surflan, Solicam, or Sinbar the following spring for full season annual grass control. Tank-mix Kerb with Princep for residual broadleaf weed control.
Annual broadleaf weeds (mesotrione) Group 27
Callisto Herbicide
3-6 oz Add nonionic surfactant to be 0.25% of the spray volume, or 1 qt per acre crop oil concentrate. Apply in the late fall after leaf drop and/or in early spring before bud break as a spray directed toward the base of the bush. If applying in the fall, use a 3 fl oz rate and repeat with 3 fl oz prebloom for longer control. If applying in the spring, up to 6 fl oz can be used. Broadleaf weeds controlled include horseweed and common lambsquarter. Tank-mix with an appropriate postemergence herbicide for broad-spectrum control of emerged weeds. Tank-mix with a residual grass herbicide to improved annual grass control. Do not apply more than 6 fl oz of Callisto per acre within one year.
(halosulfuron) Group 2
Sandea 75 WSG
0.5-1 oz

For control of broadleaf weeds and nutsedge. Apply a single or sequential application based on weed pressure. If small weeds are present, tank-mix with a post-emergence broad-spectrum type herbicide to maximize and enhance the spectrum of broad-leaf and grass control. Do not apply Sandea to plants established less than 1 year or to plants under stress. Do not apply more than 2 oz Sandea per acre per 12-month period. Check plant-back interval before establishing a new crop on Sandea-treated areas (i.e., 36 months for strawberries).

For nutsedge control, make a single application when nutsedge is fully emerged (3-5 leaf stage). If a second application is needed, it may be made later in the season directed to secondary nutsedge emergence. For best results use a minimum of 0.75 oz/A Sandea.

Annual broadleaf weeds and supression of some annual grasses (flumioxazin) Group 14
Chateau SW
6-12 oz Add crop oil concentrate to be 1% of spray volume. Apply in late fall after leaf drop or in early spring before bud break. Tank-mix with an appropriate postemergence herbicide for broad-spectrum control of emerged weeds. Tank-mix with a residual grass herbicide to improve annual grass control. Do not allow spray to contact foliage or new green bark. Do not use more than 6 oz/a of product where soil contains more than 80% sand until plants have been in the field for more than 3 years. Follow instructions on label for tank clean-out if any part of the sprayer will be used to spray other crops; otherwise, crop injury may occur. See label for other cautions and restrictions, as even contact with treated residue can cause phytotoxicity.
(rimsulfuron) Group 2

4 oz

For broadcast applications, make a single application preemergence or early postemergence to actively growing weeds at 4 ounces per acre per year . Use a directed spray application adjusted to provide complete coverage of the weeds while minimizing the amount of spray coming into contact with blueberry plants. When applied as a banded treatment (50% treated band or less), Solida may be applied twice per year. Allow a minimum of 30 days between applications. Applications made after bud break may cause temporary chlorosis and/or stunting of leaves contacted by the spray. Use on high bush blueberries that have gone through at least one growing season and are in good health and vigor. May be applied in tank mixture with other herbicides registered for use in high bush blueberries. Do not apply within 21 days of first harvest (21 day PHI). Do not apply more than 4 ounces per acre on a broadcast application basis per year.

Broadleaf weeds, some grasses, and suppression of some perennial weeds (simazine) Group 5
Princep 4L
Caliber 90
2 - 4 qt
2.2 - 4.4 lb
Apply in the spring before bud break and before weeds emerge, or in the fall. Do not apply when fruit is present. For improved control as well as quackgrass suppression apply half in the spring and half after harvest.
(terbacil) Group 5
Sinbar 80WP
Sinbar WDG
2-3 lb
2-3 lb
Apply in the early spring or in the fall as a directed spray to the base of the plants. Will also control small emerged weeds. Do not contact new shoots and avoid contact with foliage. Spring application must be made before fruit set. Avoid application on plantings low in vigor. Planting must be at least 1 year old before application. Do not apply within 70 days before harvest.
(hexazinone) Group 5
Velpar 75DF
Velpar L
1.3 - 2.6 lb
4 - 8 pt
Planting must be established at least 3 years. Apply in the spring to the soil surface PRIOR to blueberry leaf emergence. Use a directed spray to avoid contact with blueberry plants. Controls many perennial weeds and will suppress wild brambles.
(dichlobenil) Group 29
Casoron CS
Casoron 4G
1.4-2.8 gal
100-150 lb
Apply at temperatures below 50˚F, preferably just before rain or snow. Soil must be settled around established plants. Uniform application is essential. Do not apply during new shoot emergence. The 4G formulation is effective on many perennial weed species. May reduce plant growth in plantings that are young or lacking vigor. There is a leaching risk with this product however both the granular (4G) and microencapsulated (CS) formulations have reduced leaching potential compared to the wettable powder formulation used previously. Use higher rate for perennial weeds. Do not apply until 1 year after planting. Tank mixing with other pre-and/or post-emergence herbicides registered for use on the specific crops listed may provide a broader spectrum of weed control.
  (sulfentrazone) Group 14
Zeus XC
Zeus Prime
8 - 12 oz
7.7-15.2 oz

If adequate moisture (1/2" to 1") from rainfall or irrigation is not received within 7 to 10 days after treatment, a shallow incorporation may be needed. Apply to blueberries growing at least 3 years and in good condition. Should be applied when no weeds are present. If weeds are present, tank mix with a postemergence herbicide. Can be tank mixed with other preemergence and postemergence burndown herbicides. Refer to the tank mix partner’s labels for additional restrictions. Burndown herbicides may include, but are not limited to, Aim, glyphosate, paraquat, glufosinate, and 2,4-D. Do not tank mix with Chateau® herbicides (flumioxazin) or with other products containing sulfentrazone.  May be applied twice per year. Do not apply more than 12 fl oz product per acre (0.375 lb ai/A) on a broadcast application basis per year. Allow a minimum of 60 days between applications.
Zeus Prime is a combination of carfentrazone-ethyl plus sulfentrazone.
Emerged annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Suppression of emerged perennial weeds (paraquat) Group 22
*Gramoxone SL 2.0
Firestorm 3SC
2-4 pt
1.3-2.7 pt
Contact herbicide with no translocation or residual activity. Best results occur when weeds are 2 inches tall or less. Regrowth may occur from the root systems of established weeds. Use a surfactant to be 0.25% of the spray solution (1 qt per 100 gallons of spray solution). Combine with recommended preemergence herbicide(s) for residual weed control. Do not allow spray or drift to contact green bark, leaves, or fruit. Crop damage may result. The use of shields, such as grow tubes or paper milk cartons, greatly reduces the risk of injury in young plantings. DANGER! Restricted-use herbicide. May be fatal if swallowed or inhaled. Read safety precautions on the label.  See notes below.
(glufosinate ammonium)
Group 10
Rely 200
77-115 oz
48-82 oz
48-82 oz
Use to burndown emerged weeds. Apply as a banded, broadcast, or spot treatment. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest. Avoid direct contact with crop. Do not exceed 230 oz/acre/year. Do not graze, harvest, or feed sprayed weeds to livestock.
(carfentrazone ethyl)
Group 14
Aim EC
Zeus Prime
1-2 oz
7.7-15.2 oz
Apply as a directed spray to the base of the crop to burn down emerged weeds including morningglory, nightshade, bedstraw, and ferns. Do not use more than 6.1 oz/year. Contact with the crop will cause damage. Zeus Prime is a combination of carfentrazone-ethyl plus sulfentrazone.
Emerged annual and most perennial grasses (sethoxydim) Group 1
1- 2.5 pt Effective on actively growing grasses. Do not apply to grasses under stress (e.g., drought). Crop oil concentrate must be added to spray tank. Do not cultivate 5 days before or 7 days after application. Do not exceed 5 pints per acre per year.
(clethodim) Group 1
Select Max
9-16 oz Apply as a directed spray to the base of the crop and to actively growing grasses. Grasses under drought stress will not be controlled. Do not apply more than 64 oz/acre/year. Do not repeat applications within 14 days.
Emerged annual weeds and suppression of perennial weeds (pelargonic acid)
Fatty acid, Group 0
3-10% solution Contact material for burn down only. See Scythe comments in Strawberry section. See label for complete instructions.
Emerged annual and perennial weeds (glyphosate) Group 9
Roundup Ultra
1 - 5 qt Apply to actively growing weeds. Apply with a wiper or a shielded/directed spray to the base of the plants. Do not permit herbicide solution to contact desirable vegetation, including green shoots, canes, or foliage. Do not cultivate within 7 days after application.

†Where brand names for chemicals are used, it is for the reader’s information. No endorsement is implied, nor is discrimination intended against products with similar ingredients. Please consult pesticide product labels for rates, application instructions and safety precautions. Users of these products assume all associated risks.
*Restricted-use pesticide; pesticide applicators license required. May be fatal if swallowed or inhaled! Applicators must complete an EPA-approved paraquat training found on the following website: https://www.epa/gov/pesticide-worker-safety/paratquat-dichloride-training-certified-applicators. The training must be completed a minimum of every 3 years.

OMRI listed for organic production

Table 37. Weed management with and without herbicides in a blueberry planting
Year Month Herbicide Options Non-herbicide Options
Planting year
  Fall prior to planting Roundup for emerged perennial weeds 30 days before planting. After weed dieback till to prepare for planting. Frequent tillage
  April-May Surflan or Devrinol before seedlings emerge. Till or water in within 24 hours. Handweed
  Mid-June after planting Fusilade, Poast, Select, or Arrow for perennial grasses Cultivate/handweed/mulch; mow row middles and borders
  Mid-July Roundup spot treatments Cultivate/handweed; mow row middles and borders
  October Princep at low rate Cultivate/handweed; mow row middles and borders
  November Callisto or Chateau for broadleaves. Kerb for grasses before ground freezes. Casoron for grasses and broadleaf weeds. Read labels carefully for specific application requirements Handweed
Fruiting years
  March-April Callisto, Casoron, Chateau, Sandea, Sinbar, Princep or Velpar for broadleaf weeds. Devrinol, Solicam or Surflan for grasses. Handweed and apply mulch as needed
  Early May Gramoxone or Scythe before new cane emergence. Handweed and mow row middles and borders
  Late July after harvest Select or Poast on actively growing grasses, spot treat with Roundup Handweed and mow row middles and borders
  September to October Sinbar (after harvest), Devrinol, Solicam, Surflan, Princep. See labels for restrictions. Handweed and mow row middles and borders
  November; after crop dormancy Callisto or Chateau for broadleaves. Kerb for grasses. Casoron if needed for grasses and broadleaves. See labels for restrictions. Handweed


Alion (indaziflam) - Use preemergence. Apply only to bushes that are at least 1 year old and exhibiting good growth and vigor. A dry soil surface at time of application and 48 hours after application is optimum for binding the active ingredient to soil particles and preventing its downward movement to the crop’s roots. Moisture is needed for activation of Alion Herbicide. Dry soil conditions following the initial 48-hour period after application of Alion Herbicide may result in reduced weed control. Controls selected broadleaves and grasses. Exercise caution with this product around or near water bodies.

Karmex DF/Diuron 4L - Many formulations are available; be sure to verify that you can use your selected product in your state. Controls many annual and perennial grasses and herbaceous broadleaf weeds. Although this herbicide can have postemergence control, it seems best when applied preemergence. Best results are seen when herbicide is activated with water within 2 weeks of application.

QuinStar (quinclorac) - A systemic herbicide with plant uptake occurring through both the foliage and roots. Resultant herbicide symptoms on susceptible plants include twisting, stunting, reddening and chlorosis. For annual plants, symptoms may take up to two weeks after application to develop with death occurring in about three weeks. For perennial weeds, symptoms may not be evident for several weeks after application and full effect may not be evident for 3 to 6 months. May affect desirable nearby species; check label.

For the first application apply up to 12.6 fluid ounces per acre (0.375 lb ai/A) of QuinStar® 4L at the end of dormancy, prior to budbreak. For highbush blueberries, apply as a banded, soil application on each side of the blueberry plants. For lowbush blueberries, apply as a broadcast, soil application. A second application may be made up to 30 days prior to harvest. For highbush blueberries, apply up to 12.6 fluid ounces per acre (0.375 lb ai/A) of QuinStar® 4L as a banded application to the ground on each side of the blueberry plants. For lowbush blueberries, apply the second application as a broadcast, soil application to the ground. A crop oil concentrate at a rate of 2 pints per acre may be included in the spray mixture.

Suppress EC - nonsystemic, nonselective postemergence foliar burndown herbicide for control of annual and perennial broadleaves and grasses. Best on newly emerged plants, less than 6 inches in height. OMRI-approved product.

Axxe - nonsystemic, nonselective postemergence, foliar burndown herbicide. Use higher rates on bigger plants. Very toxic to fish and invertebrates. Do not contaminate water resources during use. Eye irritant.  OMRI-approved product.


General Information

Strawberries are attacked by a variety of pests, including insects, mites, pathogens and weeds. While much of this publication deals with chemical controls, the best overall approach to pest management integrates chemicals with other methods. Where possible, cultural practices that may help in managing these pests are presented.

The single most important factor in controlling pathogens is the maintenance of vigorously growing plants. Weeds compete with strawberries for essential water and nutrients. Weeds also promote pest injury by acting as alternate ‘homes’ for diseases and insects, inhibiting spray penetration, and maintaining high humidity in the strawberry leaf canopy.

Good soil and air drainage are essential for plant health. Roots rot quickly in waterlogged soil, and fruit rots are more common when the soil surface does not dry quickly. Well-drained loams are the most suitable soil types for good root penetration and plant growth. Sites where cold air can drain away to lower levels will decrease the possibility of frost damage to the flowers and fruit. A southern, sloping site is ideal as it provides quick-drying soil and promotes earlier ripening.

For good root penetration, aeration and drainage, organic materials should be added to the soil. Disc animal manures, compost, and/or green manure crops (cover crops) thoroughly into the soil before planting. The use of leguminous cover crops may increase soil nematode populations, which may be injurious to strawberries. Sudan grass (which will suppress nematode populations) and Japanese millet are annual cover crops well suited for most situations, providing heavy organic matter production. See section on “Cover Crops and Green Manures” for more on this subject. If poultry manure is used, it must be applied cautiously. It is a rich source of nitrogen and phosphorus which, if used to excess, can promote excessive vegetative growth and soft berries (both conditions encourage disease), and may leach into ground water.

In new beds, a soil test should be done to determine the pH, and the rate and types of fertilizer to apply. Have the soil tested at your state university or private soil-testing lab and apply the necessary lime to adjust the pH to within the range of 5.8 to 6.2. See Table 14. Some soils low in magnesium (Mg) may benefit from the use of dolomitic (Hi-Mag) lime. Pre-plant fertilizer recommendations will generally call for the application of blended fertilizer containing nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) in a 1-2-2 ratio (250 to 400 pounds of 10-20-20 is a typical recommendation). Up to 30 pounds of N per acre banded over the plant row is generally recommended during the period of heavy runner development (late June or early July). An additional, smaller application (up to 20 lbs N) in early August may be suggested.

Heavy fertilizer applications should be avoided in the spring on established beds; too much N promotes abundant vegetative growth that encourages disease by inhibiting good air circulation needed to dry plant surfaces. The longer moisture remains on fruit and leaves from irrigation, rain, dew or high humidity, the greater the chance of fungal spores germinating and disease outbreaks occurring. Excess N may also promote soft fruit. Light applications of fertilizer may be made in spring (10-20 lbs of actual N per acre) to promote early plant growth and fruit development.

Leaf tissue analysis is a good way to determine nutrient levels actually in the plant rather than what is in the soil. Sometimes the nutrients in the soil are not available to the plant due to pH, organic matter content, or some other reason. Leaf tissue analysis tells you what the plant is getting and what the plant is lacking. The samples are taken after bed renovation in the summer from the first fully expanded new leaves. At least 50 complete leaves per planting should be taken, rinsed, and allowed to dry completely before processing. Contact your regional extension specialists for the exact protocol, processing instructions, and fees. Standards are available for comparison to determine if your results indicate the need for corrective measures. See Table 17.

Good root development is essential to the continued productivity and health of the strawberry planting. Primary roots generally live only a year or slightly longer, requiring the development of new roots at successively higher nodes on the growing crowns. To encourage increased root development in perennial systems, strawberry crowns are mulched with about 1" of loose soil during the renovation process, enough soil to cover the crown extension that has occurred during the past year without covering the top of the crowns.

Strawberries are a cool weather crop, producing most of their growth in the spring and fall. Growth is greatly slowed during the hot, dry summer months. During the growing season (April through October) applying 1 ½” of water every 12 to 14 days will aid in maximum growth and fruit bud development. During fruiting, adequate moisture (1" to 2” of water per week) will maintain fruit size and production.

Strawberry flowers and buds are sensitive to cold temperatures, and must be protected from frost. This is especially important for the first blossoms, which bear the largest berries. See Table 16. Irrigation can eliminate frost damage to flowers during early bloom periods. If sprinklers are turned on before the temperature at ground level drops to 32˚F and continued until air temperature is above freezing and all ice has melted off the plants, the blossoms will be protected. The sensitive, actively growing tissue in the crown will also be protected from freezing injury that would make it more susceptible to pathogen attack.

Table 14. Recommended optimal soil characteristics for growing strawberries.
Soil Characteristic

Desirable RangeA

pH 5.8-6.2
Organic matter 4-6 %
Phosphorus (P) 20-30 ppm
Potassium (K)

120-180 ppm

Base Saturation > 3.0

Magnesium (Mg)

100-150 ppm

Base Saturation > 5.0

Calcium (Ca)

100-1500 ppm

Base Saturation > 50.0

A Desirable range will vary with soil type (sand, silt, or clay), soil organic matter content, and pH, as well as soil testing methodology. 

In Row Spacing Spacing between Rows


Table 15. Number of strawberry plants per acre at different spacings.

  36 inch 40 inch 42 inch
6 inches 29,040 26,241 24,891
12 inches 14,520 13,120 12,446
18 inches 9,680 8,712 8,297
24 inches 7,260 6,540 6,223
Stage of Development Approx. Critical Temperature


Table 16. Critical freeze temperatures for strawberries based on stage of growth.

Tight bud 25˚F
"Popcorn" 26˚F
Open Blossom 30˚F
Fruit 28˚F
Table 17. Sufficiency ranges for foliar nutrient levels in strawberry.

Perennial Systemsa


Annual Dayneutralb


Annual Dayneutralb

(Main harvest)

Nitrogen, N (%) 2.0-2.8 3.1-3.8 2.4-3.0
Phosphorus, P (%) 0.25-0.4 0.5-0.9 0.3-0.4
Potassium, K (%) 1.5-2.5 1.8-2.2 1.3-1.8
Calcium, Ca (%) 0.7-1.7 0.6-1.3 1.0-2.2
Magnesium, Mg (%) 0.3-0.5 0.33-0.45 0.28-0.42
Sulfur, S (%) 0.4-0.6 0.19-0.23 0.15-0.21
Boron, B (ppm) 30-70 31-46 40-70
Iron, Fe (ppm) 60-250 70-140 50-3,000
Manganese, Mn (ppm) 50-200 75-600 65-320
Copper, Cu (ppm) 6-20 3-6 3-5
Zinc, Zn (ppm) 20-50 13-28 11-20

A Refers to June-bearing cultivars grown in perennial systems, sampled mid-summer. Source: Strawberry Production Guide for the Northeast, Midwest, and Eastern Canada, 2nd edition (2023).

B Refers to dayneutral Albion grown in California annual systems. Source: Bottoms et al., HortTechnology 23(3):312-318. Determination of strawberry nutrient optimum ranges through diagnosis and recommendation integrated system analysis (2023). 

Day Neutral Strawberries

Day neutral strawberries set fruit continually over several weeks, during the late summer and fall, providing a high value specially item for roadside stands and farm markets. Day neutral plants are often grown as an annual crop, on raised beds with plastic mulch and very high planting densities. As a result, the establishment costs and labor commitment tend to be quite high.

Fertilizer should be applied and worked into the soil prior to planting, or banded into the soil prior to applying plastic mulch and planting. Rates should be determined through soil test but a standard rate of 100 lbs of slow-release nitrogen, 50 lbs of phosphorus (P2O5) and 50 lbs of potassium (K2O) is typically incorporated into the soil prior to planting (e.g. 600 lbs/acre of 20-10-10 or its equivalent). Beds should be prepared in the spring or made during the previous fall. Raised beds should be 4 to 12” high with a 1 ½” crown sloping from the center to the edges of the bed to shed water. Bed width depends on how many rows of plants will be established on each bed, from 18” for a single plant row to 46” for 3 to 4 plant rows.  In New England, two plant rows per bed are most common and simplest to manage, using a bed width of 24 to 42”.  Smooth, well packed and shaped beds greatly improve the fit and performance of plastic mulch. Trickle or drip irrigation lines should be installed during bed forming at about a 4” depth in the bed, and a few inches to the side of the planet rows, with one line for every plant row there will be on the bed. Plastic mulch should be laid tightly over the bed immediately after bed forming. Black plastic is commonly used to promote soil warming and to provide weed control.

Dormant, day neutral strawberry crowns should be planted in the spring as soon as the beds are prepared. Planting is done by hand using a simple planting tool. A piece of 1/8” iron flat bar about 12” long is bent at a 90° angle about 4” from one end to create a handle.  This may be wrapped with duct tape to provide a soft grip. The opposite end of the bar is notched from the edges to the middle to about a ¾” depth to create shallow inverted “V” at the end.  The notched edge is slightly sharpened to ease penetration through the mulch and soil. The notched edge of the tool is placed over a plant that is laid on the plastic so that it will ”grab” about ½” of the root ends as the tool is pushed into the soil, drawing the plant into the bed. Push the crowns straight down through the mulch with the tool and into the soil so that the soil surface comes halfway up the crown. Gently pinch the soil around the crown as you withdraw the planting tool. Plants should be spaced 10 to 14” apart within a row. Planting in a double row, 24” apart, on a 42” wide bed with 13” between plants within the row will require about 13,400 plants per acre. 

All flower blossoms that emerge should be pinched off for 4 to 6 weeks after planting. All runner plants that emerge during the summer should also be removed. While runner removal is labor-intensive, it improves both yield and fruit quality. The field should be irrigated immediately after planting and regularly thereafter; 1 to 2” of water per week is recommended. Drip lines can be used to deliver soluble fertilizers to the plant. Recommended rates of fertilizer vary depending on the number of plants per acre, soil type, and variety. Generally, 2 lbs of actual N per acre per week applied through the drip lines will provide good growth.

Day neutral strawberry beds are not usually carried over for second year. Although plants can produce an early spring crop the following year, and fruit again the next summer and fall if carried over, fruit quality, especially size, is much lower and runner control becomes a major problem. If the beds are to be carried over, winter protection is required in the form of heavyweight row covers, applied in the fall when the plants are dormant.


Fruit Rots

Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea): Symptoms of gray mold include light brown areas on fruit; a powdery gray growth produced on rotted fruit and leaf tissue; and whole rotted berries that retain their general shape but become tough and dry.

Gray mold is a serious problem because it often attacks other living plant parts in addition to developing on harvested fruit. The fungus overwinters in living plant tissue and proliferates in the spring as leaves die. Favored by cool, wet weather, the fungus establishes itself on dead or aging leaves, moving to healthy tissue as more and more spores are produced. Petals and other parts of older flowers are likely to be attacked first. These infections may destroy developing fruit immediately or become dormant until the fruit begins to ripen. Secondary infections may occur when spores that cling to ripening fruit germinate in moist packaging conditions after the fruit is harvested, causing uncontrollable storage rots.

Management: It is important to maintain proper spacing between plant rows and to keep plant rows narrow to allow good air circulation. This will promote rapid drying of foliage, blossoms, and fruit during periods of high humidity, rain, irrigation, or dew and lessen the chance of Botrytis spores germinating on plant surfaces. Beds that become too crowded are likely to promote Botrytis fruit rot. Heavy nitrogen applications, particularly early spring applications, also promote Botrytis development.

If Botrytis is a chronic serious problem or in years with a lot of rainfall during bloom, fungicides should be applied during the bloom period. Frequently rotate fungicide chemical groups (FRAC numbers) to prevent the development of resistance.  See pest management schedule below for recommended materials and timing.

Leather Rot (Phytophthora cactorum): Symptoms include: fruit with dull and lifeless appearance; infected areas of immature fruit turn brown to dark brown, while infected areas on ripe fruit appear bleached to lilac to normal in color; infected fruit is tough and has a bitter taste. After harvest white fuzzy growth may appear under moist packaging conditions.

This organism is a common soil inhabitant that attacks many species of trees, shrubs, and perennial or annual herbs. The leather rot organism also causes a serious crown rot. Rainy weather promotes infection by splashing spores along with soil particles onto flowers or fruit. Maturing fruit in contact with wet soil may become infected. Frequent fog or morning dew may supply adequate moisture for the “swimming” spores to cause infection. Fruits may be affected at all stages from blossom to maturity.

Management: Proper plant spacing and weed control for good aeration to promote rapid drying of plant surfaces. Clean straw mulch placed under plants and between rows keeps maturing fruit from getting rain-splashed soil on the surface. (Note: plastic mulch may “puddle” and actually make leather rot worse.) When conditions are very wet, and leather rot has occurred in a field, fungicides may be needed. See pest management schedule below for recommended fungicides and spray timing.

Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.): Symptoms of this disease include circular, sunken, water-soaked tan to black lesions on both green and ripe fruit. In wet or humid weather, creamy pink to salmon-colored spore masses occur in the centers of these lesions, and the fungus can produce fluffy white growth at the border of the lesion and healthy tissue. Under dry conditions, or if secondary organisms do not cause soft rots, the fruit may become mummified and black.

This fungus is an extremely important pathogen of strawberries in the Southeast. In addition to fruit, this fungus may also attack stolons, petioles, and strawberry crown tissues. The same fungus may cause fruit rots of crops such as apples, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, peppers and tomatoes.

The incidence of anthracnose fruit rot may be directly related to unusually warm, damp weather in spring. Spore production, germination, and host infection are all favored by warm and humid environmental conditions. Spread of the fungus from infected tissues to uninfected fruit and crowns occurs primarily by splash dispersal and is aided by wind-driven rain. However, spread may also occur on runners and by the movement of people or equipment through the field, especially in wet weather.

Management: Control of strawberry anthracnose is difficult, especially under warm, wet conditions. Initial planting of uninfected crowns is important, and rotation out of strawberries for a period of time before replanting may be helpful, as the fungus overwinters on infected plant tissues or infested debris in the soil. Fungicides may be helpful in reducing infection, but may be less effective in hot, humid weather. Overhead irrigation of fields with infected plants or fruit and the movement of people or equipment through wet fields can increase spread of the pathogen. However, the retention of a straw mulch between rows will help reduce splash dispersal of the fungus. See pest management schedule below for recommended materials and timing.


Foliar Diseases

Bacterial Angular Leaf Spot (Xanthomonas fragariae): Angular leaf spot is a bacterial disease that is not a consistent annual problem. Early symptoms on the leaves are tiny, water-soaked areas. When viewed against a bright light, lesions are translucent, but when viewed against a normal or dark background, the lesion areas are dark green. As the disease progresses, it may develop into symptoms similar to common leaf spot, leaf scorch and Phomopsis leaf blight. Chlorotic halos will form, areas of tissue will appear red, and the lesions on leaves and petioles will join together into large, irregularly shaped areas. The most severe problem, from a marketing perspective, is that the calyx, or cap, of the berries may become infected, turning it brown and making the berries less attractive.  In New England, the disease can damage plants and limit growth, but does not cause plant mortality.  Reports from California indicate that infections can become systemic and will occasionally kill plants.

Inoculum for the first lesions in the spring comes from infected dead leaves. The bacteria are very resistant to drying and other harsh conditions, and may survive for a long time in the old leaves or in buried plant tissue in the soil. The pathogen does not move in the soil, or survive free in the soil. The bacteria may move from new lesions to other plants. It can be spread by rain or irrigation, or carried from plant to plant when fields are being worked. Wet, cool weather in the spring encourages the bacteria to build up to damaging levels. Long periods of rain, or frequent irrigation at times when the day temperatures are around 65˚ F, and night temperatures near 35˚ F, will encourage growth and spread of this disease. It is often more prevalent in the fields that have been irrigated frequently for frost control.

Management: In general, antibiotics (streptomycin or oxytetracycline), copper-containing pesticides or hydrogen dioxide are used to treat bacterial plant diseases. While some sources say these treatments will protect against angular leaf spot, field tests have shown only moderate success at best. Copper applications can damage strawberry plants and should not be applied when plants are in bloom.

In the absence of any better information, it is best to take a two-pronged approach where angular leaf spot has been a problem. First, in fields with a history of this disease, inoculum should be reduced by removing as much leaf debris as possible from the field at renovation. Rotate out of severely infested fields for at least a year. Second, begin scouting fields with a history of this disease as soon as buds extend from the crown. Continue scouting until bloom. Symptoms often first appear near sprinkler heads. If symptoms are observed, discontinue irrigation unless needed for frost protection or when excellent drying conditions prevail. Minimize the time leaf and blossom tissue is wet. Also, avoid worsening the problem by working in the field when the leaves are wet.

Leaf Spots

Fungal leaf diseases may occur as soon as the first leaves unfold in early spring and continue until dormancy in the late fall. Generally, these diseases do not exceed an economic threshold that calls for chemical control. The primary damage of leaf diseases is a loss of vigor through reduced leaf area that is needed to support the plant. If outbreaks of these leaf diseases become significant, the plants will become weakened during winter dormancy and become more susceptible to root diseases and winter injury.

The three major leaf fungal pathogens have a similar life cycle. Leaf spot, leaf scorch, and leaf blight all overwinter in infected dead or living leaves, producing spores and new infections during moist, warm conditions.

Leaf Spot (Mycosphaerella fragariae): Symptoms of leaf spot first appear as circular, dark purple spots. The spots enlarge and the centers turn grayish to white on older leaves and light brown on young leaves. A definite reddish purple to rusty brown border surrounds the spot.

Spores overwinter in lesions on living leaves. More spores are produced in early summer in spots on the upper and lower leaf surface, and are spread by splashing rain. Middle-aged leaves are most susceptible. Lesions also develop on fruit, stems, petioles and runners.

Leaf Scorch (Diplocarpon earliana): Symptoms of this disease consist of numerous small, irregular, purplish spots on leaves. The center of the blotches becomes brownish. Blotches may coalesce, covering the leaflet which then appears purplish to reddish to brown.

Fruiting structures are produced in the spring on lower leaf surfaces of dead leaves. Spores are produced most abundantly in midsummer. Oldest and middle-aged leaves are infected more readily than young ones.

Leaf Blight (Phomopsis obscurans): Symptoms of leaf blight infections begin as one to six circular reddish-purple spots on a leaflet. Spots enlarge to V-shaped lesions with a light brown inner zone and dark brown outer zone. Lesions follow major veins progressing inward. The whole leaflet may turn brown. In severe cases, stolons, fruit trusses and petioles may become infected which may girdle and kill the stem.

The fungus overwinters as mycelium or fruiting structures on the old leaves that remain attached to the plant. Spores are spread by rain splash early in the spring. Leaf blight is most destructive to older leaves in the late summer. Calyxes and fruit may also be infected.

Management: Leaf scorch and leaf spot are mainly controlled by use of resistant varieties. (See chart of disease resistant varieties.) No resistant varieties to leaf blight are known. Cultural practices and some fungicides recommended for controlling fruit rots are also beneficial for managing leaf spot diseases, e.g. proper plant and row spacing for good air drainage and plant vigor. Mowing or removing the tops and old leaves at renovation has benefits for managing leaf diseases. This practice is only effective for this purpose if the cut foliage is removed from the field or thoroughly incorporated into the soil by tilling. Leaves less than 3 weeks old are susceptible to infection by leaf spot; older leaves are resistant. See pest management schedule below for recommended materials and timing.

Powdery Mildew (Sphaerotheca macularis): Symptoms include white powdery growth on the lower leaf surface, causing the leaf edges to roll upward. (Note: Some herbicides will cause leaf rolling on certain varieties.) Infected flowers and ripe fruit may also become covered with white growth; and infected green fruit may fail to ripen and will remain hard.

This fungus overwinters on living infected leaves. Infection periods are favored by humid weather and temperatures between 58-68˚F. Thus, if a severe foliar infection occurs, it does so either early or late in the season. Controlling these foliar infections with fungicides does not apparently increase yields. However, by controlling foliar infections, the amount of inoculum available to infect the spring growth is reduced. Crop losses occur as a result of flower and fruit infections.

Management: See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing, and variety selection chart for resistant varieties.

