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Strategic Plan

UMass Clean Energy Extension (CEE) was established in 2014 with support from the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources and the purpose of mobilizing University of Massachusetts resources to accelerate the adoption of clean energy in the Commonwealth.

CEE developed its first strategic plan in 2017, designed to articulate its purpose, focus its strategies, and develop an organizational roadmap that guided key decisions and directions during our start-up stage of development and growth.

As we embark on our next stage of development and growth, our newest five-year (2022 – 2026) strategic plan will help us to articulate our demonstrated value to the University and Commonwealth, equitably design and implement our programs for greatest impact, deploy our resources thoughtfully and efficiently, penetrate underserved markets, and measure and report our progress and contributions to a strong clean energy ecosystem for current and future generations of our University and Commonwealth.

CEE is currently working with the Commonwealth and the University to secure the funding necessary to carry out this strategic plan.

A public version of CEE's 2022 – 2026 strategic plan is provided here:

UMass Clean Energy Extension 2022 - 2026 Strategic Plan - Public Version