Soil and Plant Nutrient Testing for Cranberries

Instructions for how to sample are in the nutrition section of the Chart Book. Samples can be analyzed at the UMass Soil and Plant Tissue Testing Laboratory on the Amherst Campus.
>The Soil and Plant Nutrient Testing Laboratory
Using the Chart Book instructions, you can collect the samples and place in plastic bags for soil (or get boxes for UMass lab here at the Cranberry Station) or paper bags for tissue. Mail them to the lab at the address below. Make sure to include payment (check made out to UMASS) and the proper order form (see above) and mark each sample with a number or other designation so you will be able to match up the results with the sample collected.
Prices for the various tests available from the lab can be found on the Soil Testing Website under Services.
**We recommend the standard soil test plus soil organic matter and the plant tissue test with nitrogen**
Send to:
Soil and Plant Tissue Testing Laboratory
203 Paige Laboratory
161 Holdsworth Way
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: 413-545-2311
More information, please go to the Soil and Plant Tissue Testing Laboratory