Root Rots

The strawberry root system is composed of three types of roots: the perennial and structural roots that originate from the crown, and the transient feeder rootlets that originate from the perennial or structural roots. The structural roots are light in color with a well developed cortex. The perennial roots are dark due to the sloughed cortex surrounding woody secondary growth and are more or less permanent. They store food reserves to maintain the plant through winter dormancy.

Structural roots are produced from the crown during the current year. Transient feeder roots consisting of primary tissues are produced from both structural and perennial roots. They may only live a few weeks and are replaced during the growing season; they are constantly dying back and being replaced. The transient roots function to absorb water and nutrients; the perennial roots cannot. Thus, all types of roots are important in maintaining healthy plants and good yields. Death to transient rootlets by pathogens or unfavorable soil conditions is not as damaging to plant vigor if the plant is able to replace them. However, often the structural and perennial roots also become infected. When this happens, the plant is greatly weakened, producing little or no fruit. Plants may suddenly wilt, or plants which were healthy the previous season may develop slowly in the spring. Proper diagnosis of soil-borne problems requires careful examination of the roots and crown.

Red Stele (Phytophthora fragaria): Symptoms of red stele infection are numerous: wilting; young leaves with a bluish-green tint; and older red, orange or yellow leaves. Severely diseased plants may die or remain stunted, producing few runners and small berries. When roots are cut open lengthwise, the core will show a reddish-brown discoloration; however, a reddish core does not guarantee that red stele is present. Plants showing symptoms usually occur in patches where the soil is wettest.

The red stele organism causes a root rot and wilt, and is a major disease of strawberries where cool, wet soil conditions occur. The spores actually swim and need water in the soil in order to find and infect roots. The disease enters the main perennial roots and grows along the stele, the plant’s food and water transport system. Roots begin to rot from the tip within a few days after infection. Depending on the extent of the infection and the plant’s resistance, stunting or wilting and collapse of the plant may result.

Management: Good soil drainage, texture, and planting in raised beds in wet areas will discourage disease infection. Purchase planting stock only from nurseries that have been inspected and certified disease-free. Disease resistant varieties are available. Consult your nursery supplier for more information. Pre-plant soil fumigation may reduce P. fragaria infestation in soil but avoiding wet sites is more reliable. Pre- and post-plant treatments with a systemic fungicide is also an option. See pest management schedule for materials and timing.

Verticillium Wilt (Verticillium albo-atrum): Symptoms of Verticillium wilt are marginal and interveinal browning and eventually collapse of outer leaves; inner leaves are stunted and may wilt but tend to remain green until the plant dies.  This fungus has a wide host range among annual and perennial crops and weeds. Verticillium is spread from field to field by water, wind or on infected planting stock, and crop and weed debris. Plants that are fruiting are affected more severely, and the first symptoms are noticeable as temperatures increase in late spring.

Management: Do not use solanaceous crops (such as tomato or potato), or squash or raspberries for rotation crops. Do not use alfalfa as a rotation/cover crop. In addition, control pigweed and lamb’s-quarters which are also hosts for Verticillium. Preplant soil fumigation may help in managing this disease. See disease resistant variety chart for selection of resistant varieties.

Black Root Rot: Above-ground symptoms of this disease are similar in appearance to red stele, including a general lack of vigor and eventual collapse of plants especially during dry weather. Underground symptoms consist of blackened feeder roots and, eventually, structural and perennial roots. Structural roots will rot from the outside to the center, leaving the core white for a period of time, unlike red stele where the core is usually red.

Black root rot has no simple causes or remedies. It is a disease complex, involving several pathogens combined with plant stress. The key pathogens include Rhizoctonia, Pythium, and lesion nematode. The pathogens involved in this disease are commonly found in soils but usually don’t cause disease symptoms on healthy plants, but stressed plants are more susceptible. Strawberry plants may be stressed by drought, winter injury, root feeding insects, nematodes, poor nutrition, soil compaction, and improper herbicide use. Stresses reduce the plant’s resistance to disease.  Root rotting pathogens may infect and continue to damage plant roots and crowns long after the initial stress.

Management: Control of black root rot in an existing field is difficult. Stress management is the key to black root rot management. Therefore, replacing winter mulch that has blown off, irrigating during dry weather and after renovation, maintaining good nutritional status in the plants, and not allowing the soil to be compacted are important practices to reduce plant stress and reduce the possibility of black root rot developing in the field.

The long-term strategy for managing black root rot relies on site selection and crop rotation. Choose a site which has well drained soil with good soil organic matter content and has not grown strawberries recently. Where black root rot has been a problem, a rotation of a 3–6 year period without strawberries is recommended. This long rotation is needed because causal organisms can persist in the soil for a long time. Using a variety of crops and cover-crops in this period is recommended to help break up the disease cycle. Banded or in-row applications of strobulurin fungicides may reduce or delay infections in infected fields.

Soil fumigation for controlling black root rot can work well, but can also fail under certain conditions. Fumigation sterilizes the soil of pathogens and beneficial organisms. Organisms reintroduced in this “clean” soil grow rapidly in the absence of competition or predators. Pathogens, even in very small quantities, in soil from non-fumigated areas carried into fumigated areas on shoes, equipment or roots of strawberry transplants, may allow pathogens to quickly build up to high levels. Thus, soil fumigation runs the risk of favoring black root rot rather than controlling it. Moving to a planting site which has not grown strawberries recently, and is well-drained, is the best method of managing this disease.

Virus Diseases

Viruses are disease-causing organisms so small they cannot be seen with an ordinary microscope. Several viruses infect strawberries in the Northeast, and it is not uncommon for two or more viruses to be found within the same plant. Viruses in a plant may not show obvious symptoms. However, their presence does weaken the plant.

Loss of vigor and yield caused by viruses are more likely to show up when growing conditions are unfavorable and plants are stressed. Virus symptoms on strawberries, include chlorotic (yellow) spots or irregular patches on leaves. Leaves may crinkle, or otherwise be malformed. Herbicide injury and virus symptoms may be similar.

Management: Once strawberry plants are infected with a virus, they cannot be cured. The infection is passed on to all daughter plants via runners. Most viruses are spread from plant to plant via aphids. Chemical insecticides will not kill aphids before they are able to transmit viruses and may even stimulate aphids to feed. Planting virus-free material will decrease overall damage from virus diseases.

Table 18. Strawberry cultivar descriptions.
cultivar season hardinessa
AC Wendy Early 3 U PR PR PR U
Annapolis Early 3 I R S S VS
Archer Early 3 U U S S U
Earliglow Early 4 R R R PR NS
Galletta Early 4 U U U U U
Sable Early 3 U R R S U
Lila Early-mid 3 U PR PR S U
Brunswick Early-mid 4 U R PR PR U
Honeoye Early-mid 3 S S PR S MS
Flavorfest Early-mid 4 U R PR PR U
L’Amour Early-mid 4 S S U U U
Cavendish Mid 3 R R PR S S
Laurel Mid 3 U R PR PR U
Darselect Mid 4 U S S U U
Guardian Mid 4 R R R S VS
Jewel Mid 4 S S PR R U
Kent Mid 4 S S S T VS
Mira Mid 4 S R R R U
Redchief Mid 4 PR R R R U
Allstar Mid-late 4 R-T R T T NS
Cabot Mid-late 4 R R T T U
Mesabi Mid-late 3 R R PR R U
Sparkle Mid-late 3 PR R R U U
Winona Mid-late 3 T R R R U
Clancy Late 3 U R U U U
AC Valley Sunset Late 4 U S PR S U
Malwina Late 3 R R U R U
Albion Day Neutral 4 S R U R U
San Andreas Day Neutral 4 U U U U U
Seascape Day Neutral 4 U U U U U
Tribute Day Neutral 3 PR R T R VS
Tristar Day Neutral 3 R R T R VS
a Refers to USDA Hardiness Zones, bI=intermediate, PR= partially resistant, R= resistant, S= susceptible, T= tolerant, U= unknown. cIncludes leafscorch and leafspot.
For information on sources and further descriptions of cultivars listed above, visit Cornell University Nursery Guide for Berry Crops.
Table 19. Efficacy of fungicides for strawberry disease management.
Fungicide FRAC
ACtive Ingredient Phomopsis
Leaf Blight
Leaf Spot Leaf Scorch Angular Leaf
Fruit Rot
Leather Rot
Abound& 11 azoxystrobin +b + -- 0 ++ + ++ +++
Actigard P01 acibenzolar-s-methyl 0 0 0 ++ 0 0 0  
Aliette P07 aluminum tris 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 +++
Badge SC /Badge X2 M01 copper oxychloride, copper hydroxide + + + + -- -- -- --
BotryStop BM02 Ulocladium oudemansii (U3 strain) -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- --
Cabrio 11 pyraclostrobin ++ ++ ++ 0 ++ ++ +++ +++
Cannonball WG 12 fludioxonil 0 0 0 0 0 ++ ++ 0
Captan M4 captan ++ ++ ++ 0 0 ++ ++ +
CaptEvate 17, M4 fenhexamid, captan + + ++ 0 0 +++ ++ +
Cease BM02 Bacillus subtilus (QST713 strain) -- -- -- ++ ++ + ++ --
Cueva M01 copper octanoate 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 0
Copper M01 copper formulations 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 0
Double Nickel BM02 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (D747 strain) -- -- -- + + + + --
EcoSwing BM01 Swinglea glutinosa extract 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 0
Elevate 17 fenhexamid 0 0 -- 0 0 +++ 0 0
Fontelis 7 penthiopyrad 0 0 0 0 +++ +++ 0 0
Fracture BM01 (BLAD) Lupine seed extract -- -- -- -- ++ + -- --
Inspire 3 difenoconazole 0 ++ 0 0 ++ 0 ++ 0
Inspire Super 3, 9 difenconazole, cyprodinil 0 ++ -- 0 ++ +++ + 0
JMS Stylet Oil / Organic JMS Stylet Oil NC paraffinic oil -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Kaligreen NC potassium bicarbonate 0 0 0 0 ++ 0 0 0
Kenja 7 isofetamid -- -- -- -- -- +++ -- --
Kocide / Kocide-O M01 copper hydroxide -- -- -- +++ -- -- -- --
Kumulus DF M02 sulfur -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- --
LifeGard BM02 Bacillus mycoides (isolate J) 0 0 0 + + 0 0 0
Luna Sensation 7, 11 fluopyram, trifloxystrobin +++ ++ -- 0 +++ +++ +++ --
Luna Tranquility 7, 9 fluopyram, pyrimethanil ++ ++ -- 0 +++ +++ 0 --
Merivon 7, 11 fluxapyroxad, pyraclostrobin 0 ++ 0 0 ++ ++ ++ 0
Mettle 125 ME 3 tetraconizole ++ ++ 0 0 ++ 0 0 0
Microthiol Disperss, Thiolux M02 sulfur -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- --
Milstop SP NC potassium bicarbonate 0 0 0 0 + + 0 0
Miravis Prime 7,12 pydiflumetofen, fludioxonil 0 0 0 0 ++ ++ ++ 0
Orbit, Tilt 3 propiconazole -- ++ -- 0 +++ 0 0 0
OSO 19 polyoxin-D zinc salt 0 0 0 0 ++ ++ ++ 0
PERpose Plus NC hydrogen peroxide -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Ph-D, Tavano 19 polyoxin-D zinc salt 0 0 0 0 ++ ++ ++ 0
Phostrol P07 phosphorus acid 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 +++
Pristine 7, 11 boscalid, pyraclostrobin ++ +++ +++ 0 +++ +++ +++ +++
Procure 3 trifumizole -- 0 -- 0 +++ 0 0 0
Prophyte P07 phosphorus acid -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +++
Quadris Top 11,3 azoxystrobin, difenoconazole 0 ++ 0 0 ++ 0 ++ 0
Quintec 13 quinoxyfen 0 0 -- 0 +++ 0 0 0
Rally 3 myclobutanil +++ ++ +++ 0 +++ 0 0 0
Regalia P05 Reynoutria sachalinensis 0 0 0 0 + 0 0 0
Rendition NC hydrogen peroxide, peroxyacetic acid -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Ridomil Gold 4 mefenoxam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +++
RootShield BM02 Trichoderma harzianum (T22 strain) -- -- -- -- -- -- --  
RootShield PLUS+ BM02 Trichoderma harzianum (T22 strain), T. virens (G-41 strain) -- -- -- -- -- -- --  
Rovral 2 iprodione + + + 0 0 +++ 0 0
Scala 9 pyrimethanil 0 0 -- 0 0 +++ 0 0
Serenade BM02 Bacillus subtilus (QST713 strain) 0 0 0 0 + ++ ++ 0
Switch 9, 12 cyprodinil, fludioxinil 0 + ++ 0 0 +++ ++ 0
SuffOil-X NC mineral oil -- -- -- -- + -- -- --
Thiram M3 thiram ++ ++ ++ 0 0 ++ + +
Topsin-M 1 thiophanate-methyl ++ ++ +++ 0 +++ +++ 0 0
Torino U6 cyflufenamid -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- --
Trilogy NC neem oil 0 0 0 0 + + +


0=not effective; +=slight effectiveness; ++=moderate effectiveness; +++=very effective; --=insufficient data

=OMRI listed for organic production.

Products with the same FRAC code have active ingredients with the same mode of action. Repeated use of products with the same mode of action should be avoided to reduce the risk of development of chemical resistance by the pest and reduced efficacy of the pesticde. Fungicides with two FRAC codes contain active ingredients with two different modes of action. For more information on FRAC codes and managing fungicide resistance, go to

* Restricted use material; pesticide applicators license required.

&This material is very toxic to some varieties of apples; use extreme caution when spraying near apples; do not use the same sprayer subsequently on apples.

For all products listed, read labels thoroughly for restrictions and warnings.


Fruit Damaging Insects

Tarnished Plant Bug (Lygus lineolaris): The tarnished plant bug (TPB) is a small (1/4”) bronze-colored insect with a triangular marking on its back. The immature stage, or nymph, is smaller and bright green, resembling an aphid, but much more active. Both adults and nymphs feed on the developing flowers and fruit, sucking out plant juices with straw-like mouth-parts. This results in deformed fruit: typically “cat-faced” berries, also called nubbins or button berries. Such fruit are generally unmarketable.

Management: Controlling weeds in and around the planting may reduce populations of this insect, but insecticide sprays may be necessary. If mowing around fields, do so after insecticides have been applied (to control migrating insects). White sticky traps are available for monitoring tarnished plant bug adults. These traps are used as a indication of when plant bugs begin their activity in the spring and a relative indication of their abundance, not as an indication of when to control this insect. Immature TPB (nymphs) are sampled by shaking or tapping flower trusses over a flat white surface, like a paper plate. Thirty flower clusters should be sampled evenly from across the field (typically 6 clusters at 5 locations or 5 clusters at 6 locations). If 4 or more flower clusters are infested with nymphs (regardless of how many) a spray is recommended. A follow-up spray application may be made after bloom if TPB are still present in high numbers (check harvest interval before selecting material). See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing. Do not apply insecticides during bloom.

Table 20. Monitoring for tarnished plant bug in strawberry.
Number of
Clusters Examined
Not Required

Control Required

Threshold: 0.15 nymphs/cluster

15 0 1 to 2; check 5 more 3 or more
20 0 1 to 3; check 5 more 4 or more
25 1 or less 2 to 3; check 5 more 4 or more
30 2 or less 3; check 5 more 4 or more
35 3 or less 4; check 5 more 5 or more
40 3 or less 4; check 5 more 5 or more
45 4 or less 5; check 5 more 6 or more
50 5 or less   6 or more

Sequential Sampling: a time-saver. To save time, a sequential sampling plan may used to determine how many clusters should be sampled. By using Table 19 above, you can make a spray/no spray/keep looking decision by first examining a minimum of 15 clusters. If you find 0 TPB nymphs, you can stop and make a “no spray” decision. If you find more than 0 but less than 3, you should continue sampling. If you find 3 or more TPB nymphs, control is required in order to avoid economic damage to your crop. If the maximum of 50 flower clusters are sampled and no decision is indicated, the grower should sample again in 1 or 2 days. This method allows scouts to spend less time monitoring in fields where populations are very low, or very high. More time is spent sampling fields where TPB populations are close to the threshold.

Strawberry Bud Weevil, “Clipper” (Anthonomus signatus): The strawberry bud weevil or “clipper” occurs somewhat less frequently than tarnished plant bug. This insect is a very small beetle (1/8”) with a copper-colored body and a black head with a long snout.  The female weevil chews a small hole in unopened flower buds and lays an egg in the hole. She then girdles the stem just below the bud. The flower bud dries up and dangles from the stem, eventually falling to the ground. The immature weevils, or grubs, develop in the girdled buds, emerging as adults in the early summer, and then migrating to wooded areas.

These insects are not always present and may only cause minimal damage some years. Examine the plants before bloom for clipped buds. If the field has a history of significant clipper injury, the first appearance of clipper indicates the need to spray.

Management: Check for presence of clipper by examining new flower trusses as they first emerge from the crowns in April or May. The weevils will sometimes crawl in among the unopened buds for shelter. They are most likely to be in rows near woods or hedgerows. Later, look for shot-holes in opened flower petals and/or clipped buds of unopened flowers. In the past, the IPM action threshold for this insect is 1 clipped bud per 2 ft. of row or one live adult. Research done in recent years suggests that many more clipped buds can be tolerated without significant yield loss. A comparison of old and new sampling methods done by researchers at Cornell University (Hortscience 34 (1): 109-111. 1999) can be seen in Table 20 below. Sample at least 5 locations in the field. If you determine that the infestation is limited to the edge of a field, you may only need to spray the border rows. If you see evidence of clipper and determine a spray application is necessary, follow recommendations for materials and timing in the strawberry pest management schedule.

Table 21. Sampling procedure for strawberry bud weevil (clipper).
Sampling procedure Old Method New Method New Method
Unit examined Flower buds Flower Clusters Flower buds
Assessment Clipped buds or Not clipped Cluster highly damaged* or Cluster with low amounts of damage Clipped buds or Not clipped
Threshold 2 clipped buds/m 3 highly damaged clusters/m 3 clipped 1˚ buds/m or 30 clipped 2˚ or 3˚ buds/m
*highly damaged=1 clipped primary (1˚) bud, or 2 clipped secondary (2˚) bud, or 3 clipped tertiary (3˚) buds
Courtesy Pam Fisher, Ontario Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) (Halyomorpha halys): Adult BMSB are approximately 3/4 inch long and are shades of brown on both the upper and lower body surfaces. They are the typical “shield” shape of other stink bugs, almost as wide as they are long. To distinguish them from other stink bugs, look for lighter bands on the antennae and darker bands on the membranous, overlapping part at the rear of the front pair of wings. Masses of 20-30 eggs are laid on underside of leaves. The 5 nymphal stages range in size from 1/8 - 1/2 inch. Nymphs and adult BMSB feed on many hosts including small fruits, tree fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and seeded crops such as corn and soybeans. BMSB feeds by puncturing the fruit with piercing/sucking mouthparts, and injecting saliva which allows the insect to suck up the plant material through its mouthparts. Fruit tissue at the point of entry and just below into the flesh, then dies and the rest of the fruit grows around it. This leaves a sunken area on the skin at the point of entry, and browning, dead tissue in the flesh.

BMSM has become a serious insect pest throughout much of the mid-Atlantic states and southern New York. As of 2020, BMSB has caused minor economic injury to tree fruit in some areas of New England, but is not yet a pest of concern for most small fruit crops. It is unknown at this time whether there will be one or two generations per year.

Management: BMSB can be controlled with some of the commonly used fruit insecticides, including bifenthrin and malathion. Spray recommendations are found in the strawberryberry pest management schedule.

Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) (Drosophila suzukii): These are small (1/8”) vinegar flies that came into the northeastern U.S. in 2011. They originated in western Asia and attack most soft or thin-skinned fruits. The female flies can insert eggs through the skin of ripening fruit. The larvae, or maggots, are small and translucent and feed on the flesh of fruits. Each female fly can lay between 300-400 eggs. The cycle from egg to larvae to pupae to adult can be completed in as little as 14-21 days. Even a relatively small influx of flies into a field can soon develop into a major infestation. Infested fruit may contain a few to many larvae and will prematurely soften and decay. If not noticed at harvest, infested fruit will have very reduced shelf life, and larvae will be seen emerging from the remains.

Management: Although the flies are relatively easy to kill with insecticides, keeping berries free from infestation can be difficult because of the near constant pressure of countless flies throughout the late summer and fall. To date, only frequent and repeated insecticide sprays throughout the ripening and harvest period have proven effective. For June-bearing strawberries in New England, it appears that spotted wing drosophila do not build up to populations high enough to cause significant damage until after harvest is complete. It is recommended that growers be vigilant however, especially with later ripening varieties, and be ready to apply appropriate insecticides if flies are observed in the field or larvae are found in the fruit. This insect is a significant threat to day neutral strawberries ripening in the late summer and fall.

Homemade traps for the flies can be made by drilling 1/8” holes in plastic containers or cups (red or black color is most attractive). The cups should be baited with apple cider vinegar or sugar water with a pinch of yeast. Commercial traps (from Scentry or Trece) contain similar attractive odors as homemade recipes and may be more convienient. Check the traps regularly for vinegar flies. The males can be identified by a single small black spot near the top of each wing. The females have no spots. It is likely that by the time flies are found in the traps, eggs have already been laid in the fruit. Therefore, sprays would be recommended as a preventative measure on any fruit starting to ripen after the first week of August. Weekly coverage may be adequate under low pressure, but twice weekly sprays may become necessary for high pest pressures affecting fall-bearing day-neutral strawberries.

Pay close attention to days-to-harvest requirements and limitations on number of applications on all product labels. Most insecticides will be made more effective by adding sugar to stimulate SWD feeding. On smaller plantings, placing a fine screen or row cover over the plants can effectively keep flies from laying eggs on fruit, but can interfere with pollination if flowers are still present.

Field sanitation – removing all waste fruit from the field – may help reduce infestations. Carefully grade fruit before marketing, removing any soft berries which may contain larvae. Chilling harvested fruit to 32° F prior to marketing can significantly reduce emergence of larvae.

Sap Beetles (Stelidota geminata): Sap beetles cause hollowed out cavities on ripe fruit, an injury very similar to slug injury. Adults are small oval beetles about 2mm long and dark brown in color. They are often hard to see because they drop to the ground when disturbed, but they may be found in the cavities they have chewed out. They are found almost exclusively when there is ripe fruit in the field.

Management: The best management for this pest is sanitation; keeping the field as free as possible of ripe and overripe fruit. Sap beetles may be trapped with bait baskets of over-ripe fruit placed between the edges of the field and wooded areas. Spacing recommendations are not known. Place traps as soon as bait fruit is available. Insecticides may be used for control if absolutely necessary. Most can be sprayed within 24 hours of harvest, but might devastate mite predators. Read the labels carefully. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Thrips (Thysanoptera): Thrips are tiny insects that feed on flower parts. Several species occasionally infest the flowers of strawberries. The adults are slender, winged, about 1/25 inch long, and are orange or yellow. Young thrips are smaller, wingless, yellowish, and active. These insects breed on grasses and weeds in spring, and move to strawberries at bloom. They insert their eggs in plant tissue at the base of flowers, and in tender, new foliage.

Thrips begin feeding on the seeds and the inner surface of the hull soon after the buds open. As the fruit expands and the seeds separate the thrips feed extensively on the fruit between the seeds. Thrips feed by scraping the surface cells with their mouth-parts and sucking the contents, causing cells to die. With continued feeding, the entire fruit becomes bronzed and may crack along the surface.

Management: Thrips can occasionally build up to damaging levels. Scouting for this insect can be difficult because of their small size. Fruit should be examined when they are very small, 5-10 mm in diameter. Examine under the calyx for presence of thrips, or place a sample of immature fruit in a zip-lock bag in the sun. This will drive the thrips out so that they can be counted. Canadian researchers indicate that more than 25 thrips per 50 sampled fruit will result in unacceptable levels of fruit damage (see Table 21 below). Several insecticides labeled for use on strawberries are effective on thrips. Consult the product labels.

Table 22. Guidelines for thrips in strawberries
Characteristic Definition
Sample Size 50 fruit/acre
Sample Time Early fruit maturity stage
(5-10 mm diameter)
Suggested Limits 25 thrips/50 fruit for PYO
5 thrips/50 fruit for shipping berries
2 thrips/berry = 20% damage

Leaf Damaging Insects and Mites

Strawberry Leafrollers (Ancylis comptana fragariae): The immature stage (larvae) of these insects damages strawberry leaves. They are small green or bronze caterpillars up to 1/2” long at maturity. They occur in the field prior to bloom and in mid- to late July. Larvae are first found on the undersides of leaves in silken covers, then on upper sides of leaves that have been folded or rolled and tied with silken threads.

Management: Remove and destroy rolled leaves. If infestation is severe, a pre- or post-bloom spray application may be needed. Timing will depend on when larvae are present. In Southern New England they occur in mid-May so a pre-bloom insecticide spray is recommended.

Twospotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae): Twospotted spider mites (TSSM) are very small (1/50”), 6- or 8-legged creatures that feed on strawberry foliage. Under heavy infestations, mite feeding destroys leaf chlorophyll and causes leaves to have yellowish or whitish speckles, then an overall bronze color. Leaves will be covered in a fine webbing. Yield reductions may occur from repeated heavy infestations. The most serious reductions in yield may result from early season feeding, so scouting for overwintered mites in early May is especially important.

Twospotted spider mites are found on the underside of leaves, are barely visible to the naked eye, and are especially active during hot, dry months. Mites generally form colonies and may be most noticeable by the webbing that they produce around their aggregations, which may occur as localized “hotspots” in the field. Therefore, when looking for mites, the grower must look over the whole field, checking first for bronzing and then looking for mites with a hand lens. Overwintered female TSSM mites are easily seen because they are orange-colored.

Management. Mites should be monitored weekly by sampling the field in 5 to 10 locations. Five to ten leaves should be sampled at each location for a total of 60 leaves. Examine the underside of the leaves for the presence or absence of TSSM. Record the information on a field map so that “hot spots” can be identified and treated. A miticide application is recommended if 25% (i.e., 15 leaves) or more of a 60 leaf sample is infested with TSSM. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Natural predators exist which feed on two-spotted spider mites. One such predator, also a mite (Neoseiulus fallacis), is native to the northeast and often maintains TSSM populations at non-damaging levels. It is equally small but lacks the two spots on its back, is teardrop shaped, shiny, and pale yellow in color. They are also easily distinguished from TSSM by their rapid movement across a leaf in search of prey; (they resemble bumper cars moving forward and backward as they search for food). When sampling a field, presence of predators as well as TSSM should be noted.

Several companies sell predatory mites, including N. fallacis, for release in various crops. However, the benefit of releasing commercially reared mites has not been demonstrated in the northeast, where natural populations of N. fallacis are pervasive. It is important to encourage natural enemies of spider mites by reducing the use of broad-spectrum pesticides (especially carbamate and pyrethroid insecticides) which harm natural enemies. One strategy that has worked exceptionally well has been the early-season use of 1% oil with a mist blower. This inexpensive treatment is highly selective: it kills TSSM, but not predatory mites. The resulting imbalance between predators and TSSM allows predators to “mop-up” the remaining TSSM. Please note that oil-incompatible pesticides should not be applied prior to the oil spray. See the table at the end of this guide for toxicity of pesticides to beneficial insects. See resource listing in the Appedices of this publication for for sources for natural enemies such as predatory mites.

Cyclamen Mite (Steneotarsonemus pallidus): This soft-bodied mite is orange-pink, white, or green and about 1/100” long. These mites feed on the unfolding leaves in the crown of the plant, leading to distorted, purplish leaves, and buds that fail to open. Cyclamen mite is not as common as two-spotted mite in strawberries and has been known to come in on nursery stock. It is, therefore, important to buy plants from a reputable source. The mites are very small and a 15X or higher hand lens is needed to see them. Mites are most commonly found on tiny, unfolded leaves down in the crown. Look for small translucent, cigar-shaped mites.

Management: See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing. Materials should be applied with high rates of water and a spreader to carry the chemical down into the crowns.

Strawberry Aphids (Chaetosiphon spp.): There are several species of aphids that infest strawberries. Adults are small (1/16” long), soft-bodied insects. Aphids occur on new shoots, undersides of leaves, and on buds while they are still in crown. Root aphids have been found on rare occasions. Aphids are primary vectors of virus diseases, transmiting viruses from infected to non-infected plants. Monitoring and management efforts should be undertaken when viruses are known to be a problem in the region. When present in great numbers, aphid feeding can result in stunted, malformed plants.

Management: See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Leafhoppers (Empoasca fabae): Leafhoppers are small (1/8”), green, bullet-shaped insects which take flight quickly if disturbed. The nymphs are lighter colored and do not fly. They are easily identified by their habit of moving sideways when disturbed. Leafhoppers feed primarily on the underside of strawberry leaves, causing them to yellow between the veins and become curled and distorted. These symptoms are often mistaken for herbicide injury. Feeding activity is most serious during the late spring and early summer, and is often first noted in new plantings. They reduce vigor and runner production. Insecticides should be applied only when large populations of nymphs are noted on the leaves or symptoms become apparent.

Management: See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Spittlebug (Philaenus spumaris): Hidden beneath masses of white frothy spittle are soft-bodied, tan and green, elongate bugs about 1/8-1/4” long. These insects feed on stems and blossom clusters before and during bloom. Heavy feeding activity results in reduced plant vigor and decreased yield. Early season feeding can result in stunted, off-color plants; damage appears much like that caused by cyclamen mites.

Management: Spittlebug seldom does significant damage to the plants. It is mainly a problem because customers are bothered by the froth in the field when picking. Often heavy rains and/or irrigation will wash froth from plants. This insect tends to be more of a problem in weedy fields. Insecticide applications early in the season (e.g., for tarnished plant bug) are usually adequate for keeping this insect in check. Recommended action threshold is one spittle mass per foot of row. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Cutworms: The immature stage (larvae) of these insects causes feeding injury to plants. Larvae may reach 2” long at maturity. Color and arrangement of stripes and spots varies from one species of cutworm to another, but are often mottled or dingy gray. Cutworms may be observed on plants at night during spring and summer. Larvae consume leaves, stems, buds, flowers, and developing fruit.

Management: Consult with your Cooperative Extension Specialist for management options.

Root Damaging Insects

Root-feeding insects can cause above-ground symptoms that are similar to root diseases: general loss of vigor and collapse during dry weather. Where damage is suspected, plants can be dug with a spade to examine roots and to check soil for the presence of root-feeding insects.

Strawberry Rootworm (Paria canella): The adult form of this insect are beetles that are small (1/8”), round, and copper-colored with a dark markings on their backs. The immature root-feeding grubs are also small (1/8”), creamy white in color with 3 pairs of legs, and are actively feeding on roots in the late spring to early summer. The new generation of adults appears after renovation (late July to early August).

This insect can be most easily observed in the field as adult beetles feeding on leaves. Feeding occurs at two times during the growing season (May, and July-August), and results in small shot-holes in the leaves. The second feeding period usually is more evident because a greater number of beetles are feeding then. The earlier feeding is done by the overwintering population.

Management: As with all the root-feeding insects, control of the root-feeding stage is very difficult. Therefore, control measures for strawberry rootworm should be directed toward the adult stage of the insects. Presence of adults can be detected by feeding injury or direct sightings of the adult beetles in the field. Sticky traps used for monitoring tarnished plant bug may aid in sighting strawberry rootworm adults since they feed primarily at night. Some of these beetles find their way onto the traps.

If feeding injury is observed in May or June, an insecticide spray at this time will reduce the number of egg laying females and therefore, the number of grubs feeding during the summer. When the next generation of adults emerges in July or August, control measures may be needed again.

No threshold is established for this insect. Feeding injury, as with all the root-feeding insects, is most damaging if root diseases (i.e. black root rot) are also present. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the root-feeding population low. See pest management schedule for recommended materials
and timing.

Root Weevils (Otiorhynchus spp., Polydrusus spp.): There are several rootfeeding weevils that are damaging to strawberries; black vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) strawberry root weevil (O. ovatus), and the rough strawberry root weevil (O. rugosostriatus) are the best known. Additionally, green leaf weevils, (Polydrusus spp.) have also been found feeding on strawberries in Massachusetts and Connecticut.

