Small Fruit BMP Manual
A handbook of Best Management Practices for Massachusetts small fruit farms.
Best management practices (BMPs) can be defined as those farming operations which provide efficient use of resource, optimized economic returns to the farm, provide the greatest possible safety for workers and consumers, and reduce adverse effects on the environment surrounding and within the farming operation. Many considerations, however, enter into a decision regarding the use of one farming practice over another, and what is defined as “best” is different for different people and different situations. Therefore, everyone should view BMPs as a collection of possible choices, the selection of which is made for the best net effect on all stakeholders of the farm. Over time, utilizing “best management practices” results in greater agricultural sustainability.
The activities covered in this guide range from soil management through pesticide application. The New England Small Fruit Pest Management Guide, Mid-Atlantic Berry Guide and MidWest Grape Production Guide form the primary background materials detailing the many possible choices which can be classified as BMPs during the crop production phase.