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Vegetable Notes Newsletters

Vegetable Notes 2009 Vol. 20:7
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Insectigation: Applying Insecticides Through Drip
Pre-sidedress Nitrate Test
Leaf Hopper in Bean and Potato
New Insecticide: Coragen
Fungicides for /Phytophtora capsici /
Corn Report
Understanding and Controlling Damping Off
Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2009 Vol. 20:6
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Downy Mildew of Basil
Post Emergence Yellow Nutsedge Control
Corn Report
Caterpillars and Maggot Flies in Brassica Crops
Managing Flea Beetle in Brassicas
White Grubs
Farmers’ Markets Seeking Vendors
Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2009 Vol. 20:5
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Cover Crops for Early Summer
Flea Beetle on Eggplant and Potato
Prowl H2O on Peppers
Early Season Bacterial Disease Management for Tomato and Pepper
Managing Striped Cucumber Beetle in Vine Crops
Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2009 Vol. 20:4
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Leaf Miner in Spinach
Managing Colorado Potato Beetle
Phytophthora capsici Checklist
Corn Report: ECB are Active
Organic EQUIP Deadline Extended
Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2009 Vol. 20:3
In This Issue:
Cold Hardy Greens: Selections & Seed Saving
Biocontrol for Mexican Bean Beetle
Seedcorn Maggot & Wireworm
Cabbage & Onion Maggot
New Publication: Using Organic Nutrient Sources
Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2009 Vol. 20:2
In This Issue:
GAP Training
Farmer Projects with UMass
Shelled Corn for Greenhouse Heat Project
Biological Control of ECB in Sweet Corn
Results from Sweet Corn Biocontrol 2008
Soil Testing
IPM Travel Grants
Farm Viability Enhancements Program
Nutrient Density Workshops
Vegetable Notes 2009 Vol. 20:1
In This Issue:
NEV&BGA and Extension Winter Meeting
Renewable Energy on the Farm Conference in VT
Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Food Safety Training
Whole Farm Success Stories by Three Experienced Farm Couples- Workshops
Agricultural Business Development Programs in Massachusetts
Start planning now for your farm's conservation needs with NRCS
Other Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:20
In This Issue:
VegNotes Survey
Fall & Winter Programs
Results for Zone Tillage in NY State
Wood Heat for Greenhouses
Mass. Farm Energy Program
Produce Safety and GAP: Your Input is Needed
CSA Listings on UMass Website
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:19
In This Issue:
Fall Programs
Verrill Farmstand Fire
Evaluating New Herb Crops For Massachusetts
Phytophthora infestans or Phytophthora capsici?
Downy Mildew of Basil
Fruit Rots of Pumpkins
October Sown Cover Crops
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:18
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Upcoming Meetings
Late Blight Fall Management
Tomato Fruit Disorders
Corn & Pepper Report
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:17
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Brassicas: Fall Insects & Diseases
Sweet Corn & Pepper Report
Onions: Harvest & Curing Tips
Pumpkin & Winter Squash Harvest & Storage
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:16
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Downey Mildew Confirmed in MA!
Factors Affecting Eating Quality in Squash
Late Summer Legume Cover Crops
Copper Products for Organic Use
Corn & Pepper Report
Phytophthora in Tomato
Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:15
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Verrill Farm Twilight Meeting Reminder
Cucurbit Disease Update
Summer Meetings
Corn Report
Managing Powdery Mildew Organically
Pest Update
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:14
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Cucurbit Disease Update
Preventing Deer Damage
MDAR Energy News
White Mold of Bean
Salmonella Source Found
Massachusetts Tomato Contest
Sweet Corn Report
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:13
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Cucurbit Disease Update
Corn Heat for Greenhouses
Late Blight Update
Summer Beetles
Black Rot (Gummy Stem Blight)
Sweet Corn & Pepper Report
Plectosporium Blight of Cucurbits
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:12
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Garlic Harvest & Storage
Cucurbit Disease Update
Using the Zealater
New Sweet Corn Scouting Guide
Sweet Corn & Pepper Report
Summer Meeting Dates & Tomato Contest
Sprouting Broccoli for Winter Harvest
Powdery Mildew Update
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:11
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Cucurbit Disease Update
Cercospora Leaf Spot on Chard & Beets
Onion Thrips in Onions & Brassicas
Tomato Hornworm
Septoria Leaf Spot on Tomato
Sweet Corn Report
Pest Update
Non Heating Row Cover
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:10
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Update on the Tomato Salmonella Outbreak
Downy Mildew Update
ECB & Pepper Maggot in Pepper
Flea Beetle in Late Season Brassicas
Buckwheat as a Summer Cover Crop
Sweet Corn Report
Pest Update
Summer Meeting Dates
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:9
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Does Spraying for Aphids Control Virus?
Bacterial Diseases of Cucurbit Crops
Early Blight of Potato & Tomato
Sap Beetles
Scarab Beetles
Corn Report
Vegetable Notes 2008 Vol. 19:8
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Cucurbit Disease Management
Downey Mildew Update
Corn Report
Biology and Control of Yellow Nutsedge
Potato Leaf Hopper
Squash Vine Borer & Squash Bug
Three Lined Potato Beetle
Tomato Diseases


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