Cylindrocladium species cause root rot, crown and lower stem blight, and leaf spots on legume field crops, ornamentals, and trees. Yellowed lower leaves and wilt are usually the first symptoms and are caused by extensive root and/or crown damage. The pathogen's spores are moved plant to plant by water; therefore plants should not be set directly on the floor. Spores splashed onto foliage will cause leaf spot. Infected plants should be discarded. Minimize periods of leaf wetness by avoiding overhead irrigation, improving and air circulation with fans and plant spacing, and reducing relative humidity by a combination of heating and venting. Plant into well drained soil. Fungicides applied as drench can prevent disease spread but will not cure affected plants. Effective materials include thiophanate-methyl (Cleary’s3336), triflumizole (Terraguard), and fluazinam (Omega 500 DF). Check labels for host appropriateness and apply to a small number of plants before applying to entire crop to access plant damage potential. Rotate chemicals among different active ingredient classes to prevent fungicide resistance development.