These insects damage strawberries primarily through larval feeding inside the crown and on the root system, which weakens the plants. Root feeding is especially damaging where root diseases are also present. The grubs are whitish and crescent shaped, ranging in size from 1/4” to 1/2”. They have no legs. Adult weevils feed on leaves from May through August, causing notching of the leaf margins. Adults in heavily infested fields can contaminate harvested berries. Adult feeding generally does not cause serious injury unless plants are already weakened. Under heavy infestation by root weevils, the plants decline, appear stunted and bear poorly. Infestations are generally in patches in the field.

Management: The easiest time to detect weevil activity is during harvest. Randomly pick 100 leaves from each field and count the number that have feeding notches along the margin. Greater than 50% leaf notching may indicate the need for control measures. Confirm the presence and species of weevils involved by observing them at night with a flashlight. The easiest time to detect root injury from larval feeding (and from other root disorders) is in the autumn. The foliage of plants with poor root systems turns orange-red earlier than healthy plants. Plants should also be examined in the spring if patches of poor vigor are noticed. Lift a section of row with a spade and examine the roots within a 6” layer of soil. If grubs are found, insect pathogenic nematodes should be applied in early May or late August. Be sure to keep the field irrigated during periods of active growth to avoid stress on the plants.

Predatory nematodes attack root weevil grubs in the soil. Although populations of these nematodes naturally occur, application of commercially produced nematodes can achieve faster biological control. See resource listing in the appendices at the end of this guide for sources of beneficial insects.   Available species useful against root weevils include Steinernema carpocapsae, S. feltiae, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, and H. marelatus. The Heterorhabditis spp. have the ability to penetrate insect cuticle, which facilitates infection of white grubs. The cost and quality of nematodes can vary widely, so talk to your Small Fruit Specialist to find out more about different products. A banded spray may be very cost effective compared with application through overhead irrigation. Nematodes application should be preceded and followed with irrigation. Protect them from sunlight by applying them in the evening. BrigadeTM (IRAC 3A) is now registered to control the adults, before they lay eggs. Controlling root weevil adults requires the highest labeled rate, and is best applied at night when adults are active. This material can induce spider mite outbreaks, and may kill beneficial root weevils predators. The systemic insecticide, Platinum™ (IRAC 4A), is registered for use as a soil drench in the spring or late summer to control grubs. See pest management schedule for recommended timing and rates.

White Grubs of Asiatic Garden Beetle, European Chafer, Japanese Beetle, and Oriental Beetle: (Maladera castanea, Rhizotrogus majalis, Popillia japonica, and Exomala orientalis): Many growers have recently experienced leaf and root damage from these scarab beetles, collectively also called white grubs. Root feeding by larvae dramatically weakens the plants, especially where the root systems already suffer from diseases like black root rot. All of these species overwinter as a grub in the soil, emerging in late May through July in the Northeast. The adult Japanese beetle is copper-brown and -green in color and approximately 1/2” long.

They are often found feeding during the day on leaves in small groups. Asiatic garden beetles (AGB) are small (3/8”) and a velvety cinnamon brown color, showing a faint green iridescence in the sunlight. AGB feed at night on the foliage and hide during the day under plants. Feeding by Japanese beetle or AGB is easily distinguished from root weevil feeding because these scarabs principally skeletonize leaves (making holes within the leaves), rather than notching the leaf edge. Leaf feeding typically occurs in June through mid-August. Oriental beetle and European chafer adults are rarely observed because they do not feed much. Oriental beetles are slightly smaller than Japanese beetles, and are usually tan and mottled with darker spots. European chafers are slightly more than 1/2” long and are a uniform tan.

The larvae (or grubs) of these insects look quite similar to one another and are called white grubs. They are c-shaped, have 3 pairs of legs, grow up to 1 inch long. They are easily distinguished from the larvae of root weevils, which have no legs. White grubs are very difficult to manage after a strawberry bed has been planted.

It is unknown how much leaf feeding can be tolerated, but if leaf area is greatly reduced it could affect the following year’s flower bud formation, which is initiated in the fall. Large numbers of beetles are of concern, especially if it increases the amount of overwintering grubs. High populations of larvae can be expected the autumn and spring following a dry summer, especially where strawberry fields are surrounded by turf. These conditions favor movement of adults into strawberry fields to lay eggs.

Management: Management of grubs in the soil is possible with insecticides, and predatory nematodes may also have some value.  Chemical control of adult beetles can prevent extensive leaf damage, but is not guaranteed to prevent egg laying. Traps with combination pheromone and floral scent lures are commercially available for Japanese beetle, but their placement near strawberries may actually attract more beetles to the area. Therefore, if traps are used, they should be placed at least 20 yards from the strawberry field.

Milky spore disease is a commercially available bacterium that is incorporated into the ground and attacks Japanese beetle grubs. However, soil temperatures in the northeast are too cool for this disease to easily become established, which makes it impractical for our area.

To avoid the risk of white grub problems, do not plant on newly turned sod land. Rather, plow the field, let it lie fallow or in a rotational cover crop such as Sudan, buckwheat, or a salable crop such as pumpkins or squash for at least one season prior to planting with strawberries. Also, avoid siting a strawberry field next to large grassy fields which would be a source of these beetles. Control grassy weeds within the planting, which are especially attractive to egg-laying Japanese beetles and European chafers.

Other Pests

Slugs: Slugs are dark grey, black, yellow-gray or brown worm-like mollusks. They may also be covered with spots and range in size from 1-1/2 to 4” long. Slugs feed mainly at night, eating ragged holes in leaves and/or fruit. They also leave a trail of slime in their paths. Damage occurs primarily on fruit.

Management: Slugs thrive in moist places. If mulch is very thick and rows close together, slugs will be favored. Try to open things up a bit by removing excessive mulch and planting at lower densities which also helps manage diseases. Some growers have used diatomaceous earth for slug control. Research results are not available to verify the effectiveness of this material. Baits are also available but are not considered highly effective according to some growers. Consult with your Extension Specialist if you need help with this pest.

Garden Symphylan, (Scutigerella immaculata):The garden symphylan, also known as the garden centipede, is an occasional but very destructive pest of strawberries. Symphylans are not insects but are more closely related to centipedes and millipedes. They have 12 pairs of legs and 14 body segments. Symphylans overwinter in the soil as adults. In spring they move into the top 6 inches when the soil temperature rises above 45°F.

Eggs are deposited in soil crevices and tunnels in late April, May, and June. The eggs hatch two to three weeks later into tiny, white nymphs that resemble the adults in appearance except they have only six pairs of legs. As the nymphs develop, they grow bigger and add a pair of legs at each molt until they have 12 pairs. About three months are required to complete development from egg to adult. The adults remain in the upper 6 inches of soil until extreme dryness or cold weather drives them deeper into the soil. Mature symphylans are white, slightly less than l/4 inch inlength, with a pair of long beaded antennae. Their entire life(one to two years) is spent in the soil.

Garden symphylans feed on the roots of strawberry plants, weakening or killing them. Infestations seldom encompass an entire field, but rather involve one or more small areas within a field. Usually, the first indication of a symphylan infestation is a small area of stunted, unhealthy plants. Crop losses continue in the same area of the field year after year, with the infected area increasing in size about 10–20 feet each year.

Management: It is best to control symphylans before the crop is planted or at the time of planting. To check for symphylans, turn over at least 10 shovelfuls of soil. Sift the soil while looking for active symphylans. An average of one symphylan per shovelful signals that a treatment is necessary before planting. If symphylans are abundant, an insecticide should be broadcast and incorporated into the soil of the infested area before planting takes place.

Table 23. Efficacy of common insecticides and miticides used in strawberries.
Active Ingredient Aphids Brown marmorated stink bug Clipper Cyclamen
Root Weevils Slugs Sap
Spider Mites Spittle-
Spotted wing drosophila Tarnished Plant Bug White Grubs
Acramite 20D bifenazate -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- -- --
Actara 4A thiamethoxam +++ -- -- -- +++ -- ++ -- -- -- -- -- ++% --
Admire Pro 4A imidacloprid +++ ++ -- ++ +++ -- -- -- -- -- -- + -- +++
Agree 11A Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. aizawai 0 0 0 0 0 ++ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*Agri-Mek 6 abamectin -- -- -- ++ ++ -- -- -- -- ++& -- -- -- --
Assail 4A acetamiprid ++ -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- + ++& -- +++ ++ --
Aza-Direct UN azadirachtin + -- -- + -- -- 0 -- -- + -- 0 -- --
Azera 3, UN azadirachtin, pyrethrins + -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- + -- +    
Beleaf 29 flonicamid +++ ++ -- -- ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ++ --
*Bifenture 3 bifenthrin +++ ++ +++ -- ++ ++ ++ -- +++ +& +++ +++ +++ ++
*Brigade 3 bifenthrin +++ ++ +++ -- ++ ++ ++ -- +++ +& +++ +++ +++ --
Closer 4C sulfoxaflor +++ ++ -- -- +++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ++ --
Coragen 28 chlorantraniliprole -- -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- ++
Courier 16 buprofezin ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
*Danitol 3 fenpropathrin ++ ++ +++ -- ++ +++ ++ -- ++ +& +++ +++ +++ --
Deadline slugcide metaldehyde -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- -- -- -- --
Deliver 11 Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Des-X UN potassium salts ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- --
*Diazinon 1B diazinon +++ -- -- + + ++ + -- ++ +& ++ +++ + ++
*Dibrom 1B naled ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- -- --
Dipel 11 Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Entrust 5 spinosad -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- -- -- +++ -- --
Esteem 7C pyriproxyfen ++ -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Exirel 28 cyantraniliprole ++ + -- -- + + +++ -- + -- -- -- + +++
Grandevo UN Chromobacterium subtsugae -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Intrepid 18 methoxyfenozide -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
JMS Stylet Oil UN mineral oil -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- --
Kanemite 20 acequinocyl -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- -- --
*Lorsban 1B chlorpyrifos ++ -- +++ -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- -- ++ ++
Malathion 1B malathion +++ ++ -- -- ++ -- -- -- + -- ++ ++ ++ --
Molt-X UN azadirachtin -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
M-Pede UN potassium salts of fatty acids ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- --
Nealta 25 cyflumetofen -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- --
Neemix UN azadirachtin -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 -- -- -- -- 0 -- --
NemaShield HB   Heterorhabditis bacteriophora -- -- -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- -- +
Oberon 23 spiromesifen -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- -- --
Platinum 4A thiamethoxam +++ -- -- -- +++ -- ++ -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Portal 21A fenpyroximate -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- -- --
Pyganic 3 pyrethrins + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + -- --
Pyrenone 3 pyrethrins + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + -- --
Radiant 5 spinetoram -- -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- -- -- -- +++ -- --
Savey 10 hexythiazox -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +++# -- -- -- --
Sevin 1A carbaryl +++ -- + -- ++ + -- -- ++ -- ++ -- ++ --
Sluggo   iron phosphate -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +++ -- -- -- -- -- --
SuffOil-X UN mineral oil -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- --
Trilogy UN neem oil + -- -- + -- -- -- -- -- + -- -- -- --
Vendex 12B febutatin-oxide -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- --
Venerate UN Burkholderia spp. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Verdepryn 110SL 28 cyclaniliprole -- supression -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ++
Zeal 10 etoxazole -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +++# -- -- -- --

0=not effective, +=poor, ++=good, +++=excellent, --=insufficient data

Products with the same IRAC group number act by the same mode of action. Repeated use of the same mode of action should be avoided, in order to avoid reductions in pesticide efficacy via development of chemical resistance in the pest population. For more on information on managing pesticide resistance, go to

*Restricted use material; pesticide applicators license required.   OMRI listed for organic production; go to for details.  & Potential negative effects on predatory mites.   % Moderate effect on nymphs, but little or no effect on adult form.   # Effective on eggs and immatures, but little or no effect on adult form.

Always read the label for important restrictions or warnings about tank mix compatibility or phytotoxicity warnings.


Table 24. Strawberry Pest Management Table

Table 24. Strawberry pest management table.
For resistance management do not make more than 2 sequential applications of fungicides in the same FRAC group or insecticides in the same IRAC group. See product labels or RAC column in this table for groups.
Pest RAC
Spray Material, Rate/A
(pre harvest interval PHI)
Cultural Practices and
Scouting Notes
Establishment Year - at planting
Red Stele
(Phytophthora spp.)
49, 4
Aliette WDG, 2.5 lb/100 (1)
Orondis Gold, 20-62 fl oz (28)
Phostrol, 2.5-5 pt/100gal
Ridomil Gold SL, 1pt 
RootShield PLUS Granules, 2.5-6.0 lb/half acre in-furrow (0)
RootShield PLUS WP, 16-32 oz in-furrow spray or transplant starter solution; 3-8 oz/100 gal in field chemigation (0)


Use as preplant dip; soak roots and crowns for 15 - 30 minutes and plant within 24 hrs.
All RootShield formulations should be used preventively.
Make first Orondis Gold application soon after planting when overhead watering for plant establishement is completed. Make second application 30 days before the begining of harvest or at fruit set. 
Make first application of Ridomil Gold SL after transplanting. Make the second application 30 days before the begining of harvest or at fruit set. Depending on disease pressure, a third application may be made at harvest. 
Black Root Rot
Abound, 0.4-0.8 fl oz/1000 row feet banded or in-furrow
Ph-D, 6.2 oz (0)
Double Nickel LC, 1-2 qt (0)
Double Nickel 55 WDG, 0.25-3 lb/1000 row feet (0)
RootShield WP, 16-32 oz in-furrow or transplant starter solution (0); 3-5 oz/100 gal for field chemigation (0)
RootShield Granules, 2.5-6.0 lb/ half acre in-furrow (0)
RootShield PLUS Granules, 2.5-6.0 lb/half acre in-furrow (0)
RootShield PLUS WP, 16-32 oz in-furrow spray or transplant starter solution; 3-8 oz/100 gal in field chemigation (0)
Abound should be applied at planting.
All RootShield formulations should be used preventively.
Ph-D is recommended to target the root rot Cylindrocarpon spp.
Double Nickel can supress Rhizoctonia, Fusararium and Pythium, fungi associated with black root rot.
Double Nickel: see label for additional application methods and rates (in furrow, soil drench, drip and chemigation). 
3, UN
Admire Pro, 10.5-14 oz (14)
Azera, 1.0 to 3.5 pt (0)
Platinum, 1.7-4.01 oz (50)
Admire Pro should be applied just prior to or during transplanting.
White Grubs, Leafhoppers, Strawberry Root Weevils
Platinum, 1.7-4.01 oz (50)
NemaShield HB, 1 billion nematodes (0)
Apply nematodes in early- to mid-May or mid- to late-August as a band treatment. Application rates are given for the treated area. Irrigate prior to and following the nematode spray.
Establishment Year - as needed throughout the growing season
Two-Spotted Spider Mites (TSSM)
6, 28

Acramite 50WS, 0.75-1 lb (1)
*Agri–Mek 0.15EC, 3.5 oz (3)
*Bifenture 10DF, 16-32 oz (0)
*Brigade WSB, 16-32 oz (0)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 16-21 oz (2)
Kanemite 15SC, 21-31oz (1)
Minecto Pro, 10 oz (3)
Nealta, 13.7 oz (1)
Nexter SC, 7.5-17 oz (7)
Oberon 2SC, 12-16 oz (3)
Portal, 2 pt (1)
Savey 50DF, 6 oz (3)
Vendex 50WP, 1.5-2 lb (1)
Zeal 2-3 oz (1)
Des-X Insecticidal Soap, 2% sol (0)
JMS Stylet Oil, 3 qts (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2 gal (0)
Trilogy (Neem) 1-2% sol (0)
Predatory mite release,
rate varies (0)
Do not overfertilize with nitrogen as this stimulates higher mite populations.
Scout for presence of TSSM by randomly sampling 60 leaves from whole field.
Treat field with miticide or release mite predators if TSSM are found on more than 25% of leaves sampled.
Consult your Extension Specialist for help identifying mite predators and/or finding a source of predators for release.
Good spray coverage, especially on the underside of leaves is important for successful control. Use adequate gallonage and sufficient pressure to achieve good spray coverage.
Repeat applications may be needed for successful control.
Apply Portal in a minimum of 25 gals. of water per acre.
Savey and Zeal are effective on eggs and immatures and not adults so are best used when infestation levels are low.
Apply Nealta at first sign of mites, before population increases.
3, UN



4A, 28
Actara, 1.5-3 oz (3)
Admire Pro, 10.5-14 oz soil (14)
Admire Pro, 1.3 oz foliar (7)
Aza-Direct, 16-56 oz (0)
Azera, 1.0 to 3.5 pt (0)
*Bifenture 10DF, 6.4-32 oz (0)
BotaniGard 22WP, 0.5-2 lb (0)
BotaniGard ES, 0.5-2 qt (0)
*Brigade WSB, 6.4-32 oz (0)
Des-X insecticidal soap, 2% sol (0)
Molt-X, 8-10 oz (0)
Mycotrol O, 0.5-1 qt (0)
Neemix 10-16 oz (0)
PFR-97 20 WDG, 1-2 lb (0)
Platinum, 1.7-4.01 oz (50)
Pyganic EC, 16-64 oz (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2 gal (0)
Trilogy, 1-2% sol (0)
Volium Flexi, 2-4 oz (3)
Scout fields for presence and treat only if significant infestation is found. Spot treatments may be sufficient in many cases.
Admire Pro and Platinum are systemic materials - make soil application or through drip irrigation. Admire Pro can also be applied to foliage at lower rate.

4A, 28
Actara, 1.5-3 oz (3)
Assail 30 SG, 1.9-4.0 oz (1)
BotaniGard22WP, 0.5-2 lb (0)
BotaniGard ES, 0.5-2 qt (0)
Courier SC, 9 to 13.6 oz (3)
Des-X Insecticidal Soap, 2% sol (0)
Malathion 57EC, 1.5-3 pt (3)
Molt-X, 8-10 oz (0)
M-Pede, 2.0% solution (0)
Mycotrol, .25-1 qt (0)
Platinum, 1.7-4.01 oz (50)
Sevin 4F, 1-2 qt (7)
Volium Flexi, 2-4 oz (3)
Scout fields for leafhopper damage; distorted leaf shape; reflexed leaf growth.
Apply only if symptoms observed.
Apply Portal in a minimum of 25 gals. of water per acre.
Apply Courier in at least 80 gals of water/A when populations reach threshold of 1 nymph/leaf sampled. 
Leaf Spot
Badge SC, 1-2.5 pt (0)
Badge X2, 1-2.5 lb (0)
Cabrio EG, 12-14 oz (0)
Captan 50W, 3-6 lb (0)
Captec 4L, 3 qt (0)
Inspire Super, 14-20 fl oz (0)
Merivon, 4-7 fl oz (0)
Mettle 125 ME, 3-5 fl oz, (0)
Nova/Rally 40W, 2.5-5.0 oz (0)
Pristine, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Apply only if symptoms observed.
Both Badge SC and X2 require 48 hr REI.
Begin applications of Merivon no later than 10% bloom, or prior to disease development and continue on a 7 to 14 day interval. Use the shorter interval and/or higher rate when disease pressure is high. 
Powdery Mildew
3, 9
7, 12
11, 3
9, 12
Topsin-M 70WP, 0.75-1 lb (1) plus Captan 50WP, 3 lb (0)
Or, use alone:
Abound, 6-15.5 fl oz (0)
Badge SC, 1-2.5 pt (0)
Cabrio EG, 12-14 oz (0)
Fracture, 20.5-24.4 fl oz (1)
Inspire Super, 14-20 fl oz (0)
Kenja 400SC,  13.5-15.5 fl oz (0)
Kumulus, 5-10 lb (0)
Merivon, 4-7 fl oz (0)
Mettle 125ME, 3-5 fl oz (0)
Miravis Prime, 9.1-13.4 fl oz (0)
Ph-D, 6.2 oz (0)
Pristine, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Procure 50WS, 4-8 oz (1)
Quadris Top, 12-14 fl oz (0)
Quintec, 4-6 fl oz (1)
Rally 40WSP, 2.5-5 oz (0)
Regalia, 1-4qt/100 gal (0)
Rendition, 1-3 pt (0)
Switch 62.5WG, 11-14 fl oz (0)
Tilt, 6 fl oz (30)
Torino, 3.4 oz (0)
Badge X2, 0.75-1.25 lb (0)
CEASE, 3-6 qt/100 gal (0)
Double Nickel LC, 1-6 qt (0)
Double Nickel 55 WDG, 0.25-3 lb (0)
EcoSwing, 1.5-2 pt (0)
JMS Stylet Oil, 3 qt (0)
Kaligreen, 2.5-3 lb (1)
LifeGard WG, 1-4.5 oz/100 gal (0)
Microthiol Disperss, 5-10 lb (0)
MilStop SP, 2-5 lb (0)
OSO 5%SC, 6.5-13 fl oz (0)
Regalia, 1-4 qt/ 100 gal (0)
Serenade ASO, 2-4 qt (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Thiolux, 5-10 lb (0)
Trilogy, 1% solution (0)
Plant beds in such a way as to maximize the air circulation and drying of foliage. Avoid excess nitrogen fertilization.

Some cultivars are more susceptible to powdery mildew than others. See Table 22 for susceptibility rating.
Cultivars vary in their susceptibility to powdery mildew.
Applications of Abound should begin prior to disease development. See label for details.
Captan has a 0 day phi, but the REI of 24 hrs requires that PPE be worn during this period.
Apply Torino in a minimum of 20 gals of water per acre.
Begin application of Serenade for suppresion of powdery mildew at or before flowering and repeat every 7-10 days or as needed through harvest. For improved performance, use in a tank mix or rotational program with other registered fungicides for powdery mildew control. 
Begin application of Kaligreen at first sign of  disease.
Both Badge SC and XE require 48 hr REI. 
CEASE is labelled for greenhouse/hightunnel production only. Requires 4 hr REI.
MilStop SP can be used preventatively and as a curative in early disease development. 
Begin applications of Merivon no later than 10% bloom, or prior to disease development and continue on a 7 to 14 day interval. Use the shorter interval and/or the higher rate when disease pressure is high. 
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications of Fracture before alternating with a different chemsitry.
Apply EcoSwing with minimum of 10gal water/A for ground applications. See label for additional applications methods and sites. 
See label for JMStylet Oil mixing restrictions (strawberries). 
Use a minimum of 15gal of water/A for ground application of Quadris Top.
Begin application of Switch 62.5WG at or before bloom. See label for interval details.
Tilt is more effective when applied and allowed to dry before a rainfall. 


Fruiting Years - Early Spring (new leaves are expanding and blossom buds visible)
Cyclamen Mite
Agri-Mek 3.5 oz (3) suppression only
Portal 2 pt (1)
Scout fields by looking for areas where the plants are slightly stunted and leaves are somewhat distorted or crinkled. Scout fields again in late summer for return populations.
Use high volume directed spray to ensure penetration of spray material into plant crowns for optimal control.
Apply Portal in a minimum of 200-300 gals. of water per acre plus adjuvant.
Strawberry Bud Weevil (clipper)
*Bifenture 10DF, 6.4-32 oz (0)
*Brigade WSB, 6.4-32oz (0)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 0.33 oz (2)
*Lorsban 4E, 1 qt (21)
Sevin 4F, 1-2 qt (7)
PyGanicEC, 16-64 oz (0)
Scout field perimiter especially near woods or hedgerows for incoming populations. Begin scouting prior to bud expansion and bloom and continue through petal fall. Spot treatments can be made if infestation is localized to field perimeter.
See text on bud weevil for thresholds.
All of these insecticides are toxic to mite predators.
Lorsban can only be used pre-bloom and is limited to two applications per season.Follow-up first spray with a second spray 10-14 days later.
Tarnished Plant Bug
4A, 28
Assail 30 SG, 4.0-6.9 oz (1)
*Bifenture 10DF, 6.4-32 oz (0)
*Brigade WSB, 6.4-32oz (0)
Closer SC, 2.75 - 4.5 fl oz (1)
*Danitol 2.4 EC, 10.6 oz (2)
*Dibrom 8EC, 1 pt (1)
Molt-X, 8-10 oz (0)
Rimon 0.83 EC, 6 to 12 oz (1)
Volium Flexi 5 oz (3) suppression only
Brigade & Bifenture, with 0 days to harvest (12 hr REI), and Dibrom, with only a 1 day harvest interval may be very useful for day neutral varieties.
Use Captiva to repel or suppress plant bugs.
Molt-X and Rimon are a molting disrupters; they will not control adult stages
Tarnished Plant Bug and Spittlebug
3, UN
*Brigade WSB, 6.4-32oz (0)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6 oz (2)
Malathion 57EC, 1.5-3 pt (3)
Azera, 1.0 to 3.5 pt (0)
PyGanic EC, 1.4, 16-64 oz (0)
Assail 30 SG, 1.9-4.0 oz (1)
Sevin 4F, 1-2 qt (7)
Spittlebugs generally do not damage fruit but make them less appealing to pickers.
6, 28
3, UN
Assail 30 SG, 4.0-6.9 oz (1)
BotaniGard ES, 0.5-2 qt (0)
Closer SC, 4.5 oz (1) suppression only
*Dibrom 8E, 1 pt (1)
Malathion 8F, 1.5-2 pt (3)
Minecto Pro, 10 oz (3) suppression only
Molt-X, 8-10 oz (0)
Radiant SC, 6-10 oz (1)
Rimon 0.83 EC, 6 to 12 oz (1)
Azera, 1.0 to 3.5 pt (0)
Entrust, 1.25-2 oz (0)
Mycotrol O, 1-2 qt (0)
PFR-97 20 WDG, 1-2 lb/a (0)
See text on thrips for details of scouting and sampling methods.
Radiant effectiveness may be improved by addition of an adjuvant to the spray mix.
Use Closer to suppress thrips.
Molt-X and Rimon are molting disrupters; they will not control adult stages
Two-Spotted Spider Mite (TSSM)

Acramite 50W, 0.75-1 lb (1)
*Agri–Mek 0.15EC, 16 oz (3)
*Bifenture 10DF, 16-32 oz (0)
*Brigade WSB, 16-32 oz (0)
*Danitol 2.4 EC 0.33 oz (2)
Kanemite 15SC, 21-31oz (1)
Nealta, 13.7 oz (1)
Oberon 2SC, 12-16 oz (3)
Portal, 2 pt (1)
Savey 50DF, 6 oz (3)
Vendex 50WP, 1.5-2 lb (1)
Zeal, 2-3 oz (1)
Des-X Insecticidal Soap, 2% sol (0)
JMS Stylet Oil, 3 qts (0)
PFR-97 WDG, 1-2 lb (0)
Trilogy (Neem) 1-2% solution (0)
Predatory mite release, rate varies (0)
Do not over-fertilize with nitrogen as this stimulates higher mite populations.
Scout for presence of TSSM by randomly sampling 60 leaves from whole field.
Treat field with miticide or release mite predators if TSSM are found on more than 25% of leaves sampled.
Consult your Extension Specialist for help identifying mite predators and/or finding a source of predators for release.
Good spray coverage, especially on the underside of leaves is important for successful control. Use adequate gallonage and sufficient pressure to achieve good spray coverage.
Repeat applications may be needed for successful control. 
Apply Portal in a minimum of 25 gals. of water per acre.
Savey and Zeal are effective on eggs and immatures and not adults so are best used when infestation levels are low.
Apply Nealta at first sign of mites, before population increases.
Leaf Spot
Leaf Scorch
Leaf Blight
7, 11
7, 11

