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Preventive Control for Human Food

Event date/time: 
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 8:30am to Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 2:00pm
Event Type: 
Event location: 
IALS Conference Center, UMass Amherst, 240 Thatcher Road

COURSE ​DESCRIPTION: ​The ​Current ​Good ​Manufacturing ​Practice, ​Hazard ​Analysis, ​and ​Risk-based ​Preventive ​Controls ​for ​Human ​Food ​FDA ​regulation ​is ​intended ​to ​ensure ​safe ​manufacturing/processing, ​packing ​and ​holding ​of ​food ​products ​for ​human ​consumption ​in ​the ​United ​States. ​The ​regulation ​requires ​that ​certain ​activities ​must ​be ​completed ​by ​a ​“preventive ​controls ​qualified ​individual” ​who ​has ​“successfully ​completed ​training ​in ​the ​development ​and ​application ​of ​risk-based ​preventive ​controls.” ​This ​course ​developed ​by ​the ​FSPCA ​is ​the ​“standardized ​curriculum” ​recognized ​by ​FDA; ​successfully ​completing ​this ​course ​is ​one ​way ​to ​meet ​the ​requirements ​for ​a ​“preventive ​controls ​qualified ​individual.” ​

Upon ​completion ​of ​this ​course, ​the ​trainee ​will ​become ​a ​FDA-recognized ​“Preventive ​Controls ​Qualified ​Individual” ​(PCQI). ​The ​course ​covers: 

  • How ​to ​create ​a ​Food ​Safety ​Plan ​meeting ​the ​FDA ​requirements ​as ​required ​by ​the ​Food ​Safety ​Modernization ​Act ​(FSMA). 
  •  How ​to ​conduct ​a ​Hazard ​Analysis, ​and ​differentiate ​between ​prerequisite ​programs ​and ​risk-based ​preventive ​controls. 
  • Guidelines ​for ​choosing ​Critical ​Limits, ​setting ​up ​monitoring ​programs, ​and ​implementing ​corrective ​actions ​when ​deviations ​occur. 
  • Documentation ​for ​all ​aspects ​of ​the ​PCHF-required ​Food ​Safety ​Plan ​including ​verification ​and ​validation ​activities, ​monitoring, ​corrective ​actions, ​and ​records ​review.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: To ​complete ​the ​course, ​a ​participant ​must ​be ​present ​for ​the ​entire ​workshop ​and ​actively ​participate ​in ​all ​of ​the ​presented ​exercises.

INSTRUCTORS: ​This ​course ​is ​being ​taught ​by ​FSPCA ​Lead ​Instructors ​that ​have ​been ​trained ​to ​teach ​the ​FDA ​recognized ​standardized ​curriculum. ​

Program ​Coordinator ​and ​Lead ​Instructor: ​Amanda ​Kinchla, ​Extension ​Assistant ​Professor/Food ​Safety ​Specialist, ​University ​of ​Massachusetts
413-545-1017, ​ sends e-mail)

LODGING: ​Rooms ​are ​NOT ​included ​in ​the ​registration ​fee. ​There is a room block for participants at a rate of $169/night plus fees for those that reserve their room no later than March 6th using promo code: PCH23C at the Hotel UMass(link is external). Additionally, ​there ​are ​a ​variety ​of ​lodging ​options ​available ​in ​the ​area, ​which ​can ​be ​found ​here: ​ .

Speaker(s) / Instructor(s): 
Amanda Kinchla, Lynne McLandsborough, Christina Allingham
How to Participate: 

This is an in-person training program that includes 20 hours of instruction. The participant manual, lunch, coffee breaks, and certificate fees are included with the registration fees.

Registration Deadline: 
Sunday, March 6, 2022 - 11:59pm
Contact's name: 
Christina Wormald
Contact's phone on day of event: 
This event will be recorded: 