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Twilight Meeting: Amazing Dollar Spot

Event date/time: 
Thursday, August 22, 2024 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Event Type: 
Event location: 
UMass Joseph Troll Turf Research Center
23 River Road, South Deerfield, MA, 01373
$50 (on-site registration, cash or check only)

In recent years, managing dollar spot has become increasingly challenging in intensively maintained turfgrass areas. The UMass Turfgrass Pathology Lab has been actively seeking alternative control methods for this persistent disease. We will present findings from ongoing experiments that assess the effectiveness of various approaches to controlling dollar spot. These experiments explore the use of different urea fertilizer formulations (43-0-0), a range of experimental and commercial fungicides, and various cultural practices applied at different intervals and timings.

Differences between untreated vs. treated fairway and green turf

Experiment 1 QoI - SDHI mixtures
This plot represents the second-year experiment aimed at evaluating a mix of Qols and SDHI fungicides. The goal is to assess their synergistic effects on controlling dollar spot and to understand how the combination influences resistance development.
Experiment 2 Dollar spot response to various types of ureaas an early summer preventative
This experiment is a second-year study designed to evaluate the effects of early summer preventative applications of urea. This plot aims to better understand how the time of application impacts its effectiveness in controlling dollar spot and preventing phytotoxicity.
Experiment 3 Urea inhibitors
This experiment aims to uncover the mechanism by which urea (43-0-0) control dollar spot. We suspect that ammonia volatilization is a key factor. This plot includes various urea treatments and several commercial urea inhibitors to reduce ammonia volatilization and assess their impact.
Experiment 4 Company protocol for fairway diseases control
This experiment is designed to evaluate the efficacy of new fungicides for registration, to compare with existing ones, and identify effective new combinations for dollar spot under golf course fairway conditions.
Experiment 5 Season-long urea application for controlling dollar spot
This experiment investigates the impact of urea (43-0-0) applications throughout the summer on reducing dollar spot incidence. We used various urea treatments, including different amounts and application methods: granular, granular with irrigation, liquid, autoclaved liquid, and slow-release urea. Utilizing urea for dollar spot control could potentially reduce the need for fungicide treatments, leading to lower costs and  slower development of fungicide resistance.
Experiment 6 Qol - fludioxonil mixtures
This plot features a new experiment that combine Qols and fludioxonil fungicides to evaluate their synergistic effects on controlling dollar spot control and slowing the development of fungicide resistance.
Experiment 7 Alternative methods for dollar spot prevention on greens
This plot is an experiment designed to test alternative methods for controlling dollar spot in a green setting. The treatments include various forms of urea and a urea-Chipco fungicide mix. Our goal is to determine how much we can reduce fungicide use while maintaining effective control and to assess the urease-inhibiting effects of Chipco. This approach could offer several benefits, including reduced treatment costs and a slower development of fungicide resistance.
Experiment 8 Urea winter treatment
This experiment aims to determine whether winter application of urea (43-0-0) can suppress dollar spot in the following season, potentially reducing the need for fungicide treatments.
Experiment 9 Multistate research project (NC1208)
  • Host resistance, dew removal & biological agents
  • This experiment is designed to combine multiple cultural practices with varying levels of host resistance to assess the extent of dollar spot suppression.
  • Disease threshold-based spray schedule
  • This experiment aims to establish appropriate Smith-Kerns spray thresholds for a susceptible, moderately resistant, and highly resistant bentgrass cultivar
Contact's name: 
Geunhwa Jung
Contact's email: 
Contact's phone on day of event: 
This event will be recorded: 
23 River Road South Deerfield MA