Just some reminders from the Ent lab on using Altacor since it is a good choice for first fruitworm sprays. It works by causing paralysis of the insect by sustained contraction of the muscles. It has low toxicity to beneficials, especially pollinators. Please note: It will not function as a rescue spray against large larvae. It is most effective against small larvae. It works best in well-timed systems (low rinse times are required for efficacy). Other bolded selections (in the Chart Book) for fruitworm management include Delegate, Diazinon, Intrepid and Sevin. Although Altacor may be a great choice in the overall picture of things, it is not the best choice for every situation. If you have questions about choosing a compound, contact the Ent Lab.
Bravo sprays are also going out now. We have not tested Altacor in a jar test with other pesticides. The general thought would be NOT to mix these two, certainly not until we have more experience with using Altacor. On State Bog, we sprayed Altacor on Thursday late AM and are waiting until Friday PM to put out Bravo. If you mix Bravo with Delegate, keep the mixture constantly agitated to prevent the pesticides from falling out of solution. If you have different experiences with mixtures than that list in the chart that was sent out with the last newsletter, PLEASE let me (Hilary) know. This information was based solely on jar tests done in the lab and there is a chance pesticides may behave differently in actual chemigation systems.
Again, I do apologize for any confusion that resulted from my misspeech regarding Altacor on the IPM message (phone) for June 13. Altacor IS bee-safe. The web site information is and has been correct; I misspoke when transferring the web announcement to the phone.