Northeast Extension Fruit Consortium

The Northeast Extension Fruit Consortium will once again be presenting its Winter Fruit Meeting Series. Below you will find registration information for the 2025 series offerings.
This series is presented to you by the Northeast Extension Fruit Consortium which consists of: Ms. Elizabeth Garofalo, Extension Educator, University of Massachusetts Extension Fruit Program; Dr. Terence Bradshaw, Assistant Professor, University of Vermont; Mr. Jeremy Delisle, UNH Cooperative Extension, Merrimack County; Dr. Renae Moran, Professor of Pomology and Mr. Glen Koehler, Associate Scientist Maine Food and Agriculture Center, University of Maine; Mr. Evan Lentz Assistant Extension Educator - Fruit Production and IPM, University of Connecticut; Michael Basedow, Regional Tree Fruit Specialist, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Program.
Important information for those seeking re-certification credits:
Participants will pre-register for the meeting, and will be required to enter their New York or New England Pesticide Applicator ID # when registering if they wish to receive pesticide credits. Each employee will need to register for each zoom session separately, and watch from their own unique device to receive credit.
Participants seeking NYSDEC re-certification credits will be required to email a fully legible image of their pesticide applicator ID to Mike Basedow, which must match the ID # they registered for the meeting with.
Upon entering the session, growers seeking credits must ensure their in-session screen name matches the name that appears on their applicator ID.
Using in-session polling, participants seeking re-certification credits will be required to answer occasional poll questions to verify that they are actively engaged throughout the course of the session. Zoom keeps a log of participants that respond to poll questions, so we can verify who was engaged in this way.
The webinar software keeps a log of exactly when each participant signs in and out of the webinar, so their attendance for the full length of the course can be additionally verified in this way.
A course attendee roster, listing all of the applicants who successfully meet all of the above conditions, will be filled out emailed to the appropriate New York or Vermont pesticides management agency.
2025 Winter Seminar Series Announced!
Sessions will be held (see specific dates below) from noon to 1:30. Pesticide credit(s) will be available for indicated sessions. Pre-registration is required. Please be advised, those seeking pesticide recertification credits must log in to the session individually so that we can show proof off attendance to the certifying agencies. When logging in, be sure your screen name matches the name on your license.
Mark your calendars, and register, for the following NEFC Winter Seminar Series Sessions!
Recording of February 12th's session with Brian Moyer, Penn State Extension in which he discussed "10 Common Marketing Mistakes". It is estimated that marketing activities can take up to 30% of your time. If that’s true, we want to make sure we are making the most of our marketing efforts, but there are several common mistakes that can hinder success. We’ll look at ways to avoid these common mistakes and how you can create a more effective and resilient direct-to-consumer marketing strategy for finding new customers and retaining your existing customers. No recertification credits offered.
Recording of February 19th's session with Dr. Maria Gannett, UMass Extension Fruit and Vege Weed Specialist in which she discussed "Basic Orchard Weed ID and Management". This talk will focus on weed identification and management in perennial cropping systems, with special attention to apple production. We’ll explore strategies for identifying common and problematic weeds, including perennial and spreading species, and discuss how their life cycles and growth patterns influence management approaches. From assessing weed establishment to selecting and implementing effective tools, we’ll cover practical methods to tackle weed challenges in apple orchards. Pesticide credits applied for.
Recording of February 26th's session with Dr. Anna Wallis, Senior Extension Associate, NYS Integrated Pest Management and Dr. Kerik Cox, Associate Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, Cornell AgriTech will dig into "Why Did My Scab Program Fail in 2024?". Pesticide credits applied for.
March 5, 2025 noon - 1:30pm Dr. Srdjan Acimovic Assistant Professor, Tree Fruit and Specialty Crop Pathologist at Virginia Tech University. This presentation will cover the biology and environmental conditions that favor bitter rot on apples; the cultural, fungicidal, and other management options to reduce losses; and new areas of research to understand and minimize this important apple disease. Pesticide credits applied for.
March 12, 2025 noon - 1:30pm Dr. Jason Londo, Associate Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science, Horticulture Section, Cornell AgriTech and Dr. Renae Moran, Tree Fruit Specialist Professor of Pomology, University of Maine will discuss "Understanding Cold Hardiness Risks in Fruit Crops". No re-certification credits offered.
Please be sure to check out what the rest of the team is up to!
New York Cooperative Extension