Useful Links

This page provides information for the following animals, beef, camelids, dairy, equine, goat, poultry, sheep, swine, as well as various state agencies, and about Massachusetts Farmer Associations and Organizations as well as other state Universities and associated Extension research and education.
Work Requests for UMass Faculty and Staff
General Information
- ATTRA-National Sustainable Agriculture Information Services
- Cornell University
- Clemson University Extension Service
- Montana State University Extension Service
- Oklahoma State University
- Explore Beef
- Purdue University
- Texas A&M University
- The Cattle Pages- an internet directory of the cattle industry
- University of Maryland
- University of Connecticut
- Cattlemen's Beef Promotion and Research Board
- National Cattlemen's Beef Association
- an list of breed associations
General Information
- ATTRA-National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
- Babcock Institute for International Dairy Research and Development
- Cornell University
- Cornell University- Dairy Management
- Dairy Management Inc.
- Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Dairy Program
- Moo Milk- a dynamicadventure look into the dairy industry
- Purdue University
- Texas A&M University
- The World Dairy Business Blog
- University of Maryland
- U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
- Massachusetts Association of Dairy Farmers
- National Dairy Herd Information Association
- Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance
- The Dairy Practices Council
General Information
- Equine Affair - The Nation's Premier Equestrian Gathering
- Massachusetts 4H Program
- Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources-Equine Program
- Massachusetts Horse - a magazine with info and contacts.
- Oklahoma State University
- Purdue University
- Rutgers State University of New Jersey
- The Horse - a Guide to Equine Health Care
- Texas A&M University
- United States Equestrian Federation
- University of Maryland Extension Service
- Western Massachusetts Horse Show Series
- Bay State Trail Riders Association - the largest equine trails advocacy group in New England
- Certified Horsemanship Association
- Eastern Competitive Trail Riding Association
- Granby Regional Horse Council, Inc.
- Massachusetts Quarter Horse Association
- New England Horse and Trail
- New England Morgan Association
- New England Pinto Horse Association
- Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.)
- North American Spotted Draft Horse Association
- Northeast Fjord Horse Association
- Standardbred Pleasure Horse Organization of Massachusetts
- Tri-state Horsemen's Association
- Yankee Walkers Gaited Horses of New England
- Barre Riding and Driving Club
- Hampshire County Riding Club
- Hanson Riding Club
- New England Fox Trotter Club
- The United States Pony Clubs, Inc.
General Information
- ATTRA- National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
- Cornell University
- Cyber Goats- an extensive list of links related to breeds and other information
- Irvine Mesa Charros 4H Club
- Oklahoma State University
- Net Vet- Contains an Extensive List of Goat Related Information
- University of Maryland- Small Ruminants
- American Dairy Goat Association
- American Meat Goat Association
- - an extensive list of breed associations
- International Goat Association
- San Clemente Island Goat Association
Llama and Alpaca
General Information
- Alpaca Nation
-'s premire alpaca resource and marketplace
- ATTRA-National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
- Llamapedia
- Net Vet- contains an extensive list of lllama and alpaca related information
- Oklahoma State University
- Rutgers Extension
- an extensive list of breed associations
- International Alpaca Association
- Rocky Mountain Llama and Alpaca Association
General Information
- ATTRA-National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
- Cornell University
- Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources- Poultry Program
- Oklahoma State University
- Purdue University
- SARE-Sustainable Agricultural Resources Education
- Texas A&M University Dept. of Poultry Science
- The Coop-your key to the online poultry community
- University of Maryland
- University of North Carolina- Cooperative Extension Service
- an extensive list of breed associations
- The American Pastured Poultry Producers
- The Coop- a list of associations
General Information
- ATTRA- National Sustainable Agriculture Information Services
- Cornell University-Sheep Program
- Oklahoma State University
- Net Vet- an extensive list of sheep information
- Texas A&M University
- University of Maryland
- American Sheep Industry Association– sheep associations listed by state
- an extensive list of breed associations
- Mass4h Program- Sheep and Goat Project Information
- New England Sheep and Wool Growers Association
- Northeast Suffolk Sheep Association
- Pioneer Valley Sheep Breeders Association
- Worcester County Sheep Producers Association
General Information
- ATTRA- National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
- Guinnea Hog Breed Directory
- Journal of Swine Health and Production
- North Carolina State University-Extension Swine Husbandry
- Oklahoma State University- swine publicaitons and websites
- Purdue University
- Texas A&M Universtiy
- Texas Tech University- The Pork Industry Institute
- The National Pork Board
- website for the global pig industry
- USDA Listing of Swine Related Publications and Websites
- University of Minnesota-Swine Production and Technology
- American Mulefoot Hog Association and Registry
- American Association of Swine Veterinarians
- Gloucester Old Spot Pigs of America
- National Pork Producers Council
- National Swine Improvement Federation
Non-Profit Organizations
- American Farm Land Trust
- The Livestock Conservancy
- ATTRA-National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
- Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA)
- Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation
- New England Small Farms Institute
- NOFA Massachusetts
UMass Services
- Plant Diagnostics Laboratory
- Pesticide & Education Program
- Soil and Plant Tissue Testing Laboratory
- The Green Directory
State Agencies
- MA Dept. Agricultural Resources (MDAR)
- Division of Conservations and Recreation (DCR)
- Department of Energy Resources (DOER)
- Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
- Department of Fish & Game (DFG)
- Department of Public Health (DPH)
USDA Agencies
- Agricultural Marketing Services (AMS)
- Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
- Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
- Farm Service Agency(FSA)- MA
- Food & Nutrition Service (FNS)
- Food Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS)
- Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)
- Grain Inspection, Packers, Stockyards Administration (GIPSA)
- Meat, Poultry and Egg Product Inspection Directory
- National Agricultural Library (NAL)
- National Institute of Food & Agriculture (NIFA)
- National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)- New England
- Natural Resources Conservation Service(NRCS)
- Risk Management Agency (RMA)
- Sustainable Agricultural Research and Education (SARE)
Food Safety
- Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) -Preventing and controlling the contamination of fresh farm produce is the key to producing wholesome, healthy products. This program helps growers to develop and implement farm food safety plans, and prepares them for GAPs certification. As a result, growers can market their products with greater confidence.
Beginning Farmer Resources
Beginning Farmer Resources was developed by UMass Extension to assist the growing population of beginning farmers as well as those who are currently working in the agricultural sector. Information on this website lists resources and provides answers to questions on a wide variety of topics, from growing individual crops to business planning, labor law, zoning, regulations, marketing and diagnostic and soil test services.