People have been calling in to the Ent lab to asked what they can spray for cranberry fruitworm and/or Spag if they can’t use Delegate, Diazinon, Intrepid or Sevin? This is happening for Ocean Spray growers particularly. Lorsban use is not permitted after June 15, Intrepid cannot be used after July 15, and Sevin cannot be used after 8/1. Only 3 sprays of Delegate are permitted and many growers have used all of these by now. Some have used their 2 applications of Diazinon as well. Entrust is a viable option for CFW or Spag control if you fall into this group of growers with limited options. Entrust is the organic version of Spintor and is effective, fast-acting but short-lived. Best if used in systems with short rinse times (6 min or less). Wet residues are highly toxic to bees but dried residues are safe. Spray at night and dry by morning is the best approach. Assail can be used but has a 60-day PHI for OS growers (1-day PHI is listed in the Chart Book). Always check with your handler BEFOREHAND if you have any questions about which pesticides are permissible for your situation.
We hope to have the supplemental label for Altacor by next week. You cannot use it until the labels are in your hands! Chemigation may not be allowed. Check the label. Confirm with your handler that they will accept Altacor-treated fruit BEFORE spraying. OS growers cannot use Altacor unless they are already in the QuinStar program.
We are at the beginning of flea beetle season. Consider sweeping if you have Diazinon or Sevin sprays available to you. Belay is the next best option. It may not be worth it to sweep and walk (trample) on a nice crop to discover you have numbers above the action threshold, but have few options to treat.
It is not recommended to spray herbicides when plants are stressed, especially with all this heat we have been having. Wait until next week to apply herbicides if you can.