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Landscape Pests and Problems Walkabout - Diseases, Weeds, Insects & Cultural Problems

Event date/time: 
Monday, April 29, 2019 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Event Type: 
Event location: 
UMass Amherst
French Hall, 230 Stockbridge Rd, Amherst, MA, 01003

Get some hands-on experience scouting and identifying landscape diseases, insects, weeds, and abiotic problems. Join Randy Prostak, Extension Weed Specialist; Nick Brazee, Extension Plant Pathologist; and Rick Harper, UMass Extension Professor of Urban and Community Forestry, for a walk through the landscape as they discuss and demonstrate how to put IPM practices to work effi ciently and examine some of the most common pest and cultural problems of woody ornamentals. Dress for walking; workshops held rain or shine. Bring a clipboard, pencil and hand lens if possible.

Pesticide & Professional Credits

2 pesticide contact hours for category 36 and Applicators License available.
Association credits: 2 ISA, 1/2 MCLP, 1/2 MCA, and 1 MCH credits.


Preregistration required as space is limited; the cost is $50, $45 per person for three or more registrations from the same company (10% discount).

To register and pay by CHECK or with a PO: To register and pay using a CREDIT CARD:

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Contact's name: 
Ellen Weeks
Contact's email: 
Contact's phone on day of event: 
This event will be recorded: 
French Hall 230 Stockbridge Rd Amherst MA