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Sponsorships & Donations

Publishing Vegetable Notes takes a team of UMass Extension professionals who visit farms across the state to gather crop and pest information, conduct on-farm research, and keep abreast of new developments in agriculture and policy. Our direct costs to collect data and write, edit, and layout 24 issues per year exceeds $20,000 annually. Much of our work within the Vegetable Program is grant-funded, which means we have funding to do specific research and educational activities, but the production of Veg Notes does not receive any grant support. Reader donations and business sponsorships are crucial for us to raise that money. Your donation or sponsorship can help us get closer to our goal so that we can spend our time working with farmers and conducting research to support the farming community!

Vegetable Program Sponsorships

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the Vegetable Program! Please see the form below for sponsorship levels and instructions.

Vegetable Program Sponsorship Form

Sponsorship of our program affords logo placement on the Vegetable Program website, which receives more than 360,000 unique views per year and within our Vegetable Notes newsletter, which reaches more than 2,800 subscribers. Veg Notes reaches subscribers from Maryland to Ontario, from home gardens to large-scale commercial farms, as well as Extension educators and other agriculture service providers. We also know that farmers share Veg Notes with their employees, reaching an even broader audience. Our readers, many of whom are also the customer base of our sponsors, are grateful for the services we provide and we believe they would be happy to see your support of the UMass Vegetable Program.

Sponsorships run from April to April. Pro-rated pricing is available - contact us at for more info.

Vegetable Program sponsorship is again available in combination with sponsorship of the UMass Extension Fruit Program. Sponsorship at the levels outlined in the attached sponsorship form will afford brand placement in the UMass Fruit and Vegetable Program publications and websites. You may choose to sponsor both of us for a discounted price, or to continue sponsoring either one of our programs. If you have questions about sponsorship of the Fruit Program, please visit the Fruit Program Sponsorship page.

Vegetable Program Donations

Donations of any amount are welcome! See the links below to make a donation online or by check.

Make a gift online

Make a donation by check

The Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment and UMass Extension are equal opportunity providers and employers, United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Contact your local Extension office for information on disability accommodations. Contact the State Center Director’s Office if you have concerns related to discrimination, 413-545-4800 or see