Topsin-M 70WP, 0.75-1 lb (1) 
Captan 50WP, 3-6 lb (0)
Or, use alone:
Badge SC, 1-2.5 pt (0)
Badge X2 1-2.5 lb (0)
Cabrio EG, 12-14 oz (0)
Captan 50WP, 3-6 lb (0)
Merivon, 4-7 fl oz (0)
Mettle 125ME, 3-5 fl oz (0)
Pristine, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Rally 40WSP, 2.5-5 oz (0)
Rendition, 1-3 pt (0)
Improve air circulation by narrowing row width, increasing distance between rows, and raising beds. This will allow faster drying after rain, irrigation, and dew.
Remove or thoroughly incorporate leaf debris from field at renovation. This helps disrupt the disease cycle of these fungi.
Avoid excess nitrogen applications that promotes dense foliage and poor air circulation.
Treatment not needed unless infection is severe. Fungicide applications for gray mold will usually manage leaf spots as well.
Captan has a 0 day phi, but the REI of 24 hrs requires that PPE be worn during this period.
Both Badge SC and X2 formulations require a 48 hr REI. 
Red Stele
49, 9
Aliette WDG, 2.5-5 lb - foliar (0)
Orondis Gold, 20-62fl oz (28)
Phostrol, 2.5-5 pt (0)
Ridomil Gold SL, 1 pt (0)
RootShield PLUS WP, 16-32 oz in-furrow spray; 3-8 oz/100 gal in field chemigation (0)
RootShield PLUS Granules, 2.5-6 lb/half acre in-furrow (0)
Early spring or fall applications are recommended for control of red stele.
Use sufficient water to move Ridomil into the root zone. There is no preharvest interval for this application.
Phostrol may be used as a preplant root dip or postplant foliar application. See label for specific instructions.
Note Orondis Gold long PHI (28 days) and 48hr REI. 
Spring, Pre-bloom to Early-bloom (from bud expansion to 10% bloom)
Tarnished Plant Bug (TPB)
Same as Early Spring, Pre-bloom treatments shown above.
See text on tarnished plant bug for details of scouting and sampling methods.
DO NOT SPRAY INSECTICIDES DURING BLOOM. In case of an emergency, use only those materials listed as having low toxicity to pollinators (see Tables 65-66).
Strawberry Bud Weevil
Same as Early Spring, Pre-bloom treatments shown above.
See text on strawberry bud weevil (clipper) for details of scouting and sampling methods.
Two-Spotted Spider Mite (TSSM)
Same as Early Spring, Pre-bloom treatments shown above.
Same as Early Spring, Pre-bloom treatments shown above.
See text on thrips for details of scouting and sampling methods.
17, M4
3, 9
7, 11
11, 3
9, 12
Abound F, 6-15.5 fl oz (0)
Cabrio EG, 12-14 oz (0)
Cannonball WG, 5.5-8 oz (0)
Captan 50WP, 6 lb (0)
Captevate WDG, 5.25 lb (0)
Inspire, 5.5-7 fl oz (0)
Inspire Super 14-20 fl oz (0)
Kenja 400SC,  13.5-15.5 fl oz (0)
Merivon 5.5-8 fl oz (0)
Miravis Prime, 11.4-13.4 fl oz (0)
Ph-D, 6.2 oz (0)
Pristine, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Quadris Top, 12-14 fl oz (0)
Switch 62.5WG, 11-14 fl oz (0)
Regalia, 1-4 qt/100 gal (0)
Tavano 5% SC (0)
Tilt, 6 fl oz (30)
Double Nickel LC, 1-6 qt (0)
Double Nickel 55 WDG, 0.25-3 lb (0)
OSO 5% SC, 6.5-13 fl oz (0)
Serenade ASO, 2-4 qt (0)
Trilogy, 1% solution (0)
Begin application of Cannonball at or before bloom and continue on 7-10 day interval. After 2 applications, alternate to another fungicide with different mode of action. 
Apply Inspire in sufficient water to provide through coverage. See label for application intervals. 
Use minimum of 15gal water/A for ground application of Quadris Top. See label for addiotional application methods. 
Begin application of Miravis Prime prior to disease development. 
Begin applications of Merivon no later than 10% bloom, or prior to disease development and continue on 7-14 day interval. Use shorter interval and/or the higher rate when disease pressure is high.
Serenade should be applied prior to disease development and repeat on 7-10 intervals or as needed. For improved performance, use in a tank mix or rotational program with other registered fungicides. Thorough coverage is essential. 
Regalia: suppression of strawberry Anthracnose
Note long PHI for Tilt (30). 
Botrytis Gray Mold
7, 12
9, 12
Combine either:
Topsin-M 70WP, 0.75-1lb (1) or,
Elevate 50WDG, 1-1.5 lb (0) 
Captan 50WP, 3 lb (0) or
Thiram SC, 1.5-2.5 qt  (1)
Or, use alone:
Cannonball WG, 5.5-8 oz (0)
Captan 50WP, 3-6 lb (0)
Captevate WDG, 3.5-5.25 lb (0)
Elevate 50WDG, 1.5 lb (0)
Fracture, 24.4-36.6 fl oz (1)
Inspire Super, 14-20 fl oz (0)
Kenja 400 SC,  13.5-15.5 fl oz (0)
Merivon, 8-11 fl oz (0)
Miravis Prime, 9.1-13.4 fl oz (0)
Ph-D, 6.2 oz (0)
Pristine, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Rendition, 1-3 pt (0)
Scala, 18 fl oz (0)
Switch 62.5WG, 11-14 oz (0)
CEASE, 3-6 qt/100 gal (0)
BotryStop 2-4 lb (0) 
Double Nickel LC, 1-6 qt (0)
Double Nickel 55 WDG, 0.25-3 lb (0)
JMS Stylet Oil, 3 qts/100 gal (0)
MilStop SP, 2-5 lb (0)
OSO 5% SC, 6.5-13 oz (0)
Serenade ASO, 2-4 qt (0)
Trilogy, 1% solution (0)
Improve air circulation by narrowing row width, increasing distance between rows, and raising beds. This will allow faster drying after rain, irrigation, and dew.
Remove or thoroughly incorporate leaf debris from field at renovation. This helps disrupt the disease cycle of these fungi.
Avoid excess nitrogen application that promotes dense foliage and poor air circulation.
Blossom protection is the most important component of successful Botrytis control. An early bloom application should be made at 10% bloom and followed up at mid and late bloom if field conditions are wet.
Captan has a 0 day phi, but the REI of 24 hrs requires that PPE be worn during this period.
Be careful about phytotoxicity when using JMS Stylet Oil in proximity to some other materials, especially Captan. Read label carefully before use.
Begin application of Serenade at or before flowering and repeat every 7-10 days or as needed through harvest. For improved performance, use in a tank mix or rotational program with other registered fungicide for Botrytis control.
CEASE is labelled for greenhouse/ high tunnel production only. Has 4 hr REI.
MilStop SP may be used curatively in early disease development or used preventatively.
Do not make more than 2 sequential applications of Fracture before alternating with a different chemistry.
BotryStop: Don't use stomatal flooding or penetrant adjuvant.
Begin application of Miravis Prime prior to disease development.
Bacterial Angular Leaf Spot
Actigard 50WG, 0.5-0.75 oz (0)
Kocide 3000, 0.75-1.25 lb (0)
Oxidate, 1:100 - curative (0)
Rendition, 1-3 pt (0)
Badge SC, 1-2.5 pt (0)
CEASE, 3-6 qt/100 gal (0)
Badge X2, 1-2.5 lb (0)
Cueva, 0.5-2 gal/100 gal (0)
Double Nickel LC, 1-6 qt (0)
Double Nickel 55, 0.25-3 lb (0)
Lifegard LC, 1gal/100 gal (0)
Avoid unneeded overhead irrigation; allow drying time between wetting periods when possible.
Avoid excess nitrogen application that promotes dense foliage and poor air cirulation.
Avoid working in fields when wet.
Do not apply Actigard 50WG within 5days of transplanting. Begin appplications when disease apears and continue on 7 to 10day interval. 
Apply Kocide in at least 20 gallons water. Use higher rates when conditions favor disease. Discontinue use if signs of crop injury appear.
Spray Oxidate when conditions first appear. Use caution when tank mixing Oxidate with other materials; conduct a compatability test for any combinations.
Both Badge SC and X2 formulations require 48hr REI for field use. 
Oxidate can be applied as curative or preventative (1:200-1:400). See label for application details. 
CEASE is labelled for greenhouse/high tunnel production only. Has a 4 hr REI. 
Full-bloom (from 10% bloom until no blossoms remain)
Tarnished Plant Bug (TPB)
Avoid mowing hay or alfalfa in adjacent fields when strawberries are in bloom, since this will drive tarnished plant bugs into nearby stawberry fields.
Two-Spotted Spider Mite (TSSM)
Same as Early Spring, Pre-bloom recommendations.
Botrytis Gray Mold
Same as Spring, Pre-bloom to early-bloom recommendations.
Bacterial Angular Leaf Spot
Kocide, 3000, 0.75-1.25 lb (0)
Oxidate 2.0, 1:100 - curative (0)
Rendition, 1-3 pt (0)
 Badge SC, 1-2.5 pt (0)
Badge X2, -1.25 lb (0)
CEASE, 3-6 qt/100 gal (0)
Cueva, 0.5-2 gal/100 gal (0)
Double Nickel LC, 1-6 qt (0)
Double Nickel 55, 0.25-3 lb (0)
Avoid excessive overhead irrigation; allow drying time between wetting periods when possible.
Avoid excess nitrogen application that promotes dense foliage and poor air circulation.
Avoid work in fields when wet.
Apply Kocide in at least 20 gallons water. Use higher rates when conditions favor disease. Discontinue use if signs of crop injury appear.
Spray Oxidate when conditions first appear.  Use caution when tank mixing Oxidate with other materials; conduct a compatability test for any combinations.
Both Badge formulations require 48 hr REI (for field use).  
CEASE is labelled for greenhouse/ hightunnel production only. Has 4 hr REI.
Early Summer (Fruit-set to harvest)
Tarnished Plant Bug (TPB)
Same as Early spring, Pre-bloom treatments shown above.
See text on tarnished plant bug above for details of scouting and sampling methods.
Sap Beetle
Assail 30 SG, 4.0-6.9 oz (1)
*Bifenture 10DF, 16-32 oz (0)
*Brigade WSB, 6.4-32 oz (0)
*Danitol 2.4 EC, 0.33 oz (2)
*Dibrom 8E, 1 pt (1)
Malathion 57EC, 1.5-3 pt (3)
Pyganic EC 1.4, 16-64 oz (0)
Keep field free of over-ripe fruit to the extent possible. Prompt renovation can reduce migration into neighboring fields.
Bait baskets with overripe fruit or balls of bread dough at intervals around edges of field to catch beetles as they migrate into the field.
Same as Spring, Pre-bloom to early-bloom recommendations
Botrytis Gray Mold
Same as Spring, Pre-bloom to early-bloom recommendations

Do not allow fruit to become over-ripe.
Harvest regularly.

Spray only if weather is wet or very humid during this period to control secondary infections.

If good coverage was made during bloom, further fungicide applications may not be needed.

Pay strict attention to re-entry periods and harvest intervals for materials used.

Same as Spring, Pre-bloom to early bloom recommendations
Leather Rot
Abound, 6-15.5 fl oz (0)
Aliette WDG, 2.5-5 lb (0)
Phostrol, 2.5-5 qt (0)
Prophyt, 2-4 pt (0)
Ridomil Gold SL, 1 pt (0)
Make sure to maintain a good mulch layer around plants to reduce puddling and splashing around plants from rain or irrigation.
For leather rot control, make 2 applications of Abound on a 7-day interval from late bloom to harvest. 
For control of leather rot apply Ridomil Gold during the growing season at fruit-set.
Bacterial Angular Leaf Spot
 Same as Spring, Pre-bloom to early-bloom recommendations
Leaf Spot
Leaf Scorch
Leaf Blight
No fungicides until after renovation
Fungicides are usually not applied at this time for leaf spot diseases. Materials used for Botrytis management should alleviate leaf spot symptoms until after renovation.
Improve air circulation by narrowing row width, increasing distance between rows, and raising beds. This will allow faster drying after rain, irrigation, and dew.
Remove or thoroughly incorporate leaf debris from field at renovation. This helps disrupt the disease cycle of these fungi.
Harvest (within 4 days of harvest through harvest)
Botrytis Gray Mold
Same as Spring, Pre-bloom to early-bloom treatments above.
Do not allow fruit to become over-ripe.
Harvest regularly.
If irrigating between harvests, be sure the plants have time to dry prior to nightfall or use drip irrigation to deliver water while keeping foliage dry.
Fungicide applications at this time are for emergency situations. Good coverage at infection periods during bloom should make late season sprays unnecessary.
Be sure to follow label instructions for both REI and PHI restrictions.
Same as Spring, Pre-bloom to early bloom recommendations.
Two-Spotted Spider Mite (TSSM)
Same as Early Spring, Pre-bloom recommendations.
Deadline M-Ps, 10-40 lbs
Sluggo, 24-44 lb (0)
Mulching can promote slug populations
Apply in mid-September to reduce egg-laying. Apply prior to fruit ripening to reduce new generation. Avoid contamination of edible plant parts.
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB)

*Bifenture 10DF, 6.4-32 oz (0)
*Brigade WSB, 6.4-32 oz (0)
Malathion 57EC, 1.5-3 pt (3)
Molt-X, 8-10 oz (0)
Surround WP, 25-50 lb (0)
As of 2023, brown marmorated stink bugs have been found in all New England states but have not yet become a problem in strawberries.
Spotted Wing Drosophila
6, 28
Assail 30 SG, 4.0-6.9 oz (1)
*Bifenture 10DF, 6.4-32 oz (0)
*Brigade WSB, 6.4-32 oz (0)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6 oz (2)
Malathion 57EC, 1.5-3 pts (3)
Radiant, 6-10 oz (1)
Minecto Pro, 10 oz (3)
Flies emerge in late summer. Monitor with traps baited with apple cider vinegar and/or fermenting yeast. Fine screening  (less than 1 mm) can act as a barrier for small plantings.
Day-neutral strawberries are most threatened. Remove all waste fruit from field.
Summer (post-harvest)
Strawberry Root Worm; adult
Sevin 50WP, 2-4 lb (7)
Scout field for ‘shot-hole’ feeding injury on leaves. If found, look in duff around plants for small copper-colored beetle.
Apply post harvest only when foliar damage is noticed and beetles positively identified.
Larvae feed on roots causing general loss of vigor and possible collapse of plant.
Root Weevils (various)
4A, 28
Actara, 4 oz, (3)
*Bifenture 10DF, 8-32 oz (0)
BotaniGard 22WP, 0.5-2 lb (0)
BotaniGard ES, 0.5-2 qt (0)
*Brigade WSB, 8-32 oz (0)
Platinum, 1.7-4.01 oz (50)
Mycotrol, 0.5-2 qt (0)
Steinernema spp., 3 billion/A (0)
Heterorhabditis spp., 1/2 - 1 billion/A (0)
NemaShield HB, 1 billion nematodes (0)
Voliam Flexi, 5 oz (3)
Scout fields early for areas of stunted growth. Where found, dig up the roots of a plant and look for grubs. In mid to late summer look every 1- 2 weeks for leaf notching caused by adult feeding. Adult beetles hide in the soil during the day and feed at night.
Plow under old beds as soon as possible to avoid spread of the insect to new beds. Rotate to non-susceptible crop for 3 years.
A high rate (16 oz.) of Brigade or Bifenture is needed to obtain control of adult black vine weevil (best if applied at night).
Apply Platinum as soil drench in fall or early spring for control of larvae; may be applied to new plantings.
Apply nematodes in early- to mid-May or mid- to late-August as a band treatment. Application rates are given for the treated area. Irrigate prior to and following the nematode spray.
Two-Spotted Spider Mite (TSSM)
Same as Early Spring, Pre-bloom recommendations.
Cyclamen Mite
Same as Early Spring, Pre-bloom recommendations.
Assail 30 SG, 1.9-4.0 oz (1)
Courier SC, 9 to 13.3 oz (3)
Malathion 57EC, 1.5 - 3 pt (3)
Sevin 4F, 1-2 qt (7)
Plants may be able to tolerate some of this injury without long-lasting damage.
Leafhoppers can infest new or old planting and symptoms show up especially well during runner production.
Apply Portal with a minimum of 25 gals. of water per acre.
Apply Courier in at least 80 gals of water/A when populations reach threshold of 1 nymph/leaf sampled.
White Grub
Admire Pro, 7.0-10.5 oz (14)
Platinum, 5-12 oz (50)
Apply within 2 hours of irrigation or rainfall as a broadcast or banded soil treatment, or in irrigation water.
Same as Establishment Year recommendations.
Powdery Mildew
Same as Establishment Year recommendations.
Leaf Spot
Leaf Scorch
Leaf Blight
Same as Early Bloom recommendations.
Red Stele
49, 4
Aliette WDG, 2.5-5 lb (0)
Phostrol, 2.5-5 pt (0)
Prophyt, 2-4 pt (0)
Orondis Gold, 20-62 fl oz (28)
Ridomil Gold SL, 1 pt (0) 
RootShield PLUS WP, 16-32 oz in-furrow spray or 3-8 oz/100 gal in field chemigation
RootShield PLUS Granules, 2.5-6 lb/ half acre in-furrow
Proper site selection and preparation to avoid prolonged periods of “wet feet” should be the primary control stratagy for this disease.
Use sufficient water to move the Ridomil Gold into the root zone. There is no preharvest interval for this application. Routine or preventative application of these materials is not recommended.
Apply Phostrol to foliage when weather is wet and cool in late summer or fall; repeat application in spring when growth begins.
Note: Orondis Gold has long PHI (28 days).
Where brand names for chemicals are used, it is for the reader’s information. No endorsement is implied, nor is discrimination intended against products with similar ingredients. Please consult pesticide product labels for rates, application instructions and safety precautions. Users of these products assume all associated risks.
RAC=Resistance Action Committee group for resistance management.  Fungicides=FRAC, Insecticides=IRAC
*Restricted use pesticide; pesticide applicators license required.  OMRI listed for organic production
For resistance management do not make more than 2 sequential applications of fungicides in the same FRAC group or insecticides in the same IRAC group. See product labels or RAC column in this table for groups.


Weed Management

Several weeds are usually cited by growers as problem species. As a general rule, always look for new or unusual weed species in fields. Attempt to cultivate or hand remove these weeds before seeds are produced. Following is some information on the most troublesome weeds with suggestions for control. Specific recommendations for any herbicides mentioned below can be found in the tables that follow.

Common Chickweed (Stellaria media): Common chickweed is a winter annual with an extended germination period. Germination can usually begin in late August or early September and continue into the next spring. Seeds are produced in late spring and early summer. 2,4-D is not effective on this weed and labeled rates of SinbarTM applied at mulching over emerged chickweed are generally ineffective. Cultivation is impractical since the most competitive weeds are in the strawberry row where they also receive good winter protection. Effective control can be achieved with an application of DevrinolTM in late August. Since DevrinolTM does not control emerged weeds, it is important to make the application before emergence. While DacthalTM can also control this weed from seed, residual activity is too short to make this application cost effective.

Field Pansy (Johnny jump-up) (Viola, spp.): This winter annual weed has become a serious problem for many growers. As with chickweed, germination is in the late summer, fall, and early spring. Cultivation is impractical in the strawberry row. Unfortunately, the weeds in the row are often better winter protected and produce more seed than those in the row middles. There is currently no postemergence herbicide control of this weed. The only herbicide that can provide effective control from seed (preemergence) is DacthalTM which should be applied in late summer; however, DacthalTM is rarely used in late summer because of its cost and short residual (4-6 weeks). Only the first flush can be controlled with this method. Until better control options become available, growers will continue to have serious problems with this weed.

Yellow Wood Sorrel (Oxalis, spp.): This weed is perhaps the most troublesome for many strawberry growers. Several species exist. Some are perennials and some are winter annuals. Seed production usually occurs during harvest with the plants “spitting” their seeds across the strawberry rows. This, of course, allows free spreading of this weed across the field. As with the above-mentioned weed species, germination can take place over several months making control difficult. 2,4-D provides good control of oxalis plants if they are small and not hidden under the strawberry foliage. Therefore a late fall application, prior to mulching over dormant strawberry plants, can be at least partially effective. A 2,4-D application prior to renovation is usually not effective since seed dispersal has already taken place. SinbarTM also has some activity on this weed. Splitting the annual use rate of SinbarTM into a renovation and late fall (dormant) application can also provide some control. This weed usually shortens the life of a planting due to its quick spreading habit.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): While dandelion has been cited as a problem weed by many growers, acceptable control is possible. Dandelion is a “simple” perennial weed. Unlike other perennials, it does not spread by rhizomes, has a taproot, and uses seed dispersal as its primary method of reproduction. Seeds germinate in the fall and produce good size plants by November. None of the soil-applied herbicides currently registered in strawberry will control dandelion. The only effective control strategy is a late fall application of 2,4-D. This application must be made after the strawberry plants are dormant (no new growth, reddened leaves). If few plants are present, hand removal may be an option. Be sure, however, to remove the entire tap root or regrowth will occur.

The following Tables (24-26) provide information of on weed management and herbicide effectiveness in strawberries. Weeds can develop resistance to herbicides. The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) developed a grouping system based on the mode of action of different herbicides. WSSA Group numbers can be used as a tool to choose herbicides in different mode of action groups so mixtures or rotations of active ingredients can be planned to better manage weeds and reduce the potential for resistant species. Any questions about specific weed problems or weed management strategies should be directed to your local University or Extension Specialist. See Integrated Pest Management for Strawberries in the Northeastern United States for details on alternative weed management strategies.

Table 25. Herbicide Efficacy Against Common Weeds in Strawberries

Scythe1 Gramoxone2 Formula 403 Poast4 Select4 Roundup Ultra9 Spur11 Devrinol5 Dacthal6 Sinbar7 Goal8 Chateau10 Spartan12
HRAC/WSSA Group: 0 22 4 1 1 9 4 0 3 5 14 14 14
Canada thistle P P G N N E E N N N N N N
clovers P P E N N E G N N F N F F
curly dock P P G N N E G N N N N P G
dandelion P P E N N E G N N F N G P
goldenrods P P G N N E N N N P N P P
quackgrass P P N F G E N N N P N P P
red sorrel P P E N N E G N N F N F F
yellow nutsedge P P F N N G N P N F N F G
ANNUAL GRASSES                          
barnyardgrass F E N E E E N E G F F F F
fall panicum F E N E E E N E F F F F F
large crabgrass F E N E E E N E E G F F F
oats or rye (from mulch) F E N G E E N E E G F F F
ANNUAL BROADLEAVES                          
bedstraw G E E N N E N P P F F F E
carpetweed G E G N N E N G G G F E E
common chickweed G E F N N E N E G E F E E
common lambsquarters G E E N N E N G E E G E E
common purslane G E G N N E N G G G E E E
corn speedwell G E G N N E N F F G F G F
galinsoga G E G N N E N G P G G G G
horseweed G E G N N E G N N G G G F
prickly lettuce G E E N N E G E P E G E G
redroot pigweed G E E N N E N G E G E E E
shepherd’s purse G E G N N E N P P E E E E
Virginia pepperweed G E E N N E N P P G G G F
yellow wood sorrel G E G N N E N P P G E G F

E=90% control or better; G=75-90% control; F=50-75% control; P=5-50% control; N=less than 5% control.
1 Scythe (pelargonic acid); non-selective contact herbicide. See information on rates and timings earlier in this section.
2 Gramoxone (paraquat); Restricted use material; pesticide applicators license required. A contact burndown herbicide with no soil activity. May be fatal if swallowed or inhaled. Complete training found at: Training must be completed a minimum of every 3 years. Excellent for use on emerged vegetation. Use between rows, with directed spray; use shields to prevent contact with non-target plants; extremely toxic to birds and wildlife.
3 Formula 40 (2,4-D); systemic broadleaf herbicide. Typically used just before renovation; allow 5 days before mowing; also can be used when strawberries are dormant on winter annuals and perennial broadleaf weeds. Never use an ester or low-volatile ester formulation.
4 Poast (sethoxydim); systemic grass herbicide; use on actively growing grasses; will not kill old established grasses. Use with crop oil, avoid applying on hot humid days.
Select (clethodim); systemic grass herbicide; use on actively growing grasses; will not kill old established grasses; improved activity over Poast on sool season and pereennial grasses. Use with crop oil; avoid spraying on hot humic days.
5 Devrinol (napropamide); preemergent selective herbicide, must be activated with water or cultivation. Application after renovation for summer annual weed control or in late summer for winter annual weed control. Application before mulching will control volunteer grain from mulch. Heavy rates can inhibit daughter plant rooting.
6 Dacthal (DCPA); preemergent selective herbicide, use after mulch removal in spring or in late fall; water or cultivation after application improves control. May be ineffective on cool heavy soils. Do not apply between bloom and harvest. Safe on new plantings.
7 Sinbar (terbacil); selective preemergent herbicide. Moisture is required to activate the chemical; also provides early postemergence control.
8 Goal (oxyfluorfen): selective preplant herbicide. Must be applied at least 30 days prior to transplanting. The soil must be worked to a depth of at least 2.5 inches prior to transplanting the crop. The use of a preemergence herbicide after transplanting is also recommended.
9 Roundup Ultra (glyphosate); non-selective preplant herbicide. Must be applied at least 30 days prior to transplanting. Provides control of most annual and perennial weeds. Application to perennial weeds should take place the fall prior to transplanting for best control.
10 Chateau (flumioxazin); preemergent and postemergent selective herbicide. Primarily used in the late fall, after strawberry plants become dormant.  Used as an alternative at this time to Sinbar.

11 Spur (clopyralid); selective postemergent broadleaf herbicide. Use after harvest to control Canada thistle and other broadleaf perennials and some annuals.  Only one application per season. 

12Spartan (sulfentrazone); preemergent selective herbicide. Use before or just after planting, but before new growth emerges.  Will damage new growth.  Use to control broadleaf weeds and nutsedge. 

Table 26. Weed Management in Strawberries

Table 26. Weed management in strawberries during the transplant and establishment years.
Weed Problem Herbicide Rate/Acre Comments and Limitations
Many annual broadleaf weeds (oxyfluorfen)
Goal 2XL
Group 14
1 - 2 pt Must be applied at least 30 days prior to transplanting. The soil must be worked to a depth of at least 2.5 inches prior to transplanting the crop. No control is provided after the crop is planted.
Emerged annual and perennial weeds (glyphosate)
Roundup Ultra
Group 9
1 - 5 qt Must be applied to emerged weeds at least 30 days prior to transplanting. For annual weeds, good soil preparation will also control these weed species. For perennial weeds, this application should take place in the late summer or fall prior to planting. Application to perennial weeds in the spring will provide top kill only and the same can be accomplished with tillage.
Burndown of emerged weeds

Aim EC
Group 14

2 oz Apply alone or with other herbicides or fertilizers as a burndown treatment at least 24 hours before transplanting.
Annual grasses and many broadleaf weeds

Prowl H20

Satellite Hydrocap
Group 3


1.5 - 3 pt


Prowl: Use before planting strawberries. Apply to the soil surface before planting to prevent the establishment of most annual grasses as well as suppressing several broadleaf weeds such as velvetleaf and purslane. Moisture is required to activate the herbicide, and it can be applied through an overhead irrigation system or shallowly incorporated. At least one day must elapse between application and planting, unless protective gear is worn. Only the H2O formulation of Prowl is labeled for strawberries. No more than 6 pints are to be used in any one season. Prowl H2O should not be used if plastic mulch will be applied.

Satellite Hydrocap: Apply during dormant season, or at renovation prior to new growth emergence. May be applied during the growing season as directed spray between rows - do not allow contact with strawberry plants.  

Many annual broadleaf weeds


Spartan 4F

Group 14

4 - 8 oz Apply prior to planting or just after planting but before new growth appears.  May cause severe damage to new growth. Strawberry varieties vary in sensitivity.  Provides control of many broadleaf weeds, including field pansy, groundsel and nutsedge. 
Annual grasses and small seeded broadleaf weeds (DCPA)
Dacthal F
Dacthal 75W
Group 3

8 - 12 pt
8 - 12 lb
Weak on ragweed, smartweed, and galinsoga. Apply at transplanting or after cultivating. Irrigation, rainfall, or shallow cultivation after application will improve control.

Devrinol 50DF

Devrinol 2XT

Devrinol DF-XT

Group 0


2 - 4 lb

2 gal

8 lb

Apply to weed-free soil after strawberry plants become established. Heavy rate after planting may inhibit rooting of daughter plants. Application in late summer will control winter annuals. Application in late fall will control annual grasses and volunteer grains until harvest. This material must be activated with rainfall, irrigation, or shallow cultivation within 24 hrs. Consider using the 2 to 4 lb rate twice, once in late summer and again just prior to mulching in late fall.

Prowl H20

Satellite Hydrocap
Group 3

1.5 - 3 pt

Apply a banded spray between rows of strawberries. Maintain a rate per treated area, not a rate per planted acre. Do not contact the strawberry plants including daughter plants. May also be applied as a banded spray between rows of plastic mulch. Do not exceed 6 pints per acre per year. No weed control is provided in the crop row.


Broadleaf weeds, some grasses, and some suppression of perennial weeds (terbacil)
Sinbar 80WP
Group 5
2 - 6 oz During the planting year, Sinbar may be applied at 2 to 3 ounces per acre after transplanting but before new runners start to root. If strawberry plants have developed any new foliage prior to application, irrigation or rainfall (0.5 to 1 inch) is required to wash the Sinbar off the strawberry plants. In late summer or early fall, a second application may be made at 2 to 6 ounces per acre to control winter annual weeds. This application must also be followed by 0.5 to 1 inch of irrigation or rainfall to wash the Sinbar off the plants. A third application of 2 to 4 ounces per acre can be made, as usual, after the strawberry plants are dormant and just prior to mulching. For soils with at least 2% organic matter, there is no maximum amount per application; however, no more than 8 ounces of Sinbar can be applied per year. For soils with between 1 and 2% organic matter, a maximum of 4 ounces of Sinbar can be applied at any one time with an annual maximum of 8 ounces per acre. For soils with between 0.5% and 1 % organic matter, a maximum of 3 ounces of Sinbar can be applied at any one time with an annual maxumum of 6 ounces per acre. Sinbar will also provide early postemergence control of some weeds. See the label.
Chateau SW
Group 14
3 oz Apply as a banded spray with a hooded or shielded sprayer to row middles or between plastic. Do not contact the strawberry plants including daughter plants. Apply prior to weed emergence. As an alternative, may be applied as a broadcast spray in the late fall after strawberries are dormant. Although the activity of Chateau is primarily preemergence, this product also provides some postemergence broadleaf activity when a crop oil concentrate, at 1% v/v or non-ionic surfactant at 0.25% v/v is added. Do not exceed 3 oz per acre per year.
Emerged annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.
Suppression of emerged perennial weeds between rows.
SL 2.0
Group 22
2 pt Contact herbicide. Use with a non-ionic surfactant. Direct spray between rows using a shield to prevent contact with strawberry plants. Do not apply within 21 days before harvest or more than 3 times per season.
Emerged annual and most perennial grasses (sethoxydim)
Group 1
1 - 2 pt Effective on small, actively growing grasses. Do not apply to grasses under stress (e.g., drought). Add 1 qt of crop oil concentrate per acre. Application within 6 weeks of Sinbar may cause leaf injury. Applications on days that are unusually hot and humid will likely cause leaf burn. Avoid applications on these hot and humid days or delay application until late evening.
Select 2EC
Selectmax 0.97EC
Group 1
6 - 8 oz
12-16 oz
Effective on small, actively growing grasses. Improved activity over Poast on cool-season and perennial grasses. Add 1qt/100 gal spray of crop oil concentrate. Repeat application at 14 days for perennial grasses. Can add ammonium sulfate at 2.5 lb/acre to improve activity on perennial grasses. Do not apply within 4 days of harvest.
Emerged annual weeds and suppression of perennial weeds (pelargonic acid)
Fatty acid,
Group 0
3 - 10% solution Contact herbicide for burn down only. See Scythe comments below this table. See label for complete instructions.
Weed Problem Herbicide Rate/Acre Comments and Limitations
Annual grasses and small seeded broadleaf weeds (DCPA)
Dacthal F
Dacthal 75WP
Group 3
8 - 12 pt
8 - 12 lb
Weak on ragweed, smartweed, and galinsoga. Apply to weed-free soil in early spring after mulch removal or in late fall. Irrigation, rainfall, or shallow cultivation after application will improve control. Do not apply between first bloom and harvest. May be less effective on cool heavy soils.
Devrinol 50DF
Group 0
4 - 8 lb Apply to weed-free soil. Heavy rate after renovation may inhibit rooting of daughter plants. Application in late summer will provide preemergence control of winter annuals. Application prior to mulching will control annual grasses and volunteer grains until harvest. This material must be activated with rainfall, irrigation, or shallow cultivations within 24 hrs. May be applied more than once per year but do not exceed a total of 8 lbs per acre per year. Do not apply from bloom through harvest. Consider applying the 4-lb rate twice: Once in late summer and again just prior to mulching in late fall.

Prowl H20

Satellite Hydrocap
Group 3

1.5 - 3 pt

Apply a banded spray between rows of strawberries. Maintain a rate per treated area, not a rate per planted acre. Do not contact the strawberry plants, including daughter plants. May also be applied as a banded spray between rows of plastic mulch. Do not exceed 6 pints per acre per year. Do not apply within 35 days before harvest. No weed control is provided in the crop row.

Satellite Hydrocap may be applied during dormant season, or at renovation prior to new growth emergence. May also be applied during the growing season as directed spray between rows - do not allow contact with strawberry plants.

Broadleaf weeds, some grasses, and some suppression of perennial weeds (terbacil)
Sinbar 80WP
Group 5
2 - 8 oz Will also provide early postemergence weed control. Apply at renovation, immediately after mowing and tilling but before new growth begins. A second application may be made in late fall, after strawberry plants become dormant, for additional control of winter annual weeds. DO NOT USE AT ANY OTHER TIME AS PLANT DEATH MAY RESULT. Do not apply more than 6-8 oz of Sinbar per acre per growing season depending on soil type. Use only on plants established 6 months or longer. Do not use on soils with less than 0.5% organic matter. Following the establishment year, applications can only be made just after renovation and just prior to mulching. Applications are now allowed, however, on soils with between 0.5% and 2% organic matter using the same guidelines for rates as above. As always, be careful with Sinbar in strawberries, especially with potential overlap of sprayer passes which will double the rate and increase the potential for injury in some varieties. Please consult the supplemental label for additional information, rates, precautions, etc.
Chateau SW
Group 14
3 oz Apply as a banded spray with a hooded or shielded sprayer to row middles or between plastic. Do not contact the strawberry plants including daughter plants. Apply prior to weed emergence. Application after fruit set may result in spotting of fruit and should be avoided. As an alternative, may be applied as a broadcast spray in the late fall after strawberries are dormant. Although the activity of Chateau is primarily preemergence, this product also provides some postemergence broadleaf activity when a crop oil concentrate, at 1% v/v or non-ionic surfactant at 0.25% v/v is added. Do not exceed 3 oz per acre per year.
Emerged annual grasses and broadleaf weeds,
Supression of emerged perennial weeds between rows
SL 2.0
Group 22
2 pt Contact herbicide. Use with a non-ionic surfactant. Direct spray between rows using a shield to prevent contact with strawberry plants. Do not apply within 21 days before harvest or more than 3 times in a season.
Emerged annual and most perennial grasses (sethoxydim)
Group 1
1 - 2.5 pt Effective on small actively growing grasses. Do not apply to grasses under stress (e.g., drought). Add 1 qt of crop oil concentrate per acre. Application within 6 weeks after Sinbar may cause leaf injury. Avoid applications on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply within 7 days before harvest or use more than 2.5 pints per acre per season.
Select 2EC
Selectmax 0.97EC
Group 1
6 - 8 oz
12-16 oz
Effective on small, actively growing grasses. Improved activity over Poast on cool-season and perennial grasses. Add 1qt/100 gal spray of crop oil concentrate. Repeat application at 14 days for perennial grasses.  Ammonium sulfate at 2.5 lb/acre may be added to improve activity on perennial grasses. Do not apply within 4 days of harvest.
Most emerged broadleaf weeds including dandelion (2,4-D)
Formula 40
Group 4
2 - 3 pt Apply at renovation, immediately after last harvest. Wait 3 to 5 days before mowing. May also be used in late fall after strawberries are dormant for control of certain winter annual, biennial, and perennial weeds. Be sure that strawberry plants are dormant (i.e., no new growth and reddened leaves) to avoid injury.
Emerged annual weeds and supression of perennial weeds

(pelargonic acid)
Fatty acid,

Group 0

3 - 10% solution Contact material for burn down only. See Scythe comments below this table. See label for complete instructions.
Aim EC
Group 14
2 oz May be applied with a hooded sprayer between rows on bare ground or plastic systems.  DO NOT apply over strawberry plants.  DO NOT apply more than 6.1 oz/acre/season.
Selected emerged broadleaf weeds including dandelion, Canada thistle, clover, vetch, ragweed, and jimsonweed (clopyralid)
Group 4
2/3 pt Make one application per crop year after harvest to emerged weeds.  Apply uniformly with ground equipment in a minimum of 10 gallons of water per acre.   Do not tank mix with any other herbicides.  Only this clopyralid product is registered for strawberry, other similar products with other trade names are NOT registered in New England.  Do not use any spray additives.

