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Vegetable Notes Newsletters

Vegetable Notes 2013 Vol. 24:16
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Pest Alerts
Sweet Corn Report
Plectosporium blight of Cucurbits
Pepper fruit rots
Late-summer cover crops
Upcoming Events

Vegetable Notes 2013 Vol. 24:15
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Pest Alerts
Sweet Corn Report
Cercospora leaf spot of Swiss Chard, Beets, and Spinach
Alternaria leaf spot in Brassicas
Spider Mites in Eggplant, Bean and Tomato
Food Safety on Farms
Upcoming Events

Vegetable Notes 2013 Vol. 24:14
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Pest Alerts
Sweet Corn Report
Pepper Maggot Fly and European Corn Borer
Fungicide Resistance Management of Cucurbit Diseases
Tomato Leaf Roll
Events: Updates and Corrections

Vegetable Notes 2013 Vol. 24:13
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Pest Alerts
Sweet Corn Report
Late Blight Management Update: Summer 2013
Garlic Harvest, Curing and Storage
How High Heat Affects Vegetables
Measuring Pesticides for Backpack Sprayers

Vegetable Notes 2013 Vol. 24:12
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Pest Alerts
Sweet Corn Report
Food Storage Survey
Brassica Caterpillars
Bacterial Diseases of Tomato
Scarab Beetles
Upcoming Events


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