Annual Summer Meeting of the Massachusetts Fruit Growers’ Association and orchard tour, in cooperation with the University of Massachusetts Extension Fruit Team and Honey Pot Hill Orchard
WEDNESDAY, July 12, 2023, Honey Pot Hill Orchard
16 Boon Rd., Stow, Massachusetts
9:45 AM — Gather and welcome to Honey Pot Hill (Andrew and Chelcie Martin) w/ coffee and donuts
10 AM — Orchard Tour, including pathology, entomology, horticulture and whatever else we see
NOON — Lunch by Honey Pot Hill
1:00 PM — Call to order by President Ben Clark, Guests, Announcements and Sponsor updates
1:30 PM — Education program with UMass graduate and undergraduate student research projects (M. Ruul et al), PFAS update (Brad Mitchell), and PACMAN Update (time permitting, J. Clements)
2:30 PM — Adjourn
2 pesticide license recertification credit hours will be offered for the day
This meeting is FREE for Mass. Fruit Growers’ Association members ($20 at the door for non-members) and will include the orchard tour, education program, pesticide recertification credits, and lunch. To ensure your lunch plate, please indicate your plan to attend using this form (by July 10): (or call Jon Clements, 413-478-7219). Check MFGA membership status here. If not a member, JOIN!
OESCO, Inc. (Conway, MA)
Nutrien Ag Solutions (Sterling and S. Deerfield, MA)
Helena Agri Enterprises, LLC (Hatfield, MA)
VALENT (Jim Wargo)
SSR Equipment, Inc. (Danbury, CT)
Vestaron Corporation (Keith Farnsworth)
Brookdale Farm Supplies (Hollis, NH)
Please indicate your intent to come (or not) and reserver your lunch plate by filling out this short form here