Publications & Resources

Cranberry Chart Book
The Cranberry Chart Book is the best specific resource for information regarding nutrient, water, and pest management for MA cranberries. This resource is updated annually by Extension Faculty at the UMass Cranberry Station.
Cranberry Production Guide
This publication provides comprehensive, but practical, information on the extensive suite of common cranberry production practices.
Books and Pamphlets
A variety of online or hard copy resources related to cranberries.
Best Management Practices
In 2010, Massachusetts Farm Bureau and the MA Department of Food and Agricultural Resources engaged the UMass Cranberry Station to revise and expand the existing BMP Guide and make it available as an on-line resource. The guide contains 29 practices.
Nutrient Management for Cranberries
Properly managing the amount of fertilizer used on cranberry bogs can have both environmental and financial benefits for growers. This page has a list of specific resources recommended by the Extension Faculty at the UMass Cranberry Station that cranberry growers can use when developing a nutrient management plan.
Risk Management for Cranberries
Risk management and crop insurance information for cranberry growers.
Fact Sheets
Fact sheets on a variety of topics related to cranberries.
Information and signup form for Cranberry Station newsletters.
Publications available in hard copy
There are a few cranberry publications that are available as hard copy that can be purchased directly from the Cranberry Station.
The Cranberry Station's section in the UMass Library digital repository.
Videos of Station research and extension activities.