†Where brand names for chemicals are used, it is for the reader’s information. No endorsement is implied, nor is discrimination intended against products with similar ingredients. Please consult pesticide product labels for rates, application instructions and safety precautions. Users of these products assume all associated risks.
*Restricted use material; pesticide applicators license required. A contact burndown herbicide with no soil activity. May be fatal if swallowed or inhaled. Complete training found at: Training must be completed a minimum of every 3 years

OMRI listed for certified organic production


Scythe (pelargonic acid)
Note: General - Scythe herbicide is part of EPA’s reduced-risk pesticide strategy. Scythe is a contact, non-selective, broad spectrum, foliar-applied herbicide. It controls only actively growing emerged green vegetation. It provides burndown of both annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds as well as most mosses. The degree of burndown and the longevity of control is less when the weeds are inactive, mature, or biennial/perennial types. The herbicide is not translocated; it will burn only those plant parts that are coated with the spray solution. Visible effects on most weeds occur within hours. This product does not damage non-green, woody parts of plants. Cool weather following treatment may slow the activity of this herbicide and delay or reduce visual effects. The burndown activity is similar to that of Gramoxone (paraquat). DO NOT contact desirable crop plants or damage will occur.

Crop application timing and registration - For most small fruit crops, applications can be made in a number of ways: Vegetative Burndown: General control of weeds for site preparation, non-crop, and around aquatic sites. Prior to Crop Emergence: Be sure that applications are made before crop emerges from soil or crop injury will occur. Directed and Shielded Sprays: Applications may be made in and around desirable plants as long as contact of foliage and green bark is avoided. Use of a shield is highly recommended. Sucker Control, Pruning, and Trimming: To burn back unwanted foliage growth on vines and excessive cane growth in brambles. Apply only to unwanted vegetative parts. Apply before suckers become woody. The current label for Scythe herbicide allows application in the following small fruit crops: blackberry, blueberry, boysenberry, cranberry, currant, dewberry, grape (all types), loganberry, raspberry, and strawberry.

Rates - Use a 3-5% solution for annual weeds (4-6 oz/gal water), a 5-7% solution for biennial and perennial weeds (6-9 oz/gal water), and 7-10% solution for maximum burndown (9-13 oz/gal water). Delivery rate for boom applications should be 75 to 200 gallons of spray solution per acre. For hand-held equipment, spray to completely wet all weed or plant foliage but not to the point of runoff. Repeat applications as necessary. Tank mixes are allowed with this product. These include tank mixes with glyphosate (Roundup), sulfosate (Touchdown), and residual herbicides. SEE THE LABEL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS!

Sinbar 80 WP (terbacil) - During the planting year, Sinbar may be applied at 2 to 3 ounces per acre after transplanting but before new runners start to root. If strawberry plants have developed any new foliage prior to application, irrigation or rainfall (0.5 to 1 inch) is required to wash the Sinbar off the strawberry plants. In late summer or early fall, a second application may be made at 2 to 6 ounces per acre to control winter annual weeds. This application must also be followed by 0.5 to 1 inch of irrigation or rainfall to wash the Sinbar off the plants. A third application of 2 to 4 ounces per acre can be made, as usual, after the strawberry plants are dormant and just prior to mulching.
For soils with at least 2% organic matter, there is no maximum amount per application; however, no more than 8 ounces of Sinbar can be applied per year. For soils with between 1 and 2% organic matter, a maximum of 4 ounces of Sinbar can be applied at any one time with an annual maximum of 8 ounces per acre. For soils with between 0.5 and 1% organic matter, a maximum of 3 ounces of Sinbar can be applied at any one time with an annual maximum of 6 ounces per acre.

Following the establishment year, applicaitons can only be made just after renovation and just prior to mulching. Applications are now allowed, however, on soils with between 0.5 and 2% organic matter using the same guidelines for rates as above. As always, be careful with Sinbar in strawberries, especially with potential overlap of sprayer passes which will double the rate and increase the potential for injury in some varieties. Please consult the new supplemental label for additional information, rates, precautions, etc.

Prowl H2O - Preemergence selective herbicide. Use pre-transplant for improved control of annual grasses and many broadleaf weeds during the transplant year. May also be used in row middles once strawberries are transplanted for control of weeds between the rows.

Chateau SW - Preemergence and postemergence selective herbicide. Use either between the crop row for preemergence control of many broadleaf weed and some grasses or use in the late fall after the crop is dormant for both preemergence and postemergence control of many weeds.

Spur - This is the only clopyralid product registered for strawberry in New England. Perennial strawberry only. For Canada thistle after harvest up to early fall, apply after the majority of basal leaves have emerged but prior to bud stage.

Fusilade DX - for control of annual and perennial grass species; will NOT control broadleaf weeds. One application permitted per year not to exceed 16 oz per acre. 14-day PHI.

Suppress EC - nonsystemic, nonselective postemergence foliar burndown herbicide for control of annual and perennial broadleaves and grasses. Best on newly emerged plants, less than 6 inches in height. OMRI-listed product.

Axxe - nonsystemic, nonselective postemergence, foliar burndown herbicide. Use higher rates on bigger plants. Very toxic to fish and invertebrates. Do not contaminate water resources during use. Eye irritant.  OMRI-listed product.


Table 27. Weed Management With and Without Herbicides in a Strawberry Planting

Table 27. Weed management with and without herbicides in a strawberry planting.
  Fall prior to planting Roundup for emerged perennial weeds Frequent tillage/tarping
  Prior to transplanting Good soil preparation to control emerged weeds Good soil preparation/flaming
  At planting Sinbar to control broadleaf weeds
Dacthal or Prowl to control annual grasses (Prowl must be applied prior to planting)
  Mid-Summer Poast or Select to control emerged grasses Cultivate/handweed
  4-6 weeks after planting Devrinol at half rate Cultivate/handweed
  Any time emerged weeds are present n/a Cultivate/handweed
  After crop dormancy 2,4-D for emerged braodleaf weeds; Sinbar or Chateau preemergence for broadleafs; Devrinol at half rate for preemergence grass control Mulch for winter protection
  Spring prior to bloom Poast or Select for emerged grasses Cultivate/handweed
  Renovation 2,4-D  or Spur for emerged broadleaf weeds; Mow 5-7 days later; Sinbar half rate for broadleaf weed control. Cultivate/handweed/flaming
  After renovation through early fall Spur for selected emerged broadleaf weeds Cultivate/handweed
  Mid- to late-summer Poast or Select for emerged grasses Cultivate/handweed
  Late summer Devrinol at half rate for preemergence grass control Cultivate/handweed
  After crop dormancy 2,4-D for emerged broadleaf weeds; Sinbar half rate or Chateau preemergence for braodleaf weeds; Devrinol at half rate for preemergence grass control. Cultivate/handweed/mulching


General Information

The success of a bramble planting is highly dependent upon its location. The site should have full exposure to sunlight and good air circulation. It should also be somewhat protected, however, as brambles are quite susceptible to winter injury. Temperatures below -20˚ F will injure most fruit buds above the snow line. Colder temperatures, especially if no snow cover is present, can kill canes to the ground, or damage roots, causing plants to die in the early summer when not enough water can be taken in to support them.

The soil should be well-drained; brambles will not tolerate “wet feet.” Wet soils encourage the spread of Phytophthora root rot which will destroy brambles. Do not plant brambles where potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries or eggplant have recently been grown, because these crops carry Verticillium, another root rot fungus which can infect brambles. Avoid planting brambles near any wild brambles. Wild raspberries and blackberries harbor insects and virus diseases which will spread to cultivated plants. If possible, destroy all wild brambles within at least 600 feet of your planting.

Always obtain raspberry plants from a reputable nursery which certifies their plants to be virus-free. Raspberries are best planted in the early spring. Plant your rows at least 8 feet apart, preferably 10 to 12 feet apart to ensure adequate air circulation, as well as room for spraying, harvesting and pruning operations.

Raspberry plants are shallow-rooted and thus are poor competitors for water and nutrients if weeds are present. A 3 to 6” layer of mulch will help to conserve soil moisture and inhibit weed growth. Coarse sawdust, wood chips or bark make good mulching materials. Pine needles work well, but need replenishing more frequently. Mulching of raspberry plantings is not without risk. The use of a permanent mulch may delay fruit ripening and plant hardening-off in the autumn, increasing the risk of winter damage. Mulching is not recommended after the first year on heavy soils due to the risk of Phytophthora. Mulch is also a haven for rodents that feed on plant roots and canes. Baiting is recommended where mulch is used.

Proper pruning is a crucial part of pest management for raspberries. In summer bearing brambles, remove second year canes and thin out weak, spindly first year canes anytime after harvest through winter. Thin out the remaining canes, leaving only those with good height, large cane diameters and no insect or disease damage. In late winter check for symptoms of winter injury. Everbearing varieties (e.g., Himbo Top, Anne) may be completely mowed down each year in late fall to early spring before growth starts. This will result in only the primocane (Fall) crop being harvested. For an early summer crop on everbearing varieties, remove weak, spindly first year canes after harvest and thin out remaining canes. Remove the tops of the canes where fruit was borne to reduce disease pathogen inoculum. The new fruit crop is borne on the cane below where fruit was the previous fall. 

Plant rows should be narrowed to a width of 2 feet or less. When finished, there should be no more than 4 to 6 canes per linear foot of row remaining for red raspberries, and 4 to 8 canes per crown for blackberries, black and purple raspberries. Canes which have been cut should be removed from the planting and destroyed. Pruning in this manner will greatly reduce the incidence of most raspberry cane diseases by increasing air circulation and reducing disease inoculum. Check with your Cooperative Extension office for details of proper varieties and cultural techniques for brambles, or see NRAES 35, Raspberry & Blackberry Production Guide available through New England Extension Fruit Specialists. See source page at end of this guide for more information on ordering the Raspberry & Blackberry Production Guide.

Table 38. Recommended optimal soil characteristics for growing brambles.
Soil Characteristic Desirable Range*
pH 5.8 - 6.5
Organic matter 4 - 6%
Phosphorus 20 - 30 ppm
Potassium 120 - 180 ppm
Base Saturation >3.0
Magnesium 100 - 150 ppm
Base Saturation >5.0
Calcium 1000 - 1500 ppm
Base Saturation >50.0
*Desirable range will vary with soil types (sand, silt, or clay), soil organic matter, and pH.
Foliar nutrient Normal range
Nitrogen 2.0 - 2.8 %
Table 39. Standard Foliar Ranges for Brambles
Phosphorus 0.25  -0.4 %
Potassium 1.5 - 2.5 %
Calcium 0.6 - 2.0 %
Magnesium 0.6 - 0.9 %
Boron 30 - 70 ppm
Manganese 50 - 200 ppm
Iron 60 - 250 ppm
Copper 6 - 20 ppm
Zinc 20 - 50 ppm
Year Sandy Loamy Clay Sandy Loamy Clay

Table 40. Post-Plant Nitrogen Recommendations for Brambles

Irrigated                                           Non-Irrigated

1 40 30 25 35 30 25
2 80 70 60 70 65 50
3+ 120 100 90 90 80 70
1 35 20 25 30 25 25
2 55 50 45 45 40 35
3+ 80 70 60 60 50 40
1 30 25 25 25 20 20
2 45 40 35 35 30 25
3+ 60 50 45 45 40



Note: Rates should be adjusted according to leaf tissue analysis.

*Split the recommended amount into two applications with half at cane emergence and half in mid-July

Table 41. Number of bramble plants per acre at different spacings.
Feet between plants in a row Spacing Between Rows
1.5 3630 2904 2420
2 2,722 2,178 1,815
3 1,815 1,452 1,210
4 1,360 1,090 907
5 1,090 870 726
6 907 726 605
8 680 544 453


Fruit and Foliage Diseases

Botrytis Fruit Rot; Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea): Raspberries are very susceptible to fruit rots caused by fungi, especially during wet weather and heavy dews. To prevent fruit rots from becoming a major problem, encourage air circulation and rapid drying of the plants and fruit by maintaining narrow plant rows, and proper cane thinning. Harvest fruit regularly. Do not allow overripe or rotten fruit to remain on the plants.

Management: Infections can occur as early as bloom, so preventative fungicide sprays should be applied beginning at that time, and followed-up with additional sprays when wet weather is predicted. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing. To prevent molds from developing after harvest, cool the fruit as rapidly as possible after picking and maintain them at about 33˚F until they are sold. Never place raspberries in containers more than 3 fruit deep, and avoid rough handling.

Powdery Mildew (Sphaerotheca macularis): Powdery mildew affects susceptible cultivars of red, black, and purple raspberries. Blackberries and their hybrids are usually not affected. The disease can be severe (varying from year to year) on highly susceptible cultivars, and plants may become stunted and less productive. The fungus overwinters in dormant buds and in tips of canes. The infection of flower buds reduces fruit quantity, and infected fruit may be unmarketable as a result of the unsightly covering of the powdery mycelial growth.

Canby is highly susceptible to powdery mildew making it a poor choice for high tunnel production.

Infected leaves develop light green blotches on the upper surface. Generally, the lower surface of the leaf directly beneath these spots becomes covered by white, mycelial growth of the powdery mildew fungus. The leaf spots may appear water-soaked. Infected leaves are often mottled, and if surface growth of the fungus is sparse, they often appear to be infected by a mosaic virus. Infected shoot tips may also become covered with mycelial growth. When severely infected, the shoots become long and spindly (rat-tailed), with dwarfed leaves that are often curled upward at the margins. Infected fruit may also become covered with a white mycelial mat. When the disease is severe, the entire plant may be stunted.

Management: The easiest way to control powdery mildew is to promote good air circulation around canes. Removal of late-formed mildewed suckers in the fall may also delay the start of the disease build-up in the spring. See Pest Management Table for recommended fungicides and rates for controlling powdery mildew.

Late Leaf Rust (Pucciniastrum americanum): Late leaf rust, primarily a problem on fall bearing varieties, infects red, yellow and purple raspberries, but not black raspberries and blackberries. Symptoms appear as yellow masses of spores on the undersides of the foliage and on the fruit, making the fruit unmarketable. Unlike orange rust, late leaf rust is not systemic and can be eliminated from the planting.  White spruce and Englemann spruce serve as alternate hosts but once the disease is established in the planting, spruce are not needed for the rust fungus to survive.

Management: Plant disease free nursery stock.  Maintain good air circulation around the canes by keeping the rows narrow, thin out canes, maintain weed free rows and remove old canes from the planting to reduce overwintering inocculum. Fall bearing varieties Heritage, Caroline,  Jaclyn and Anne, as well as summer bearing Festival are highly susceptible. See Pest Management Table for recommended fungicides and rates for controlling late leaf rust.

Orange Rust (Arthuriomyces peckianus and Gymnoconia nitens): Orange rust can be caused by two stages of a single rust fungus, though different names are given to each stage. A. peckianus is the long-cycled state of the rust fungus that produces telia and teliospores and typically affects black raspberries. G. nitens is the short-cycled state of the rust fungus that does not produce teliospores and typically affects erect and trailing blackberries. Neither fungus has an alternate host, which is common for other rust diseases of raspberry.

Orange rust affects black raspberry and blackberry, but is not known to affect red raspberry. In early spring when new shoots begin growth, leaves appear stunted, misshapen, and orange spores can be observed on lower leaf surfaces. If conditions are appropriate, brown-black telia and teliospores will also form on the undersides of leaves. These spores will spread the disease to other plants. During late summer, the fungus moves into the plant's roots where it will overwinter. It overwinters on the plant in infected canes.The fungus infects systemically; once a plant is infected it will not recover. Infected plants will eventually become stunted with bushy growth and produce few fruit.

Management: Orange rust management begins by planting healthy and disease-free blackberry and black raspberry stock. Since wild blackberry and wild black raspberry plants can serve as a reservoir of the disease, remove and destroy these wild plants in the area. Promote good air circulation by keeping weeds down and using good thinning and pruning practices. Inspect plants in the spring for symptoms of the disease, and remove and destroy infected plants as soon as the first symptoms appear. A few chemicals are labeled for control of orange rust and are listed in the pest management table. However, fungicide controls are generally not considered effective for orange rust management.

Cane Diseases

Anthracnose (Elsinoe veneta): Anthracnose is a fungus disease which first appears as purple spots on the young canes. As the disease develops, the spots enlarge and become sunken. Small, white spots may appear on the leaves, and the fruit may develop brown, scabby areas. Individual drupelets become infected, sunken, and light tan in color; fruit has a bitter flavor. On older canes, the lesions will turn gray and cause the bark to split. Although this disease tends to be worse on black and purple raspberries, heavy infestations can cause serious yield losses in red raspberries. Anthracnose spores spread under wet conditions, so it is important to promote drying by ensuring good air circulation. This can be accomplished through careful pruning each year and removing all infected canes.

Management: This disease can be greatly inhibited by encouraging good air circulation, through maintaining narrow plant rows and good pruning and thinning practices. Immediately after harvest, remove all infected to ground level and destroy. Early spring sprays of lime sulfur on the canes will help prevent early infections. Lime sulfur should be applied before the emerging buds are 1/2” long, or plant damage will result. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Spur Blight (Didymella applanata): Spur blight is a fungus disease which causes brown or purple blotches to appear on the canes, usually centered around a leaf stem. Symptoms appear on new canes in mid to late summer. On second-year canes, the blotches become gray areas on the bark with tiny black spots on them, which are the fruiting structures of the fungus. Leaves on infected canes may show yellow or brown areas which begin at the mid-vein and spread out to the leaf tip in the shape of a 'V'. Infected canes are weakened, and produce fewer fruiting branches than healthy canes.

Management: Similar to anthracnose, this disease can be greatly inhibited by encouraging good air circulation through maintaining narrow plant rows and good pruning and thinning practices. Red and purple raspberries are more susceptible than black raspberries, while blackberries are considered to be immune. Applications of lime sulfur to the canes in the early spring before the new buds are 1/2” long will prevent early infection. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Cane Blight (Leptosphaeria coniothyrium): Cane blight is caused by a fungus and is characterized by large brown and purple lesions which form on the canes. Unlike spur blight, these lesions are not typically located at a leaf stem and may involve whole stems. Fruiting laterals exhibit weak growth and may wilt and turn brown. This disease is most common on black raspberries.

Management: To reduce the incidence of the disease, tip the canes when there is no chance of rain or heavy dew for 3 days, allowing the cut to dry. When pruning, remove old canes to the ground. Do not leave stubs. The fungus can overwinter on the old dead canes and continue to produce viable spores for many years. Control of cane blight is the same as for anthracnose or spur blight.

Root and Crown Diseases

Verticillium Wilt (Verticillium albo-atrum & Verticillium dahliae): Verticillium is a root rot fungus with infections favored by a cool wet spring causing the leaves on raspberry canes to yellow, wilt and fall off, progressing from the bottom of the cane to the top. These symptoms may only appear on one side of the plant and are most frequently observed during hot, dry periods. Young black raspberry canes may show a purple discoloration starting near the soil line and extending upward, while this is not as easily detected in red raspberry canes. Canes eventually die.

Management: Verticillium attacks a wide range of plants, including potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and strawberries.It overwinters in the soil and on plant debris.  Do not plant raspberries following any of these crops. Non-host crops such as corn or wheat can help eliminate the fungus if grown for at least 2 years before planting raspberries. Many weed species, including pigweed and lamb’s quarters also carry the disease, so good weed control in the raspberry planting is essential. Preplant soil fumigation can help eliminate this fungus, but is quite costly. This disease is most serious on black raspberries.

Phytophthora Root Rot (Phytophthora spp.): The Phytophthora fungus invades the roots of raspberries and disrupts the vascular system, causing infected plants to produce weak, stunted canes, with small, off-color leaves. When dug up, the roots of these plants may look dead. Symptoms are most obvious in the spring, frequently causing this disease to be misdiagnosed as winter injury. In order to spread throughout a planting, the fungus requires flooded or saturated soils.

Management: Good soil drainage is critical for preventing this disease. The varieties Latham,  Newburgh, Prelude, Anne, Caroline and Killarney seem to have some resistance to Phytophthora, while Titan, Taylor, Festival and Hilton are very susceptible. Soil fungicide drenches in the spring and fall will provide control of Phytophthora, but should not be considered a substitute for good soil drainage and appropriate variety selection. This is only an emergency measure and it is better to move the planting to a more suitable location. See Pest Management Table for recommendations of specific materials and rates. Planting on raised beds helps with this problem and wet feet in general. Mulching new plantings with straw has been observed to increase the likelihood of Phytophthora infection the following spring, particularly in heavy soils.

Crown Gall (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) and Cane gall (Agrobacterium rubi): Crown gall is a widespread disease of all brambles caused by a bacterium. The bacteria enter the plant through wounds and induce galls or tumors on the roots, crowns, or canes of infected plants. Galls interfere with water and nutrient flow in the plants. Seriously infected plants may become weakened, stunted, and unproductive.

Young galls are rough, spongy, and wart-like. Galls can be formed each season and vary in size from a pinhead to several inches in diameter. They develop near the soil line or underground in the spring. Cane galls occur almost exclusively on fruiting canes and usually appear in late spring or early summer. Both crown and cane galls become hard, brown to black, woody knots as they age. Some disintegrate with time and others may remain for the life of the plant. The tops of infected plants may show no symptoms, but plants with numerous galls may be stunted, produce dry, poorly-developed berries, break easily and fall over, or show various deficiency symptoms due to impaired uptake and transport of nutrients and water. Infected plants may be more susceptible to winter injury.

Management: Control procedures include: (1) planting only nursery stock which is free of any obvious galls on crowns or roots; (2) not planting into a field where crown gall has occurred previously, unless a non-host crop, such as strawberries or most vegetables, is grown for two or more years before replanting; and (3) minimizing injury to root and crown systems during farm operations such as cultivation.

In addition to the above procedures, a nonpathogenic bacterium, Agrobacterium radiobacter, strain K-84, is commercially available for biological control of crown gall. The biocontrol agent may be applied to roots of healthy plants when they are first set out. After planting, the control becomes established in the soil around the root zone and prevents crown gall bacteria from entering this region. However, the biocontrol agent will not cure plants which are already infected before its application and is not labeled for use on bearing plants.


Several types of viruses infect raspberry plants causing a variety of symptoms, including mosaic yellow patterning of the leaves, leaf curl and/or crinkle, cane dwarfing and crumbly berries. Once a plant becomes infected with a virus, it cannot be cured. All infected plants, including the roots, should be removed from the planting and destroyed. Viruses are typically spread by aphids, but in some cases (e.g., crumbly berry) nematodes may be responsible. When these creatures feed on infected plants they can take in the virus and then spread it to other plants. In order to prevent the spread of viruses, start with certified, virus-free planting stock. Plant your raspberries away from any wild brambles which may be harboring viruses that could be spread to your plants. A distance of at least 600 feet between cultivated raspberries and any wild brambles is recommended. Controlling the insects which spread these diseases is usually not a practical method of preventing infection. However, some raspberry varieties are resistant to aphid feeding and are thus somewhat protected. These varieties include Canby, Titan and Royalty.

Table 42. Fungicides registered for use on brambles and their primary uses.
Fungicide FRAC
Active Ingredient Botrytis Gray Mold Spur Blight Anthracnose Orange Rust Phytophthora Root Rot
Abound& 11 azoxystrobin + -- -- ++ 0
Actinovate AG BM02 Streptomyces lydicus (strain WYEC 108) + -- -- -- --
Aliette P07 aluminum tris 0 -- -- 0 +++
Badge SC/Badge X2 M01 copper oxychloride, copper hydroxide -- + + -- 0
BotryStop BM02 Ulocladium oudemansii (strain U3 ) +++ -- -- -- 0
Cabrio 11 azoxystrobin ++ -- -- ++ 0
Captan M4 captan ++ + + 0 0
Captec M4 captan ++ + + 0 0
CaptEvate 17, M4 fenhexamid, captan +++ -- -- 0 0
Confine Xtra P07 phosphorus acid 0 -- -- 0 +++
Coppers M01 copper hydroxide -- + + -- 0
Cuprofix Ultra 40 Disperss M01 basic copper sulfate -- + + -- 0
EcoSwing  BM01 Swinglea glutinosa extract -- 0 0 0 0
Elevate 17 fenhexamid +++ -- -- 0 0
JMS Stylet Oil /Organic JMS Stylet Oil NC paraffinic oil -- -- -- -- --
Kaligreen NC potassium bicarbonate -- -- -- -- --

Kocide/Kocide 2000-O/Kocide 3000/Kocide 3000-O

M01 copper hydroxide -- ++ + -- --
Kumulus DF M02 sulfur -- -- -- -- 0
Microthiol Disperss M02 sulfur -- -- -- -- 0
Milstop SP NC potassium bicarbonate -- -- -- -- --
Miller Lime Sulfur M02 calcium polysulfide 0 ++ ++ -- --
Nu-Cop 50 WP M01 copper hydroxide -- ++ + -- --
Orbit 3 propiconazole -- -- -- -- 0
Orondis Gold 49,9 oxathiapiprolin, mefenoxam 0 0 0 0 ++
Oxidate NC hydrogen peroxide ++ -- -- -- 0
OSO 19 polyoxin-D zinc salt +++ -- -- -- --
PERpose Plus NC hydrogen peroxide ++ -- -- -- 0
Ph-D 19 polyoxin-D zinc salt +++ -- -- -- --
pHorcepHite P07 monopotassium phosphate -- -- -- -- +++
Phostrol P07 phosphorus acid -- -- -- -- +++
Prophyt P07 Potassium phosphate -- -- -- -- +++
Pristine 7,11 boscalid, pyraclostrobin +++ -- -- ++ 0
Quilt Xcel 3,11 azoxystrobin, propiconazole 0 0 -- 0 0
Rally 3 myclobutanil 0 -- -- ++ 0
Regalia P05 Reynoutria sachalinensis -- -- -- -- --
Ridomil Gold 4 mefenoxam 0 -- -- 0 +++
RootShield PLUS WP BM02 Trichoderma harzianum (strain T22 ), T. viriens (strain G-41 ) -- -- -- -- ++
Rovral 2 iprodione +++ -- -- 0 0
Serenade Opti/Serenade Max M02

Bacillus subtilis (strain QST 713)

-- -- -- -- --
SuffOil-X NC mineral oil -- -- -- -- --
Sulforix% M02 calcium polysulfide 0 ++ ++ 0 0
Switch 9,12 cyprodinil, fludioxonil ++ -- -- 0 0
Tanos 11 famoxadone, cymoxanil -- ++ + 0 0
Tilt 3 propiconazole 0 -- -- ++ 0
Trilogy NC neem oil -- -- -- -- --

0=not effective; +=slight effectiveness; ++=moderate effectiveness; +++=very effective; --=insufficient data

=OMRI listed for organic production; go to for details.

Products with the same FRAC code have active ingredients with the same mode of action. Repeated use of products with the same mode of action should be avoided to reduce the risk of development of chemical resistance by the pest and reduced efficacy of the pesticde. Fungicides with two FRAC codes contain active ingredients with two different modes of action. For more information on FRAC codes and managing fungicide resistance, go to

* Restricted use material; pesticide applicators license required.

& This material is very toxic to some varieties of apples; use extreme caution when spraying near apples; do not use same sprayer subsequently on apples.
% Use lime sulfur only on dormant plants. Do not mix with oil.

For all products listed, read labels thoroughly for restrictions and warnings.

Table 43. Relative hardiness and disease resistance for bramble varieties recommended for New England.
  disease resistanceA
Variety hardiness zone b season spur blight anthracnose viruses Phytophthora
Summer Red Raspberries
AAC Eden 5 mid U U U U
Algonquin 4 mid R U R F
Boyne 3 early F S U F
Canby 4 mid U U U S
Encore 4 late U U U S
Festival 4 late mid R U R U
K81-6 4 late R R S S
Killarney 3 early mid F S U F
3 mid S S F U
Lauren 5 early U U F U
Newburgh 4 mid F F U G
Nova 3 mid R R R U
Prelude 4 early U U U R
Qualicum 5 mid U S R S
Reveille 4 early U U U U
Taylor 4 late S S S S
Titan 5 mid U U U S
TulaMagic 5 early U U U F
Tulameen 6 mid U U U U
Summer Black Raspberries
Allen 5 mid U U U U
Bristol 5 mid U S U U
Earlisweet 5 early U U U U
Jewel 5 mid U R U U
Mac Black 5 late U U U U
Summer Purple Raspberries
Royalty 4 late U U U U
Fall Red Raspberries
Autumn Bliss 3 early fall U U F F
Autumn Britain 3 early fall U U U G
BP-1 4 early fall U U U U
Caroline 4 early fall U U U R
Dinkum 5 early fall U U S S
Heritage 4 mid fall U U S S
Himbo Top 4 early mid fall U U U S
Jaclyn 3 early fall U U U U
Joan J 3 early fall U U U U
Polana 3 very early U U U S
Polka 4 early fall U U U U
Fall Yellow and Black Raspberries
Anne (yellow) 4 mid U U U S
Double Gold (blush) 5 mid U U U U
Kiwigold (yellow) 4 mid U U U S
Niwot (black) 5 mid U U U U

Summer Blackberries

Caddo 5 mid U U U U
Chester 5 late R U U U
Eclipse 6 mid U U U U
Galaxy 6 early U U U U
Natchez 5 early U U U U
Quachita 6 late U R U U
Sweet Ark cv Ponca 5 mid U U U U
Triple Crown 6 mid U U U U
Twilight 6 mid U U U U
Fall Blackberries
Prime Ark Freedom 5 early fall U U U U
Prime Ark 45 5 mid-late fall U U U U
a G= good, F= fair, R=resistant, S= susceptible, U= unknown; Hardiness Zone 3=very hardy to 6= very tender


Fruit and Foliage Insect Pests

Raspberry Fruitworm (Byturus unicolor): The raspberry fruitworm is a small (1/4”) brown beetle which feeds on the flower buds and leaves of raspberry plants during the spring and early summer. Female beetles lay eggs on the flowers and green fruit. The grubs that emerge are yellowish white, and feed on the fruit, attaining about 3/8” in length. Many of the flowers and fruit can be destroyed by this insect, and the larvae may end up in the harvested fruit, greatly reducing customer appeal.

Management: There is some evidence suggesting that this insect is more of a problem in weedy plantings. If early damage is noted, (e.g., small holes chewed in flower buds and skeletonizing of leaves), cover sprays should be applied prior to bloom. Adults (beetles) tend to be most active and noticeable on plants in the early evening hours. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Tarnished Plant Bug (Lygus lineolaris): The tarnished plant bug (TPB) is a small (1/4”) bronze-colored insect with a triangular marking on its back. The immature stage, or nymph, is smaller and bright green, resembling an aphid, but much more active. Both adults and nymphs feed on the developing flowers and fruit, sucking out plant juices with straw-like mouthparts. This results in deformed fruit, with a few to many drupelets not enlarging, depending on the severity of the damage. Such fruit tend to crumble easily, and are generally unmarketable.

Management: Controlling weeds in and around the planting may reduce populations of this insect, but insecticide sprays may be necessary, applied prebloom and repeated after petal fall. If mowing around fields, do so after insecticides have been applied (to control migrating insects). Avoid planting alfalfa (which attracts high populations of TPB) near raspberries. White sticky traps are available for monitoring tarnished plant bug adults. These traps are used as an indication of when plant bugs begin their activity in the spring and a relative indication of their abundance, not as an indication of when to control this insect. Immature TPB (nymphs) are sampled by shaking flower trusses over a flat white surface. Thirty flower clusters should be sampled evenly from across the field (typically 6 clusters at 5 locations or 5 clusters at 6 locations). If 4 or more flower clusters are infested with nymphs (regardless of how many) a spray is recommended. A follow-up spray application may be made after bloom if TPB are still present in high numbers (check harvest interval before selecting material). See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing. Do not apply insecticides during bloom.

Strawberry Bud Weevil (Anthonomus signatus): The strawberry bud weevil or “clipper” is an important pest of strawberries, but will also attack bramble fruit. This insect is a very small beetle (1/8”) with a copper-colored body and a black head with a long snout. The female weevil chews a small hole in unopened flower buds and lays an egg in the hole. She then girdles the stem just below the bud. The flower bud dries and dangles from the stem, eventually falling to the ground. The immature weevils, or grubs, develop in the girdled buds, emerging as adults in the early summer, and then migrating to wooded areas. These insects are not always present and may only cause minimal damage in raspberries.

Management: Examine the plants before bloom, and look for dead or clipped-off buds. Insecticides which are applied prebloom for control of raspberry fruitworm may also control this insect. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing.

Two-Spotted Spider Mites (Tetranychus urticae): Spider mites are very small (1/50”), insect-like creatures that feed on raspberry foliage, sucking out plant juices and causing a white stippling or bronzing of the leaves. Under heavy infestations, leaves will turn brown and be covered in a fine webbing. Adults may also move onto the fruit, reducing consumer appeal by their presence. There is currently little available for chemical control of this pest.

