An on-line event hosted by the University of Massachusetts and the University of Vermont
Dr. Terence Bradshaw will share results from recent cider apple trials.
Ms. Elizabeth Garofalo will discuss disease observations in modern cider apple variety 'GoldRush'.
11:45 am Check-in with Cornell Cooperative Extension for attendees requiring NYSDEC pesticide credits. Not required for holders of a license from a New England State.
12:00 pm Attendee check-in.
12:05 pm Presentation(s) begins (1 hour)
Presentation(s) will be interrupted at approximate half-point to provide poll question(s) to attendees. These questions must be answered to receive pesticide credits.
12:55 pm Question & Answer with presenter and meeting host(s).
1:20 pm Final poll questions and evaluation.
1:30 pm End.
Registration is required to receive pesticide license recertification credits. Additionally, proof of participation is required by all state certifying agencies, so, please be sure to participate in the in-session polls. Each license holder must register separately and participate on their own devices in order to their individual credits.Forms will be emailed to each individual license holder within a week of the meeting. Please be sure to check your spam or junk folders as occasionally these communications are not recognized by your email host server.
To request a disability-related accommodation to participate in this program, please contact Terence Bradshaw at (802)-922-2591 by 1/19/2020 so we may assist you.