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Management Update Archive


  • | The Time is Now for Dollar Spot Resistance Assays
  • | Turf Insect Pests Springing Up in the Region
  • | Spring Insect Development
  • | Tough Conditions in 2023 for Dollar Spot Control... Why?


  • | Dollar Spot Resistance Assays
  • | Evaluation of Snow Mold Products on Two Golf Course Fairways in New England: 2022-2023
  • | Hot Weather + Heavy Rain = Slime Mold
  • | ABW Adult Peak, White Grubs, Chinch Bugs, and Billbugs
  • | Fresh Updates on Snow Mold Trials on New England Golf Courses
  • | Insect Pests Are on the Move
  • | Dollar Spot Resistance Assays Can Save Big Bucks