Management: Several companies commercially produce predatory mites which feed on spider mites. These predators can be released in raspberry plantings when mite populations are low, before the population gets out of control, and may provide some control of spider mites. It is important, however to encourage natural enemies of spider mites by reducing the use of pesticides which harm natural enemies. See source list at end of this guide for predatory mites. Spider mite outbreaks have also been associated with high levels of nitrogen fertilization.

Aphids: Aphids are small, pear-shaped, soft bodied insects which feed on plant sap with straw-like sucking mouthparts. Several species of aphids ranging from 1/16” to 1/8” in size, and dull yellow to bright green in color feed on raspberries. Most are wingless and slow moving. These insects tend to congregate on the underside of leaves, where their feeding causes the leaves to curl downward and be deformed. The most damaging aspect of aphid feeding is the spread of viruses. Aphids will take in a virus from infected plants, and later inject it into healthy plants. The virus then spreads throughout the plant, resulting in symptoms such as mosaic, leaf curl or stunting.

Management: To reduce the incidence of aphids and the transmission of viruses, start with certified virus-free plants; eliminate all wild brambles from within 600 feet of the planting; apply insecticides when aphids are first noticed in a planting; and rogue out all plants which exhibit virus symptoms. See pest management schedule for recommended materials and timing. The varieties Canby, Titan and Royalty are resistant to aphid feeding.

Japanese Beetles (Popillia japonica): Japanese beetles are about 1/2” long and copper-colored, with metallic green markings. They feed on raspberry foliage, skeletonizing the leaves during the mid and late summer. The larvae, or grubs, live in the soil, feeding on roots of grasses until late fall.

Management: The beetles can be controlled with insecticide sprays. However, pay close attention to days to harvest restrictions if fruit is present. Traps are available which use a sex and/or feeding attractant to capture the bugs in a can or plastic bag, but such traps generally do not provide adequate control. Place traps at least 100’ away from the planting. Traps placed within a planting may cause localized damage from beetles which are attracted to, but don’t fall into the trap.

Yellowjackets: Yellowjackets (aka hornets or wasps), are black and yellow stinging insects. They are closely related to the larger bald-faced hornets. Both groups of these insects are very aggressive and will sting with little provocation.

There are several species of these wasps found in the Northeast and, depending on the species, may build underground nests, large paper nests in trees or on houses. Many scavenge food, often dead insects or pieces of flesh from dead animals. Yellowjackets also have a great fondness for ripe fruit and can be found on pears, apples, raspberries, etc.

This fondness for fruit makes this insect a severe nuisance pest in raspberries, especially fall bearing varieties. They are a danger and annoyance to pickers. To help discourage the yellowjacket from feeding on raspberries, be sure to harvest berries as soon as they begin to ripen, even though there may be only a few early berries. Once the yellowjackets have discovered the berries, it is almost impossible to discourage them.

Management: Insecticide sprays for control of yellowjackets are not effective or recommended unless you know where a nest is and can eradicate it with a household hornet spray. This is best done in the evening when most of the members of the colony are in the nest. Yellowjackets can be discouraged by sanitation, which is regular and thorough, picking of all berries as soon as they begin to ripen, and frequent removal of overripe fruit and fruit debris.

There are many yellowjacket traps on the market, and various baits have been used with some success. Our (eastern) species of yellowjackets do not respond to trapping as well as western species. Different baits and traps may have to be tried to determine if any traps/baits will work in a particular raspberry planting. If traps are to be used, the key to success is to get the traps out early. Once yellowjackets have found the ripened fruit, the traps will probably not be of much help.

Potato Leafhopper (Empoasca fabae): Nymphs and adults are small (1/8”) green soft bodied insects. They move very quickly, often sideways, when disturbed. The potato leafhopper feeds on the underside of leaves leaving small chlorotic areas and causing a downward cupping of the leaves. Most feeding is on the upper, more succulent leaves on primocanes and often causes a stunting of those canes.

Management: This pest does not overwinter in New England but is brought up every year from the south on storm fronts. Insecticide applications may be needed when damage is observed. Plants recover quickly once these applications are made and normal growth resumes.

Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) (Halyomorpha halys): Adult BMSB are approximately 3/4 inch long and are shades of brown on both the upper and lower body surfaces. They are the typical “shield” shape of other stink bugs, almost as wide as they are long. To distinguish them from other stink bugs, look for lighter bands on the antennae and darker bands on the membranous, overlapping part at the rear of the front pair of wings; a black and white triangle shaped pattern along the edge of the abdomen; and rounded shoulder tips. Masses of 20-30 eggs are laid on underside of leaves. The 5 nymphal stages range in size from 1/8 - 1/2 inch. Nymphs and adult BMSB feed on many hosts including small fruits, tree fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and seeded crops such as corn and soybeans. BMSB feeds by puncturing the fruit with piercing/sucking mouthparts, and injecting saliva which allows the insect to suck up the plant material through its mouthparts.

BMSB has become a serious insect pest throughout much of the mid-Atlantic states and southern New York. BMSB is known to be in all New England states and since 2014 has become an agricultural pest in southern New England.

Spotted wing Drosophila (SWD) (Drosophila suzukii): SWD are invasive vinegar flies (fruit flies) that can attack unripened fruit. Female SWD cut into intact fruit with their serrated ovipositor to lay eggs under the skin. This allows larvae of SWD to be present during ripening, leading to a risk of detection in ripe fruit after harvest. There is a greater risk of fruit contamination at harvest from SWD compared with native species that lay eggs only in already-damaged and rotting fruit. SWD seem to prefer brambles over all other hosts.

Management: Although flies are relatively easy to kill with insecticides, keeping berries free from infesation can be difficult because of near constant pressure of countless flies. Pest pressure is lower earlier in the season, during harvest of summer-bearing varieties, compared to very high pest pressure during harvest of fall-bearing varieties. To date, only frequent and repeated insecticide application throughout the ripening and harvest period have proven effective. Sprays would be recommended as a preventative measure on any fruit starting to ripen in the first weeks of August. Weekly coverage may be adequate under low pressure, but twice weekly sprays may become necessary for high pest pressures. Choose insecticides based on efficacy and preharvest interval and rotate between IRAC classes. Add 4-16 ox NuFilm P/100 gal with all materials to improve residual efficacy.

Cane Insect Pests

Cane Borers: Raspberries are attacked by two types of cane borers. The raspberry cane borer is a 1/2” long, slender black beetle with an orange band just below the head and has long antennae. The female beetles girdle the tips of young raspberry canes by chewing two rings, about a half inch apart, around the stems about 6" to 8” below the top. An egg is inserted into the cane between the two girdled rings. When the larvae, or grubs, emerge, they feed inside the cane, tunneling downward, and eventually destroying the cane. Soon after the cane tips are girdled, they wilt, blacken, and may fall off.

Management: As soon as the wilted tips are noticed, they should be cut off several inches below the lowest girdle mark. Remove the infested tips from the field and destroy them. Also eliminate any wild brambles near the field which may be harboring this pest.

The red necked cane borer is 1/4” long, slender, black with a “coppery” neck. Unlike the raspberry cane borer, it has short antennae. The red necked cane borer also causes a different sort of damage. The females insert an egg into young canes, usually within 10” of the base of the cane from late spring through mid-summer. They do not girdle the cane, but the presence of the egg, and later the grub, causes a swelling in the cane which can vary in length from 1/2” to nearly 3”. Larvae feeding within the canes weakens them and many may break off. Remove any canes showing swelling near the base.

Root and Crown Insect Pests

Raspberry Crown Borer (Pennisetia marginata): The adult phase of raspberry crown borer is an attractive clear-winged moth which resembles a wasp. These moths lay eggs on the underside of raspberry leaves in late July and August. When the eggs hatch, the young larvae crawl down the cane and into the soil to overwinter. The following spring, they bore into the base of the raspberry canes and feed on the plant tissue. This feeding interrupts the flow of water and nutrients to the cane, causing them to wilt and become weak and spindly. Early symptoms may include browning of the leaf margins on new canes. Eventually, the entire crown may die. Infected canes are easily pulled out of the ground.

Management: Elimination of all wild brambles in the area can reduce local populations of this pest.

Table 44. Insecticides registered for use on brambles and their primary uses.
Insecticides IRACa GROUP Active Ingredient Aphid Leafhopper Spider Mite Japanese Beetle Tarnished Plant Bug Sap Beetle Thrips Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Spotted Wing Drosophila
Acramite 4SC 20 bifenazate -- -- +++ 0 -- 0 -- -- --
Actara 4A thiamethoxam +++ +++ -- ++ ++ -- -- -- ++
Admire Pro 4A imidacloprid +++ +++ -- +++ -- -- +++ ++ ++
Altacor 28 chlorantraniliprole -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- -- --
*Asana 3 esfenvalerate ++ -- -- ++ -- -- -- -- --
Assail 30SG 4A acetamiprid ++ -- ++ ++ ++ + + -- +++
Aza-Direct UN azadirachtin + -- -- + -- -- -- -- --
AzaSol UN azadirachtin + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +
*Bifenture 3 bifenthrin ++ ++ + -- +++ +++ -- ++ +++
BioCeres WP UN Beauveria bassiana strain ANT-0 -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- --
*Brigade 3 bifenthrin ++ ++ + -- +++ +++ -- ++ +++
*Danitol 2.4 3 fenpropathrin ++ ++ + +++ +++ ++ -- ++ +++
Delegate 5 spinetoram -- -- -- -- -- --


-- +++
Des-X   potassium salts ++ -- + -- -- -- -- -- --
Entrust 5 spinosad -- -- -- 0 -- -- +++ -- ++
Exirel 28 cyantraniliprole + -- -- ++ -- -- + -- ++
Grandevo UN Chromobacterium subtsugae -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +
*Hero 3A zeta-cypermethrin & bifenthrin +++ ++ -- +++ ++ ++ -- ++ +++
JMS Stylet Oil   mineral oil  ++ -- ++ -- -- -- -- -- --
Magister SC IRAC 21A, FRAC 39 fenazaquin -- -- +++ -- -- -- -- -- --
*Malathion 1B malathion +++ ++ -- + -- + ++ ++ ++
Molt-X UN azadirachtin -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +
M-Pede 28 potassium salts ++ -- + -- -- -- -- -- --
*Mustang Maxx 3A zeta-cypermethrin -- ++ -- ++ -- -- -- ++ +++
Mycotrol WPO UN Beauveria bassiana Strain GHA -- -- -- -- ++ -- -- -- --
Neemix 18 azadirachtin -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- --
NemaShield HB N/A Heterorhabditis bacteriophora -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- --
Onager OPTEK 10A hexythiazox -- -- +++ 0 -- -- -- -- --
Pyganic 3 pyrethrins + -- -- + -- -- -- -- +
Pyrenone 3 pyrethrins +PBO + -- -- + -- -- -- -- +
Sevin XLR 1A carbaryl -- ++ -- +++ ++ ++ -- -- ++
Success 5 spinosad -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ++
SuffOil-X   mineral oil -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 Surround   kaolin clay -- -- ++ ++ -- -- -- -- --
Trilogy   neem oil -- -- -- + -- -- -- -- --
Venerate XC UN Burkholderia spp. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Suppression
Verdepryn 100SL 28 cyclaniliprole -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Suppression ++
Zeal 10B etoxazole -- -- +++ -- -- -- -- -- --

0=not effective, +=poor, ++=good, +++=excellent, --=insufficient data

A Products with the same IRAC group number act by the same mode of action. Repeated use of the same mode of action should be avoided, in order to avoid reductions in pesticide efficacy via development of chemical resistance in the pest population. For more on information on managing pesticide resistance, go to

*Restricted use material; pesticide applicators license required.      OMRI listed - organic production; go to for details. 

Table 45. Summer Bearing Bramble Pest Management Table

Table 45. Summer fruiting bramble pest management table†.
For resistance management do not make more than 2 sequential applications of fungicides in the same FRAC group or insecticides in the same IRAC group. See product labels or RAC GROUP column in this table for groups.
Pest RAC
Spray Material, Rate/A (pre harvest interval PHI) Cultural Practices and
Scouting Notes
Dormant or Delayed Dormant (prior to budswell)
Crown borers
Altacor, 3.0-4.5 (1)
*Bifenture 10 DF, 16 oz (3)
*Brigade WSB, 16 oz (3)
*Hero, 10.3 oz (3)
When applying materials as soil drench, use at least 200 gallons water. During the growing season, destroy dying canes and those showing evidence of infestation. Eradicate wild brambles in the area, because they may harbor the pest.
Be careful of seasonal total application limitations on these materials especially if you want to use them for SWD or BMSB later in the season.
Phytophthora root rot
49, 4
Orondis Gold, 25-56 fl oz (45)
pHorcepHite, 2-4 qt (0)
Phostrol, 4.5 pt (0)
Prophyt, 4 pt (0)
Ridomil Gold SL, 1.8-3.6 pt (45)
Ridomil Gold GR, 5 lb/1000 row ft (45) - raspberries only
Actinovate AG, 3-12 oz (0)
Rootshield PLUS WP, 16-32 oz (0)
Plant only in well-drained soils.
Planting on raised beds also significantly reduces Phytophthora incidence.
Cultivars Bristol, Cherokee, Jewel, Latham and Newburgh appear to be somewhat resistant. Purple and black raspberries relatively resistant.
Apply Ridomil in 3 ft wide band over the row in early fall; repeat in early spring before growth begins.
Apply Phostrol in sufficient water to thoroughly wet the foliage.
Apply Actinovate as soil drench; best if introduced before disease becomes well established.
Apply Rootshield PLUS as transplant starter solution or in-furrow spray 
pHorcepHite limited to 4 applications/season
Note long PHI for Orondis Gold and Ridomil Gold formulations. 
Spur blight
Cane blight
3, 11
9, 12
Abound Flowable, 6-15.5 fl oz (0)
Cuprofix Ultra, 2.5-3.0 lb (0)
Kocide 2000, 3 lb (0)
Kocide 3000, 1.75 lb (0)
Miller Lime Sulfur, 6-12 gal
pHorcepHite, 2-4 qt (0)
Quilt Xcel, 14-21 fl oz (30)
Sulforix, 3% solution (0)
Switch 62.5WG, 11-14 oz (0)
Badge SC, 1.75-3.5 pt (0)
Badge X2, 1.75-3.5 lb (0)
Kocide 2000-O, 3 lb (0)
Kocide 3000-O, 1.75 lb (0)
Prune out all canes which have fruited, thin remaining canes to only 3 to 4 per foot of row. Plant rows should be no wider than 2 feet. Remove and destroy all prunings and diseased canes.
DO NOT apply sulfur after buds are 1/4 inch long or plant damage will result.
Observe maximum seasonal rate per acre for copper products.
pHorcepHite for suppression only
Note long PHI for Quilt Xcel (30 days).
New cane emergence
Spur blight
17, M4
7, 11
9, 12
11, 27
Abound Flowable, 6-15.5 oz (0)
Badge SC, 1-2.25 pt (0)
Cabrio EG, 14 oz (0)
Captan 80WDG, 2.5 lb (3)
Captevate 68WDG, 3.5 lb (3) - raspberries only
Cuprofix Ultra, 1.25 lb (0)
Kocide 3000, 0.75 lb (0)
Ph-D, 6.2 oz (0)
pHorcepHite, 2-4 qt (0)
Pristine, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Quilt Xcel, 14-21 fl oz (30)
Switch 62.5WG, 11-14 oz (0)
Tanos, 6-10 oz (0) 
Badge X2, 1-2.25 lb (0)
NuCop 50DF, 4 lb (0)
Trilogy, 1-2% solution (0)
Apply when new canes are 6-8 inches tall, repeat when canes are 12-15 inches tall.
Abound should be used with extreme caution to avoid phytotoxicity to apples. See label for further information.
Cabrio may only have 4 applications per season and no more than 2 sequential applications.
Do not tank mix Pristine with any other material.
Ph-D - no more than 3 applications per season.
Observe maximum seasonal rate per acre for copper products.
pHorcepHite labeled for suppression only.
Note long PHI for Quilt Xcel (30days). As well as Captan and Captevate (3 days). 
Orange rust
Inspect plantings when plants are 12–18 inches high for symptoms (see text
for description). Remove infected plants before orange spores are produced.
Fungicides for orange rust have no purpose until orange spores are present. Plantings should be monitored for presence of orange spores starting in midspring. Once found, fungicides listed under “Prebloom” for orange rust may be used.
Pre-bloom to initiation of bloom
Crown borers
Altacor, 3.0-4.5 (1)
*Bifenture 10 DF, 16 oz (3)
*Brigade 2EC, 6.4oz (3)
*Hero, 10.3 fl oz (3)
When applying materials as soil drench, use at least 200 gallons water. Do not make both soil drench and foliar application pre-bloom.
fruit worm
Raspberry Sawfly
Assail 30SG, 4.5-5.3 oz (1)
Delegate WG, 3-6 oz (1)
Sevin XLR Plus, 2 qt (7)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pts (0)
Entrust 1.25-2 oz (0)
Grandevo DF (0), 1-3 lbs
Molt-X, 8 oz (0)
Pyganic EC, 4.5-18 oz (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Venerate XC (0), 1-8 qt
Keep planting free of weeds.
Apply to foliage when blossom buds separate and again when blossoms just begin to open. Do not spray insecticides during bloom.
Include adjuvant with Grandevo DF and Venerate XC.
Tarnished plant bug
Actara 25WDG, 3 oz (3)
Assail 30SG, 4.5-5.3 oz (1)
Sevin XLR Plus, 1.5-2 qt (7)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pts (0)
Des-X, 2% sol (0)
Molt-X, 8 oz (0)
Mycotrol O, .25-1 qt (0)
Pyganic EC, 4.5-18 oz (0)
Keep planting free of weeds. Adults migrate to fruit when adjacent fields are mowed.
See description of sampling procedures in the description of TPB in the text.
Apply pre-bloom if adults found in planting, but avoid insecticide spays during bloom.
Apply sprays in evening.
Strawberry bud weevil
*Brigade 2EC, 6.4oz (3)
Sevin XLR Plus, 1-2 qt (7)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pts (0)
Scout planting for live adult weevils or clipped buds, especially at edges near woods and hedgerows.
Brigade application may eliminate natural enemies of spider mites leading to mite outbreak.
Spraying late in the day may be more effective than morning sprays.
Cane borers
Admire Pro, 10.5-14 oz (7)
Cut off infested tips below girdle marks, remove canes showing swellings.
Destroy nearby unmanaged or wild brambles.
Cultural practices are the most important control measures. If an outbreak occurs, direct insecticide spray at lower foliage or base of canes and soil drench. Keep insecticide off blooms and fruiting shoots.
Actara 25WDG, 3 oz (3)
*Asana XL, 4.8-9.6 oz (7)
Assail 30SG, 2.5-5.3 oz (1)
Malathion 57EC, 3 pt (1)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pts (0)
Des-X, 2% sol (0)
Neemix, 5-7 oz (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Trilogy, 1-2% sol (0)
Venerate, 4-8 qt (0)
Check tender cane growth and underside of leaves.  Aphid sprays can also suppress blackberry pslyllid.  Aphids can vector viruses which pose more risk than feeding damage alone.
Do not apply Asana within 7 days of pollination as it will repel bees.
Actara is highly toxic to bees, use with caution.

Venerate for suppression only; apply early when populations low, newly hatched.
Spur Blight
Same as New Cane Emergence
Sprays for anthracnose and spur blight at this time will also control cane blight.
Powdery Mildew
7, 11
3, 11
Abound 6-15.5 oz (0)
Cabrio EG, 14 oz (0)
Orbit, 6 fl oz (30)
Ph-D, 6.2 oz (0)
Pristine Fungicide, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Quilt Xcel, 14-21 oz (30)
Rally 40W, 1.5-3 oz (0)
Tilt, 6 oz (30)
Actinovate, 3-12 oz (0)
EcoSwing 1.5-2 pt (0)
JMS Stylet Oil, 3-6 qt (0)
Kaligreen, 2.5-3 lbs (1)
Kumulus DF, 6-15 lb (0)
Microthiol Disperss, 6-15 lb (0)
Milstop SP, 2.5-5 lb (0)
Oxidate 2.0, 1:200-1:400 preventative, 1:100 curative (0)
PERpose Plus, 1:100 (0)
Regalia, 1-4 qts (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2%  by volume (0)
Trilogy, 1% solution (0)
Apply no more than three applications of Abound per season.
Abound is extremely phytotoxic to certain apple varieties. DO NOT apply where drift may reach apple trees. DO NOT treat apple trees with equipment that has been previously used to apply Abound
Be aware of the long PHI for some of these products.
Orange Rust
7, 11
Cabrio EG, 14 oz (0)
Pristine, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Quilt Xcel, 14-21 oz (30)
Rally 40W, 1.25-3 oz (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Red raspberries are immune to this disease.
Spray while orange pustules are visible, on a 10-14 day schedule until temps are >75˚F.
Botrytis fruit rot
(gray mold)
7, 11
3, 11
9, 12
17, M4
Abound, 6-15.5 oz (0)
Cabrio EG, 14 oz (0)
Captan 80WDG, 2.5 lb (3)
Elevate, 1.5 lb (0)
Ph-D, 6.2 oz (0)
Pristine, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Quilt Xcel, 14-21 oz (30)
Rovral 4F, 1-2 pt (0)
Switch, 11-14 oz (0)
Actinovate, 3-12 oz (0)
BotryStop, 3 lbs (0)
Double Nickle 55, 0.25-3 lb (0)
Double Nickle LC, 0.5-6 lb  (0)
EcoSwing, 1.5-2 pt (0)
Oxidate 2.0, 1:200-1:400 preventative, 1:100 curative (0)
PERpose Plus, 1:100 (0)
Serenade Opti, 14-20 oz (0)
Milstop SP, 2-5 lbs (0) 
Captevate 68WDG, 3.5 lb (3) - raspberries only
Space rows at least 8 feet apart, prune canes to a density of 3 to 4 canes per sq. ft. to improve air circulation.
Apply most fungicides at 5% bloom and again at full bloom. Repeat application only if weather is wet.
BotryStop - do not use a stomatal flooding or penetrant adjuvant.
EcoSwing is labeled for blackberry and raspberry. Use minimum of 10gal of water/A for ground applications. See label for additional application methods and sites. 4hr REI. 
Powdery Mildew
Same as prebloom recommendations
Orange Rust
Same as prebloom recommendations
Petal Fall through harvest
plant bug
Same as pre-bloom application
Spotted Wing Drosophila
Actara, 2-3 oz (3)
Admire Pro, 2.8 oz (3)
Assail 30SG 4.5-5.3 oz (1)
AzaSol, 6 oz/50 gal/A (0)
*Bifenture 10DF, 5.3-16 oz (3)
*Brigade WSB, 5.3-16 oz (3)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6-16 oz (3)
Delegate WG, 3-6 oz (1)
Exirel, 13.5-20.5 fl oz (1)
Hero, 4-10.3 oz (3)
Malathion 5EC, 3 pt (1)
*Mustang Maxx, 4.0 oz (1)
Sevin XLR, 1.5-2 qt (7)
Success, 4-6 fl oz (1)
Verdepryn 100SL, 11 fl oz (1)
Entrust, 1.25-2 oz (1)
Grandevo, 2-3 lb (0)
Pyganic EC, 1-2 pt (0)
Venerate XC, 1-4 qt (0)
Use traps baited with apple cider vinegar plus ethanol alcohol (90% apple cider vinegar plus 10% ethanol) and/or fermenting yeast, grape juice, or yellow sticky cards with a commercial lure, or purchase commercially available traps and lures, to monitor populations.
Spray once SWD adults are captured and fruit begins to turn color, or when first larva observed in fruit.
Success labeled for Maine, New Hampshire only.
Venerate XC for suppression only
Assail 30SG, 2.5-5.3 oz (1)
Actara 25WDG, 2-3 oz (3)
Admire Pro, 2.8 oz (3)
*Asana XL, 4.8-9.6 oz (7)
Malathion 57 EC, 3 pt (1)
Malathion 8F, 2-4 pt (1)
Aza-Direct, 12.5-42 oz (0)
Des-X, 2% sol (0)
M-Pede, 1-2% solution (0)
Neemix, 5-7 oz (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Trilogy, 1-2% sol (0)
Venerate, 4-8 qt (0)
Aphids can vector viruses which pose more risk than feeding damage alone.
Admire Pro can be soil applied. Check the label for rate.

Venerate for suppression only; apply early when populations low; newly emerged.
Sap beetles
Assail 30SG, 4.5-5.3 oz (1)
Malathion 8F, 2-4 pt (1)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pt (0)
Molt-X, 8 oz (0)
Pyganic 5EC, 4.5-18 oz (0) 
Keep planting as clean as possible of over-ripe fruit
Only raspberries labeled for this use.
Use 1.0% non-phytotoxic crop oil with Molt-X.
Two-spotted spider mite
Acramite 50WS, 0.75-1 lb (1)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pt (0)
*Bifenture 10DF, 16 oz (3)
*Brigade 2EC, 6.4 oz (3)
Magister SC, 32-36 oz (7)
Onager OPTEK, 12-32 oz (3)
Zeal, 2-3 oz (0)
Des-X, 2% sol (0)
Grandevo DF, 1-3 lbs (0)
JMS Stylet Oil, 3-6 qt (0)
M-Pede, 1-2% solution (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Predatory mites may help. Avoid use of pesticides which will kill natural enemies of mites. Contact your local Extension Specialist for sources of predatory mites.

Acramite may only be applied twice per season; Onager OPTEK, Magister SC and Zeal may each only be applied once per season. Magister SC impacts all motile stages. Onager OPTEK targets eggs and immature motile stages.
Brigade is a restricted use material and may be applied once pre-bloom and once post-bloom.

JMS Stylet oil should not be sprayed on wet foliage or when temperatures are below 32˚F or above 90˚F and may be phytotoxic in combination or applied close to certain other materials. Read the label.


Apply Surround on fresh market berries only up to the first 3 weeks after fruit set as trace residues can be difficult to remove after harvest.

Potato Leafhopper
Assail 30SG, 2.5-5.3 oz (1)
Actara 25WDG, 2-3 oz (3)
Admire Pro, 2.8 oz (3)
Malathion 57EC, 1.5pt (1)
Malathion 8F, 1-3.5 pt (1)
Sevin XLR Plus, 2 qt (7)
Des-X, 2% sol (0)
Scout for stunted growth and downward cupping leaves.
Japanese beetle
Actara 25WDG, 3 oz (3)
Altacor, 4.5 oz (1)
Assail 30SG, 4.5-5.3 oz (1)
Malathion 57EC, 3 pt (1)
Sevin XLR Plus, 1-2 qt (7)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pt (0)
NemaShield HB, 1 billion (0)
PyGanic EC, 4.5-18 oz (0)
Surround WP, 20-50 lb (0)
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Actara, 3 oz (3)
Admire Pro, 2.1-2.8 oz (3)
*Bifenture 10DF, 5.3-16.0 oz (3)
*Brigade WSB, 5.3-16.0 oz (3)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6 oz (3)
Malathion 5E, 2.5-3 pt (1)
*Mustang Maxx 4.0 oz (1)
Brown marmorated stink bug has been found in all New England states and as of 2014 has been an agricultural pest in southern New England.
Botrytis fruit rot
Same as bloom application
Same as bloom application
See bloom section. Check labels for harvest restrictions.
Powdery mildew
Same as bloom recommendations
Late Leaf Rust
7, 11
Cabrio EG, 14 oz (0)
Pristine, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Rally 40W, 1.25-3 oz (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Plant and prune for good air circulation and drying conditions.
Primarily a problem on fall-bearing raspberries. ‘Festival’ summer red raspberry is susceptible. Black raspberries and blackberries are not susceptible.
Post harvest and thereafter
Phytophthora root rot
49, 4
Aliette WDG, 5 lb (60)
Orondis Gold, 25-56 fl oz (45)
pHorcepHite, 2-4 qt (0)
Phostrol, 4.5 pt (0)
Prophyt, 4 pt (0)
Ridomil Gold SL, 1.8-3.6 pt (45)
Ridomil Gold GR, 2.5-5 lb/1000 row ft (45) - raspberries only
RootShield PLUS WP, 16-32 oz (0)
Plant only in well-drained soils.
Planting on raised beds also significantly reduces Phytophthora incidence.
Cultivars Latham and Newburgh appear to be somewhat resistant.
Apply Ridomil in 3 ft wide band over the row in early fall; repeat in early spring before growth begins.
Apply Aliette and Phostrol in sufficient water to thoroughly wet the foliage.
Begin foliar sprays in the spring after bud break and continue spraying on a 45-60 day schedule up to a maximum of 4 sprays during the growing season.
RootShield PLUS - cutting or barerooted transplant dip use 6 oz/20 gal water.
Note longer PHI for Aliette WDG, Ridomil and Orondis Gold
Powdery mildew
Same as bloom recommendations
Apply no more than three applications of Abound per season.
Abound is extremely phytotoxic to certain apple varieties. DO NOT apply where drift may reach apple trees. DO NOT treat apple trees with equipment that has been previously used to apply Abound
Quilt Xcel is limited to 3 applications per season.
Leaf spot
Kocide 3000, 1.75 lb (0)
pHorcepHite, 2-4 qt (0)
Observe maximum seasonal rate per acre for copper products.
pHorcepHite is suppression only
Orange Rust
7, 11
Cabrio EC, 14 oz (0)
Pristine Fungicide, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Rally 40W, 2.5 oz (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Red raspberries are immune to this disease.
Late summer through frost.  The late season sprays are to control a second infection period for this disease.

Where brand names for chemicals are used, it is for the reader’s information. No endorsement is implied, nor is discrimination intended against products with similar ingredients. Please consult pesticide product labels for rates, application instructions and safety precautions. Users of these products assume all associated risks.
RAC=Resistance Action Committee group for resistance management.  Fungicides=FRAC, Insecticides=IRAC
*Restricted use pesticide; pesticide applicators license required. OMRI listed for organic production.
For resistance management do not make more than 2 sequential applications of fungicides in the same FRAC group or insecticides in the same IRAC group. See product labels or RAC GROUP column in this table for groups.

Table 46. Fall Bearing (Primocane Fruiting) Bramble Pest Management Table

Table 46. FALL bearing (primocane fruiting) bramble pest management table†.
For resistance management do not make more than 2 sequential applications of fungicides in the same FRAC group or insecticides in the same IRAC group. See product labels or RAC GROUP column in this table for groups.
Pest RAC
Spray Material, Rate/A (pre harvest interval PHI) Cultural Practices and
Scouting Notes
When canes are approximately 18 inches tall
Cane borers
Altacor, 3.0-4.5 (1)
Admire Pro, 10.5-14 oz (7)
Cut off infested tips below girdle marks, remove canes showing swellings
Scout for presence of adults. Adult cane borer activity can occur from early May through early August. Direct spray at the crown.
Japanese beetle
Actara 25WDG, 3 oz (3)
Altacor, 4.5 oz (1)
Assail 30SG, 4.5-5.3 oz (1)
Malathion 8F, 2 pt (1)
Malathion 57EC, 1.5 pt (1)
Sevin XLR Plus, 1-2 qt (7)
NemaShield HB, 1 billion (0)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pt (0)
PyGanic 5.0, 4.5-15.61 oz (0)
Surround WP, 25-50 lb (0)
Traps may reduce populations.
Place traps at least 100 feet away from planting.
Apply spray only if beetles are present.
Surround will leave noticeable residue on fruit if applied after petal fall.
Check labels for specific restrictions.
When applying nematodes, water after application and keep soil moist two weeks after application.   
From petal-fall through harvest
Spotted Wing Drosophila
AzaSol, 6 oz/50 gal/A (0)
*Bifenture 10DF, 8-16 oz (3)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6-16 oz (3)
Delegate WG, 3-6 oz (1)
Exirel, 13.5-20.5 fl oz (1)
Hero, 4-10.3 oz (3)
Malathion 8F, 2 pt (1)
*Mustang Maxx 4.0 oz (1)
Success, 4-6 fl oz (1)
Verdepryn 100SL, 8.2-11 fl oz (1)
Entrust, 1.25-2 oz (1)
Grandevo WDG, 2-3 lbs (0)
Pyganic EC, 1-2 pt (0)
Venerate XC, 1-4 qt (0)
Use traps baited with apple cider vinegar plus ethanol alcohol (90% apple cider vinegar plus 10% ethanol) and/or fermenting yeast, grape juice, or yellow sticky cards with a commercial lure; or purchase commercially available traps and lures to monitor populations.
Keep planting clean of over-ripe fruit.
Spray once SWD adults are captured and fruit begins to turn color, or when 1st larva found in fruit.

