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Vegetable Notes Newsletters

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:17
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Downy Mildew Update
Black Rot in Cucurbits
Postharvest Practices
Spider Mites in Eggplant
Heat Problems in Vegetables
Biological Control of Plant Diseases
Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:16
In This Issue:

UMass Field Day Reminder
Crop Conditions
Preventing Bird Damage
Cercospora Leaf Spot
Onions: Harvest & Curing Tips
Sweet Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:15
In This Issue:

Crop Conditions
Late Blight Update & Recommendations
Melon Aphids
Downy Mildew Update
Corn Report

Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:14
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Powdery Mildew of Cucurbits
Tarnished Plant Bugs
Tomato Hornworm
Peppers; watch for ECB, aphids, pepper maggot
Organic Control for CEW in Sweet Corn
Sweet Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings
Vegetable Notes 2010 Vol. 21:13
In This Issue:
Crop Conditions
Tracebacks & Mock Recalls
Aphids & Virus
Harvesting Garlic
Plectosporium Blight
Flea Beetles in Late Brassicas
Corn Report
Upcoming Meetings


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