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Solar Development in Massachusetts Webinar: State Incentives and Municipal Planning

Event date/time: 
Wednesday, May 27, 2020 - 12:00pm to 1:15pm


This webinar will provide a brief overview of solar development in Massachusetts to date, explain the basics of the newly updated state solar incentive program (SMART), and discuss how the program interacts with municipal bylaws.

It is designed to help municipal officials, landowners, and citizens at-large understand and make informed decisions regarding local solar zoning and permitting processes, to better ensure that solar installations benefit the entire community.

The presenter, Zara Dowling, is a research fellow with UMass Clean Energy Extension.

Registration is via the Hilltown Land Trust website, at the link below.  The webinar will be recorded and made available following the presentation.

Contact's name: 
Zara Dowling
Contact's email: 
Contact's phone on day of event: 
Ag. Engineering Room 209 Amherst MA