For resistance management do not make more than 2 sequential applications of insecticides in the same IRAC group.
Success is labeled for Maine, New Hampshire only
Venerate XC is suppression only
Sap beetles
Assail 30SG, 4.5-5.3 oz (1)
Malathion 8F, 2-4 pt (1)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pt (0)
Molt-X, 8 oz (0)
Pyganic 5EC, 4.5-18 oz (0)
Keep planting clean of over-ripe fruit.
Tarnished plant bug
Actara 25WDG, 3 oz (3)
Assail 30SG, 4.5-5.3 oz (1)
Sevin XLR Plus, 1.5-2 qt (7)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pts (0)
Des-X, 2% sol (0)
Molt-X, 10 oz (0)
Mycotrol O, .25-1 qt (0)
Pyganic 5.0, 4.5-15.61 oz (0)
Keep planting free of weeds.
Action threshold for nymphs or adults is when 10-20% of canes are infested.
Adults migrate to fruit when adjacent fields are mowed.
Apply pre-bloom if adults found in planting, but avoid insecticide spays during bloom.
Apply sprays in evening.
Potato Leafhopper
Assail 30SG, 2.5-5.3 oz (1)
Actara 25WDG, 2-3 oz (3)
Admire Pro, 2.8 oz (3)
Malathion 57EC, 1.5pt (1)
Malathion 8F, 2 pt (1)
Sevin XLR Plus, 1-2 qt (7)
Scout for stunted growth and downward cupping leaves.
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Actara, 4 oz (3)
*Brigade 2EC, 6.4 oz (3)
Brown marmorated stick bug has been found in all New England states and has been an agricultural pest in some sites in southern New England as of 2014.
Botrytis fruit rot
(gray mold)
7, 11
9, 12
Cabrio EG, 14 oz (0)
Captan 80WDG, 2.5 lb (3)
Captevate 68WDG, 3.5 lb (3) - raspberries only
Elevate, 1.5 lb (0)
Ph-D, 6.2 oz (0)
Pristine Fungicide, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Rovral 4F, 1-2 pt (0)
Switch 62.5WG, 11-14 oz (0)
Actinovate AG, 3-12 oz (0)
BotryStop, 3 lb (0)
EcoSwing, 1.5-2 pt (0)
Milstop, 2-5 lb (0)
Oxidate 2.0, 1:100  (0)
PERpose Plus, 1:100 (0)
Serenade ASO, 2-4 qt (0)
Space rows at least 8 feet apart, prune canes to a density of 3 to 4 canes per sq. ft. to improve air circulation.
Apply at 5% bloom and again at full bloom. Repeat application only if weather is wet.
Overuse of any single materials may result in the development of resistance in the fungus.
EcoSwing is labeled for raspberry and blackberry. When applying EcoSwing use a minimum of 10gal water/A for ground applications. See label for additional application methods. 4hr REI. 
BotryStop: Do not use a stomatal flooding or penetrant adjuvant.
Late Leaf Rust
7, 11
Cabrio, 14 oz (0)
Pristine, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Rally 40W, 1.25-3 oz (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
 Plant and prune for good air circulation and drying conditions.
Primarily a problem on fall-bearing types. Red and yellow fall-bearing raspberries are susceptible. 
Fruit rot sprays or special sprays
spider mite
Acramite 50WS, 0.75-1 lb (1)
*Bifenture 10DF, 16 oz (3)
*Brigade 2EC, 6.4 oz (3)
Magister SC, 32-36 oz (7)
Onager OPTEK, 12-32 oz (3)
Zeal, 2-3 oz (0)
Aza-Direct, 1-3.5 pt (0)
JMS Stylet Oil, 3-6 qt (0)
M-Pede, 1-2% solution (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Predatory mites may help.
Avoid use of pesticides which will kill natural enemies of mites such as carbaryl or bifenthrin.
Avoid excess Nitrogen which can lead to higher mite populations.
Sulfur (80% WP) applied at 5-10 lb/100 gal for powdery mildew will provide some suppression.
Do not use M-Pede within 3 days of a sulfur application.
Magister SC, Onager OPTEK and Zeal may only be applied once per year.
Acramite is limited to 2 applications per season.
Add adjuvant to Grandevo
Phytophthora root rot
49, 4
Orondis Gold, 25-56 fl oz
Ridomil Gold SL, 3.6 pt (45) 
Aliette WDG, 5 lb (60)
Phostrol 4.5 pt (0)
Prophyt, 4.0 pt (0)
pHorcepHite, 2-4 qt (0)
Actinovate, 3-12 oz (0)
RootShield PLUS WP, 16-32 oz (0)
Plant only in well-drained soils.
Planting on raised beds also significantly reduces Phytophthora incidence.
Black raspberry cultivars are generally least susceptible to this disease.
Red raspberries ‘Prelude’, ‘Anne’ ‘Latham’, ‘Nova’, ‘Boyne’, ‘Josephine’, ‘Caroline’, ‘Jaclyn’. ‘Moutere’ and ‘Killarney’ appear to be the most resistant red cultivars. 
Apply Ridomil in 3 ft wide band over the row in early fall; repeat in early spring before growth begins.
Apply Aliette and Phostrol in sufficient water to thoroughly wet the foliage. Begin foliar sprays in the spring when new growth is 1-3" and continue spraying on a 45-60 day schedule up to a maximum of 4 sprays during the growing season.
Note long PHI (60 days) for Aliette .
Apply Actinovate as a soil drench. Since Actinovate contains live spores of a microbe, best results will be obtained if used prior to disease onset.
RootShield PLUS - cutting or barerooted transplant dip use 6 oz/20 gal water
Botrytis fruit rot
(gray mold)
same as petalfall section
Where brand names for chemicals are used, it is for the reader’s information. No endorsement is implied, nor is discrimination intended against products with similar ingredients. Please consult pesticide product labels for rates, application instructions and safety precautions. Users of these products assume all associated risks.
RAC=Resistance Action Committee group for resistance management.  Fungicides=FRAC, Insecticides=IRAC
*Restricted use pesticide; pesticide applicators license required. OMRI listed for organic production
For resistance management do not make more than 2 sequential applications of fungicides in the same FRAC group or insecticides in the same IRAC group. See product labels or RAC GROUP column in this table for groups.


Bramble Weed Management

The primary goal of weed management is to optimize yields by minimizing competition between the weeds and the crop. Weeds reduce yields by competing with the crop for water, space, light, and nutrients. Weeds also harbor insects and diseases and encourage vertebrate pests. Timely cultivation, wise use of herbicides, and never permitting weeds to go to seed are integral parts of a good weed management system. Many of the weeds found in crop fields are difficult-to-control perennial weeds that are not common in annual crop culture. New plantings usually have fewer perennial weed problems than older plantings. Annual and biennial weeds can also exist in these fields. Fields should be scouted at least twice a year (spring and fall) to determine specific weed problems. The selection of a weed management tool should be based on specific weeds present in each field. Several herbicides are labeled for use in this crop. A list of herbicides and their recommended uses is presented in Table 47.

Herbicides can be broadcasted or applied as a directed spray to the base of the crop. With a band treatment, only 1 to 2 feet on either side of the row is treated. The areas between the crop row are usually maintained with a mowed cover of sod, clover, weeds, or a combination of these. This cover is used primarily for erosion control and to improve trafficability in the field. With banding, less herbicide is needed in each acre. For example, a 3 foot band (1.5 feet on either side of the row) where rows are spaced 9 feet apart will require only one third the amount of herbicide normally required for a broadcast treatment.

Weeds can develop resistance to herbicides. The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) developed a grouping system based on the mode of action of different herbicides. WSSA Group numbers can be used as a tool to choose herbicides in different mode of action groups so mixtures or rotations of active ingredients can be planned to better manage weeds and reduce the potential for resistant species.

Cultivation and mulching are sometimes used as weed management tools. All cultivations should be timely and shallow to minimize crop root injury, to minimize loss of soil moisture, and to avoid repositioning new weed seeds to the soil surface. Mulches that are free of weed seeds and placed thickly enough can be very effective at reducing or eliminating most annual weeds from the crop row. They are seldom effective on perennial weeds. If mulches are used in combination with herbicides, use the lowest recommended herbicide rate to avoid crop injury.

Table 47. Weed Management in Brambles

Table 47. Weed management in brambles†.
Weed Problem Herbicide Rate/Acre Comments and Limitations
Annual grasses and small seeded broadleaf weeds Group 0 (napropamide)
Devrinol 50DF
Devrinol 10G
8 lb
40 lb
Apply after transplanting to weed-free soil. Devrinol must be activated within 24 hrs by cultivation or enough water by irrigation or rainfall to wet the soil to a depth of 2 to 4 inches. The full rate may not be necessary at transplanting.
Group 3 (oryzalin)
Surflan AS
Surflan DF
2-6 qt
2.4-7.1 lb
Do not apply until soil has settled around the plants and no cracks are present. Irrigation or 1 inch of rain is needed within 21 days of application. Shallow cultivation will improve control. May injure newly planted tissue culture plants.
Broadleaf weeds and some grasses Group 5 (simazine)
Princep 4L
Princep Caliber 90
1-2 qt
1.1-2.2 lb
Use to improve the broadleaf weed activity of Devrinol or Surflan. Consider applying half the maximum rate after planting and half in the fall before winter annuals emerge. Do not use on newly transplanted tissue culture plants.
Broadleaf weeds only Group 29 (isoxaben)
Gallery 75D
0.66-1.33 lb NON-BEARING USE ONLY. Do not apply within 1 year of the first harvest. Do not apply over the top of plants but as a directed spray to the base of plants after the soil had settled. Does not control emerged weeds. Controls many broadleaf weeds from seed. See label for a complete list.
Emerged annual and most perennial grasses Group 1
Fusilade DX
16-24 oz NON-BEARING USE ONLY. See label for best times to treat specific weeds. Will not control broadleaf weeds or sedges. Do not apply to crops to be harvested within 1 year of application. Do not apply if rainfall is expected within 1 hour or if grasses are under drought stress. Must be used with a crop oil concentrate or non-ionic surfactant.
Group 1 (sethoxydim)
1-2.5 pt See label for best times to treat specific weeds. Will not control broadleaf weeds or sedges. Do not apply to grasses under stress (e.g., drought). Crop oil concentrate must be added to the spray tank. Do not cultivate 5 days before or 7 days after application. Do not apply more than 5 pints per acre per season.
Most grass weed species Group 1 (clethodim)
Arrow 2EC
Select Max
6-8 oz
9-16 oz
Use the lower rate to control annual grasses and the perennial grasses listed to the left. Repeat the application if regrowth occurs. Always add crop oil concentrate to be 1 percent of the spray solution, or a minimum of 1 pint per acre, to Select 2EC. Always add crop oil concentrate to be 1 percent of the spray solution, or a minimum of 1 pint per acre, or nonionic surfactant to be 0.25 percent of the spray solution to Select Max. Do not tank-mix with any other pesticide unless labeled. Do not apply within 1 hour of rainfall. Do not apply to grasses in drought, heat, cold, or any other stress condition. Select 2EC is currently labeled for nonbearing fields only. Do not apply within 12 months of harvest.
Emerged annual weeds and suppression of perennial weeds (pelargonic acid)
3-10% solution Contact material for burn down only. See Scythe comments on page in Strawberry section. See label for complete instructions.
Emerged annual and perennial weeds Group 9 (glyphosate)
Roundup, Touchdown
1 to 5 pt Apply to actively growing weeds. Apply with a wiper or a shielded/directed spray. Do not allow the spray, spray drift, or mist to contact green foliage, suckers, open wound, or other green parts of the plant. Consult the label for rates for specific weeds and other precautions. Use with a surfactant or wetting agent.
Weed Problem Herbicide Rate/Acre Comments and Limitations
Annual grasses and small seeded broadleaf weeds

Group 0 (napropamide)
Devrinol 50 DF

Devrinol 10G

8 lb

40 lb

Apply in the early spring before seedling weeds emerge. Devrinol must be activated within 24 hours by shallow cultivation or with enough rainfall or irrigation to wet the soil to a depth of 2 to 4 inches.

Group 3 (oryzalin)
Surflan AS

Surflan DF

2-6 qt

2.4-7.1 lb

Apply to weed-free soil in the spring. Irrigation or 1 inch of rainfall is needed within 21 days of application.
Group 12 (norflurazon)
Solicam 80DF
2.5-5 lb Apply in early spring when crop is dormant to clean and weed-free soil. May result in temporary bleaching or chlorosis of leaves from which the plant will recover. Do not use on nursery stock.
NOTE: For broad spectrum preemergence weed control, consider applying one of the above four “grass” herbicides (napropamide, oryzalin, metolachlor or norflurazon) in addition to one of the following “broadleaf” herbicides (simazine, terbacil, mesotrione or dichlobenil).
Broadleaf weeds, some grasses, and suppression of some perennial weeds

Group 5 (simazine)
Princep 4L

Princep Caliber 90

2-4 qt

2.2-4.4 lb

Apply in the spring before bud break and before weeds emerge, or in the fall. Do not apply when fruit is present. For improved control as well as quackgrass suppression apply half in the spring and half after harvest. May injure ‘Royalty’ raspberries.
Group 5
Sinbar WDG
1-2 lb Apply in the early spring or in the fall as a directed spray to the base of the plants. Will also control small emerged weeds. Do not contact new shoots and avoid contact with bramble foliage. Spring application must be made before fruit set. Avoid application on plantings low in vigor. Planting must be at least 1 year old before application. Do not apply within 70 days before harvest.
Group 29 (dichlobenil)
Casoron CS
Casoron 4G
1.4-2.8 gal
100 lb
Apply at temperatures below 40˚F, preferably just before rain or snow. Soil must be settled around established plants. Uniform application is essential. Do not apply during new shoot emergence. Effective on many perennial weed species. May reduce/delay new shoot emergence in plantings that are young or lacking vigor.  There is a leaching risk with this product however both the granular (4G) and microencapsulated (CS) formulations have reduced leaching potential compared to the wettable powder formulation used previously.

Group 2 (rimsulfuron)

Matrix SG

4 oz Apply as a directed spray to the base of the crop prior to bud break in the spring. Applications should be made either pre-emergence or early post-emergence to weeds. May be applied twice per year with at least 30 days between applications. Crop should be at least 1 year old. MAINE ONLY.
Broadleaf weeds and nutsedge

Group 2



0.5-1 oz Applications should be made prior to primocane emergence or after cane burning. Avoid contact with canes. Contact will result in temporarty chlorosis of treated leaves. Use of a shield is recommended.
Emerged annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Suppression of emerged perennial weeds.

Group 22 (paraquat)
*Gramoxone SL2.0


2-4 pt


1.3-2.7 pt

Restricted-use pesticide. May be fatal if swallowed or inhaled.  Applicators must complete an EPA-approved paragquat training listed at the following website: Burndown contact herbicide with no soil activity. Use with a non-ionic surfactant. Apply as a coarse directed spray to wet the weeds. Apply before emergence of new canes or shoots to avoid injury. Use of a shield is highly recommended.

Group 14 (carfentrazone)

Aim EC

1-2 oz Apply as a directed spray to the base of the crop to burn down emerged weeds including morning glory, nightshade, bedstraw and ferns. Do not use more than 6.1 oz/year. Contact with the crop will cause damage. Requires a non-ionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate.
Emerged annual and most perennial grasses Group 1 (sethoxydim)
1-2.5 pt See label for best times to treat specific weeds. Will not control broadleaf weeds or sedges. Do not apply to grasses under stress (e.g., drought). Crop oil concentrate must be added to the spray tank. Do not cultivate 5 days before or 7 days after application. Do not apply within 45 days before harvest in brambles. Do not apply more than 5 pints per acre per season.

Group 1 (clethodim)

Select Max

9-16 oz Apply as a directed spray to the base of the crop and to actively growing grasses. Grasses under drought stress will not be controlled. Do not apply more than 64 oz/acre/year. Do not repeat applications within 14 days.
Emerged annual weeds and suppression of perennial weeds.

Group 0

(pelargonic acid)

3-10% solution Contact material for burn down only. See Scythe comments in Strawberry section. See label for complete instructions.
Emerged annual and perennial weeds Group 9 (glyphosate)
Roundup Ultra, Touchdown
1-5 qt Apply to actively growing weeds. Apply with a wiper or a shielded/directed spray to the base of the plants. Do not permit herbicide solution to contact desirable vegetation, including green shoots, canes, or foliage. Do not cultivate within 7 days after application.
Broadleaf weeds and Nutsedge

Group 2



0.5-1 oz Applications should be made prior to primocane emergence or after cane burning. Avoid contact with canes. Contact will result in temporarty chlorosis of treated leaves. Use of a shield is recommended.

†Where brand names for chemicals are used, it is for the reader’s information. No endorsement is implied, nor is discrimination intended against products with similar ingredients. Please consult pesticide product labels for rates, application instructions and safety precautions. Users of these products assume all associated risks.
*Restricted-use pesticide; pesticide applicators license required. Applicators must complete an EPA-approved paragquat training listed at the following website: The training must be completed a minimum of every 3 years.

OMRI listed for organic production.

Table 48. Weed management with and without herbicides in a bramble planting.
Year Month Herbicide Options Non-herbicide Options
Planting year
  Fall prior to planting Glyphosate for emerged perennial weeds. Frequent tillage
  April-early May Surflan or Devrinol before weed seedlings emerge. Till or water in within 24 hours Plant sod in row middles. Use mulch in planting rows for 1st year. Handweed
  Mid-June after planting Fusilade, Poast, Select or Arrow for perennial grasses before 6” of growth Cultivate/handweed/mulch; mow row middles and borders
  Mid-July Glyphosate spot treatments Cultivate/handweed; mow row middles and borders
  October Princep at low rate Cultivate/handweed; mow row middles and borders
  Late November Casoron for grasses and broadleaf weeds. Read label carefully for specific application requirements Handweed if needed
Fruiting years
  March-April Princep or Sinbar for broadleaf weeds. Devrinol, Surflan or Solicam for annual grasses. Poast or Select for perennial grasses. Poast or Select may need to be reapplied in 14 days or can be substituted with a cultivation if possible. Handweed rows and mow row middles and borders
  Early May Aim, Gramoxone or Scythe before new cane emergence. Handweed and mow row middles and borders
  Mid-Summer Poast or Select on actively growing grasses Handweed and mow row middles and borders
  September to October Sinbar, Devrinol, Solicam, Surflan, Princep. See labels for restrictions. Handweed and mow row middles and borders

Casoron if needed for grasses and broadleaves. See labels for restrictions.



Chateau EZ (flumioxizin) - Other formulations are available; check label to verify specific use directions prior to applying. Use 6 oz/acre, not to exceed 24 oz/acre per season. Allow at least 30-day interval between applicatoins. Take care when using near desirable vegetation. Irrigate after application to activate herbicide and reduce wind displacement of soil. 7-day PHI.

Alion (indaziflam) - Use preemergence. A dry soil surface at time of application and 48 hours after application is optimum for binding the active ingredient to soil particles and preventing its downward movement to the crop’s roots. Moisture is needed for activation of Alion Herbicide. Dry soil conditions following the initial 48-hour period after application of Alion may result in reduced weed control. Controls selected broadleaves and grasses. Exercise caution with this product around or near water bodies.

Callisto (mesotrione) - May be used as a pre-bloom directed spray.  May be applied at a rate of up to 6 oz/acre. If using split applications, use up to 3 oz/acre. Use of a crop oil concentrate at the rate of 1% v/v is recommended. Will control a variety of broadleaved weeds; control will be improved when applied to small young weeds. Several formulations and many generics of this herbicide are available. Please read the label of the purchased product prior to application to verify proper use rates and recommendations.

QuinStar (quinclorac) - A systemic herbicide with plant uptake occurring through both the foliage and roots. Resultant herbicide symptoms on susceptible plants include twisting, stunting, reddening and chlorosis. For annual plants, symptoms may take up to two weeks after application to develop with death occurring in about three weeks. For perennial weeds, symptoms may not be evident for several weeks after application and full effect may not be evident for 3 to 6 months. May affect desirable nearby species; check label.

Weeds Controlled: Field bindweed, hedge bindweed, barnyardgrass, Canada thistle and large crabgrass. For the first application, apply up to 12.6 fluid ounces per acre (0.375 lb ai/A) of QuinStar® 4L at the end of dormancy, prior to budbreak. Apply as a banded, soil application on each side of the caneberry plants. A second application may be made up to 30 days prior to harvest. Apply up to 12.6 fluid ounces per acre (0.375 lb ai/A) of QuinStar® 4L as a banded, soil application on each side of the caneberry plants. A crop oil concentrate at a rate of 2 pints per acre may be included in the spray mixture.

Zeus/Spartan (sulfentrazone) - a selective soil-applied herbicide for control of susceptible broadleaf, grass and sedge weeds. Adequate moisture of at least 0.5 inch is required within 14 days of application for optimal control. Should be applied as a uniform braodcast soil application to ground or as a uniform band application directed to the base of the trunk. For best control, apply when no weeds are present. If weeds are present, mix with a postemergence herbicide. For flowable forumations, use 8-12 oz/A not to exceed 12 oz/acre per 12-month period.

Suppress EC - nonsystemic, nonselective postemergence foliar burndown herbicide for control of annual and perennial broadleaves and grasses. Best on newly emerged plants, less than 6 inches in height. OMRI-approved product.

Axxe - nonsystemic, nonselective postemergence, foliar burndown herbicide. Use higher rates on bigger plants. Very toxic to fish and invertebrates. Do not contaminate water resources during use. Eye irritant.  OMRI-approved product.

Currants and Gooseberries

General Information

Ribes Regulations in New England

Some New England states regulate aspects of Ribes spp. production within their boundaries due to their role as alternate hosts of White Pine Blister Rust (Cronartium ribicola), a disease that can seriously affect White Pine trees.  In order to determine that status and the specifics of any relevant regulations in your state, check the links below:

CT: No regulations at present
VT: No regulations at present


(Descriptive text adapted from the 2013-14 Mid-Atlantic Berry Guide)

Currants and gooseberries are two closely related species within the genus Ribes. This genus is diverse with more than 150 known species and hundreds of cultivated varieties (cultivars). Currants and gooseberries can be easily distinguished by the presence or absence of thorns; gooseberries usually have thorns, while currants do not.

Ribes plants are long-lived perennial shrubs that are cold-hardy, some to USDA Zone 2. Species and cultivars vary in plant size and form but are usually upright to spreading in habit (3 to 6 feet). Disease and insect resistance is variable. The fruit is versatile and nutritious and varies in presentation, flavor, shape, size, texture, and color.


Most cultivated currants are of European origin, though many native North American species also exist. Currant color types include red, white, pink, and black. Plants are thornless and fruit is small (pea sized) and produced and harvested in a grape-like cluster called a “strig.” Cultivars may be classified under several species; yet some debate exists as to which species different types of plants belong. Species are Ribes rubrum (most red currants and some whites), R. petraeum (white), R. vulgare (pink, white, and red), and R. nigrum and R. ussurienses (black). Native currants, sometimes considered more closely related to gooseberries, belong to the species R. odoratum, the Buffalo Currant, with some selections known as Clove Currant (for example, the cultivar Crandall) because of the fragrance of their blossoms.

Because of their tart flavor, currants are seldom eaten fresh but are used for processing into juices, jams, and jellies. Black currants are noted for their strong (to some, offensive) odor and astringent flavor, yet they are highly prized in Europe for juice products and their high nutrient content. Vitamin C concentrations can be as high as 250 milligrams per 100 grams of juice, even after 6 months of storage.


Cultivated forms of gooseberries are divided into two major types, European (Ribes grossularia var. uva-crispa) and American (R. hirtellum). European types are native to North Africa and the Caucasus Mountains of eastern Europe and western Asia, while the American types are native to the northern United States and Canada. Within the European types, fruit size varies widely, from pea sized to small egg sized. Color varies widely as well, with fruit colors in shades of green, pink, red, purple, white, and yellow. This diversity is due to the historical popularity of the European gooseberry. Over the past two centuries, hundreds of cultivars have been developed with a focus on prize-winning fruit size and color.
Native American gooseberry species have smaller fruit size and less flavor, but they are more resistant to diseases when compared to European cultivars, which are noted for powdery mildew and leaf spot susceptibility. This problem has limited the culture of most of the European types in this country. However, disease resistance is improving through additional breeding with American types, and several new promising European cultivars have recently been introduced in the United States and Canada. In comparison, most known American cultivars in the trade today have had some historical infusion of European genetics to improve size and flavor, which can be traced to a handful of crosses made in the 1800s. All gooseberry cultivars have varying degrees of thorniness. Fruit is produced in small groups or singularly on stems and are picked individually.


The jostaberry is an interspecies cross between gooseberries and black currant. Its fruit is larger than currants, similar to gooseberries, and black in color. The stems are thornless. Fruit quality has not gained wide appeal for either fresh or processed use, but it has inspired renewed breeding efforts, with new and improved crosses being developed. It has a vigorous growth habit and is resistant to white pine blister rust. Disease (mildew) resistance is similar to that of black currants.

History and Restrictions

In the early 1900s, the federal and state governments outlawed the growing of currants and gooseberries to prevent the spread of white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola). This fungal disease attacks both Ribes and white pines, which must live in close proximity for the blister rust fungus to complete its life cycle.  Spores of C. ribicola have to move from one host species (e.g. pine) to the other (e.g., Ribes) in order to complete its life cycle.   If one host is absent or highly resistant (immune), the disease does not proliferate.  Most black currants (Ribes nigrum) and white pines (Pinus strobus) are extremely susceptible, and red currants and gooseberries exhibit varying degrees of susceptibility.  There are some commercially available cultivars of black currant that are highly resistant (immune) to infection by C. ribicola.  See more about this in the 'Choosing Cultivars' section below.

Although the federal ban was rescinded in 1966, some northern states still prohibit the planting or cultivation of black currants. Check with your state’s Agriculture Department to find out the status of these regulations (and see the links above).

Some black currant types, such as the cultivars ‘Consort’, ‘Crusader’, and ‘Titania’ are hybrids that are resistant to the blister rust fungus. In some cases, they can be planted in areas where other currants and gooseberries are not permitted.

Choosing Cultivars

Ribes are a very diverse genus with hundreds of different varieties that differ in plant size, form, fruit flavor, shape, texture, color and hairiness. While most are hardy to Zone 3 or Zone 4, a few are hardy to Zone 2. Several types of interest include:

Red currants (Ribes rubrum, R. sativum and R. petraeum): Fruits range in color from dark red to pink, yellow, white and beige, and they continue to sweeten on the bush even after they appear to be in full color. Popular cultivars include 'Cascade', 'Detvan', 'Jonkeer van Tets', 'Red Lake', 'Rovada', 'Tatran', 'Honeyqueen', and 'Wilder'. Many people consider ‘Rovada’ to be the best red currant cultivar. Plants are dependable, vigorous, late ripening, and very productive, bearing long-stemmed clusters of large red berries that are easy to pick.

White currants: (Ribes sativum) A type of red currant, white currant cultivars are sold less frequently by nurseries. ‘Blanka’ is most commonly available. Berries are large and mild in flavor with a pale yellow color. Most people prefer ‘White Imperial’ or ‘Primus’ if they are available. Other noteworthy varieties include 'Blanka', 'Pink Champagne', and 'White Dutch'.

Black currants (Ribes nigrum): Black currants are the type most associated with culinary products and flavorings. As a group, they are more susceptible to infection by White Pine Blister Rust. Cultivars such as ‘Consort’, ‘Crusader’, 'Ben Sarek', and ‘Titania’ are immune or resistant to this disease.

Jostaberries (Ribes x nidigrolaria): Jostaberries can be used for fresh eating or in culinary products. Until recently only one cultivar, 'Jostaberry', was available.  Recently others have been released, 'Orus 8', 'Jostine', and 'Jogranda'. 

Gooseberries: There are two types of gooseberry plants -- American (Ribes hirtellum) and European (Ribes uva-crispa). Cultivars of the American type are smaller but more resistant to mildew. They tend to be healthier and more productive. American cultivars include ‘Poorman’, ‘Oregon Champion’, ‘Captivator’, and ‘Pixwell’.  The fruits of the European cultivars are larger and better flavored and include ‘Hinnonmaki Red’, ‘Invicta’, ‘Hinnonmaki Yellow’, ‘Leveller’, ‘Careless’, ‘Early Sulfur’, ‘Catherina’, ‘Achilles’, and 'Tixia™'.  'Tixia™' has the advantage of having fewer and softer thorns than many of the others.

Sources of gooseberry and currant plants can be found at:

Site Selection and Soil Preparation

Unlike most other fruit crops, currants and gooseberries tolerate partial shade and prefer a cool, moist growing area. Northern slopes with protection from direct sun are ideal. Planting along the side of a building or shady arbor is suitable as well.

Avoid sites with poor air circulation, which increases the incidence of powdery mildew. Sloping ground alleviates this condition. Also avoid light-textured, sandy soils. Rich, well drained soils that have a high moisture holding capacity are best. Incorporate organic matter (compost, peat, or manure) to improve the soil, particularly if it is somewhat sandy. The ideal soil pH is 6.0 to 6.5.


Purchase strong, well-rooted plants from a reliable nursery, selecting either one- or two-year-old vigorous stock. Because currants and gooseberries begin growth very early in the spring, you should plant them in the early fall or very early in spring, before the plants begin to grow.

Before planting, remove damaged roots and head back the tops to 6 to 10 inches. Do not allow the root systems to dry out. Set plants as soon as possible in properly prepared soil, slightly deeper than they grew in the nursery. Firm the soil around the roots. Space plants according to the vigor of the cultivar, keeping in mind that plants are more vigorous on very fertile soil. As a general rule, plants should be spaced 3 to 5 feet apart in the row with 8 to 10 feet between rows.

Trellising gooseberries increases air circulation (decreasing disease problems), makes fruit easier to harvest, and allows you more plants in less space. Gooseberries are easily propagated through tip layering or stool bedding (mound layering). Remove flowers in the first year.


Currant and gooseberry plants are heavy nitrogen feeders. To give the plants a healthy start, work manure into the soil before planting. Annual top-dressings of composted manure are beneficial as well. If plants are not vigorous, lightly broadcast about .25 to .5 pound of 10-10-10 per plant. Avoid fertilizers containing muriate of potash (potassium chloride).


Mulch keeps the soil cool in the summer, retains moisture, and controls weeds. Spread 2 to 3 inches of mulch around plants and replenish it yearly. Suitable mulches include straw, lawn rakings, composted manure, compost, wood chips, or similar materials. Grass clippings make excellent mulch. If you use fresh straw or sawdust, you may need to apply nitrogen fertilizer because these high-carbon mulches tie up nitrogen while they decompose.


Remove any flowers so that plants don’t develop fruit during their first season of growth. Expect a light crop the second year and a full crop by the third. Currants and gooseberries ripen in June and July, depending on cultivar. Berries do not drop immediately upon ripening, so they usually can be harvested in one or two pickings. Currants can be picked in clusters, and gooseberries are picked as individual fruits. Expect mature plants to yield about 90 to 150 pounds per 100 feet of row. Wait for fruit to turn color before picking. Gooseberries come off easily when they are ripe. Currants require some trial and error to determine the right time.


Prune currants and gooseberries when the plants are dormant in late winter or early spring. Remove any branches that lie along the ground as well as branches that are diseased or broken. Ribes species produce fruit at the base of one year old wood. Fruiting is strongest on spurs of two and three year old wood.

After the first year of growth, remove all but six to eight of the most vigorous shoots. At the end of the second growing season, leave the 4 or 5 best one-year-old shoots and up to 3 or 4 two-year-old canes. At the end of the third year, prune so that approximately 3 or 4 canes of each age class should remain. By the fourth year, the oldest set of canes should be removed and the new canes allowed to grow. This system of renewal ensures that the plants remain productive because young canes always replace those that are removed. A strong, healthy, mature plant should have about eight bearing canes, with younger canes eventually replacing the oldest.

Pest Management

Visit the Cornell Berry Diagnostic Tool for assistance in diagnosing problems with currants and gooseberries.

Currant aphids, fourlined plant bug, currant borer, imported currant worm, gooseberry fruitworm, sawflies, leaf spot, white pine blister rust (on susceptible varieties), and powdery mildew are the most common problems that plague currant and gooseberry plantings. All disfigure or damage leaves, and can cause defoliation; except for the currant borer which can weaken and kill canes and gooseberry fruitworm which infests fruit.  Spotted Wing Drosophila may also be a serious pest although the fruiting season is early enough that populations may still be below injurious levels.


