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Crop Insurance 301: Demystifying the How and Why Behind Each Program

Event date/time: 
Thursday, January 18, 2024 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Event Type: 

A deeper dive into each individual program, one at a time. Regional experts from FSA and RMA will provide tips and tricks on how to be successful applying for coverage and getting a claim, including what records you need to keep and why. We will do our best to answer questions during a facilitated Q&A.


  • Alex Sereno, Northeast Regional RMA Director

  • Julie Jacque, VT-FSA Agricultural Program Specialist

This workshop is part 2 of a 2-part series. Click here for more information on part 1 - Crop Insurance 101: An Introduction.

These workshops are geared toward commercial vegetable and fruit producers. 

Contact's name: 
Sue Scheufele
Contact's email: 
This event will be recorded: 

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