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The following list has been compiled by the faculty and staff of the UMass Extension Turf Program to provide sources of information about turf management. No endorsement of any of the authors, publishers, or editors is implied or intended. Furthermore, this list should not be interpreted as a complete list of the available materials related to the field. Check back with this page periodically as new reference materials will be added as they become available, updated, or brought to our attention. Don't forget to check out our own Printed Publications.

General Turf | Specialized Turf | Golf | Lawns, Grounds, and Sports | Diseases | Insects | Weeds

General Turf References:

Specialized Turf References:

  • Abbey, T.M. Turfgrass Nutrient and Integrated Pest Management Manual. UConn IPM Program.
  • Ali, A.D., and C.L. Elmore. 1989. Turfgrass Pests. Univ. Of Calif. Div. Of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 6701 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, CA 94608-1239.
  • Beard, J.B., H.J. Beard and J.C. Beard. 2013. Turfgrass History and Literature: Golf, Lawns and Sports. Michigan State University Press. (517) 355-9543;
  • Brede, D. 2000. Turfgrass Maintenance Reduction Handbook: Sports, Lawns, and Golf. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Carrow, R.N., D.V. Waddington, and P.E. Rieke. 2002. Turfgrass Soil Fertility and Chemical Problems: Assessment and Management. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Carrow, R.N., and R.R. Duncan.1998. Best Management Practices for Saline and Sodic Turfgrass Soils: Assessment and Reclamation. CRC Press. (800) 272-7737;
  • Carrow, R.N., and R.R. Duncan.1998. Salt-Affected Turfgrass Sites: Assessment and Management. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Christians, N. and M.L. Agnew. 2008. The Mathematics of Turfgrass Maintenance – Fourth Edition. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Dernoeden, P.H., 2012. Creeping Bentgrass Management - Second Edition. CRC Press. (800) 272-7737;
  • Duncan, R.R., R.N. Carrow, and M.T. Huck. 2008. Turfgrass and Landscape Irrigation Water Quality: Assessment and Management. CRC Press. (800) 272-7737;
  • Fagerness, M. and R. Johns. 2003. Turfgrass Chemicals and Pesticides: A Practitioner's Guide. McGraw-Hill Professional. (877) 833-5524;
  • Fermanian, T.W., M.C. Shurtleff, R. Randell, H.T. Wilkinson, and P.L. Nixon. 2003. Controlling Turfgrass Pests – Third Edition. Prentice-Hall/Pearson Higher Education. (800) 922-0579.
  • Gussack, E., and F.S. Rossi. 2001. Turfgrass Problems: Picture Clues and Management Options – Second Edition. (3.5” x 7” pocket book). Cornell University PALS Publishing. (607) 255-7654;
  • Leslie, A.R. 1994. Handbook of Integrated Pest Management for Turf and Ornamentals. CRC Press. (800) 272-7737;
  • Turgeon, A.J. and J.M. Vargas. 2005. The Turf Problem Solver: Case Studies and Solutions for Environmental, Cultural and Pest Problems. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Vargas, J.M., and A.J. Turgeon. 2003. Poa annua: Physiology, Culture, and Control of Annual Bluegrass. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Watschke, T.L., P.H. Dernoeden, and D.J. Shetlar. 2013. Managing Turfgrass Pests - Second Edition. CRC Press. (800) 272-7737;

Golf Turf References:

