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UMass Extension's Invasive Insect Webinar Series 2022: Day 3 - Spotted Lanternfly Update from Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) and Invasive Agricultural Pest Update from MDAR

Spotted Lanternfly Update from Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR)
Dr. Jennifer Forman Orth, Environmental Biologist, and Astra Perkins, Spotted Lanternfly Survey Lead, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources 
This presentation provides an update about the status of spotted lanternfly in Massachusetts. Learn more about what MDAR is doing in response to recent detections of this pest in Massachusetts, and how you can monitor for and report any suspicious insects. Best management practices to prevent the accidental transport of SLF are also discussed.

Invasive Agricultural Pest Update from MDAR
Dr. Jennifer Forman Orth, Environmental Biologist, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
This presentation discusses additional invasive insects of significance to agriculture, including box tree moth, citrus longhorned beetle, and brown marmorated stink bug. Identification, biology, and potential impacts of these pests are covered. 

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