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Offshore Wind Professional Certificate

Professional woman standing in front of wind turbines

Starting in 2020, the Department of Environmental Conservation, in association with the Clean Energy Extension, is offering a professional certificate in offshore wind to professionals and graduate students seeking to up-skill and broaden their knowledge to address the needs of the offshore wind industry. This certificate covers the broad range of disciplines involved in this industry, including technology and engineering, development and finance, supply chain management, marketing, environmental impact, business logistics, law, and policy. 9 credits of coursework are completed through online courses, with special events offered online as well. 


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OSW Professional Certificate program newsletter

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Why this Offshore Wind Professional Certificate?


The offshore wind industry brings together a wide range of disciplines that need to be effectively coordinated. This certificate will give you a deep understanding of all of these areas and how they relate to one another within the larger picture.

Gain an Advantage in an Emerging Field

The offshore wind industry is just emerging, and requires an inter-disciplinary understanding. This certificate positions you as a prospective employee with industry-specific skills, knowledge, and connections.

Flexible and Online

Learn online at times convenient to your schedule. You can even count the entire certificate toward a Master’s degree in certain related fields.

Get Paid To Study

Receive this certificate for under $6,000. Check with your employer for tuition reimbursement programs.


Who Should Apply?UMass Offshore Wind Professional Certificate flyer

This certificate is geared toward any professional engaging in the offshore wind industry, as well as graduate students in related fields:

  • Wind energy engineers
  • Project developers
  • Supply chain managers
  • Energy marketers
  • Environmental scientists
  • Lawyers
  • Policy professionals


Offshore Wind Career Access Scholarship

The Clean Energy Extension – with support from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center – is offering several full-tuition scholarships for qualified applicants.

Learn More


Course of Study

The certificate consists of the following three courses:

Register for Courses

Course registration is through UMass University Without Walls. The registration deadline for the Fall 2024 course is Tuesday, August 27th. Seats are limited, so early registration is recommended. The course begins on September 4th. Click here to register.

If you have any questions about registration, contact UMass University Without Walls at, 413-545-3653 or 800-922-8211.

If you are interested in applying to the Certificate Program, e-mail us at for more information. Note that you can register for one or more courses without pursuing the Certificate. (It is not necessary to apply to the program in order to register for courses.) Applicants for the Certificate must have a bachelor's degree upon beginning the Certificate program.


Note: This is a graduate certificate conferred by the University of Massachusetts. In order to receive the certificate, you must have completed an undergraduate degree. For questions about eligibility, please contact us at


Register for Courses

Tuition and Fees

University Without Walls (UWW) at UMass Amherst administers registration and payments for these courses. If you are a matriculated graduate student at UMass Amherst, tuition for the  fall and spring courses is included as part of your UMass tuition - no separate payment is necessary. The summer course is subject to UWW fees per university policy.


Matriculated undergraduate students at UMass Amherst may enroll in courses with instructor approval but are not eligible to receive the certificate unless they already hold a separate Bachelor's degree. Also note that for undergraduates, course tuition is not included as part of your UMass tuition bill - a separate payment will be necessary.


Tuition Details:

  • Tuition is currently at $656/credit.
  • Tuition for each 3-credit course is $1,968.
  • There is also a $85/semester registration fee.

Contact the Bursar’s Office at or call 413-545-2368 for questions about tuition, fees, and payments.


Industry Partnership Program

We are proud to offer an opportunity to industry leaders in offshore wind to formally partner with our Offshore Wind Professional Certificate and the associated Career Access Scholarship. The Industry Partnership Program creates opportunities for industry leaders to form long-term, strategic relationships with the UMass Offshore Wind Certificate and its growing network of students, alumni, educators, and industry leaders. More information here.



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