- 9:00 - Registration
- 9:30 - Potential soil-based weed management techniques in small fruit - Maria Gannett
Changing the soil can change which plants thrive. Maria Gannett is the new weed management extension educator at UMass and has experience with soil-based weed management tools. Some of these techniques may be helpful for managing weeds in berry production systems. Learn how soil can affect weed growth and share your thoughts on these strategies. - 10:15 - Endangered Species Program & FIFRA - Facilitated by Andrea Szylvian of EPA Region 1, and Dr. Kelly Tindall
Dr. Tindall is the US EPA Senior Science Advisor in the Office of Pesticide Programs in Washington D.C. This session will review the complexities in the new rules involving farmers and the Endangered Species Act and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act or FIFRA. - 11:00 - Hot water seed treatment, do we really need it? - Genevieve Higgins
Genevieve Higgins of the UMass Extension Vegetable Team will discuss the disease ramifications of seed borne diseases and how hot water seed treatment can help alleviate problems from the greenhouse to the field. A hands-on demonstration of the process will be on display. - Noon - LUNCH & Commercial Member introductions, extension updates, NEVBGA updates
- 1:00 - Spotted Lanternfly: Biology, identification, and impacts- Elizabeth Barnes, MDAR
This presentation will cover spotted lanternfly biology, identification, and preferred host plants as well as the current state of spotted lanternfly in Massachusetts. Spotted lanternfly is an invasive sap-feeding insect that can kill grape and weakens over 100 other species of plant. Additionally, spotted lanternfly produces a sticky, sugary substance called honeydew which grows mold, attracts stinging insects, and makes a general mess. - 1:45 - Strawberry Grower Panel
A collection of seasoned strawberry growers will discuss their production methods, successes, failures. Growers will highlight how they strategize production and marketing of this valuable crop. - 2:30 - Cucurbit Update - Chris Hernandez Assistant Professor of Plant Breeding, UNH Agriculture, Nutrition, and Food Systems
The UNH Cucurbit program conducts breeding efforts in squash, pumpkins, and melons. The research program seeks to understand the genetics of important stakeholder traits such as marketable yield, disease resistance, and nutritional quality. - 3:15 - Adjourn
4 pesticide recertification credits are available for this meeting.
Please RSVP to 978-423-6694 or secretary@nevbga.org by February 10 so that we can have an accurate head count for food!