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Nutrient Management Guidelines and Cover Crop Practices for Soil Health

Principal Investigator/Project Leader: 
Sponsoring Unit(s): 
Department of Project: 
UMass Extension
Soil testing
Project Description: 

Preserving and improving soil health/quality/resiliency continues to be an area of strong interest and concern for MA land stewards. Not unique to MA, this concern has been echoed across the region and nationally leading NRCS to emphasize soil health awareness as a continued priority with a special emphasis on cover cropping.

This project works toward skill and knowledge development among service providers for an increased ability to work with farmers on specific issues for improved soil health, quality or resiliency. Particular attention will be paid to 1) nutrient management practices to mitigate against leaching or runoff/ erosion; and 2) cover cropping strategies for improving soil health (e.g., increased organic matter content, improved drainage, increased resiliency to extreme weather events, disease suppression).

The goal is to equip service providers with a set of soil health assessment tools (multiple tools rather than a comprehensive all-in-one kit) and the knowledge for how to choose the appropriate tool, use it correctly and help farmers interpret the resulting information to make a sensible decision about implementing a recommended practice.

Funded by: NESARE

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