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Working with Us

Who We Serve

The UMass Clean Energy Extension will offer assistance upon request and will proactively outreach to the market sectors that can most likely benefit economically from adoption of clean energy technologies.  Depending on circumstances, assistance will be offered at no cost, or for a fee for services.  

Key constituents that the UMass Clean Energy Extension will serve include:

  • Massachusetts cities and towns – including public school districts, public charter schools, and municipal light plants.  This work will be in coordination with the DOER Green Communities Program.
  • Commercial and industrial businesses in Massachusetts, particularly those facing energy and greenhouse gas challenges – large fuel oil and propane users, process heat loads, electric demand charges, etc.
  • Developers and owners of industrial/commercial business parks.
  • Institutions, such as hospitals, private schools, campuses, faith based organizations, etc.
  • Housing owners and developers of multi-unit buildings, condominiums, co-housing, or clustered developments.  Special efforts will be made to serve the low income housing sector and other special housing for elderly and special needs. 
  • Existing or new businesses that are entering or expanding into the clean energy sector.

Clean Energy Technologies

The UMass Clean Energy Extension offers support for clean energy technologies that are commercially mature and economically practical, but face market barriers not yet overcome by private market suppliers.  Technologies and applications include:

  • Renewable thermal technologies, including solar water and space heating, ground- and air-source cold climate heat pumps, low emissions and high efficiency wood chip and pellet heating.
  • Community scale hydronic district heating and cooling
  • Combined heat and power
  • Solar PV, including net metering, solar canopies, community shared solar, and low income projects
  • Electric and thermal energy storage for resiliency, peak load management, and renewables integration
  • Advanced data management for energy systems control
  • Building efficiency, particularly building diagnostics, and advanced construction and retrofit technologies
  • Energy efficiency, including assistance accessing Mass Save programs, and targeted support for small manufacturers and other sectors

September 2022: Clean Energy Extension is Hiring

See our posting for a part-time contractor position