  • Balogh, J.C.and W.J. Walker (Eds.). 1992. Golf Course Management and Construction: Environmental Issues. CRC Press. (800) 272-7737;
  • Barrett, J., B. Vinchesi, R. Dobson, P. Roche, and D. Zoldoske. 2003. Golf Course Irrigation: Environmental Design and Management Practices. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Beard, J.B. 2001. Turf Management for Golf Courses – Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Graves, R.M and G.S. Cornish. 1998. Golf Course Design. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Hurdzan, M.J. 2004. Golf Greens: History, Design, and Construction. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Hurdzan, M.J. 2005. Golf Course Architecture: Evolutions in Design, Construction and Restoration Technology - Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • McCarty, L.B. 2011. Best Golf Course Management Practices - Third Edition. Prentice-Hall/Pearson Higher Education. (800) 922-0579.
  • Nikolai, T.A. 2004. The Superintendent's Guide to Controlling Putting Green Speed. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Pira, E. 1997. A Guide to Golf Course Irrigation System Design and Drainage. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Sachs, P.D and R.T. Luff, 2002. Ecological Golf Course Management. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Schumann, G.L., P.J. Vittum, M.L. Elliott, and P.P. Cobb. 1998. IPM Handbook for Golf Courses. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Witteveen, G. and M. Bavier. 2012. Practical Golf Course Maintenance: The Magic of Greenkeeping - Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;

Lawn, Grounds, and Sports Turf References:

  • Beard, J.B. 2005. Beard's Turfgrass Encyclopedia For Golf Courses, Grounds, Lawns, Sports Fields. Michigan State University Press. (517) 355-9543;
  • Mellor, D.R. 2001. Picture Perfect: Mowing Techniques for Lawns, Landscapes, and Sports. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Puhalla, J., J. Krans, and M. Goatley. 2003. Baseball and Softball Fields: Design, Construction, Renovation, and Maintenance. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Puhalla, J., J. Krans, and M. Goatley. 2002. Sports Fields: Design, Construction and Maintenance - Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Sachs, P.D. 1996. Handbook of Successful Ecological Lawn Care. The Edaphic Press. P.O. Box 107, Newbury, Vermont 05051; (802) 222-4277
  • Sachs, P.D. 2004. Managing Healthy Sports Fields: A Guide to Using Organic Materials for Low-Maintenance and Chemical-Free Playing Fields. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;

Turf Disease References:

  • Clarke, B.B. and A.B. Gould.1993. Turfgrass Patch Diseases Caused by Ectotrophic Root-infecting Fungi. APS Press. (651) 454-7250;
  • Latin, R. 2011. A Practical Guide to Turfgrass Fungicides. APS Press. (651) 454-7250;
  • Couch, H. B. 2000. The Turfgrass Disease Handbook. Krieger Publishing Co., 1725 Krieger Drive, Malabar, FL  32950. (321) 724-9542;
  • Smiley, R.W., P.H. Dernoeden, and B.B. Clarke. 2005. Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases – Third Edition. APS Press. (651) 454-7250;
  • Tani, T., and J.B. Beard. 1997. Color Atlas of Turfgrass Diseases. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Vargas, J. 2004. Management of Turfgrass Diseases – Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;

Turf Insect References:

  • Brandenburg, R.L. and C.P. Freeman. 2012. Handbook of Turfgrass Insects. APS Press. (651) 454-7250;
  • Niemczyk, H. D. 2001. Destructive Turf Insects – Second Edition. G.I.E. Media Inc., Valley View, OH. (800) 456-0707;
  • Potter, D. A. 1998. Destructive Turfgrass Insects: Biology, Diagnosis, and Control. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Shetlar, D., P. Heller, and P. Irish. 1990. Turfgrass Insect and Mite Manual – Third Edition. Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council, PO Box 550 Boalsburg, PA 16827-0550. (814) 237-0767.
  • Vittum, P., M. G. Villani, and H. Tashiro. 1999. Turfgrass Insects of the United States and Canada – Second Edition. Cornell University Press, (607) 277-2338 x 251;

Turf Weed References

  • McCarty, L.B., J.W. Everest, D.W. Hall, T.R. Murphy, and F. Yelverton. 2008. Color Atlas of Turfgrass Weeds – Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons. (877) 762-2974;
  • Uva, R.H., J.C. Neal, and J.M. Ditomaso. 1997. Weeds of the Northeast. Cornell University Press/Comstock Publishing (607) 277-2338 x 251;