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APPs: Useful apps for greenhouse growers

Greenhouse Pest Guide web-based app

Options for Tracking Crop Production and Pest Information

There are fee-based apps available to keep track of crop production data (users pay a monthly service fee). Another option is to use a spreadsheet app to create your own forms. A spreadsheet is a useful tool for keeping track of pests or crop information in greenhouses. Examples include "Google Sheets" and "Microsoft Excel app". Some growers are using Google Sheets to record pest counts which are then shared between staff. Search "spreadsheet apps" for more options.

Website APPs for Mobile Devices (Mobile optimized websites to be used with your browser on smart phones and other devices)

Our Greenhouse Pest Management App for commercial growers of greenhouse crops and flowers was created by Tina Smith, University of Massachusetts and Leanne Pundt, University of Connecticut. This  is a pest management reference guide that contains options for using biological control and pesticides. Partial support for this project provided by the New England Florist Association Floriculture Applied Research Fund.

For questions or comments about this app, contact: Tina Smith, UMass Extension at 413-545-5306 or email

Our Greenhouse Disease Management App for commercial growers of greenhouse crops and flowers was created by Bess Dicklow, University of Massachusetts Plant Diagnostic Lab and Tina Smith, University of Massachusetts Extension. This is a disease management reference guide that contains options for using biological control, organic and conventional pesticides. Partial support for this project provided by the New England Florist Association Floriculture Applied Research Fund.

For questions or comments about this app, contact UMass Extension's Greenhouse Crops and Floriculture Program at 413-545-2965.

Back Pocket Grower™  from University of Florida
An easy to use calculator for figuring stock solutions for injectors.
Click "tools" for calculations for chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and PGR's
Click "Guides" for production information for spring greenhouse plug production

e-Gro PGR Advisor Floral Crops:
This app lists labeled rates of plant growth regulators (PGRs) for greenhouse grown floriculture crops 

e-Gro PGR MixMaster:
This app calculates PGR mixing rates. Always read the label before use 

Greenhouse Scout™  , Cornell University (ITunes)

Search "Greenhouse Scout" on the App store on ITunes. Summary of information on biocontrol of common greenhouse insect pests and an interactive interface for collecting, organizing, and presentation of scouting data, and product application for insect management.

Pesticide Side Effects App, Biobest (Free, ITunes, Android and Blackberry platforms)
Guideline for the integrated use of biological control agents & pollinators in combination with crop protection products. Allows user to find pesticides compatible with specific biologicals.

Plant Diagnostic App (Free, ITunes)
Link or search "Plant Sample Submission" on ITunes
Users select which diagnostic lab they would like to submit samples to, fill out relevant information and submit up to six digital images to be sent to the diagnostician via email.  Participating Universities include UConn, Purdue, University of New Hampshire, Ohio State University, Auburn University, University of Illinois, University of Kentucky, and Michigan State University.   All types of plants and plant problems can be submitted.  Images can be submitted for plant or insect identification and for disease diagnosis. Some labs may charge a fee.

PGR Calculator, OHP Inc. (Free, ITunes)
Link or search "PGR calculator, OHP" The PGR Calculator will allow the user to look up current PGR rates in ppm for spray or drench applications. The grower then enters the desired dose and the size of the application area, or the number of pots for a drench and the app calculates the amounts of solution and product needed.

Purdue Perennial Flower Doctor,  Purdue Annual Flower  Doctor (ITunes, Google play)

Tina Smith
Extension Greenhouse Crops and Floriculture Program - Retired
University of Massachusetts, Amherst