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Vegetable Notes Newsletters

Vegetable Notes 2014 Vol. 26:19
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Pest Alerts
Fungal Fruit Rots of Fall Cucurbits
Cover Crops for Wild Bees in Pennsylvania Cucurbits
Preventing Deer Damage
Introduced Parasitoid Supressess Imported Cabbageworm
Fall Cabbage Maggot is Active
Upcoming Events

Vegetable Notes 2014 Vol. 26:18
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Pest Alerts
Onions: Harvest and Curing Tips
Identifying Potato Tuber Diseases
Yellow Shoulder and Internal White Tissue in Tomatoes
Harmonized GAP and Commonwealth Quality Program Certification at The UMass Agronomy and Vegetable Farm
Upcoming Events

Vegetable Notes 2014 Vol. 26:17
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Pest Alerts
Bacterial Canker of Tomato: A Highly Destructive Disease
Late Summer Cover Crops
Leaf Curl (Anthracnose): A New Disease of Celery
Irregular Growth in Vegetables Grown Under Plasticulture
Upcoming Events

Vegetable Notes 2014 Vol. 26:16
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Pest Alerts
Identifying Beneficial Insects
Pepper Disease Control
Culling Garlic: Don’t Plant or Store Infected Bulbs
UMass Amherst Urban Agriculture and Nutrition Program
Upcoming Events

Vegetable Notes 2014 Vol. 26:15
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Pest Alerts
Late Blight is Here, Now What?
Finishing the Onion Crop
Food Safety - Wash Water Sanitizers
Upcoming Events


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