Weevil counts are abundant on many sites. We had counts of 18-30 per sweep on State Bog. Many bee hives are being picked up this week. So if your bees are gone, you can spray Belay. It is highly toxic to bees. It is inexpensive and goes out at 4 oz/A. Cranberry is getting pulled from the Belay label, so you should use up existing stock when possible. Ocean Spray does not allow its use after August 1 (export process fruit). Actara can also be used against the summer generation of weevil. Actara is Restricted Use and Zone II restricted. It is also highly toxic to bees. It cannot be used on flow-through bogs or applied by air. Water must be held for 5 days after application. Check with your handler if you are not sure about any particular restrictions for pesticide use.
For cranberry fruitworm, you can use Altacor; you can use max of 3 applications but you cannot exceed 9 oz/A. Since most growers use 4.5 oz/A, this limits you to 2 applications per year. You can use Intrepid for Spag management and against CB fruitworm.
For OS growers doing export processed fruit, Evito and Bravo cannot be used after July 25. Quinstar use is prohibited for export processed fruit.
Poast and QuinStar have 60 day PHIs. Chlorothalonil products have 50-day PHIs. Fact-acting fertilizer applications (about 30-40% N) for all but the new hybrids go out at 75% out of bloom or late set. Those fertilizing the new hybrids should be on an every 7-day schedule, starting with first fruit set and following with 2 more applications.
We are following up on the possible false blossom situation and will report back with updates as we get them.