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Vegetable Notes Newsletters

Vegetable Notes 2012 Vol. 23:20
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Planting Considerations for a Healthy Garlic Crop
Sweet Potato Harvest and Storage
Brussels Sprout Variety Trial at UMass
Potato Storage Management: Curing and Cooling
Spotted Wing Drosophila Survey
Federal Crop Insurance Reminders for Vegetable Producers
MDAR Ag Business Training Courses Gear Up
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2012 Vol. 23:19
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions & Pest Alerts
Fruit Rots of Pumpkins & Winter Squash
Cucurbit Update
Spotted Wing Drosophila Infests Cracked Tomato Fruit
Anthracnose & ECB Biocontrol in Peppers
How to Get Help from NRCS Conservation Programs
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2012 Vol. 23:18
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Pest Alerts: Basil DM, Anthracnose, Late Blight
Cucrubit Downy Mildew Has Reached New England
Pumpkin and Winter Squash Harvest and Storage
Suggestions for Fall Direct-Seeded Crops
Continue to Look for and Manage Post-harvest Diseases on Garlic
Onion: Harvest and Curing Tips for Best Quality
Sweet Corn Report: corn Earworm Remains High
Upcoming Programs for September and October
Attention New Farmers: UMass sustainable Veg. Production Course

Vegetable Notes 2012 Vol. 23:17
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Late Blight is Spreading in Low-Spray Tomatoes
Now is the Time to Establish Radish Cover Crops
Cercospora Leaf Spot of Swiss Chard, Beets and Spinach
Sweet Corn Report: Corn Earworm is High!
Insects and Non-Pathogenic Disorders of Late Summer Brassicas

Vegetable Notes 2012 Vol. 23:16
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Pest Alerts
Preventing Deer Damage
Eggplant: Leafhoppers, Flea Beetles
Verticilium and Fusarium Wilt
Tomato Hornworm
MA Tomato Contest August 20
Sweet Corn Report: Corn Earworm Alert!
Organic Control of Corn Earworm
Upcoming Meetings


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