- Agriculture Environmental Management (AEM), AEM Tier II Worksheet, Fertilizer Storage & Handling in the Greenhouse
- Aldrich R.A. and J. Bartok, Jr. 1994. Greenhouse Engineering. NRAES-33.
- Bartok, J.W., Jr. 2005. Fuels and Alternative Heat Sources for Commercial Greenhouses
- Bartok, J.W. 2005. Horizontal Air Flow is Best for Greenhouse Air Circulation
- Bartok, J.W., Jr. 2009. Rainwater Harvesting
- Bartok, J.W., Jr. 2009. Sizing the Greenhouse Water System
- Bartok, J.W., Jr. 2005. Selecting and Building a Commercial Greenhouse
- Bartok, J.W., Jr. 2010 Stormwater and Wastewater Management for Greenhouses Fact Sheet
- Biernbaum, J.A. 1995. Water Quality. Tips on Growing Bedding Plants. The Ohio Florists’ Association.
- Clean and Green, Water Quality Action Manual for Greenhouse and Nursery Growers, 1992 Horticultural Water Quality Alliance. Printed by Florists’ Mutual Insurance Company
- Cox, D.A Greenhouse Irrigation Water Quality: pH and Alkalinity
- Cox, D.A 1993 Groundwater and Your Greenhouse.
- Cox D.A. 2001. How to Prevent Iron Deficiency in Spring Greenhouse Crops
- Cox, D.A. 1985. Nitrogen recovery by seed geranium as influenced by nitrogen source. HortScience 20:923-925.
- Cox, D.A. 2008. Organic Growing Media and Fertilizers for Greenhouses.
- Cox, D.A. 1993. Reducing nitrogen leaching-losses from containerized plants: The effectiveness of controlled release fertilizers.J. Plant Nutr. 16(3):533-545.
- Cox D.A. Current Methods of Greenhouse Media Testing and How They Differ. University of Massachusetts Extension.
- Cox D.A. Use "BMPs" to Increase Fertilizer Efficiency and Reduce Runoff
- Cox D.A. Fertilizing Bedding Plants
- Cox D.A. How to Use pH and EC "Pens" to Monitor Greenhouse Crop Nutrition. University of Massachusetts Extension.
- Faust, J. E. and E. W. Irrigation Water Quality for Greenhouse Production, Agricultural Extension Service, University of Tennessee.
- Faust, J. E. and E. W. Growing Media for Greenhouse Production, University of Tennessee.
- Jenkins J. and T. Smith. 1989. Understanding Pesticide Persistence and Movement in Soils for Groundwater Protection. Nursery Notes: 2(1)
- Kuepper, G. and K. Everett. 2004. Potting Mixes for Certified Organic Production
- Lopes, M. and G. Walker. 1990. You and Your Well: How to be responsible for your private water supply. Issues in Water Quality. Fact Sheet, University of Massachusetts.
- McAvoy R.J. 2005. Techniques for Greenhouse Tomatoes, University of Connecticut:
- McAvoy, R.J. 1995. Managing nitrogen in greenhouse crops: Nitrogen sources, crop fertility, and water quality. Conn. Grnhse. Newsletter 184:18-29.
- Newman, J. 2008. Greenhouse and Nursery Management Practices to Protect Water Quality. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 3508.
- Pesticide Storage Mixing and Loading Guidelines for Applicators, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
- Robbins, J.A. and M. R. Evans. Growing Media for Container Production in a Greenhouse or Nursery, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service
- Smith, T.M. 2009. Fertilizer Injectors for Greenhouses
- Smith, T.M. 2004. Effects of pH on Pesticides and Growth Regulators
- Stack, L. Editor. 2009-2010 New England Greenhouse Floriculture Guide; A Management Guide for Insects, Diseases, Weeds and Growth Regulators. Northeast Greenhouse Conference:
- Strategic Recommendations for Managing Invasive Plants in Massachusetts
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, Pesticide and Fertilizer Storage
- Whipker, B.E., Cavins, T.J. and W. C. Fonteno. 1, 2, 3’s of PourThru. North Carolina State University.
Organizations and Services
- Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR)
251 Causeway Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02114-2151
Phone: (617) 626-1700 Fax: (617) 626-1850
Division of Technical Assistance: (617) 626-1773
- Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation Inc.
466 Chestnut Street.
Ashland, MA 01721
Phone: (508) 881-4766 Fax: (508) 881-4768
- University of Massachusetts Extension
Greenhouse Crops and Floriculture Program
Resource for greenhouse crops in Massachusetts.
