Publications & Resources

This section offers details about print and electronic publications produced by the UMass Extension Landscape, Nursery and Urban Forestry Program along with additional sources of pertinent and useful information.
Printed Publications
A listing of currently available print publications developed by the UMass Extension Landscape, Nursery and Urban Forestry Program.
Information and subscription instructions for print newsletters produced by the UMass Extension Landscape, Nursery and Urban Forestry Program.
Professional Disease Guide
Most of the disease pathogens known to be pests of woody ornamentals in the Northeast region are covered in this guide. Included is host plant information, along with appropriate fungicides, bactericides, biological control materials, and also cultural management information where applicable.
Best Management Practices
UMass Extension has recently developed a comprehensive set of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for nursery production. This set of production guidelines outlines voluntary activities undertaken to enable efficient and profitable nursery production while minimizing negative effects on the environment.
Garden Calendar
Our annual Garden Calendar continues UMass Extension’s tradition of providing gardeners with ways to reduce pesticides, conserve water, and create habitat for humans and wildlife while also enjoying the beauty of their landscapes.
Useful Links
A list of landscape management information sources available on the web.
Association Certification
A list of certification programs available to landscape professional through various industry organizations.
Pesticide License Information
A good starting point for those looking to obtain or maintain a pesticide license or certification in the State of Massachusetts.
Pesticide Resources
Contains contact information for pesticide regulatory agencies in New England, New York and New Jersey. Also features links to online state pesticide registration systems where available.
Home Lawn & Garden Information
Resources to help answer your home lawn and gardening questions.