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Building a Massachusetts Battery Energy Storage Innovation Ecosystem

Creating Opportunity:  Building a Massachusetts Battery Energy Storage Innovation Ecosystem (June 2019) coverUnder sponsorship by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and the Department of Energy Resources, UMass Clean Energy Extension surveyed leading Massachusetts academic researchers and principals and entrepreneurs at a broad range of Massachusetts-based battery ventures to evaluate our battery energy storage (BES) innovation ecosystem.  In our report, we present a set of Key Findings and Recommendations to empower new opportunities to grow this research, innovation, and business development in Massachusetts.

In October 2019, CEE was invited to the Massachusetts State House by Senator Jo Comerford, Representative Mindy Domb, and their legislative co-sponsors to provide a legislative briefing on the findings of the Building a Massachusetts Battery Energy Storage Innovation Ecosystem report. CEE is very grateful for this opportunity.

Key Report Findings

  • The Commonwealth’s colleges and universities have substantial technical, intellectual, and developmental BES resources that are of current and potential value to Massachusetts BES commercial ventures
  • Massachusetts is both generating BES ventures and attracting them from outside of the state
  • The Commonwealth has the critical BES innovation ecosystem elements necessary for the state to become a global center of BES innovation and commercialization


  • Create a Massachusetts BES Leadership Consortium/Steering Group
  • Convene and Facilitate BES Industry Events, Symposia, and Networking Opportunities
  • Develop and Disseminate a Massachusetts BES Innovation Ecosystem Brand
  • Develop a Multi-functional Web-based Platform to Connect Ecosystem Resources and Activities
  • Develop and Support Publicly Accessible R&D and Testing Facilities
  • Support the Massachusetts Academic Sector as the Engine of the BES Ecosystem