- UMass Extension Plant Diagnostic Lab (Plant disease diagnosis, weed ID, insect ID)
Contact: Plant Diagnostic Laboratory 160 Holdsworth Way, Holdsworth Natural Resources Center, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-3208
Soil and Plant Tissue Nutrient and Diagnostics
- University of Massachusetts Soil & Nutrient Testing Laboratory
West Experiment Station, 682 North Pleasant St. UMass, Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-2311
Soil and Plant Nutrient Testing Laboratory
- USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
451 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002
Phone: (413) 253-4350 (Conservation Engineering) (Massachusetts Soil Surveys)
The Natural Resources Conservation Service is the federal agency that shows farmers and landowners how to improve and protect their natural resources. NRCS is not a regulatory agency. Its mission is to introduce people to conservation practices and federal conservation programs that can improve water quality and maintain healthy and productive lands. Landowners and NRCS specialists work together on a voluntary basis.
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (Mass DEP)
One Winter Street, Boston, MA 02108
Phone: (617) 292-5500 Fax: (617)556-1049
Wetland information
Composting information
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Water Management Program
One Winter Street, Boston, MA 02108
Phone: (617) 292-5706
- Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
251 Causeway St., Suite 400, Boston, MA 02114
Phone: (617) 626-1590
Greenhouse Production: Publications and On-line Resources
Pest Identification
On-line Photo Library: Greenhouse Insects, Diseases, Mites, Weeds, Biological Control and Nutritional Disorders
New England Greenhouse Update Photo Library
- USDA Systematic Entomology Laboratory (SEL) provides specimen identification assistance as a free service. For information on sending samples see: Massachusetts Prohibited Plants List
Report: Strategic Recommendations for Managing Invasive Plants in Massachusetts
- Registration Status for Commercial Pesticide Products in Massachusetts
- Pesticide Labels
Crop Data Management Systems, Inc.
This site lists nearly 100 pesticide companies that produce products for the turf and
ornamentals (T&O) market (as well as ag products). The user of this site can obtain
specimen labels of specific products along with the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
that accompany the labels.
- Greenbook
This site lists a number of products and can be easily searched by company,
active ingredient, and product trade name. Along with being able to obtain specimen labels and the MSDS, the user can usually also access a “product summary sheet,” Department of Transportation (DOT) information, mode of action sheet, state registration information, supplemental label information, and other valuable information about each product.
- Worker Protection Standards
- North Carolina State Nursery Crops Fact Sheets (Pour Thru, Production information)
- Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA)
National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service is managed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) and is funded under a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Business-Cooperative Service. It provides information and other technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, Extension agents, educators, and others involved in sustainable agriculture in the United States.
- Publication: Plants for Constructed Wetlands
Rain Gardens: A Household Way to Improve Water Quality in Your Community
- Publication: Water and Nutrient Management for Greenhouses NRAES-56, is available for $20 each from NRAES, Cooperative Extension, 152 Riley-Robb Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-5701. For more information call (607)255-4080.
- Grower's Guide to Water, Media, and Nutrition for Greenhouse Crops is $55 per copy and can be ordered from GrowerTalks Bookshelf, PO Box 9, 335 N. River St., Batavia, IL 60510. For more information call 1-800-456-5380.
- Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)For details and an application form for GAP, contact Massachusetts Department of Agriculture:
Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)
The OMRI is a nonprofit organization that specializes in the review of pesticides and fertilizers for use in organic production, processing and handling. OMRI provides guidance on the suitability of material inputs under the USDA Organic Program standards
Commercial Greenhouse Water Testing Laboratories
Energy Resources and Publications
- Booklet: “Energy Conservation for Commercial Greenhouses” - NRAES-3, 100 pages, $21.25 available from the Resource Center, Unit 4035, W.B. Young Building, Rm.2, Storrs, CT 06269-4035. Make check payable to UConn. Price includes postage and handling.
- Renewable Energy Resources for Massachusetts Farms and Greenhouses, University of Massachusetts Extension
- Agricultural Energy Grant Program (Ag-Energy)
The MDAR Energy Program’s primary function is to promote energy knowledge and awareness and to facilitate the implementation of energy related projects for our agri-businesses through energy efficiency, energy conservation, and renewable energy applications, as a means to reduce both energy costs and environmental pollution.
- Recycling Your Used Agricultural Plastics Fact Sheet
Inorganic Waste Management
Grower Membership Associations