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Applying Predatory Mites

Applying Predatory Mites
Applying Predatory Mites

Neoseilus cucumeris is a small, predatory mite that feeds upon young 1st instar thrips larvae. Because N. cucumeris only feeds on the young thrips larvae, it is important to start releases preventively, before thrips are detected. Apply biweekly, preventive releases to all plants. Apply N. cucumeris in bulk to flats and bench top crops as seen in this photo. For bedding plants, apply in weeks 1-3, 5, 7 and 9. In week 2 or 3, apply nurse sachets to hanging baskets that cannot be easily reached. Check periodically for living predatory mites (N. cucumeris will be tan in color. The storage mites will be white).

Hypoaspis miles or H. aculifer are soil dwelling predatory mites that feed upon pupal stages of thrips in the soil as well as fungus gnat larvae. A single preventive release to the media at planting is generally recommended to supplement control with N. cucumeris.

See: UMass Floriculture You Tube Channel(link is external) for video on applying predatory mites