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New England Cider Apple Program at the NEVFC

Extension faculty and staff from UMass, UVM, and UMaine

Cider apple classifications based on acidity and tannins were developed in 1903 by BTP Barker at the Long Ashton Research Station in N. Somerset U.K. and were an attempt to bring some semblance of order to the many apple cultivars grown specifically for cider production. Sharps, like Ashmead’s Kernel and Golden Russet; Bittersharps, like Kingston Black and Wickson Crab; and Bittersweets, like Dabinett and Yarlington Mill, all add body, depth and complexity to a craft cider. Additionally, sugars, measured as Brix, are highly desirable in an apple destined for the cider press. These sugars, once consumed by yeast, are converted into alcohol.

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New England Cider Apple Program Poster