Botrytis Dieback and Fruit Rot (Botrytis cinerea): This disease commonly affects many plants.  It can infect leaf and stem tissue but is most damaging when it infects flower and fruit tissue leading to fruit rot.  It overwinters in dead leaves and plant debris and on stems. Inoculum is produced from fruiting structures on canes, from dead leaves, and from mummified berries in the spring.

Management: To help minimize the disease, choose a planting site with good air movement and prune out weak canes to speed the drying of plants. Also eliminate weeds to aid in quicker drying of foliage and fruit and harvest fruit before it is overripe. Fungicides should be applied during bloom, with additional applications made during harvest, if necessary. See the following Pest Management Table for specific recommendations and rates.

Powdery mildew (Podosphaera mors-uvae): This fungal disease overwinters on currant and gooseberry twigs.  In early summer, a whitish, powdery growth appears on the surface of leaves, shoots, and branch tips. Infected berries become cracked and may shatter. Infected leaves may drop prematurely during hot weather. If left unchecked, the fungus can progress to the berries. Later in summer, the growth may turn from white to brown. Warm, humid conditions with poor air circulation favor powdery mildew. Prune and dispose of infected branch and shoot tips in early spring.  Severe infections can cause plants to become stunted and die. Some growers are experimenting with trellising gooseberries to improve disease management and harvestability. Certain horticultural oils (check labels) applied at first sign of mildew can prevent spread.

Management: Conditions of high humidity are most likely to lead to mildew problems.  Any cultural practices like pruning and plant spacing that can help improve air circulation and reduce humidity will reduce incidence of mildew infections. Sprays are most necessary during humid or wet weather in the spring. Apply when the first signs of powdery mildew are apparent and repeat as necessary. If oil is used, multiple applications may delay ripening or reduce sugar accumulation in the berries. The oil kills powdery mildew colonies on contact, thus, high water volumes and thorough coverage of the leaves and developing fruit are essential for good results. Many common pesticides (including sulfur) are phytotoxic when applied with or close to oil sprays; check label for specific restrictions. See the following Pest Management Table for specific recommendations and rates.

Anthracnose Leaf Spot and Septoria Leaf Spot (Drepanopeziza ribis and Mycosphaerella ribis): These diseases can both become serious problems, especially in wet, humid years. Symptoms range from brown spots and yellowing on leaves, young shoots, and stems to early defoliation. The fungi overwinter in infected dead leaf tissue.  Spores are released from this leaf debris in the spring and infect new leaf tissue. Small brown spots appear in early to mid-June and at this point both diseases are visually indistinguishable. Currant fruit may also become infected with Anthracnose. Severe infections cause berries to crack and drop. 

Management: These diseases can be suppressed by raking out and removing infected leaves after they have fallen and apply mulch to cover any inoculum that might remain.  Prune and trellis to improve air circulation and promote leaf drying. Overhead irrigation creates conditions especially favorable leaf spot development. Irrigate during morning hours to allow foliage to dry before the evening.  Fungicides applied before bloom, after petal fall and after harvest are also recommended. See the following Pest Management Table for specific recommendations and rates.

White Pine Blister Rust (Cronartium ribicola): This disease is the primary reason for limited commercial production of Ribes in the North America.  It is a complex disease that requires two hosts, susceptible varieties of Ribes and 5-needled pines (e.g., Eastern White Pine).  Symptoms on Ribes consist of yellow to orange spots appearing on less susceptible plants first in the spring. Larger patches of orange 'rust' appear on the underside of the leaves later in the summer. Symptoms are usually not severe on Ribes (although severe infections can defoliate plants), but infections in white pines can lead to tree death.

Management: Black currants 'Ben Sarek', 'Consort, Crusader', 'Coronet' and 'Titania' are considered resistant. Titania is the most widely planted variety in New England (where it is permitted) and was considered immune to WPBR in the past.  That immunity may no longer be stable and so some states are revising their regulations as related to allowing this and other 'immune' varieties.  It is important to check with your local Extension Specialists to determine the most recent status of this disease. Gooseberries, red and white currants are generally less susceptible. Ribes species 'Red Lake', 'Jumbo Cherry' and 'White Currant' are known to be less susceptible than 'Red Jacket', 'Green Hansa', 'Poorman' and 'Pixwell'. Avoid planting in high-risk areas (check with your University Extension office for help determining the risk category of your site) or within 1 mile of pine trees stands. If Rally fungicide is used for powdery mildew or anthracnose, it should also control white pine blister rust. See the following Pest Management Table for specific recommendations and rates.

Currant Cane Blight or Botryosphaeria Canker (Botryosphaeria ribis): Initial symptoms appear as yellowing foliage and leaf wilting of young shoots during spring and summer. Affected shoots may resemble currant borer damage, but will have not borer larvae or exit holes. Once the cane is dead and no longer transporting nutrients, the fungus will make small (2mm in diameter) round black survival structures, stromata, which burst through the epidermis near tips of infected shoots. This disease causes canes to become extremely weak and consequently break off during high winds in the fall and subsequent winter. All currant varieties may be affected however gooseberries are not known to be affected. 

Management: Watch for the rapid blight of young shoots during early fruit development, and scout mature canes for the small black survival structures prior to budbreak. Prune out and burn infected canes in spring. There are differences in resistance among cultivars, but it is variety specific and not linked to color traits. 


San Jose Scale (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus): These insects occasionally infest currant and gooseberry plants. They feed by sucking valuable plant juices, and in severe cases they affect the fruit as well. Scale insects are easily seen on the dormant wood.

Management: Prune out and destroy infested canes before new growth begins in the spring. Certain dormant oils applications (check labels) can help reduce infestations. See following Pest Management Table for recommended materials and rates.

Currant Aphid (Cryptomyzus ribis): These tiny, soft-bodied insects feed under young leaves toward the shoot tips, causing affected leaves to curl downward, blister, and become reddish. In severe cases, leaves become excessively distorted and fall off and the fruit does not ripen properly.

Management: Monitor for leaf symptoms early in the season to identify infestations early.  Naturally occurring beneficials may keep populations in check over time.  Insecticidal soap and certain horticultural oils (check labels) can help control aphid infestations not controlled by natural predators. Early bud break insecticide applications can also be made. See following Pest Management Table for recommended materials and rates.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys): Direct feeding on fruit by adults and all stages of nymphs can cause serious damage.  Adults are mottled brown, about 3⁄4 inch long, and nearly as wide with a shield shape. Adults can be differentiated from common brown stink bugs by alternating brown and white bands on their antennae and along the edges of their abdomens. Nymphs are smaller and, like adults, exhibit white bands on brown antennae. Their coloration varies with instar, but each has some yellow or red coloration, and their eyes are red. Eggs are yellowish green, oval, and laid in clusters that are attached side to side on leaf undersides.  Adults overwinter in protected locations and emerge in spring. They lay eggs from May through August. Nymphs progress through five instars.

Management: Monitor using traps recommended by your Extension Specialists. If found, Pyrethroids are the most effective chemical class. Nymphs should be targeted during pesticide applications as they cannot fly away; a direct hit of nymphs or adults is necessary for efficacy. Natural enemies are present, but they have a wide host range and thus currently provide insufficient control.

Fourlined Plant Bug (Poecilocapus lineatus): Nymphs and adults feed on leaves with piercing mouthparts and cause stippling of leaves. The spots may turn from yellow to brown or black. Most damage is seen on the youngest leaves. The feeding injury can be easily confused with leaf spot disease. The plant bugs overwinter as eggs which are inserted in the shoots. In Connecticut, egg hatch begins in mid-May. The nymphs are red to yellow with stripes on their wing pads. Adults are yellowish-green with four black stripes, about 1/4 inch long, and appear by early June. There is one generation per year.

Management: The eggs are relatively visible on the canes, usually near bud scales, during the dormant season. These can be pruned off and destroyed. Dormant oil may have some effect on overwintering eggs. Insecticides should be targeted at the nymphal stage. Once the plant bugs become adults they may be harder to kill; they also may have started laying eggs. Malathion, when used for other pests, is very effective on fourlined plant bug nymphs.

Currant Borer (Synanthedon tipuliformis): Adults are about 1/2 inch long, clear-winged, blue-black, wasp-like moths with yellow bands on their abdomen. Adults are active from approximately June 1 to mid-July in Connecticut. The females lay eggs in the stems, particularly around leaf axils. These eggs hatch during the summer and the larvae burrow into the currant and gooseberry canes; where they overwinter until the following spring. Some larvae may take 2 years to complete development. Infested canes put out sickly growth in the spring. Repeated infestations may cause the death of canes.

Management: To prevent the next generation of moths from emerging, remove and destroy infested canes before June 1. Proper pruning to remove old canes is the best control. Insecticides may help with control of adult moths if timed properly. Use pheromone traps to monitor for adult flight activity. Danitol is labeled for currant borer but may cause an increase in two-spotted spider mites due to effects on natural predators. PyGanic has a short residual and may need repeated applications. Bt products may have some effect on young larvae before they enter stems. See following Pest Management Table for recommended materials and rates.

Currant Stem Girdler (Janus integer): Sawfly lays eggs on shoot tips and girdles the tips, which eventually die and fall off. The larvae can bore into and feed within canes.

Management: Cut off affected tips in May or June about 3 to 4 inches below the girdle, or if left until later in the season, about 8 inches below the girdle. See following Pest Management Table for recommended materials and rates.

Imported Currant Worm (Nematus ribesii): The full-grown sawfly larva is 3 inches long; it is green with yellowish ends, has a black head, and is covered with black spots. Shortly after the leaves are out in the spring, the larvae feed first in colonies and later singly, voraciously stripping the plants of foliage. A second brood occurs in early summer, and a partial third brood may appear depending on the weather. If numerous, they can strip a bush of its foliage in a few days.

Management: Monitor for and remove leaves harboring eggs by hand. Watch for larvae starting just after bloom as the fruits start to enlarge. Cultural control involves being observant of growing conditions and keeping plants vigorous. Insecticide applications may be made as soon as larvae are found feeding on the leaves.  See following Pest Management Table for recommended materials and rates.

Gooseberry Fruitworm (Zophodia convolutella): This greenish caterpillar feeds in fruit causing it to color prematurely and fall off. The adult is a grayish moth with a wingspan of about an inch. Larvae are about 3⁄4 inch long with a brownish head and green body with dark stripes along the sides when fully grown.  Hollowed-out berries that change color prematurely and dry up or fall to the ground. Clusters of berries and part of the stem may be wrapped in a silken webbing.

Management: Hand-picking infested berries provides some control. An insecticide may be needed starting at early fruit development and again 10 days later. See following Pest Management Table for recommended materials and rates.

Spotted Wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii): This pest is similar in appearance to other vinegar flies or fruit flies. Most adult males have one large black spot near the tip of each wing.  Adult females lack wing spots, but they have a large sawlike ovipositor visible with magnification. Larvae are 2–3 millimeters long, white, and have no obvious head. These tiny white larvae can be found in otherwise marketable fruit. Tiny holes surrounded by sunken tissue may be found where oviposition wounds were made. Spotted wing drosophila is a new pest and while it will feed on Ribes, it is not known if Ribes fruit are preferred over other available fruit in a given location.

Management: Vinegar traps can be bought or made and are used to monitor for pest presence, but they are not a method of control. Traps containing vinegar should be hung in the crop as the fruit begins to color. Pruning and canopy management to create an open bush with light penetration to the base and good air circulation will make the planting less desirable for SWD and reduce their abundance during fruiting.  Clean, thorough and frequent harvest is also important for managing the damage from this pest.  Do not allow fruit to drop or stay on the ground beneath the bushes as this gives SWD a good place to feed, lay eggs and proliferate.  When spraying, a tight spray schedule with thorough coverage and rotating IRAC classes (to avoid resistance development) is important.  Pyrethroids and spinosads are effective on the adults; neonicotinoids and some other broad-spectrum materials are considered less effective.  No effective control for larvae is currently available. See following Pest Management Table for recommended materials and rates.

Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica): Japanese beetles have an exceptionally large host range, feeding on the leaves of over 300 species of plants, including apples, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, roses and plums. These beetles are metallic green, while the wing covers are a shiny bronze. Five white patches of hair along each side of their body and two white patches on the tip of their abdomen helps confirm identification.  Adult beetles may become serious pests skeletonizing leaves and scaring berries. Adults overwinter as grubs deep in the soil.  The grubs consume feeder roots and may also girdle or clip off larger roots. In spring, they move near the soil surface, where they finish feeding and pupate. Pupae are first cream color and become light reddish-brown with age. Beetles emerge as adults in late June or early July and can fly a long distance to feed. Infested plants may not show any outward signs of injury until a period of drought stress, when the reduced root system cannot provide enough water to the plant. Damaged bushes show low vigor and reduced production. 

Management: Beetles are best controlled as adults. Physical removal is a viable option for small growers. Remove the beetles by hand and put them in soapy water. Hand picking is most effective as the beetles first arrive. The best time to handpick beetles is in the evening and early morning, when they are less active. Research has shown that Japanese beetle traps attract more beetles than they catch, and will typically cause more damage to plants in a garden. Adults are generally easy to control with foliar sprays, but timing is difficult since these are highly mobile insects that may suddenly appear in the field. Unfortunately, sampling for white grubs may damage the roots of bushes. Growers should check new sites for white grubs before establishing a field, and take actions against grubs before planting. Adults are generally easy to control with foliar sprays, but timing is difficult since these are highly mobile insects that may suddenly appear in the field. Insecticides can help manage adults especially when small to moderate numbers of Japanese beetles are present.  Several contact, residual insecticides are available. See following Pest Management Table for recommended materials and rates.

Slugs and Snails (various species): Slugs are soft-bodied mollusks that resemble snails without a shell. Slugs feed on leaves of all Ribes species. They are most active at night and during cool, wet weather. Populations are greatest when weather is damp and the planting is mulched. Translucent silver to whitish slime trails are visible on damages plants. During cold weather, snails and slugs hibernate in the topsoil. During hot, dry periods or when it is cold, snails seal themselves off with a parchment like membrane and often attach themselves to tree trunks, fences, or walls. Snails and slugs feed on a variety of living plants and on decaying plant matter. They chew irregular holes with smooth edges in leaves and flowers and can clip succulent plant parts. They also can chew fruit and young plant bark. Because they prefer succulent foliage or flowers, they primarily are pests of seedlings and herbaceous plants, but they also are serious pests of ripening fruits that are close to the ground. Look for the silvery mucous trails to confirm slugs or snails caused the damage and not earwigs, caterpillars, or other chewing insect.

Management: A good snail and slug management program relies on a combination of methods. The first step is to eliminate, as much as possible, all places where they can hide during the day. Handpicking can be very effective if done thoroughly on a regular basis. After the population has noticeably declined, a weekly handpicking can be sufficient.To draw out snails and slugs, water the infested plants in the late afternoon. After dark, search them out using a flashlight; pick them up placing in a plastic bag or a bucket with soapy water and dispose of them. Snail and slug traps are commercially available. Snails and slugs have many natural enemies including ground beetles, pathogens, snakes, toads, turtles, and birds, but most are rarely effective enough to provide satisfactory control. Snail and slug baits can be effective when used properly in conjunction with a cultural program incorporating the other methods discussed above. However, baits alone won’t effectively control snails or slugs. Baits are toxic to all snails and slugs, including the predatory decollate snail and native species. Several types of snail and slug bait products are available. The timing of any baiting is critical; baiting is less effective during very hot, very dry, or cold times of the year, because snails and slugs are less active during these periods. Irrigate before applying a bait to promote snail activity, and apply the bait in the late afternoon or evening.

Table 49. Currant and Gooseberry Pest Management Table

Table 49. Currant and Gooseberry pest management table†.
For resistance management do not make more than 2 sequential applications of fungicides of the same FRAC group or insecticides in the same IRAC group. See product labels for groups.


Spray Material, Rate/A
(pre harvest interval-PHI)
Cultural Practices and
Scouting Notes
San Jose Scale
Dormant Spray Oils, many products, check label for rates (0) - some OMRI listed
Lime-Sulfur Solution, many products, check label for rates (0) - some OMRI listed 
Molt-X, 10 oz (0)  
AzaGuard, 10-16 oz/A (0)
 SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Light infestations can be pruned out during winter pruning.
Apply Dormant spray oils before buds swell and burst in the spring. Phytotoxicity is possible, thus avoid weather extremes. Do not use oil sprays 48hr before and after a frost. Avoid using oils in very hot (over 85°F) and under humid conditions.
Lime sulfur should cover shoots thoroughly. 48hr REI.
Apply Molt-X or AzaGuard to target crawlers. Use with 0.25-1% non-phytotoxic crop oil in enough water to cover twigs and leaves. 4hr REI.
Budbreak through full leaf
Currant Aphid  
*Actara, 3-4 oz (3)
*Admire Pro, 1-1.4 oz (3) - foliar application
Assail 30SG, 2.5-5.3 oz (1)
*Brigade WSB, 5.3-16 oz (1) or Brigade 2E, 2.1-6.4 oz (1) 
Malathion 57EC, 2 pt/200 gal water (1) - currants only
Malathion 8F, 2 pts (3) - gooseberries
Sivanto 200SL, 7-10.5 oz/25 gal water (3)
AzaGuard, 10-16 oz (0)
BioCeres WP, 1-2 lb (0) 
Grandevo WDG, 1-3 lb (0)
Molt-X, 10 oz (0)
M-Pede, 1-2% v/v (0)
PyGanic EC 5.0II, 4.5-15.61 oz (0) or PyGanic 1.4 ECII, 16-64 oz (0)
Sil-MATRIX, 0.25-1% solution (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Scout plantings for infestations to determine need for control measures.
Sivanto has 4hr REI and a max of 7 days between applications is required.  
Apply Molt-X in combination with 0.25-1% non-phytotoxic crop oil in sufficient water to cover undersides of leaves.
Use Grandevo when populations are low and/or during younger aphid stages. 4hr REI. 
Sil-MATRIX should be applied before leaf hardening. 4hr REI.
Imported Currant Worm or Currant Sawfly


Malathion 57EC, 2 pt (1) - currants only
Malathion 8F, 2pt (3) - gooseberries
AzaGuard, 10-16 oz (0)
Molt-X, 10 oz (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2 gal/100 gal water (0)
Scout plantings for adults soon after budbreak and larvae after fruitset.
Sawfly larva resemble lepidopteran caterpillars, but are not related and therefore not controlled by Bt products.
Apply Molt-X when pests first appear. 
See label for AzaGuard tank mix restrictions. 
Currant Stem Girdler
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6-16 oz/50 gal water (21) - currants only

Adult sawflies lay eggs in young, succulent shoot tips, then girdle tips below the eggs. Shoots tips die, reducing cane length. Cut off affected tips below evidence of insect activity.

Do not exceed 3 applications per season of Danitol. Apply at first sign of pest activity. 
Powdery Mildew
7, 9
7, 11
3, 11
Abound, 6-15.5 oz (0)
Cabrio EG, 14 oz (0)
Luna Tranquility, 13.6-27 oz (0)
Mettle 125ME, 3-5 fl oz (14) - gooseberries only
Pristine Fungicide, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Quilt Xcel, 14-21 fl oz (30)
Rally 40WSP, 5 oz (0)
Rampart, 1-3 qt/100 gal (0)
Rendition, 48 oz/100 gal (0)
Tilt, 6 fl oz (30)
Actinovate AG, 3-12 oz (0) - gooseberries only 
Cueva FC, 0.5-2 gal (0)
JMS Stylet Oil, 3-6 qt/100 gal  (0)
Kaligreen, 2.5-3 lb (1)
Kumulus DF, 6-15 lb (0)
Milstop,  2.5-5 lb (0)
M-Pede, 1-2% solution (0)
Oso 5%SC, 6.5-13 oz (0)
PERPose Plus, 1:100 (0)
Sil-MATRIX, 0.25-1% solution (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume  (0)
Abound is very toxic to some apple varieties. Do not spray in proximity to apple trees or with sprayer also used for apple trees.
Luna Tranquility is a broad spectrum fungicide. Do not exceed 54.7 fl oz/A/year. 12hr REI.
Begin Mettle 125ME application at pre-bloom and continue as  needed in 14-day intervals. Do not exceed 3 applications per season. Note long PHI. 12hr REI.
Oso 5% SC should be applied as preventative and continue on a 7-14day interval as needed. 4hr REI.
Kumulus DF and other sulfur based products should not be applied during bloom as some gooseberries may be damaged especially during warm weather. 
Rendition should be applied when weather conditions favor disease development. 4hr REI. 
Cueva should be applied at onset of bloom when weather conditions favor disease development. 4hr REI.
JMS Stylet Oil should be applied at first sign of disease. Multiple applications may delay ripening or reduce sugar accumulation. Thorough coverage is essential. Many common pesticides are phytotoxic when applied with or close to oil sprays. 
Kaligreen should not be mixed with highly acidic products or nutrients. Some gooseberry varieties will be damaged by sulfur sprays, especially during warm weather. Test first if sulfur sensitivity is unknown.
Sil-MATRIX should be applied before leaf hardening for best results. 4hr REI.
White Pine Blister Rust
Proline 480SC, 5.7 fl oz (7)
Rally 40WSP, 5 oz (0)
JMS Stylet Oil, 3-6 qt/100 gal (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Plant resistant (immune) varieties whenever possible. Check with nursery supplier for resistance rating of varieties.
Apply Proline 480SC at the first sign of disease. Repeat applications as needed using a 7-10day interval if conditions remain favorable. 12hr REI. Note 7day PHI. 
White Pine Blister Rust
same recommendations as pre-bloom
Powdery Mildew
same recommendations as budbreak - full leaf
Anthracnose leaf spot and Septoria leaf spot
9, 12
Abound, 6-15.5 fl oz (0) 
Cabrio EG, 14 oz (0) 
Kocide 3000, 4.25 lb (0)
Luna Tranquility, 16-27 oz (0) 
Mettle 125ME, 3-5 oz (14) - gooseberries only
Proline 480SC, 5.7 fl oz (7) 
Rally 40WSP, 5 oz (0) - gooseberries only
Rampart, 1-3 qt (0)
Rendition, 48 oz/100 gal (1)
Switch 62.5WG, 11-14 oz (0)
Tilt, 6 fl oz (30)
Badge X2, 4.25-9 lb (0)
Basic Copper 53, 4.7-7.5 lb (0)
Cueva FC, 0.5-2 gal/30-100gal (0)
Champ WG, 5-8 lb (0)
Double Nickel 55, 0.25-3 lb (0)  
Double Nickel LC, 1-6 qt (0)
Kocide 3000-O, 4.25 lb (0) 
Serenade Opti, 14-20 oz (0) 
Serenade Max, 1-3 lb (0)
Prune and trellis to improve air circulation and promote leaf drying.
Avoid overhead irrigation.
Remove or cover fallen leaves (source of overwintering inoculum) with mulch to interrupt disease cycle.
Do not apply Rally 40 WSP after bloom; post harvest sprays are permitted. 
Apply Rendition during bloom when weather conditions favor disease development. 4hr REI. 
Double Nickel formulas may improve postharvest fruit quality. 4hr REI.
Serenade formulas are labeled for Anthracnose fruit rot. Apply prior to disease onset. Add surfactant for improved performance. 4hr REI.
Kocide and Basic Copper 53 have 48hr REI. 
7, 12
7, 9
7, 11
9, 12
Elevate 50WDG, 1.5 lb/50 gal (0)
Miravis Prime, 9-13.4 fl oz
Luna Tranquility, 16-27 oz (0) 
Omega 500F, 20 fl oz (30)
Pristine Fungicide, 18.5-23 oz (0)
Proline 480SC, 5.7 fl oz (7)
Quash, 2.5 fl oz (7)
Rendition, 16-48 oz/100 gal (0)
Rovral 4F, 1-2 pt/100 gal (0)
Switch 62.5WG, 11-14 oz (0)
BotryStop, 2-4 lb (0)
Double Nickel 55, 0.25-3 lb (0)
Double Nickel LC, 1-6 qt (0)
Oso 5%SC, 6.5-13 fl oz (0)
PERPose Plus, 1:100 (0)
Regalia, 0.5-4 qt/50 gal (0)
Serenade Opti, 14-20 oz (0)
Serenade Max, 1-3 lb (0)
Prune and trellis to improve air circulation and promote leaf drying.
Avoid overhead irrigation, especially during bloom.

Wet years may require repeated applications 

Omega may only be used early due to longer PHI. 
Oso 5% SC applications should begin at flowering. 4hr REI. 
Apply Proline 480SC at the first sign of disease. Repeat applications if conditions remain favorable for disease. 12hr REI. 
See Quash supplemental label for bushberries which includes Ribes.
Rendition should be applied during bloom when weather conditions favor disease. 4hr REI.
Double Nickel formulas may improve postharvest fruit quality. 4hr REI. 
Serenade applications should begin prior to disease onset. For improved performance add a surfactant to spray tank. 4hr REI.  
From petal-fall through the beginning of harvest
Currant Borer
Bacillus thuringiensis - Bt roducts, various rates (0)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6-16 oz/50 gal water (21) - currants only
AzaGuard, 10-16 oz (0) 
Molt-X, 10 oz (0)
PyGanic EC 5.0II, 4.5-18 oz (0)

Treat in June before larvae enter stems and when adults are present

Bt products are effective only on larvae. Some are OMRI with restrictions. Read labels carefully. 
Danitol has long PHI for currants only.  Use early or after harvest. See label for restrictions. 
Gooseberry Fruit
*Brigade WSB,  5.3-16oz (1) or Brigade 2EC, 2.1-6.4 oz (1)
Molt-X, 8 oz (0)
PyGanic EC 5.0II, 4.5-15.61 oz (0)
Shallow mechanical cultivation under bushes can help expose and kill pupae.
Treat as soon as webbing is seen, usually as the berries are turning color. Repeat at 7 day intervals.
Molt-X requires addition of 0.25-1% non-phytotoxic crop oil.
Spider Mites
Acramite 50WS, 0.75-1 lb (1) - gooseberries only
*Brigade WSB, 12.8-16 oz (1) or Brigade 2EC, 5.1-6.4 oz (1)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6-16 oz (21) - for currants ; 16 oz (3) - for gooseberries
Kanemite 15SC, 21-31 oz/50-100 gal water (1) 
Onager, 12-24 oz/10 gal water (7) - gooseberries only
AzaGuard, 10-16 oz (0) 
JMS Style Oil-Organic, 3-6 qt (0)
M-Pede, 1-2% v/v solution (0)
SuffOil-X, 1-2% by volume (0)
Predatory mites may help.
Avoid use of pesticides which will kill natural enemies.
Avoid excess nitrogen which can lead to higher mite populations.
Danitol has long PHI for currants. Use early or after harvest. Apply at the first signs of mites. Multiple applications may delay ripening or reduce sugar accumulation.Thorough coverage is essential. See label for additional restrictions.
Kanemite should not be applied more than 2 times/year. Do not apply within 75 ft of any aquatic areas. Do not use adjuvant or surfactants. 12hr REI.
Onager will not control adult mites. Max of 1 app/year. 12hr REI. 
Apply Grandevo when populations are low and/or during younger mite stages. 4hr REI.
Japanese Beetle
*Actara, 4 oz (3)
*Admire Pro, foliar application: 2.1-2.8  oz (3); soil application: 7-14 oz (7)
*Brigade 2EC, 2.1-6.4 oz (1)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6-16 oz (3) - gooseberries only
Malathion 57EC, 1.6 pt (1) - for currants; 1.5 pt/200 gal water (1) - for gooseberries
AzaGuard, 8-16 oz (0)
Grandevo WDG, 2-3 lb (0) for suppression
Molt-X, 8 oz (0)
PyGanic EC 5.0II, 4.5-15.61 fl oz (0) or PyGanic 1.4 ECII, 16-64 oz (0)
NemaShield HB, 1 billion nematodes (0)
Danitol should not be applied within 100 ft of any freshwater or coastal marsh. Do not make more than 2 app/season. 
Admire Pro is a systemic protectant. Do not apply pre-bloom or during bloom when bees are actively foraging. See label for restrictions for foliar and soil applications. 
When applying nematodes, water after application and keep soil moist two weeks after application.  
Spotted Wing Drosophila
*Brigade WSB, 5.3-16 oz (1)
*Danitol 2.4EC, 10.6-16 oz (3) - gooseberries only
Delegate WG, 3-6 oz (3)
*Mustang Maxx, 4 oz (1)
*Rimon 0.83EC, 20-30 oz (8)
AzaGuard 10-16 oz (0)
BioCeres WP, 1.2 lb (0) 
Entrust SC Naturalyte, 4-6 oz (1)
Grandevo WDG, 2-3 lb (0)
Molt-X, 10 oz (0)
PyGanic EC 5.0II, 4.5-15.61 oz (0)


NOTE: For organic management of SWD, rotate Entrust SC (IRAC 5) to other insecticide class and active ingredient after 2 consecutive applications (read label). For some fruit crops, only 2 or 3 total applications of Entrust may be applied per season (refer to label). Save applications of Entrust for when SWD populations are high and fruit is at high risk. Rotation options for Entrust include PyGanic (a.i. pyrethrin; IRAC 3A) and Molt-X (a.i. azadirachtin; IRAC UN). While Entrust has good to excellent activity against SWD, azadirachtin and pyrethrin have fair to poor activity. Pyrethrin insecticides are highly toxic to bees and should not be used when bees are active.

Danitol spray may be directed at soil to control insects present on fallen berries. Max of 2 app/season. Start application at first sign of pest activity. Apply to gooseberry only for SWD.
Rimon 0.83EC  may cause phytotoxicity under high temps or drought conditions. Note long PHI. 12 hr REI.
Powdery Mildew
Same recommendations as budbreak through full leaf.
White Pine
Blister Rust
Cabrio EG, 14 oz (0)
Proline 480SC, 5.7 fl oz (7) 
JMS Stylet Oil, 3-6 qt/100 gal (0)
Plant resistant (immune) varieties where allowed. Check with nursery supplier for resistance rating of varieties. Check state regulations for restrictions before planting (see text section of this chapter for more information). 
Where brand names for chemicals are used, it is for the reader’s information. No endorsement is implied, nor is discrimination intended against products with similar ingredients. Please consult pesticide product labels for rates, application instructions and safety precautions. Users of these products assume all risks.
RAC=Resistance Action Committee group for resistance management.  Fungicides=FRAC, Insecticides=IRAC
* Restricted use pesticide: pesticide applicator license required. OMRI approved for organic production.
For resistance management do not make more than 2 sequential applications of fungicides of the same RAC group.


Ribes Weed Management

Good weed control begins years before planting. Begin by identifying perennial weed problems in the field. Eliminate these weeds before planting.  Early to mid-fall applications of glyphosate products can be very effective.

A permanent sod such as hard fescue between the rows is effective in controlling weeds in established plantings. Within-row weeds can then be controlled with appropriate herbicides or landscape fabric.

Herbicides labeled for use in bearing and nonbearing currants and gooseberries are certain glyphosate products (Roundup, Touchdown, and others), Gramoxone SL 2.0, Rely, and Surflan AS. Devrinol 50DF and Scythe are labeled for use on bearing and nonbearing currants. Fusilade DX, Select Max, and Gallery 75DF are labeled for use only on nonbearing currants and gooseberries (plants that will not be harvested for at least one year). Other formulations with the same active ingredients may exist that are labeled for the same uses.

Glyphosate products and Gramoxone, Scythe and Rely are nonselective postemergence materials. Glyphosate products are translocated within and therefore kill the entire plant, even though only a portion of the plant may have come in contact with the herbicide. Fusilade and Select are selective postemergence materials that are also translocated in the plant, but are effective only on grasses. Gramoxone and Scythe are non-translocated contact herbicides, and kill only the portion of the plant with which they come in contact. Because of this feature, the roots of treated weeds survive, and control of perennial weeds is only temporary. Good coverage is a necessity, as untreated portions of the leaves and stems will continue to live. Rely is partially translocated. Gallery, Surflan, and Devrinol are preemergence materials, so they must be applied before weeds have germinated. Gallery is effective against annual broadleaves, while Suflan and Devrinol are effective against annual grasses and certain annual broadleaves.  Before use, always consult the herbicide labels for precautions, reentry intervals, and other restrictions.

Weeds can develop resistance to herbicides. The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) developed a grouping system based on the mode of action of different herbicides. WSSA Group numbers can be used as a tool to choose herbicides in different mode of action groups so mixtures or rotations of active ingredients can be planned to better manage weeds and reduce the potential for resistant species.

Preharvest Intervals

Remember that weeds compete with each other, not just with crop plants. Therefore, controlling a particular weed or group of weeds may allow another weed species to take over, requiring adjustments to your control strategies.

Table 50. Weed Management in Currants and Gooseberries