You may need to be checking early varieties and hybrid varieties soon for %out-of-bloom (%oob). It is always good to get 2 %oob counts BEFORE you hit 50%, just to improve your estimate. Some growers may be spraying for fruitworm control by the end of next week. Late water Howes are very behind. It is too late to be spraying for weevil (unless you have LW Howes). Honeybees should be out there working as the weather has been very nice. Bloom time fertilizer applications can go out now. Be careful if hot weather comes if you are using adjuvants in your mixes. This is especially true for crop oil concentrates. Indar and Abound combinations are good for second fruit rot sprays but remember the 2-week holding time for Abound.
People have been asking about the mix for Poison ivy control. Use 1.5 oz Poast, 1 oz or less Callisto and 1.5 oz Crop oil per gallon water. People have had good success with a tsp of Callisto per gallon (similar to the 4 oz rate) though the usage was much earlier in the season. Select cannot be used between hook and fruit set.
We are planning an "Issues of the Day" workshop for July 23 10:30-noon under the oak at the Cranberry Station. We will be applying for 1 contact hour for the workshop. Bring your samples and question. Come meet our new pathologist, Erika Saalau.