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Protein Foods

Protein foods

The nutrients in protein foods are important for your skin, muscles, organs, bones, and blood.

Protein foods also supply iron to carry oxygen in blood, magnesium for building bones, and zinc for fighting off infections such as colds and viruses.


Quick and healthy protein foods your family will enjoy

  • Hummus on whole-wheat crackers or cut-up raw vegetables
  • Peanut butter spread on whole-wheat pita bread or celery
  • Hard-boiled egg
  • Low-fat deli turkey breast with mustard and rolled up in a lettuce or spinach leaf


Build strong muscles three times a week

Build strong muscles with your child three times a week by doing pull-ups, sit-ups, or push-ups. Play games like tug-of-war and follow the leader or dance to music. Strong muscles help bones get stronger so that your child can run and play. You can maintain a healthy weight and keep up with your kids!


Children love to get involved in the kitchen.

Make this Black Bean Soup recipe together.