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Vegetable Notes Newsletters

Vegetable Notes 2011 Vol. 22:1
In This Issue:

Vegetable Notes Survey
NRCS EQIP Program Announcement
Reduced Tillage Information & Meetings
Grant Proposals for Renewable Energy and Efficiency
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:24
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Online Grower Survey on Winter Harvest and Sales: New England Vegetable Growers' Need Assessment Sustainability Standards and the Commonwealth Quality Seal Meeting
New Feasibility and Market Research Study for Commercial Hop Production in New England Available Massachusetts Farm to School
Project Updates
NRCS Extends Sign-up Period For Conservation Stewardship Program
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:23
In This Issue:

Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:22
In This Issue:

Fall Sanitation & Disease Management
Massachusetts Small Farm Bills
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:21
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Seeders for Hoophouse and Field Greens
Looking for Growers Interested in Deep Zone Tillage
Brassica Cover Crops
Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:20
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Storage Diseases of Onions & Garlic
Cost Share Opportunity - Corn Heat for Greenhouses
Know Your Roots
Harvest & Storage Checklist for Potatoes
Organic Wheat Research at UMass
Sweet Corn Report
UMass Amherst Family Weekend Farmer’s Market Seeks Vendors
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:19
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Late Blight Update
Brassica Diseases
Cucurbit Disease Update
Late Season Cover Crops
Sweet Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:18
In This Issue:

Late Season Brassica Insects & Diseases
Assistance for Asparagus Growers
Pumpkin & Winter Squash Harvest & Storage
Blotchy Ripening in Tomatoes
Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:17
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Downy Mildew Update
Black Rot in Cucurbits
Postharvest Practices
Spider Mites in Eggplant
Heat Problems in Vegetables
Biological Control of Plant Diseases
Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:16
In This Issue:

UMass Field Day Reminder
Crop Conditions
Preventing Bird Damage
Cercospora Leaf Spot
Onions: Harvest & Curing Tips
Sweet Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:15
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Late Blight Update & Recommendations
Melon Aphids
Downy Mildew Update
Corn Report

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:14
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Powdery Mildew of Cucurbits
Tarnished Plant Bugs
Tomato Hornworm
Peppers; watch for ECB, aphids, pepper maggot
Organic Control for CEW in Sweet Corn
Sweet Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:13
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Tracebacks & Mock Recalls
Aphids & Virus
Harvesting Garlic
Plectosporium Blight
Flea Beetles in Late Brassicas
Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:12
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Downy Mildew in Basil
Summer Broccoli
Cucurbit Disease Management Overview
Update on Potatoes, Tomatoes and Eggplant
Scarab Beetles
Corn Report
Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:11
In This Issue:
Worker Sanitation & Hygiene
Cucurbit update: Squash Vine Borer and Squash Bugs
Teff: Improve Your Soil After Early Vegetables
Massachusetts Farm to School Project offers free Farmer ID Insert
Potato Leaf Hopper
Asparagus Beetles in July
Heritage Wheat Field Tour and the UMass Heritage Wheat Project
Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:10
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Late Blight Update
Recognizing Blights in Tomato & Potato
Copper Fungicides for Organic Farms
UMass Team Looking for Cucurbit Fields for Soil Samples
Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:9
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Brassica Caterpillars
Measuring Pesticides for Smaller Fields
New Parasitoid Continues to Suppress Imported Cabbageworm
Endosulfan Cancelled
Post Emergence Yellow Nutsedge Control
Sweet Corn Report
South Deerfield Field Day
Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:8
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Thrips in Onions & Brassicas
FDA extends comment period for fresh produce safety standards
Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for Pesticides
Late Blight Update
Tomato Fungicides
Sweet Corn Report
Using Copper for Late Blight Control
Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:7
In This Issue:
Bio-Control for Mexican Bean Beetle
Checklist for Late Blight
Late Blight Forecasting
Presidio Fungicide Registered for Drip Irrigation
Managing Striped Cucumber Beetle in Vine Crops
Perimeter Trap Cropping in Vine Crops
Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:6
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
UMass Team Looking for Cucurbit Fields for Soil Samples
Managing Colorado Potato Beetle
Farm to School Project
June is the Time for Sudangrass
UMass Vegetable Program Starts New Project on Winter Harvest and Sales
New Cucurbit Disease Scouting & Management Guide From UMass Extension
Tomato and potato: Late Blight
Upcoming Meetings


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