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Climate, Weather and Apples publication

"Climate, Weather and Apples." publication cover
February 15, 2017

"Climate, Weather and Apples" available as downloadable PDF here. UMass Extension/Stockbridge School of Agriculture staff/faculty Jon Clements and Daniel Cooley collaborated with Iowa State University scientists Lois Wright Morton and Mark Gleason to produce this publication after holding a listening session in March 2016 on the UMass Amherst campus that included app. 25 apple growers and Extension professionals from across New England. Also in the audience were scientists from the UMass-hosted Northeast Climate Science Center. From the Iowa State University Exension Store: "Apples are a perennial crop that is highly sensitive to temperature (frost and excessive heat), prolonged periods of wetness or drought, high winds, hail, and long-term shifts in climate. The increasing uncertainty about future near and long-term weather conditions is one of specialty crop growers’ largest challenges. This preliminary report offers a snapshot of Northeast U.S. apple growers’ observations, thoughts, concerns, and priorities for their crop. Pages / Length: 20. Publication Date: 02/2017."

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