Now is the time to spray for cranberry weevil if you have very high numbers. Contracted migratory honeybees must be pulled out before the Actara spray goes on and bloom should be complete. Actara is extremely toxic to bees, so only spray if you must! Remember, summer generation weevil threshold is 9 weevils per 25 sweeps. If you have super hybrids, with big berries already set, likely threshold could be even higher. Weevil damage the pinheads, and Howes are the most susceptible to damage now.
Tobacco streak virus infected berries are easily apparent now, red with streaks (see pic). There is no management strategy for this virus, just be aware of it. Cranberry fruitworm berries are also apparent at this time. More of the tobacco streak found than cranberry fruitworm! Sparganothis fruitworm management should be considered 10 days after your last Altacor or later. Now to the end of July is good timing for an Intrepid or a Delegate.
Tobacco Streak Virus vs Cranberry Fruitworm